Baked Bfani, JO-os. tin"..' Baked Beans, lb-oz.'tln.'ea' MARKETS t?rintc Rupert ailp wcuj Thursday, October 13, 1949. lomaioes. zh-qz. Fresh Mill .13 .21 .23 .22 .12 .28 Pastry rkmr' Quart rint .. Cream 9. nil l l nour. 24, "Wrj Dint . 1m " an i . t Corr H). li .".79 teLuie :( Large, cartoned, doz, Mi-cuum Butler First Grade, lb iuantit,;jk r V-.70 ...4.. k 0r" Juice i Blended ' RrariAf...,, Margarine, lb. 39 Wins.. Canadian ChlbVJIS?- Nt Evaporated Milk. ' V-.. -AtT Frenh fruit Peaches, Hales, 2 pounds 43 Crate $2.75 Prunes, Case $2.19 Bananas, lb. .25 Apples, cooking, 3 lb 29 Fancy Macs, 3 lbs , 35 Lemons, large Cal., doz. .50 Oraepetrult, Cant., 3 lor i. OraiiRCS (Navel) 22-. .50 Pates, lb .35 Oanteioupc, 27 a. for 43 Vexeiaitie Celery, lb. 13 Khuoarb. 2 lb i! Beets, bunch 10 Parsley, bunch -15 Turnips, lb u Spinach 2 lb .27 Radbhes. bunch , 08 Green Onions. 3 bunches 20 Mushrooms, lb .85 Head Lettuce 19 Cooking Onions, 3 lbs 25 Oreen Beans, lb 17 What about Winter D with the niLLMAII?' IAD WHAT A MArY COHMUTH MAI TO 5 $AY AtQUT HII HIllMAWI HUOtWAHCI Mr. "1 t him SO ailw Mia Trtt.H Hockridit k it ikhmI iKHiib, . :-"' . ' alas tmhmLrtHk ptatlt Cauliflower, lb 19 Tomatoes, Calif. 2 lbs. 45 Cabbage, lb .0 Tomatoes, No. 1 lb .19 New Potatoes, 10 lb 58 Oreen Peppers, lb .29 Cucumbers, each Hi Vegetable Marrow, lb 07 Squash, lb 10 Canned TetetaMes Dill Pickles, gal 1.65 Mublt, yw-'mua nawiiim w taa Iim 4m 6rf. I Mat lk trip ia m, Hillxa ilaox arr 4mt Wa iaw-u4 ,4. i u II Y h II I II 11 vj in, i i l WOMEN WITH WORLD PEACE RESPONSIBILITIES There were five nations represented in this group of women, all members of delegations to the United Nations fourth general assembly, at Flushing Meadows, N.Y. Left to right are: Mine. Vijaka Lakshmi Pandit, Indian ambassador to the United States and sister of India's Premier Nehru; Mrs. Villa Lindstrom, Sweden; Mrs. Sucheta Karpalani, India; Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, United States; Mrs. Barbara-Castle, England, a member of parliament, and Calrine Wilson, Canadian member of Senate. Stimulates and Sustains L'M'MJ I Cut Oreen Beans, icy iv wo. a eas, lancy i Mled . Vegetables 23 mm Unix MfMt: mu.aiH) nml ammr, (kk 4n(u tat llkiM kna af wimd ) ajiiiai my htm bom ia mim inftUW rat V anaf ait k m. taiof ia m mi4i-taaa, m4 a4 'rara( mitt Tkiki m m rMi aain4 niM m trnwlrw a. HillMa amri mt ia ankd mltj tm4 caatan ar 4nh run mn aaia at chill.. a. m mt om. Iw hhw m Hfatto (at t aawariiat atfiaaiiibrrl alat (-aMfV i H ?- . Ttioaraaaa rat. W rarianOt tiaa i4 mm ll. A. ara aaisrlai coalan. acaanar u4 arW kasw il qaaliuai af HitlMa. (ar ffcau nanaiHK. ftmimtM aarvara af aralm afan4a MJniU nrnca baa ; aa au ia bark naauiat. Ima ara tar t Miilaaa aaawranaa nat-raal MtUm e"' .". f l , Diced BteU, per tin 18 Way Rpans phniiA 95 ' 3 " " 1 TTt and the Board felt that, because Boas at an earlier meeting of Mixed Peas and Carrots .19 Pumpkin. 