PROVINCIAL LIERAHXt PROVINCIAL VICTORIA, 'B. C. wmlw 'ICTOKIA, B.C. OHLIES DHC23 Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PH0IIE81 A-AAVH, No. 284. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 3 194R PRICE FIVE CENTS Children Burned to EST COAST 1AWTII E in Bulkley Valley fragedy Results From Attempt of Live Lad to Light Up Gat Lamp S MB TODAY uel Pete, 2'year-oid son, and Ruby, nine-,ld daughter, were burned to death at 7:30 M MM Utwhcn the house of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pete Bulkley vauey settlement of Quick, east of rs. was destroyed by fire. Cause of the tracrPfk- L attempt of a ten-year-old boy to light up a while me parents 01 Three Month Shipping Tie-Up Is Finally Concluded ? leren were away irom t,pping. The Petes are trier the tragedy. Sgl. 'v. BERLIN COLLISION KILLS 16 PERSONS BERLIN W Sixteen persons were killed and fifteen injured when a passenger train crashed into a suburban local in the Soviet zone of western Berlin today. Seven of the Injured are In serious condition. Hie local was standing in Falkensee station when the passenger train, running through a signal, crashed into it. I'jnton. Consiaoie ,6orn icr Harvey Davles pro- on) simmers mj invesu J U found the house had Ld to the ground. Tho 3 Radio Operators of C.I.O. Are Last Union to Come to Agreement SAN FRANCISCO (CP) Agreement was reached today with the last five striking maritime unions to end the West Coast strike which had lasted for three months. C.I.O. radio operators and Pacific American shipowners' Association came to terms after an all-night Urgaret Pete, had gone ore at Quick, about a ant, leaving tcn-year- Settlement In Palestine l ill led Nations Approves New American Compromise Proposal PARIS V-The United Nations today approved a new American proposal for broad conciliation of the Arab and Jewish boundaries in Palestine without reference to the Bernadotte p an or last year's partition. The poliUcal committee accepted an amendment by. Dean Rusk of the United States to the British resolution. The amendment instructs the setting up of a conciliation commission. Under a portion of a British I, Brown in cliarge of tht BERLIN'S 'ONE GovEnnr.iEUT Soviets Set tp Their Administration Exclusively For Whole German Capital BERLIN 0i The Soviets today recognized the newly formed government here "as one legal organization of city administration" and pledged support thereto. The step was announced by the Soviet-sponsored German news agency It had been expected since hand-picked delegates were approved. A Communist slate of -city officers was unanimously chosen at a convention in the Russian sector Tuesday and was proclaimed as successor to the legally-elected (1946) administration which was recently ous Iring her absence. After conference. , up ihe lamp, darkness Urn, Hie boy was pro-i light up when It took Earlier other unions and em Capture of Suchow Is Confirmed SUPERSONIC PARACHUTE CKia TRYOUT A new supersonic parachute, developed in Schenectady, N.Y., is shown landing safely on the ground after a test flight. The parachute is expelled from a V-2 rocket as high as 100 miles above the earth's surface. The parachute, containing .delicate research instruments, reaches supersonic speed before its vanes spread out, gradually slowing the device to about 27 miles an hour just before the sharp spike of its nose embeds itself in the ground, enabling it to land without damage to its delicate cargo. ployers had reached agreements :tis excitement, the lad to end Uie three-month-old its. Pete, leaving Uw strike. .",,. ;tr children behind, The strike came formally to a it. the father, was In stopping. close at noon today. uest is proceeding to TEMPERATURE DOWN AFTER HEAVY SNOW Lowest temperature of the season cracked down on Prince Rupert last night on the heels of an eight-inch snowfall, the second heavy snow blanket within a week. Chinese Nationalist Forces Talk of Retiring to Mountains Beyond Nanking NANKING fl1' The Commu FAIRBANKS HAS FIRE BASKETBALL- Bo-Me-Ili Piles Up Dig JED NATIONS nistic capture of Suchow was confirmed today in government GO AHEAD resolution passed yesterday steps will be taken to assist the Jews and Arabs in settling outstanding problems. military sources. It was stated !