Ptlnce Eujsetf DalTj) HcIdj Friday, September 23, 1949. I FIND LITERARY RELIC IN SHIPS' GRAVEYARD - -jm , inn t '" it Better English siMvmiM o a BETTER ENGLISH N ii 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I'm mighty sorry he didn't see you." 2. What U the correct pro AW- ppm n n A Q '0. NEW YORK A relic Cf f - 'A, f:ff , Jospeh Conrad's seafaring day-Is on its way to its last port. Tb teakwood wheel of the iron-hulled barque Otago, first command of the Polish captain who became one of Britain's foremost authors. Is being shippeJ nunciation of "reptile"? j 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Coniiuorer, consanguinity, conscientious. 4. What docs the word "concur" mean? 5. What is a word beginnUm Lto a London museum. Outstanding Quality Delicious Flavour olthcfirst ,r this fa", void this by jr bin filled ' l ' N V I'.- . A. '( -A i j J-". v I : -7'.'"i I PHILPOTT EU1TT & Co. Ltd. Lumber ' Building Supplies ; with int that means "endless"? ANSWERS 1. Say, ' I'm very sorry he didn't see you." 2. Pronounce the ji as in till, atcent first sellable. I 3. Conqueror. 4. To coincide. "The ; members of the committee con During Conrad's later years the 25th anniversary of his death was observed ear'Wif thin month he did not Iijvm of tbi existence of ay Otago relit". He thought she had disappeared without trace. But authors Christopher. Moa'- Sharer" and-" A Smil of Fortune." , He once ret? rrert to the wheel as a "symbol of mankind's claim to direct iU own fate." Indian Superintendent F. E, Anfield returned to the city Thursday afternoon by air from. Vancouver after attending the Kneral Synod of the Church of England in Canada at Halifax.! 651 curred in the report of the chairman." 5. Interminable. J if' ' Tt I ' " ' r-v sit 1 Highway Will Boost Fraser Valley Town i ley and WUikwn Stanley Kill accidentally discovered the h'.dk let the sailing vssi in a shtp' graveyard in the DerweAt Rives, Tasmania. Hail went below deck to the after cabin. There he fuw.i the eight-spoae wneet awung rub ORANGE LADIES HOLD MEETING HOPE, B. C. O The sleeping 'idence The sovern' . .i of cimtid .v.. princess awaiting the touch of ANNOUNCEMENT THE SERVICES OF A QUALIFIED PUBLIC 8TENOORAPHER NOW AVAILABLE CATHERINE LAURIE Public Stenographer N4 the prince's magic kiss could I haveu modern parallel here In! this town in the lower Fraser 1 Valley. I lament when lt Ladles' Orange Lodge hel l Jt especially to their monthly meeting at valuation of the Oddfellows' Hall with Worship-vernment, it ' ful Mistress Mrs. Harry Paulson bish, rotted can as and abandoned gear. The weather-beaten wheel, now 80 years old, was sent New York. From here W wH Lfiy to England In the wheelhoune of ithe Mner, Media, ihen it will Founded more than 100 years ; fa decided the cle- in the chair. The meeting heard ag0 ag a Hudson's Bay fort. Hopi MM i nil fii i iti II i'rli1f mi- Tel. Green 667 Days. Green 412 Iv.J 401 Third Ave. (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) a, official motion i that plans are under way fn- ha been stirnng -restlessly in j uf government the fall bazaar with Mrs. W recent years. Its full awakening Morrison in charge. may come when tiie -magic kiss . j Two members were admitted is applied with the opening of WRESTLES BEAR TO 8 PUT DECISION When Fernant Ther- bg turned over to Si David 9one, ricn. Nor Ui Bay, Qrrt.; farmer, saw a bear leap at him from bushes 'olclest surviving saiiorrfriend of on his farm lot, he- Instinctively clubbed the animal with .23 Conrad, for delivery to th Hon-calbre rifle. The bear fell away, Therrien shot him In the head, orable company of Waiter Mar-but then found himself clawed and bruised as the animal came : mers wnicn hajJ a maritime Into the lodge and will be In-1 the $12,000,1)1)0 Hope-Princeton highway. itlated at the October meeting. Mrs. A. 8. Hamilton was elected Mimeographing -Letters Composed Financial Statements Stenographv Mailing LUtr Monthly Statements Reports Bulletins Minutes museum aboard sh:.j moored in the Thames. back for more. After 20 minutes, Therrien broke free, ran lor help, but could find no trace of bruin on his return. Here he shows the rifle broken in trie struggle. Mt Mistress of Ceremonies. nil J l orant of S50 was voted for Conrad wrote oi th Otago ji , Tourist traffic will flow east through here enroute to the Okanagan anc the Kootenays . Tourists from eastern points j will be able to make a six-hour drive from the Okanagan to the coast.' W. A. Trout, president of the "The Shadow Line," "Tlw Secret, the Royal Protestant Horn?. Following the business meeting, there was a social evening during which bingo was played. Refreshments were served- Those MARKETS TERRACE TOPICS Professional ami Business MIXED LEAGUE Barber, board of trade, says Hope had J. Hit- only population of 500 four In charge were Mrs, F. Mrs. B. Menzs, Mrs. fresh fruit Peaches, Halts, 2 pounds 43 Wednesday, September 21 years a-yo. Today it has 2,500 chens and Mrs. I. