1 lirinrc lUipcrt tMilp rectus JVtdtie.silay, January -J6. V949 j EXEMPTIONS TO I HOSPITAL ACT Reminiscences LA - -i BAPTIST CHURCH HAS GOOD YEAR n til i an 1 liom hospital service, rciirienus of ccrtainn isolated district', of Northern British Columbia are exempted from operation of the by w.j. Kerecfi Annual Congregational Meeting Hears of Larer Au tiiinpiTutiTit dtii npwtjwpOT dfT.it-cd to tbc up'nuiiciing of Prim- R.ipxrt ca U commiiuiups rompririR nonnern and central Sntisn Coiumoi 4' ' (Auutiirifsml as Second Clajw Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published even afternoon except SundaT bv Prince Rupert DkIIj News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director. MflMhEM OP CANADIAN PRRSS - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ' ; . SUBSCRIPTION RATES llty carrier. Per Week. M: Per Month. 75c: Per Tear. 8 00. t2i'i-"'Jffl By Mall. Per Month. 50c; Per Yenr. 5 uo at . ; V ! Membership, Satisfactory plain ad W 'Enthusiastic Work ' '-'i3''111 insurance scheme. Such Finances f:.. E - persons are those who reside in At' in district, those in Orain-e. district north of tho fifty-fifth parallel except, Muruoii Creek, . Kurt Georse ciiitri:-t If you havQ soured on things in general, and have that "oh, ; I don't give a " sort of feeling that now and then over- ! take the most of us, go see soine-' one who has real trouble. Be-. cause, in comparison, you have none whatever. It's astonishing ! how well you feel, after leaving. crulsi"B- Who Plows and b,K: July and Aur'; Increased membership, satisfactory financial position and a eratifying interest in all the branches of church wor!t and activities featured report for 10-t'. presented at the annual n.-iih of the fifty-fifth parallel and Peace River c.istriu Interesting city out the aoenrt,.. i i.Mi'tss meeting of the "one re- i n .uh of rhe 58th parallel. ;aticn of First Baptist Church. I Officers were elected as fm- BRITISH DIVORCES Io"f" , M. iARE ON INCREASE Clyde Uiimour oi me riuvmcej copper, you can H. Daggett. LONDON Divorces in Britain are being granted at ten times Treasurer, C. H. Elkins. Deacons, P. H. Linzey nd H. 1937. Vnnderheirie I tu n vearsi and 1 the rate they were In H. M. Daggett and C. H. Elkins ' Eleven years ago 5,750 persons statf, challenged mj ao a on, oi example ther investigating, tool: an hour off Topenlng of f and In that time visited four dif- pre.ssive cwen ferent buildings and held' open of many 17 doors for a total of 29 times events thruupho'a-for a total of37 women. Here's some doubtless s. their reaction to this little cour- ficlal but well tesy: Sixteen said nothing and neveithclrsg. didn't notice him. Ten said! nothing, but lookect. Some defi- i BALLET sCHf nitely glared. Eleven said thanks. : London C junu filed divorce petitions and tho courts disposed of 5,222 suits. New laws to ease divorce resulted in a great Increase in petitions. Recently a judge somewhat satiracally suggested that divorces might be obtained from any local post office. - lu pjy . t ... t 'st v"-v ..'.-' -i"i ""r'qp'"1'. at C.,,n,...'. ... The luckless proof-reader JHiddh East rt."THE ISRAELI FORAY into Egyptian territory I bears comparison with the charge of the famous light brigade at Balaclava, of which an astute French observer remarked that it was magnificent but it was not war. The Jewish military picnic certainly was not good politics. However, it gave the British Foreign Office an excellent occasion for publicizing' the many good reasons which exist for co-ordinating American and British policy in the Middle East, a coordination which would logically prove a restraint on the ambitions of at least the more heady groups within the new state. Stability in the Middle East is essential to .world security and the success of the Marshall : Plan as well as to British interests. The whole strategic position of Britain in that area could be upset by the effect of unrestrained Israeli military success on the Arab regimes. This would mean new burdens for the United States, i which is much less well fitted to play policeman-benefactor in Arab territories than is Britain. Israeli assurances that Jewish troops did not intend to occupy Egyptian territory but were en-, . gaging in a tactical raid, have helped to quiet the for six pupils