- Canada will that the evacuation of the big: Uictory Over Ketchikan to have the thitd nationalist base, 211 miles north Assembly of the United now in session here, ! and reconvened hi Forty Below Weather Hampers Work of Firemen In Alaska City FAIRBANKS, Alaska Five firemen were seriously frostbitten here yesterday when fighting a blaze which destroyed a garage and damaged headquarters building of the 625th, aircraft control and warning west of here, had been completed by noon Wednesday. Three armies totalling 250,000 pulled out of Suchow in an effort to relieve the trapped 12th Temperatures dropped to 25.9 degrees, the lowest since last April and the chill was emphasized by the snow covering which eame down between noon and 6 p.m. Thursday leaving trees and rooftops garlanded with white. The snowfall added to that which fell last week when h is a continuation of ALASKANS SHOW EFFECTS OF WHICH . SEA VOYAGE FIRST WIN IN TWO YEARS FOR LOCALS IN THIS SERIES In a packed Civic Centre irymnasium, the Bo-Me Army south in the Sushlen sec si Assembly. Canada iifh action nndu-)ina Wilgrcss told the committee today. tor. ted from the City Hall. Meantime, the Communists today launched a scare campaiga to try and keep Berliners from voting Sunday in the elections called by the western occupying powers. Newspapers asserted, without foundation It wa-i said, that the United States may wiUidraw from Berlin by spring and Washington might recall General Lucius D. Clay, United States military governor. Leader of Borkum"4 Massacre Executed MUNICH ffThe German Navy lieutenant who led the Borkum Island massacre of seven unarmed American airmen was hanged today with Hi Rainmakers defeated the Kayhi Polar Pears r8 to! 26 in the first came of their annual Inter-Hitrh Series Military sources say that the Communists, on entering Suc- squadron at nearby Ladd Field. Temperatures of forty below hampered firemen. Damage .Is. said to have been heavy. " ; llastjiight. Jt was the first win for Coach AJex Bill how,.Jtound supply .depots de MAT SON HOPE ooys on mcir nome noor in mis series in two years. Kayhi made its appearance on the floor only twif more than a foot fell. Much of the earlier snow remained, "despite" several rainstorms during the week. . Pioneers say that they cannot recall such an abundance of snow so early in the season in previous years. hours after arriving. The ef- stroyed. " Meanwhile, seven Communist columns totalling 100,000 eased their assault on the Hwai River line. ; Earlier the government said I first t.'.ii? in history Hupp, isolated trading northern British Col- "ill have its own inedi- it would make a fighting retreat into the mountains of South China if the Communists overrun Nanking. : three other German war criminals. The execution brought to c. This week the BC. DIGNITARIES GREEK PRIESTS ARE CHARGED PRAGUE i Three Greek Oi-thodox priests will be tried here next week on charges of leading a fight, to carve a Ukrainian republic out of parts of Rus-'a and her neighbors. Press and radio attacks on both Greek and Roman Catholic churches precluded announcement of the details last night. 01 the number of executed in groups on eight consecutive Fridays for war crimes. s is opening 1U newt-si j huspiial, hi this settle-; miles northwest of Fori ' morning Miss Flor-tm, assistant super-BC. Red Crass Outpost fir from Vancouver to John, accompanied by aig. maintenance man Cross in this province "-bed log cabin hospital. feels of travelling all day showed up in their ball-playing.' The defeat they took was the heaviest that any Bo-Me-lU team has been able to inflict on them since competition between the two teams was inaugurated. The line-up of Kayhi this year is mqde up of new players except for two who showed here last year John Stenford and Jack Johansen. Coach Hollis-tcr's boys are still In the early season stage. Bo-Me-Hi has come