2 for a? Citizens Asked (Continued from Pase One) clamor for a permanent House , committee on the four matters. of the demands of the position, the Board last spring Kr N -I ai'ti t A lnyse iul because of the time A bylaw which will set minimum standards for public rooming houses in the city also will be requested. it is unfair to ask a doctor in private practice to take on public health duties as well. The Board will communicate with the Department of Health required for shipment. The Board moved that such nrixniiv.itimi': as thp The proposal was defeated just before the House rose, however,! after Acting Minister ot Health1 Brooke Claxton vetoed the idea' on behalf of the government.' He said such a committee would eventually have the effect of! TALK HEALTH AND SECURITY OTTAWA CP An major op-posjiUfln. quarters of the House oi Coijwrions urged yesterday a sharper Parliamentary scrutiny of jwblic health welfare, social secyaity" and housing. A 2'i hour debate saw Progressive-Conservatives, C.C.F.'ers and Social Credit members The Board members weM for-, mally Introduced to Miss Freda r Hilton, senior public health lhls reard Board, the city. Prince Rupert -1" i'assage oi a Dyiav or nn am replaced that ca endmetit to existing oninancrs nurse, who recently which will require that "cstaiir- Miss Joyce Leslie, in breaking down the system unaer which the government assumes responsibility for such measures. r Chamber nf Commerce, Junior Chamber of Commerce, contact thn laboratory section of the provincial Department of Health to have a pathologist placed here. FlIX-TIME DOCTOR Action also will be taken to have a full-time medical clir- COODI GOOD I KvlUff't nw, twkk way mckt BRAN MUFFINS WITH RAISINS ants serving milk do !.o from sealed containers, to be opened I in the presence of thc'custonicr and not from a bulk source, will i be requested of city council, by 1 Alderman J. N. Forman, a mem pacity, and Miss Margaret Anderson, statistician. : INCM'DE (J.C.I. Inspector of ' Schools Joseph Chell told the meeting that a recent visit to the Queen Charlotte Islands had revealed . to ber of the Union Board of Health Health Unit. For more than a I year, the position of director has been filled by a local physician rr rat momiyi wotmt Desirability of serving mi'khim the desire of residents, of from sealed containers was' the Islands to be included. In uieooed by Sanitarian Armine the Prince Rupert Heailh Unit. . , it, was arranged that Mr. Chell miht ((uci-ii nik i. siher (u.e N. and Miss Hilton would visit th? i. silver OiD-r-ii No. ;i, murr out-rii ! i,ij. i m,.k- .,,) ji.,;.. HILLMAN MINX ' No creaming, no egg-beating just ona aaty atirritig! Make some to-day! 1 run Kellogf teaspoon aalt All-Hran A cup sugar, or ' ?4 cup milk golden ayrup 1 cup sifted 1 egg flour - - 2 tablespoons 214; teaspoons' soft shortening baking powder H cup rs tains 1. Combine All-Bran and milk in mixing bowl. 2. Hifl together flour, baking powder and salt into asms mixing bfiwl. Add ' sugar or golden ayrup, egg. shorten-' ing. and raisins, btir only until combined. " S. Fill greased muffin pans 9i full. Hake tn pr-hested moderatelv hfit oven MOOT.) about 25 minute. Make 8 luscious muffins. flATDIlt tl AIV1NCII IIMN1MINT1 Nu. 4. Mlver htraml, Mlrr Nlruml . No. t, Jiimhii Nn. 5, Uunil Nil. 1,' l"c "'i'W wiui oiiiiiiii uunius Kami No. i. Kny, llliuk liamimil No. there. rouNi on no iiitun at in its piicnmi OOTH MOfOM IHarrttH IT tar aM, laraata , . kWrMal Alram, J I, hiiiI K. M. Irurtlim Mlmriil (iaiiiis. Situate in the Atlln Mlntniz Div Membership in tlie Prince Ru- "WE HAVE MOKE DOGS THAN VOl' CAN UNI) ON T11IRO