n, ...1- uui, no.se . part.s JO SEER ERSObALITIES lone yean. I Communion Steward, Mrs. J.1 Armstrong. Mission Treasurer, Mrs. .1. C. Gflker. j Envelope .Steward, M. Van-derheide. Organists, Mrs. J. C. Gilker and Mrs. W. D. Smith. Sunday School Superintendent, P. H. Linzey. Assistant Sunday School Superintendent, M. Vanderheirie. Junior Department Superintendent, Mrs. T. Lloyd. Finance and Property Committee, C. H. Elkins, H. M. Daggett, P. H. Linzey, Mrs. W. D. Smith, Mrs. W. A. McBroom. Auditors, H. M. Daggett and M. Vanderheide. In the absence of the pastor through illness. P. H. Linzey was in charge, leading in a thoughtful devotional period. H. M. Daggett reported an in INDIAN REBEL Jules Sioui sits at a desk in his Indian "gov-ranmenV headquarters at Loretteville; Quebec prior to leaving for Quebec jail to bo :entenced lor conspiring to incite Indians to rebellion. The well-scrubbed office on the Huron reservation is Sioui's home, barbershop, and grocery store. Himself a Huron, Sioui can't speak a word of any Indian dialect. tCP Photo I usually deserves to be fired but there are times vhen the slip, instead of being an example of grievous negligence, is close to the truth and puts everybody concerned In the humor for a laugh- For example, this from the Medical Economics Magazine: The Wichita Eagle reported a Kansas surgeon who was quitting active practice: Dr. S , one of our WILLIAM MANSON Prince Rupert's second Mayor was William Manson who was ford ford to to pay. pay. '1, ! Dally rv,Tc:'.. ":nSl " ! Quick Results' , a .v. S ; . well versed in early day affairs : in this city and along the north FISH SHIPMENTS HIT BY INCREASE . coast. It is worth noting that. the' most eligible bachelor, is re-! !be lacked up by railways.. from Hale and tiring practice. which can undertake the move . I -. t OC ry ,.iiiib nil East Coast Industry Figures How Much It Will Mean ' ' in the choosing of their first two mayors, local electors sel- j ected two men who had had ex-, without specific advance auth- auy " OJ' "lr uul aa'a he wants is a little peach and oriration by the Board because the rates are "special" tolls be-; quiet," th perience In that capacity. The MONTREAL The Increase in i first, Fred Stork, served in express rates for fish will affect Fernie in the Crow's Nest coun- several million pounds annually try. Mr. Manson was mayor of 'of fresh and frozen fish, moving ! Nanaimo from 1901 to 1904 in-I mostly from points on both east elusive. I and west coasts. The higher low the ceilings allowed cnri-lers crease in church membership, seven having been bantized The west continues to struggle 1 1 vygoai Some sample rates are: The 1 with snow and all that jolly rot. 1-c- than carload toll from Hall-'" comes, and what are you going fax tn Toronto is coins ud from ' to do about the situation? But Mr. Manson came to Canada, , cost will also apply to lake originally, from Scotland and fishermen. SI 70 to $2 50 per 100 pounds long before next midsummer. vhllP fmm sr. John N.B . to when it's good to be outside, much of his active life was spent in British Columbia. He was in- Rand H. Matheson of Monc- Moving, Pari Shipping ti. soivea tl-,o J.l.n-itlmo , n ...Ill l,-ooo from tl U the (UII1CUUV Will UUVC ton, manager of V.l ...., v.. j IV'll.'lllAJ V.IIL I1UIU v ."v. tpvpctnH in niihlir mat.tjrs flnd. Cartage itt ltsrlf. Its so pipusara to ue Transportation Commission, -j to $2.25. On a carload basis the in this, enioved a measure of upon the profession of their faith. ; Mr. Daggett moved a vcte of appreciation to the pastor for his faithfulness and devotion to! the work in Prince Rupert. j C. H. Elkins, the treasurer, reported finances in a satisfactory condition. Mrs. Waters, president of the Mission Circle, and Mrs. J. C. Gilker, Mission Treasurer, told of a hearty interest in missions within the church as evidenced timates that the railway move j r-illfax - Toronto charge goes chatting wun tourism, tuM-iium0 success. ' He was elected mem- rcl) ll ber for Alberni in the Provincial '"crease shipping expenses from $1.80 to $2 25, while from advantages ana op o,u. for maritime shippers by more Lunenburg, N.S., to Toronto, it nsning aim wnj, v.. Legislature and subsequently is up from $2.05 So $2.35. Tor Completf. Efficient V Lindsay't & Storage Cor. 2nd and