Prince Huprtt Dailp Heto Thursday, October 13, 1949. SEVENTH AVENUE rect!n when they chose the Kicking Horse Pass to the Pac- in., i i . 1 1 i j .v.v In later years came the scouts, PAPKINfl RANNlI) of the Chand Trunk Pacific, and MIXlllllW mHUHW 11:13 p.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. From VmniouTrt 'Sunday bm. Camosun, 11 p.m Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.rr. I !P" "ST! Kay Reflects ... . . ami MeminkciM L. ... 1 after them an army of work-1 parking on one of the city's men. A second line of steel ,,. traffic arteries will be for- nun"'- frinrf spanned Canada. ; bidden under a ruling approved ! by city council. On recommenda- Politicians, especially in view on of committee, Newcomers on the north coast doughs of Cariboo pushed fur-perhaps never heard of the ther west in the quest for gold of the charges hurled against seventh Avenue East from Mc-them in the heat of a campaign' Bride etreet to Hays Cove Circle, zzzzzzz ' FEES (as will be remembered last Hays Cove Circle and Sixth Av-j bridge built by Indians across and spread over the rugged land the foaming fury of th? Buikley known as Skeena, Omineca and i River at the canyon of Hagwil- v.-hat have you. It was here, get. It swung there for a score also that some of the art(un?.uts of years at least. Engineers in stampeding for Klondyke found the service of the Grand Truiik they had bitten off too lare a i Pacific were frankly amazed cnew.' Hazelton seems to have summer, are racea wun a new enue East to Hays Cove Avenue election hazard. In thj United wU1 prohibited parking area3 States recently a man discharg-l police committee recommended from a mental hospital cheer- action to council as a fully announced his candidacy .y measurc after It had been , and they could not but feel no ahvays been more or less of a with the stirring slogan: "I'm smrrested tov Set. L. A. N. Pot- on small amount of prabe -vas due. centre. A thousand yarns and the only politician In Alabama ieon lulled parking Then on a stormy night, an ex- incidents of happenings hi this with,., papers to prove he's not the maln route from the i city crazv- I limits "hazardous. pv-vi.u. Kc Mini- breezy frontier can oe toia. ; ful well-worn link free, and And what is more, they are true.- Within the prohibited parking mere lis story enaea. CANADA AND IS DISTRIBUTED BYCalVtlt IILEDIN I :mST . . . r ....I U......1 iir Ji-.rl.ivcd ny tne Liquor w ""-' inimlll "I l1"" O.luml.ii. Some oppositon has been ol- area are two school zones and fered In the Canadian Parlla- the danger of children Jumping ment to the intention of pro- out onto the street from behind viding an official residence In parijed vehclles was one of the Ottawa for future Prime Min- reasons for the ban being sought, lsters. A premier, like anyone It's half a century probably Back in the .seventies, C PR-longer ago since the sour- surveyors took a look in this di- 1 1 hJfctniifiw else, is .that much better off, yPiW III . TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS are invited ir .0" r i from many an angle, with home, fireside and family And In a case like this, the Premier's heme, and recognized as such s t Si'" h- W "6 Is laso a good thing for his party. a ' for the erection of a rectory dwelling on lots 39 and 40, j block 1, section 5, Immediately j adjoining St. Andrew's Cathedral. Plans and specifications available at office of S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. up to close of business, Tuesday, Oc- As time goes on, there grows between the two, a link, a I sr.,v 7. , P. 1 n " Mother KhOMsX Besr: It is logical to expeet that car i tober 25.' Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (240t 1 (?u-J drivers, covering the distance between city limits and Galloway, Rapids should by this time,' have developed Into experts. Up to the present they could not have avoided an uncanny skll. They had years of praotice negotiating curves sharp enough from the South Seas If you're seeking a soft life, with a touch i MONTREAL, Oct. 13th ITcre's how to mzU . your October meal (is g:w ns NriHirr'8 Octobnr W-eap?! Serve GLEN WOOD FRUIT COCKTAIL often at mealtimes as a bnllmnt first course or in a jellied fruit galad or in a luscious fruit piol lteady-lo-scrve from llni tin of romance. John Wells, Pip Brock and Bob Fortune are back In Vancouver, after a cruise of to have cutting edges, and dis ' 13.000 miles down under. Tropic Gknwood Iruit Cocktail 13 my cnoice ior iionvni- covering how to use extra nar- 1 iktrttn ! nn s, wonderful flavourl lou see, US pa'-Koi row roads and like them. Well, in natural lruil mice and pure cauc pusiar. nmi iu i seas can be said to be a good deal of an illusion. Pas3 it up. These boys know. an end to all this is "just around the corner." It will be a New Year gift from the Departiaent contains mure finest quality pineapple ami Maraschino clierncB tl3 ingredients that arc so important for superior flavour and give CJi a- wood Fruit Cocktail its cxtra-luxctuus la.-tcl Add to tliu the extra goodness of the C'anadiaa peac hes and pears in a Glcmvood tin . . . and you have real flavour perfection! So much goodness u reason--, ably priced! A-k vour grocer for Idenwood Fruit Cocktail m he . rrw, 10 ounce tin, the 15 ounce tin that serves four, or the economical 20 ounce tin I " N- ' Speaking of schools, school buldhigs and all that, a local ftudent was recently asked If of Public Works in the shape of highway improvements. 'l 4 11 vf T3K, he could tell how the city came to be named Prince Rupert. He Horses and cattle (horses also The Beit Idea Jeer, a reader wear bells) graze in New Hazel- did not know and Inquired of writes. Sues delighted with how ton. on the very ground where Ws ents ey dld not know, ti (I II easy it is to add f-T flavour excitement either. ytu agv, iiitrii wcic iuu utau for tryng to rob a bank. Tiie IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE payroll had come up a day or so before and the bandits were hopeful. Citizens had a hunch, were on the alert, were good V mSJ.'Vi t fooils with" VVf -T H II I It RIFF'S ViJU't$ FLAVOURING v""L-iJr EXTRACTS (True Vanilla Lemon Almon.l Peppermint Maple)! V, it taki just a hit oi cxpcrimentinn (an.l its svt'li fun'.) to discover just the risht amount o flavour-for fooils ... so your iamily Here" One Thinfr YuwvJnJ TluuU Teen Age Doubter . will agree;- about!... a OOSSARD fou.ula-js j' tion does U'onJeri for the liguiTwt, All of us women 'aatever ou ; fil!ure 1yves expertly lvtr III the Mutler ot the fcilate ut Arthur shots, and besides, had their Benjamin fcians and Utl in a Gosear.i, because thcr guns handy. The robbers had no i future business with oank al-1 ter "that mornine. In the Matter of the AdmlntotraUou Act" TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot Hit Honour Judge O. Fulton, mrte the 4ih dav of October. A. D. 1 -will will hoast lioast that that vou vou htivo nave that mat , - - , , r , , ... I -magic tourh"! trr Jte. -recine offlahl -Ii. .UrcOtJnure' AM f iriih fSHlKKIFF'S TftL'B VAN- . aiccl So before jou fy your ow II. LA as a "starter J its de Fall wardrobe i,nl on hfln Take this Up" from fellows Who ; ma. I waa appointed Administrator Favourite TOMATO JUKE j i .Canada's have been there. Sta awav ot the Estate or Artnur whjm"" Evans, deceased, late of Prince Bu- ' pert, in the Province of British Col umbia. licious! . . . Meringue 2 e?H whiles 18 Ispn. ci earn tartar 1 cup suar 1 tspn. Sh:rnff's True Vanilla Be.t the eag whites and add cream tartar until stiff but not dry. Add sugar, a teaspoon at a time, beat-inu afler each addition. Fold m Khirrilfs True Vanilla. Drop from spoon -.n baking &heet covered with unreaed paper. Bnke in glow oven C-'.'jI) des. F.) for 60 minutes. Kemove at once from paper. Fres li-From-The-Garden fitted in a Gossanl. You'll JtU'l you've never walkccj sni acli ur clothes have never fiilcil so Elegantly as when you're irearinc tits correct foundation!' And (io.-sard paruicnls are so reasonable! ... Designed in ho TT.iv made in Canada you'll find them at leading stores everywhere! 7 Learning To Cook? Even if v ALL PARTIE8 having claims against the said Estate are hereby-required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 26th day of November, AD. 1949, after ' IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE .IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION" ACT AND III the Matter of the Kutate of Louis IxerMin. Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton. Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 5th day of October, A D. 1949, appointed Administrator with the wltl which date claims mca may without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES - indebted to the tald Estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Ru you re lar 110m being a "beginner" in the art Thanktgtrinn Sen. tun is the tunc, (or rounliiig your blessings for mental stocktaking ol the sooil tliinas iu your life! And. I'm sure you'll agree with of cooking. Jiv.O Remember, Libby's is an excellent dietary source of vitamins A and CI When you consider that an insufficiency of these vitamins may lessen the resistance, of the body to infection, you realize how important it is to include them in your diet regularly. Vl'hat more pleasant way wy than than in ,n a a daily dal'y Rlassful glassful of of Libby's Lbnys "Gentle, Gentle, Press Press" Tomato lomato Juice? juicer If you've ever stood in a tomato patch and enjoyed the reddest, ripest, juiciest tomato on the vine, you know the matchless garden-fresh flavour of Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomatojuice. And here's pood news! The new pacft is just in from the girden at your grocers now. Get Get in in a a suPP'y- supply. Eniov Enjoy Libby Libby's s often. often. 3$ Aihlvyt expert advice her excellent recipes will tw. n real annexed of the estate of Louis jvcr-son, -of Stewart. British Columbia. !,hndled who died on on or or about .bouthe Jhe 5tb 5tb day day of of pert. In the Province of British Columbia this 6th day of October. A D. 1949. GORDON F. FORBES. . Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. 245) JWiif 110 .tiai itio inusi, important, from a woman's viewpoint, is security! Seitirit? such is comeo from owning Camilla Surinw Hnnds! Why not take the opportunity "'t of siiliscribinu to the new series that litis ju.-t, none on sale? iiuy tlietn tlie must, ran-venient :iv-lliroitsii the RANK OF MONTREAL! Vour R of M Manager will Iw slal to rxplt in aow vou can -uirchase t itoc valu- February. February. i 1948. at n Stewart. " Bruisn 7 Columbia. Columbia. All All persons persons Indebted Indebted to to the the said said estate estate arc arc required required to to pay pay the the amount amount of of their their Indebtedness Indebtedness to to me forthwith and all persons having Z&ZESZZZZ claims analnst the said Estate are re-qulrad qulrad to to file file them them with with me me properly properly verified verified on on or or before before the the 15th 15th day day of of November. November. 1949. 1949. failln" failln" which which distribution dls- trlbutlcn will will be be made made having having reanrd rettnrd I LJ ?VtSr Ofl L31 '1 . . 'U lTiTrrTl'13? ItXl V v if AlUy5! t J KTTH X'i M ' . tM FIRST IN FAVOUR-FIRST IN FLAVOUR jili55".'S) 'il F' . STL " JV . :--7in 'it" .Zf A - t tV, HtN fVf t ". """i 'i "! "mil .v4-CwY Hi 111 tAlt t.fiiS,l SwrM P9tr ti"iAt J " hS4T AWI.WrVi iJlUifl l.,'ii'liirVII J v VV - -k'f.'k 1 E "helping hand" to you in ti9 kitchen! She's just completed a reeic folder featuring MAZtlLA S.thid Oil s wonderful for tloep living for salads hutt bukiii';! . ". . Here are just three 0! tin recipes (to ":ivo you an itlea of what gomlncxs to expect!) . . . Home-stylo Fried Chicken -Spanish Rice Chocolate Jtiinlioi! Simply write 10 , me, Barbara Brent." 1U1 Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. . . . for Masola recipe fcv Joiie Anhley of Canada Starch's Home Service Department! I'll see thtit you get your folder podl-liaatc ! czema i enly to such claims of which 1 shall A New Concentrated Prescription Found alilo securities on the instalment nlan. It's the bc.H way I know to ;ivo vourself a Thanksgiving pres-"tit iliM will continue to be a li!cs.