AVENIE'." ' ' tOS-l laaal4a.,aavrall,VaMa iiiEST hot I)(h;s IN I ision, whore located: On the -West pert Film Council was approved, side of the Tulsequah River. Law-1 pres,nt at the meeting were ful holder: Polaris-Taku Mning Com- , ,,, . . . . pany Limited. Number of holder s! Alderman W. F Stone, who acted nee miners cevtfieate: 28103. las chairman In the absence of TAKE NOTICE that James TJAlriprman Alaerman J- j N N' irnI.nvm Forman, Alrlrr Underhlll. P. M. c. 34204 F, as Aent for Polaris-Taku Mining Company man Wilfrid McLean, Inspector Dealer: TOWN - AT . Canada's matt famaua natural laietive aaraal far att at In. aumtianl aurk -try a bawltul tadavl imi.DDlUl SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY I Limited. Free Miner's Certificate No. of Schools JosptYh nhll MIkk days but not J Prince Uuprt, 15.C, Dlstributftr: - - "ter'lh'on'e I1Uton- n'tarlan Armine. Mnther SSWBeSt' KnOWS to apply to the Boas, and Miss Margaret Ander-. mvu'': nHV?.'r?Cf 0ei1, from the date hereof hereof, Mining Recorder for Certficates of son. Impovements for the purpose of ob- 1 McDERMOTT'K (VANCOUVER) LTi SNACK BAR Just off Third Avenue laming crown grants of the above i claims. I 316 Sixth Street BLUE 9C mm lurtncr taKe notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mln-, eral Act," must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of Improvements. 1 Dated thie 27th day of September, mi. &gk SALMON LOAF f to' Hltle-u to good! . toff nets kind f I""" special bathrm i. I' ..i, rM V I .. .iv ro .... k.lrtbrB"' fl beam ' roreiln" ' ' Mmililt THE FAMILY SHOE STORE IS UNDER NEW MXrVAr.F. eiB - . " " mnuM. j sataion, MENT, AND IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK, WE MUST . w . CLU -VI IT Cl Tn r-.Hr- a m a a. 1 ui auuaiAniiAL iu AIN ill lLo Uh OLD STOCK. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE NOW NOW $6.95 Itcg. $10.50 NOW $6.95 Hog. $!).& Am mm $7.50 A -in !ar I A ii Here's the tamous Ml ex? - -j. .... .. , il ' ! ' ? 1 - I NOW 555.95 Hog. $8.!).r) TL . -. inar jives you DIRECT RADIANT HEAT CIRCULATING WARMTH yi . JS NOW $7.95 NOW $3.95 Hog. $5.yr "'Extra ftrons and heavily waxed to keep food fre$htl longer. No waste the lerrated metal edge Hog". $10.95 - gives an even tear exactly f J - . ... u whei. you war ? 4 ; NOV 3.? NOW 3395 Keg. - k0 $5.b() 5 n e, V -at', X it 1 iv a. - a NOW $3.95 Keg. $5.93 if 4' .'ifW aa..f' ' 4 V Jf FINE PRINTING at Mm FOR RE CNR. CHANGES R. C. Vaugtian, top, who is retiring from the office as president of Canadian National Railway?. Past the retirement age of t'5. Mr. Vaughan has continued In he post at the request o ' the federal government. M. a. Metealf, lower, now vce-pres-ident of the system, had been mentioned aa successor until Transport Minister Cherricr yesterday anrounced the appointment of Donald Gordon. ' (C. P, Phnto'i THESE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY LINES BEING SOLD CLEARANCE PRICES THIS WEEK AT s REGAL PRINTERS CIRCULATES HEAT THROUGH ROOMS -GIVES "HOT STOVE" HEAT, TOO I Beautiful Grill CabinttI Duroplastic Finish! Automatic Fuel Contrail , Automatic Draft Control! Low Flame Fuel Saverl A REAL VALUH1 a The Family Shoe Store 35 32 PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. PHONE THIRD AVENUE LIMITED Gordon's Hardware