Establist- became British Columbia's Pro- than $100,000 yearly. Sixteen will be touched vincial Secretary. million pounds It was after this he took 'over by the higher charge, every Getting Deaf? ThiiiiwiitU miw know I " '' x" PIGMENTS ago painters GROUND generation in greatly increased giving to missions and in increased at bought colors, lead and ainc in 'cum- fur ii-iting iearni- mh tin- cry powder form and ground tZ Phones U the duties of Government Agent at Port Simpson, later assuming the same position at Prince Rupert. Since leaving the north a good many years ago, Mr. Man-son has been living in 'V :" ' ' year. There was not yet, an es- j timate on what value of traffic! on the west coast would be affected but it was believed it would be higher than in the Maritimes. Both carload and less than carload rates are to mcni ill on mtuun nanu iiuin a,pat ZrnUli Kniim iiinornmrw riw-v lo iim- II ran 1 hllllll as needed. Today uniformly fur lit-iliiv trif trial. tendance at the Circle and spe- I rial missionary meetings. i P. H. Linzey, superintendent,' Snd Betty1. Blake, secretary-', treasurer of the Sunday School, ground pigments are obtained KchiIv J",,-",, to near, from mrtiuitacturei's no Inillviiliiai limns tnM.!Bnr. .rr-ptml lv Uir Amrrli'Mii Meillral .m lallim. ( imm ll mi I'hy-lrl Mi'illi'tne. fnnif "' f h"' uurlil of Hlli-iice. Wrlli' toilay for full WELL REWARDED Venetian inventor iimnis to .enith Kmiio or)oraihin In 1420 a REAL E INSURA INCOME RETURNS f It. E. MOf 324 2nd Ave i ol f aiiada. I.KI., -! - """" Irii-t Bl)l.. Hhi)l)ir. Oiilarlo. Mutlt was awarded the equivalent of I fc,tive accounts of the steady ! growth of the Sunday School,1 with the financial situation very I good. Appreciation was express-! ed to Henry and Maynard Van-j i derheide for their generot.tv ! Hip milker f rlil-fiMniMi $120,000 for discovering how to i make loaf sugar an amount 10 ?",",h J"'"""- . avallabli' direct sH' . 'Trial offr on times greater than the cost of by zenith Kadiu oirporatmn Columbus' first voyage to the Canada. Ltd. .' I na:;. V.s, i is u.s and i: n is i realty i x th r totli V.:.a mart t4 x, 1 4 V New World. FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINT! Tt Pays to Advertise! Advertise in the Daily News (iltl ITIM. I'KN'S AMI OFFICE SUPPLIES HOME STATIONERY "alarms the raid raised. But these assurances surely will not be permitted to interfere with renewed efforts for closer co-operation between America and Britain in an area vital to both. MEMORABLE EVENT THE FAMED Harlem Globe Trotters, noted " ' I basketball . champs and gymnasium floor entertainers, have come and gone. It was a stroke of : the best of good fortune that Prince Rupert was "favored with their visit. The enterprise of Don Forward, Civic Centre director, and a combination of fortuitous circumstances made it possible. Any large city in the country would have con-t sidered itself lucky to have been favored with a visit from this group of super-athletes and show- men. It was a memorable incident in Prince Ru- jpert's history :and something that local folk will " continue to talk about for a long time. ! . Without the facilities of the Civic Centre, the I ' project could not have been entertained. Let's just ! rejoice again that we have such an institution which requires an extraordinary function of this kind once in a while to remind us of the many uses and ; pleasures which it affords us. Jesse Owens, world-famous Olympic sprint star, himself referred to ! Prince Rupert's good fortune in having such an asset as the Civic Centre. " the senate THE PRESENT STANDING in the Canadian ' Senate is Liberals 65, Progressive-Conservatives 15, with 16 vacancies. The majority are well along in years and, within the past few months, several deaths have occurred. A general election is expected this year and h.ow it will result cannot but have a bearing of tnore than ordinary interest on Senate affairs. It Jtls probable that before the election is called the Vacant seats will be filled including those for New-. foundland, making total party strength 86. Few assume, should the Progressive-Conservatives win the election, that they would do anything more than seek gradual better balance as vacancies , . happen. The average remains at five or six every year. None can read the