-itm for many Thanksgivings to come ! hve have been been notified. notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B C this 7th rtav of October. A D. IM9. CORDON FRASER FORBES, ' Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B. C. (2481 46 : Eczema Is an inflammatory itch imm) ; ing condition of the skin in which there is redness, weeping, scaling, Vxcilim Fall tare is a picy, delicious Gingerbread like tlin. Paiticu-Uirlv no. -I icudei, fealherv and delicious, it will bo uecause it's made with SWANS DOWN CAKK . , , . crusting, thickening or swelling 1 I.Ol'K. iho eako flour that s silted again ana again - X) -v A new concentrated prescription has been found to give imme until M times s fine ns unhnnrii jluur. GINGERBREAD A1 -p t .itr,4 irirn aw3 in u 9 diate relief. It has been thor Down Cake Klour shortening " tcatpoonj Cale.met 12 cup EUEar Rak.ns Powder 1 oae, unbeaten cughly tested and shows remark able results even in the mos' 2 teaspoons ginger Hi cup mnlaasea 1 teaspoon cinnamon 34 cup milK S,2ttltlo'uronc?.!t measure, add bakina powder, snices. and salt; sift t ie her three tunes, t'team butter tlio. oushly, add supar eraduail. cream severe eczema conditions. The Together until lnht and fluffy. Add egg and beat welt; then MO..- time, beatin? after Add flour, alicrnateiy with milk, a small amount at 1 ach addition until smooth. Bake in greased pan. S x 9 x 2 inches, la prescription is a clear, odorless and colorless liquid and contains no oil or grcase clothing or linens cannot be stained or marked. moderate oven (350 de. F.) about 30 minutes. What-To-Feeiti That "Stymied. The-Folkt" Feeling rX"j Application Is simple. Affected is a tare feeling, tu- parts are first washed with a pure soap and warm water, tha 'AjtK-l!4TrfnrurM ! prescription Exoff Concentrated !eetl to tlie rnoutfumia . of holneniakers who know -1110111 HKlNj C O N I) i N S L 1) SOU i' S! Havo. yotl nnv idea how many tlelicious soups, .tho 1F is then patted on with a smau B"irif. Merine for A ".Smxpm" iwab of cotton. Apply night and rooe 1 morning. You can get this prescription tit all druggists, simply ask for about 3 ozs. of Exoff Concentra ted. And if your skin is tender, cracks, or gets dry, you should also obtain k oz. of Exoff Oint inn liu a 2. clean ras 3 tinv bit "rubhinl' energy It', as simple m lh:.t . . . and verv inexpensive! Think ol the cleauer: lulls you'll save when you clean your elolhrs this easy easy Way! .lust follow the itire.-tioiis . .' . Ene.ino is gent ie -ith fabrics of ill tiinds! liemoves itease stains Tror.i hvls iiesses .-nil In a iiffy! What'? iiiorc. it -.leans fu'uitu;e uphoistety '.on and. 50 many hoiiiciuikere "ay is narvelL'Us -'or uiakiiig -lorcel-am-sui i'ace-l '-e -i 1 .-ra o -s md oalhlitbs MuUle like stirs! Vou can get .iiieriiine tor :u little ai House of Ileinj eoueoets tor your mealtime dc'igUC . Seventeen varieties and ? w vtuietics beiii' added io ou-. grocer's iheit e ail he '.line! rs, H"inz are truiy "soup flieeialists"! Hesidis coiulensi-d soups, thera arc several soups especially rc-pated for infams in the Heini 'line'' of Strain-d Baby 'tnd -Junior Foods. And Jiero are six' rady-to-se'.'vo soups seived "rotn. Heinz famous :de"tric kitchens :u uimlrcua oi "a: ins -ilacc:. ind Hein.T Scun-- -'n 'arse, vonomical .ins "or .I'-tauii'-ats! Yes, Mr, Mrs. ami Miss Canada-'.lave "n ! ourageil wcaU oi Uein ment. Cut this out as a reminder. SMITH &ELKIMS 23c at vou" .ivouritc artig or ue-jiu'iment jlo.e. ro! , i- ' c .outs i i-'erta'tero.' Yo- owe it- i i Oi.ikic! ClirKWO n n our Turn To Entertain our lir'.tige Club? .11,. -rii. .sis to se vo :ea -a-itlt hie md etird?'" 1 1 I,.,.,. K ni- rtl ' 3000 .ii'Il your t !ie ! ea :ha'- mane Tom tlio 'title oft teers! I h.v. 4 PLUMBING AND , HEATING ' Phone 114 P.O. Box 874 LEA1- TV.A 3- -ouise! 'I : tca: viie virna.. '.hut's bke i .n.ll.- .itiekle lliosi -il lie 00 ec. - s7" I $Zz-&2 '- ll'ie '' . .... i'ft.irew.. - ............. . v.vsw.-.vxvs.v v.-l -V"F ' Lltr jive il .i imliiit.v j. .V.-OUI .iia. .i.-n . --must" to hostess "tn 'ho .now I u"o...y.- yrt-,; r,n,!cr 7'ce-w 'ragiant ind so ntly Trand- The Canada Starch Company, Limited, urtMC CFRVITE DEPT. 00 sure 11. w'ni vj' " . . yen ca: '..astiii OFfiki YOU Hilt Send a Postcard to: nW'"- P. O. B. 1J9. NWr.ol. P.Q TfSItD fCIP$- bridge club! L