up witn a stronger team than the one that faced the Polar Bears last year. The reserves this year are nearly as strong as the first string and do not lessen the pace In any way. Kayhl scored the first basktl when Ilinman dropped in a lone one-hander from behind EASTERN ORIGIN Hockey, the Irish national game of curling, and possibly guir, and cricket are derived from polo. i THE WEATHER Synopsis The weather remains cold and unsettled over British Columbia. Scattered snow flurries were reported along' the coast during the morning but these were expected to clear during the afternoon as warmer air moved over Uie province from the West. Snow flurries are expected hi Uie interior, this afternoon followed by clearing skies and colder weather tonight. Fine weather appears likely oyer most of the province for Saturday although there will be increasing cloudiness over- the northern coast in the evening with the approach of another storm from the west. 2 Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Variable cloudiness this morning with widely scattered snow flurries over the Queen Charlottes. Clearing this afternoon. Variable cloudiness, overcast, clearing during the morning but becoming overcast again by evening. Winds northerly (20 m.p.h.) today, southwesterly (15) tonight and southeasterly (20) Saturday, i Little change In temperature. Lows tonight and NUN BREAKS SILENCE Precedent was created in Montreal when for the first time a nun was guest speaker at a service club. Sister Marie dc L'Eucharistie of the Order of Poor Claire of Jerusalem who took a vow of silence 10 years ago, was permitted to make the trip to Montreal from Palestine by special dis- pensation from the Vatican. She told the Richelieu Club of the difficulties of Roman Catholic organizations in the Near East since the beginning . of the Second World War. MAKE FLIGHT TO CARIBBEAN MONTREAL Completing a six-day pre-inaugural trip to the Caribbean, a party of forty government officials, business leaders and press and radio executives returned by a Trans-Canada Air Lines' North Star to Montreal Airport. The group visited Nassau, Bahamas, Kingston and Monte-go Bay, Jamaica, and Port-of-Spaln, Trinidad, and were welcomed at official receptions by the governors of these colonies. Letters of greetings from Rt. Hon. Louis St. Laurent, Prime on the banks of the vr, will be starred with j and housekeeper at th-? of the year when thn lfnls in this area will d with their own service. there will be no more of illness uud death " the novel "Mrs. Mike." . CP Photo) :: TODAYS STOCKS :: ' Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. I td. rd at Hudson Hope. No Minister of Canada, and from ihe key. Bo-Me-Hi came right back and Ilson netted a two-pointer. Hie score was tied at 4-4 when the Bo-Me-Hi offenss started to roll and rack up baskets. The zone defense thrown up by the Bears did not stop the rampaging, Rainmakers us they started to pop long ones Urgency cases will be ' this area by wl'd Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of Trade and Commerce, were delivered by W. J. , Turnbull. Vancouver burins. Up to the prcs-fsons needing medical .053, Bayonne P had to be taken to Bralorne ..: 7.15 Mm by truck or dog highs Saturday At Port Hardy 30 and 42, Massett 25 and 40,' Prince Rupert 27 and 40. B. R. Con B. R. X. .. 02 y2 08 Vi Deputy Postmaster-General, to Their Excellencies, the Governors of the Bahamas, of Jamaica and of Trinidad anS Tobago. His Excellency Sir William L Murphy, K.C., M.G., Governor of the Bahamas, extended con Aumaque 15 Beattie 45 Bevxourt .24 Bob jo 1314 Buffalo Canadian 14 Consol. Smelters 125.50 Con west 1.29 Donalda 53 Eldona .70 East Sullivan 3.00 Olost is the result of 1948 MARITIME POTATO KING L. Frank Murphy, right, 1948 Maritime potato king of Carleton Siding, Prince Co., P.E.I.. receives congratulations from C. F. Bailey, president of the Maritime Winter Fair held In Amherst, N.S. begun by the Red Nrc than 10 vears a-'O ! area was first sur Building waj hrlri nn hv in with amazing accuracy. Kayhi was handicapped by