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wilson of Prince Rupert were in Terrac recently renewing acquaintances with old friends. Crate $2.75 Prunes, Case $2.19 Rutianas lb -25 1 p.m. Pioneer Loundry vs. Booth "Hope will continue to ex 2 School No. 1. pand, now that the new rout? Is about to be opened," he Annies, eookina. 3 lb JEANNE FAURE JACK AND JILL 1 art classes KINDERGARTEN ; MRS' E' C- 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST McLEAN; Phone Black 712 or Blue 909 Phone Green 928 Sixth and Tattow j Lemons, large Cal., doz M iti'oeuriruu. Cum., 3 lor .... 'ff Pushovers vs. Velvets. Watts Ntekerson vs. CP .A. Oranges (Navel) ca-.-ou 35 Miss Cynthia Norton, "Miss Prince Rupert" acted as Godmother to her little nephew Dates, lb Ovinteloupe, 27 s, 2 for 43 VALUED IN DESERT Headpinners vs. Conrad. UATS TAKE TO Alll RADLETT, Hertfonlshii , En?. p Hat faJVions proved almost as Interesting as a'rplanes at a recent model aircialt rally here. One boy wore a sk.ill-cap trimmed with propeli r and wind-sock, another boy wore a tani with a wind-sociC for a tassel Salt is currency among Arabj i vexelauie IV. 13 Christopher Moise Dubeau at a 1 'celery i.eieiv. lb. iu of the Sahara Desert. lb 1 Knubarb. 2 baptismal service in St. Mat KEN'S RADIO CLINIC 10 j Manson's vs. Noble Wick. 15 Wedneday, SepUmker 2 .on thews Church last Sunday. God-, LAKEHEAD FORT Port Arthur, Ont, was former 1 Parsley, h..h bunch BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents lor SIMPLEX OAS and I Turnips, 11 lather was Robert Pethwlck. f u T..n m.ri VinsnUil sumach 2 lb ly called Prince Arthur s Land 7 p.m. For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 8econd Avenue West VCIUC .vft.. v..... "-1DJ,1.hM. I Radwhes. bunch .21! .oa .2 .85 -ami is act put)-and his girl irk .id iiad a pro- by the Liquor pjjp, mountd ju her sunw CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Booth School No. 2 vs. Sports i Shop. i Blow-Outs vs. Northern Lights. Silver Streaks vs. Ideal Clean- .19 ing. nere recently for surgical treat-FIRST BAT AND BALL ment Polo, believed to have orlpln- . . . . . ated in Persia, Is the most an- ; Jrltish Columbia. tter. .25 Sales Service and Parts tiren unjons. .. Mushrooms, lb Head Lettuce Cookins Onions, 3 lbs. Corn on Cot). 12 for cabbage, lb - Tomatoes, No. 1 lb. New Potatoes. 10 lb .69 .07 .19 played with stick H Pays to Advertise! 000OC?O0OO cient game and ball. Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. .58 .29 Green Peppers, ID B. & W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 each 1J C jenmhers. Marrow, lb y Vegetable 1 ch Hi w 9- p.m. Dodgers vs. Forestry-Celulose. Skeena Gorcery vs. C.T.U.'s. Wharf Rats vs. Rupert Motors. To supply foul line judges. Steamship Movement! Carred Venttalles Dill Pickles, gal l oa Cut Green Beans, ley f' No. 5 Peas, fancy Ja Mied Vegetables 23 Diced Beets, per tin .i Wax Beans, choice DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERYr DENTIST - Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 325 P.O. Box 1216 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment AD Work Guaranteed Mixed feas anu ' ' , . V - ! .25 t't.r Vancouver Tuesday ss. Camopun, 1:30 toft tot A&torir vt Pumpkin. 2 for Baked Beans, 20-oz. tin Baked Beans, 15-oz. tin, ea. Tomatoes, ai-'w Fresh Mux Quart Pint - .23 .21 .22 .12 .2d p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert It: IS pm. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m Cream. ' uin Kte A. P. GARDNER & Co '1 SPENCE & MATUIK PAINTERS & DECORATORS . Brush or Spray Free Estimates Phone Blue 215 i 233 11th St. k:HARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ... .79 .. .711 ... .66 I I '" ( . Frm Vancoiivrr Sunday s.. Camosun, U p.v Wednesday ss Prince Rupe'1 10 a.m. Fot Alir Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m 1118 Melville Btreet VANCOUVER - BC. rrJA . k - . . ,,, t ' ... .40 ... .50 Large, cartoned, doz. Medium - Butter First Grade, lb Margarine, lb Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb. Fhxir Milk Evaporated Milk, lrt-oz. tins, 2 for Ttwy Tk.y.r.iiw.1 art mst sailor, ffvat, tl Crunchier. Golden-gotKl. Adored by childrenl Found nd th th.4 4 to to 1 rk crrual ctreal favorite favoriU in u , recent survey. (!t WWrL toF-.-, i I ;r?tr- Y 9 (j r ft .. .33 KeiluHg'B Rice From Alice Arm and Stewart "uesdav ss. Canujsun. a.m. PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voiilng and Repairs MIKE COLUSSIii Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East ? Case ..7.7:"' .. .58 Kriitpius to- Pnstrv Flour, 7 lbs MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BOIDINO 1 hard wneat J.t3 iluyt Flour. 49 s, No From Ocean Falla Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert l.3 .. .69 1.18 Flour, 24 s Tea and Coffee Coffee, lb DeLuxe Quantity, lb. . 10 a.m. Juices Orange Juice - niniirleri 3 Here are three of the British Vampire jet air WEAPONS - JL"eRC A F. uses. There are some 70 of them In Canada but Dl t they S wm will not not be be rep replaced acea when J- ;-- . F-86 Sabres. . U.S.-destgned. - - will will be be taken taken by by Canadian-built, Canadian-duiii, u.o.-uB,., For Ocean Fxtis Thursday sa. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. v RH VIJAUir TT7r; . .V-7Wl i Grapefruit -22 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 .15 V I "wm DLJII J3h w , loniatoes. zu-oz. ta HELEN'S r BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone B33 .34 28-oz eallon .59 3 rrr - J Apme. 20-oz. tin, 2 lor . For Alaska Wednesday s?. Prince Rupert midnight. .29 .34 . .38 4a-oz Canned Fruits Pineapple, crushed Di.KOQ 9(l-rY, I WAY CAFE . . . h T Pood FINEST COOKING .41 ANNOUNCEMENT ... ,., tn nnr subscribers In Prince From Alaska Thursday ss. Prinze Rupert Anricots'. 20-oz --j-j lirvic QllfV 90-07. OO added convenience v i ii, i oLn i itc ii As an 1 1 tv, , Loganberries. 20-oz J GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phon. 387 being being made made to to have have all all subscrlp- subsenp- WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartago BLUE 780 RED 515 Peaches, cnoice Pure, lb 27 Shortening ' Soap Soap, face, bar .10 Laundry, cake 2 for .2. Soap Powders, laree iJ (;iace H-uW r-hprrifs l, lb okt 45 GREER & BRIDDEN J Rupert, arrangement, are r -V of each month. Any Any assist- assist- Chinese first 'day Dishes A Specialty tlons fail due on the " WL ' 1 ' our carriers to facilitate this ZZ Z ance ance oui our subscribers can give TtifW FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 2Q0 change will be appreciated by this newspaper. l 1 uCJ Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. - t " IbTSic young J Fallen Idol. ,mrTTfmrrrrT7Trni ' lifPlilllW DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN ; HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Coconut, lb -J Minond Paste, lb Fruit Cake Mix, lb. 4j Dates, fancy, 1 lb. pkt j4 o.lloca Ralsind 0. lhs 3-T CONTRACTORS AND Bl'H-DF.RS Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs 26 Shelled Walnuts, '2 lb 47 -shelled Almonds. 6 oz Shelled Brazils. V, lb. .45 Jams fur Building and Repairs of all , kinds ROOFS CHIMNSY S OIL BURNERS QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles . MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Strawberry, 24-oz o Raspberry, 24 oz 47 Blackberry, 4-lb ?' Cherry, 24-oz 1 CONSTRUCTION t ALTERATIONS 5 REPAIRS ? M fell lihNTUVI i 1 - J I ISN'T IT A PITV J I ID "rASHV J S4T HUSBANDS PONT GROW .-ATanV OLP Pl-ACt r -- ABOUT H.M?- PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 ' P.O. Box 1670 Apricot, 4-lb ?9 Soups Canned Soups 13 to .20 Meats Chicken, lb no vrsim. honed and rolled, lb. 1.00 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING FLOOR SANDINO J A SPECIALTY 1 REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, Green 18a Phons Blue tlS P.O. Box 523 Ham, reg. id Bologna, lb 48 Wetners lb w Garlic Sausage, lb .55 Bacon, pkg. '? lb. 43 Jinin. sHi piece Wl Cottage Roll, lb -85 Liver Sausiige, lb 2 S3" Second Avenue Pr!nea Rupert, B.C., -