prince Kupert Eaflp rsrtoa s Friday, December 3. 1948 TERRACE SEEKING MORE ATTENTION ) '.ANNOUNCES THE APPOINTMENT OF 1 uperior" Auto Body Service - S Ml : " x 1 5 . as DEALER at PBiriCE RUPERT, B.C. I Ktaulfft thai. Baa ll-l - BEST POTRME District Agriculturalist Shoutii Spvi More Time There Hoard of Trade Meets TERRACE Many matters came up for consideration at the monthly meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trad; which was held cn Wednesday vuing. There was not a large attendance due to other activities in the town. Duncan K. Kerr presided. Harry King, chairman of the agricultural committee, reported the acreage he had knowledge of for the land clearing machinery but asked that hi full report be oef erred until after his meeting with K. Jameson, district agriculturalist of Emithers, who will be In Terrace on Friday to address the Fanners' Institute meeting. This applies also to seeding the Cana-adian National Railways park- ilfi ' of Canodo Ud. welcomes (hit nw ,0 lh rapidly growing family of uCfc D (alert in Canada. , a nprincd personnel offers a ,' (tH,rteoo tarvica and intelligent I qJnfd with this enterprUin, Mat Here, cmp,te, t,tca j, hand, of expert mechanic,, working with hrtt-clatt equipment. The R.a Motor Company of Canada Lid. join, with local friend n wishing this ewly-apoill.ed dealership very success in continuing the traditional standards of the Reoergan". lotion. inc It juipmeni l til 2 ' k ,wnr and operator are invited lo Berner of Prince Rupert, with the information that it was down in the railway budget for 1949. The request for a telephone in the Terrace freight office was turned down again due to the fact that there Is a buzzer between it and the head station office and information can 03 obtained In a few seconds. The sum of $177.50 had been collected by the Pamphlet Committee and this money was turned over to the president by Mrs. W. Robinson. The ladies were thanked for their work in collecting this sum, and Mr. King also thanked the ladies' committee who had helped compile the pamphlet. There was an inquiry from an out-fcf-town electrician concerning work in Terrace but, It was decided that he should be Informed that an electrician was already established in town here. The completion of Williams Creek bridge had been promised for this fall but so far had not been toucned nor was there any material there for it. It was explained that the district Is left with one bridge, foreman and, as work is being concentrated on the Kalum Road, that is all that can be done at present. No report had been heard of the provincial engineers' flood b MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA LTD. I I !J T v, cld rrr "uih, toronro This cdvertlsemet ' not published or dismayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tb : Ceveroment of British Columbia ianu wmcn me Board or Trade, has undertaken and advise on' the tvoe Of !wrt mmt snffihlvl REPAIR JOB In India the practice of plas- The United States paying tic surgery arose to enable toase j pensions to veteran, ot six wafl' will be asked of the agriculturist'. General' dissatisfaction was expressed at the short visits the agriculturist pays to Terrace, 1: "use "P nao rjeeu cui on I Mexican, Indian, t; vu. SpatH HONOR AUSSIE AIRMEN , COLLINGWOOD, Ont., 9 A! memorial air force ensign was dedicated here honoring two. Aistraliat airmen killed in 1941 during a flying training aiR crash. The sister of- one of the fliers came . from Australia ti attend the service. 1 -J for adultery to correct the nuiti- "ish-Anierican and two wor kxtion. iwars. mpm was felt that the eastern end of the district Is getting the service In which the western end Is' lacking. The outcome, of this! dissatisfaction was that tho members decided to write to thoj Gift survey, nor any report on flood prevention, so E. T. Kenney will be contacted. Next meeting will be the annual banquet on January 14. Deputy Minister of Agriculture. In answer to an Inquiry concerning a loading platform, a letter was received from C. A. i) for Ik. Your Best Rating Place FULL COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall 1 BUILT, SOLD AND SERVICED IN CANADA for Luncheons, Dinners A LEADING LADY ; HOUSECOATS Beftge- lne ia gay pattern and : plain, fine, all-wool houe- coats -available your J choice of clHrs. ' For those gay party nigbtT l)fore Chrwtmaji, DANE URESS, trimmed . ..w ht h- ', Bugle ..Beads ..or ..Sequin will bring sparkles her J eyes. In all popular nizes... 