future and should the C.C.F. ever take office at Ottawa there need be 4 little uncertainty as to the fate of the Chamber. The C.C.F. stand on their record as favoring abo-, lition of the Senate an out and out declaration. and efforts in rounding up and! bringing large numbers of chil-i dren to Sunday School. The Cradle Roll. Superintendent, ! Mrs. J. Armstrong, reported on her work with the small children j It was decided to accept a share of responsibility for the requested amount for the Bap-' tist Advance Fund for mission-! ary extension within the prov-' ince. The meeting was closed with1 prayer by Henry Vanderheide! and a social hour was enjoyed, i REE Besner P.lock "ini!i:ii''fi,"ffl:si KIImWiMUmImi' ' 'viiiiiriiii;; iiiililntilh.iii! l!l'!iiiili:,ii:a!';,llli:iiiiil i.'i'illlilliyiliii, Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS HOUSEHOLD APPUK i : " hi , i ...I ; VANCOrVF.R VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, M) p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOCTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Jan. 28, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, February 4 and 18, JO p.m.. -k TOASTERS HOTPOINT IRONS ELECTRIC KETTLES ic HEATING PADS (C.J3.) EUREKA CORDLESS IKON ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKKR SILEX COFFEE UNIT laZ CIRCULATING HEATER (witt f WEAR-EVER PRESSURE CM)K 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "I was balled up by so many questions." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "gauge"? 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Penitentiary, pen-itration, peninsula. 4. What does the word 'contrive" mean? ANSWERS 1. Say, "I was confused." 2. Pronounce gaj, a as in age. 3. Penetration. 4. To plan ingeniously; to plot; to scheme. "Their plans were cunningly contrived." - V?4 ' .... 'J W' y j P - V- ' & . '- w .. f A r tKANK J. SKINNER Prinee Ruoert Aiteut I in rn c . Ph)itir. MH liliilllUlllllillillllliilllllil lUltllliiUill BROADWAY ' CAFE Always the Best Place to Eat HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY' OUR SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCHES i a ai. th w . R. G. Davidson, divisional en-r-ineer, and A. E. Carlson, road-master, will be on hand to wit-ress it. BIG BLAST ON SUNDAY CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLLE 442 for Appointment IIOl'RS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. nJ 2 to 5 p.m. KVKMVIIS Monday and Friday, 7:30 p m. foi those unable to come during tlu day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance ntternoons. Ormes D QUEEN OF THE BALL June Edwards, 19-year old blonde Ridgetown, Qnt co-ed, was crowned queen of the Arts and Science Ball at the University of Western Ontario Friday night. She is a third-year secretarial ' ; science student and a cheer leader. " , (CP Photo) You saw it in the News! DRUGS Next Sunday has been set as the date for the setting off of PRESCRIPTION CHEMlSl 6TORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 9 A-M- 1 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY8-12 NOON "0 1 P.M. TO B P M. ""T!le bis blast when 40 tons of dynamite will be detonated to loosen 80,000 yards of rock in a new quarry being opened up by Canadian National Railways at Hole-ln-the-Wall, three miles west of Salvus; to provide rock for rip-rapping the railway em-- bankments on the Skeena River ,'ys part of the repair program following the 1948 floods. City Merchants City merchants are asked In future to have copy for all display advertisements into the Daily News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour for publication. WANTED Al PLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS FOR 1949: CAMP MANAGERS BOAT CREWS 'ONE SKIPPER J. CLAUSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Box 548 Prince Rupert, R.C. Emergency CHILDREN'S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOZEN ronTR AITS FOR $10.00 For Appointment Call at Chandler & Cowgill 216 4th Street Green 380 7 run Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 0 pm. t r y our CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Mein . Swwt arvd Sour and 8UIW- -The blast will be directed by; Sieve Alarkovich and C. A. Ber-j . Rr, divisional superintendent, PHONE 81 B()8 3rd 'Ave W. Phone 200