the close checking Bo-Me-Hi quintet that kept them out of the key and forced them to shoot difficult shots from the corner and side. The half ended with the score 23-10 for the local team. In the second half the Bo-Me-Hi offense continued to roll and nothing could stop them. Kayhi switched to a man-toman defense which the locals are more used to and this was p R nr? ai'(l delayed again in gratulations of the colony and best wishes to TransCanada Air Lines, on Thursday's inaugra- f to iliadrflnut. wRtrr Cariboo Quartz 105 Congress ... .03 Hedley Mascot w.. .03 Hdley Mascot 30 Peiid Oreille 5.90 Pioneer : 2.60 Premier Border 02Vi Privateer 15 Reves McDonald 2.95 Reno 07 Sheep Creek 1.60 Sllbak Premier .32 Taku River 30 Vananda .45 Salmon Gold 10 tion of a fresh link between Canada and the Bahamas. ! Urn sixth Red Cross to be opened this year al,il follows return to At Montego Bay, Jamaica, His Excellency Sir John Hugglns, 'StiOll of dir. mil' ROAD POLICY IS PROTESTED TERRACE-rA protest is being sent by the Terrace and District Board of Trade to Premier Byron Johnson on the attitude , of Hon. E. T. Carson towards the northern highway. In regard to the keeping open of the Skeena Highway during the winter months, it was decided to get in touch with the Canadian National Railways at Prince Rupert to have something done about the highway, adjacent to the railroad which is being continually covered K.C., M.G., M.C., joined with the P. Orinhor on .l,l..l. what they wanted. Their fast ''stafr shortages July SI. j breaking forwards poured through the Bears' slow forming defense to net scores. The third quarter ended 39 to 15. Jamaica Tourist and Tradi Board in welcoming the Canadian visitors and said that the new air service would do much to bring Canadian tourists to Jamaica, especially those now contemplating a winter Giant Yellowknlfe .... 4.55 God's Lake .36 Harrlcana 08 i Hardrock 20 Heva 09 Hosco 15 Jacknlfe ., 04 Joliet Quebec .13 Lake Rowan 05 Lapaska .. 05 Little Long Lac 71 Lynx 12 , Madsen Red Lake .... 2.13 ' McKenzte Red Lake .. .32. McLeod Cockshutt .... .80 Moneta .40 Negus 20R Noranda 55.25 Louvicourt 35 Yz Pickle Crow 1.95 Rgcourt 05 San Antonio 3.50 Spud Valley 09 Oils- openings, all Pt nine monthr., in- '"-bed unit at Terrace. 6 a three-bed hospital m April 4. three-bod Canadian 4.25 Anglo The final quarter brought into A. P. Con 32 the game the reserves of the 5 Blue River Scptcm- Rainmakers. This didn't skn their offense which was led by "u the Boulh Cariboo His Excellency, Sir John V. W. Shaw, K.C.. M.G.. Governor of Hospital Scp- Atlantic 115 " Calmont 55 C & E 6.35 Central Leduc ". 1.63 Home 12.75 Mercury .24 Okalta .: 163 25. Glen Carlson, biggest visiting Continued on Page 3) with snow when the C.N.R. snow plough goes through. . , aUN f IcHiii.mii ill have Won a nmnoulim LOCAL TIDES Saturday, December 4, 1948 High 3:55 18.8 feet Trinidad and Tobago, met the Canadian group at an evening reception, and the Tourist Board entertained them at luncheon. "The Caribbean is perfect for winter vacations," "Tropical fruit galore," "The smoothest fl!ght i have ever taken," were (Continued on Page 2) BAN CRIME COMICS GUYSBORO, N.S. . 0) A local store announced that it will not sell any comic books that feature crime stories and all such publications would be banned from Its shelves. .41 2.02 1.70 WESTERN CANADA'S HIGHEST AIR CADET AWARD-The .Guthrie trophy, the highest award that can be earned by an was presented to W ley-Mitchell panada, air cadet squadron in Western air cadet squadron at Estevan. Sask. Estevan is a southern Saskatchewan town of . about 3.500 population. High officers of the R.CA.F. and officials of the Canadian Sd Saskatchewan air cadet leagues attended the presentation. Pacific Tete iWncess , Royal Canadian South Brazeau Toronto Athona 3.05 .41 .15 .22 .13 L. f cily'8 Parking met- ! r 1 n tt-i ... , 15:21 20.4 feet Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon Steep Rock Sturgeon River . Silver Miller . Low 9:28 9.1 feet -12V2 , - f .. .wanes- by-law; -r .32 22:05 3.9 feet Fed recently.