1 HANDBAGS, like the Danc ; DresseH, are new arrival at ..our, ..Style lo pteaxe every d'tscriminat- ing taste ! .... mi T A and Parties Chinese Dishes fly Topics from Terrace C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter CAFE fcurred on Thurs-at the local hospl- The Canadian Artists exhibit of pictures, depicting "B.C. at Play," was held in the Credit Union hall on Wednesday afternoon and evening and drew a fairly good crowd, although not to the extent expected. Local talent was also exhibited and created much interest ' and ad-miraUtm. In- the -evening, records describing the pictures were played and made the exhibit more interesting and understandable to the general public. Local exhibits were F. Van den Dewster, a Dutch neweoncr 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 money bylaw for building and construction purposes on Tuesday was slow. At that lime, January 1947, 209 votes were polled whereas threre wore only 110 on Tuesday. Ii is survived by four pm'nitumiwmiwuiiiHjmuinwni daughters and sev- r.ildren. Mrs. Head and daughter. 1 Select your gift, pay a deposit and when you wish to pick up your purchase use our Personalized Budget Plan for easy payment. Sweet Sixteen Ltd-. . and Brownies are rwl of articles to Marion, made a brief trip to Prince Rupert on Tuesday, re -turning on Thursday morning., whose paintings were most pleasing, Harold Whalen, Duncan dt'Kergommeaux, Pat Tum-( Mrs. Moore returned on Thur-! No r:son with the voting No Carrying Uson ana Ann Aiouior. day morning's train from th?' . bylaw to purchase buildings nearly two 'he voting on the south from a prolonged vis't with relatives there. SLOWER THAN WALKING LONDON, Ont. (t Transportation was really tough in pioneer days. The diary of an early settler in the Clinton district, toad here recently, tells of making 14 miles In 13 hours bj horseback. DfJIT j T A XM AS PHOTOS- Order Early ; Chandler & Cowgill ' For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 iDeLuxe 1 DELIVERY f PHONE 422 S NITE: BLACK 615"' 216 4th Street TOWN WINS AWARD PRINCE ALBERT, (Construction of a paddling pool by members and friends of the East End Citizens Committee has won for Prince Albert a "Town of the Week" award. The $100 prize will be used to provide swings in the .playground near the pool. AUTOMATIC JtoewMx. . EDiryeir 1. Handles all fabrics. 2. Easy on the clothes. 3. Automatic controls for heat and time damp or bone dry within an hour. 4. Handles 18 lbs. wash in one operation. 5. Can be used with any washer. "DONT DEPEND ON THE WEATHERMAN FOR DRY CLOTHES." times, Colognes and Gift Sets my It's the i Ren (CaHe for Tasty Meals Chop Suey Chow Mein 7- , by - r-j DUBARRY TUSSY mm RUBENSTEIN J0URJOIS Etc. m IN GAY HOLIDAY WRAP NO EXTRA COST Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders UTCHEON PHARMACY TWO CASH PRIZE WINNERS in PRINCE RUPERT Area MRS. SHIRLEY SMITH 511 7th Ave. East, City MRS. A. McNEIL, Gen. IX-1., City Every week there . are two J iU LIMITED Jkvmue and Sixth St. Phone 79 3 n O ASK THE MAN WHO: BUYS ONE .QUALITY COUNTS IN TANKS . . . AND QUALITY YOU "(JET WHEN YOUR TANK 13 MADS BY ' 5 Christmas carries fragrances: crisp wintry air, spicy scent of pine. Add Blue Crass Flower Mist, famed fragrance by Elizabeth Arden. . It's a wonderful gift, in a gay gift-wrapping, with a Kentucky-caught scent, to take the Christmas air! ChrUlmu wrpM Orm FUwh Mid, .7i, 3.35, 5.30 wMi atunliwr, 3.75 f In the Daily News! rt TirTEAlHE U cash prize winners in mc Please bear with us Rupert area on Prince to ( BY Melody CE GEORGE Malki ..ill 'ft III THOM SHEET METAL LTD. Money Time THE SAILS FDR NCOUVER Phone Black 884 -. I 253 East First Ave. LISTEN IN CFPR 6:30 p.m. Every Friday TRY " YOUR SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES : 5ERMEMATE THURSDAY PORTS at U:15 p.m. mm TERRACE- KETCHIKAN i piUY MIDNIGHT Mitchell & Currie Restaurant Skeena Commercial Hotel is undergoing extensive renovation and improvements which will make it the smartesr establishment of its kind in Prince Rupert. Meanwhile, all departments are carrying on business as usual and we ask our patrons to continue their favor and be patient with us until the job is finished December 18. eservations Write or Call lR DEPOT OFFICE pCE RUPERT, B.C. 'is LIMITED SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P-O. Box 54 1 FRASER STREET PRINCE , RUPERT . TERRACE ' , , LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR j GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE; Open 6:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed S p.m. Sundays ! ' DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves i AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 Phone 33 BUILDERS and CONTRACTORS Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS Box 271 Phone 174 (284) i J