Oiot Hansun arrived in the) Mr. and Mis. F. N. Fetro re- sj tt prrrue Rupert iDallir Yutfil clty this afternoon on Uie wince xurnea to tne cuy on the Prine balagnM Werine.s-day, November 2, 194$. Geursie from Vancouver i tv a George this afternmm folio , - business vitiit here ana ai ssmi- an exienaea visit, to the United i !',, mm iiM'i'j) mi m mi murium ihers States. Mr. Feero is UniteM -e States customs officer at Coroner M. M. Stephens saileii ttus' ' port. ; Tuesday afternoon oji the CatuU I "i : iti..: Jl- I for a trip to Bella Bflla on offi cial business. Retirement rm Vancouver Island is the future plan of of Mr. and Mrs. James Laurie, who will sail for the south on the Prince George Thursday cveninR following Mr. Laurie's retirement as storekeeper for Canadian N.t-tinnal Railways here for the last 12 years. Prior to that, time, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie lived at Smithers where Mr. Laurie was with the railroad. They recently returned from a visit to the interior town. X - . '.. i ., it i. - 5 N .w ft" Try a ClasMHeJ Ad for Result? Ifou Saw It in The News! civ- 3f iii f iiiiaVa r w 'n i na lt,.-,s.wm!VT... . - , J NO CHEER OR CHEERLEADERS SnerDrooKe football fans no longer will see these six attrac This advertisement i.s riot puTjfished or displayed by th? Liquor Control Board of by the government of British Columbia NOW AVAILABLE tive girls i action at least not in the yellow sweaters and short green skirts t hey are wearing here. City authorities stepped in at the last football game, pointed to a by-law bannin the wearing of shorts or short SKirLs in public and ordered the girls to cover themselves with coats. They did and their team went on to take a 24-0 trouncing from Montreal Navy in the Quebec Rusby Football Union. The girls are, left to right, kneeling: Dorothy Doiron, Dorothy Hatch, Jackie Roberts; standing Gladys Warren, Dorothy Rolfe and Joarv Chilvers. CP Photo) HOLLYWOOD cafe MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY BASKETBALL Brownwoods Winners Of OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN For Outside Orders PHONE 133 lighter than the winners nd they miRs their outstanding players of last season. Their star of last year, Chris Currie, was on the opposing team last nigh;, and topped the scoring with 7 point.. Caklerone and Slatta called only 14 personals in this game, but there were many more, and as usual the referees find girls bas-ktball the hardest to call. Doms' Hamilton 5 Youngtvan &, Currie 7, Kllrial t, Hamilton t, L. Youngman, 24. High School Webster 4, Pav-ierr 2, Lykegard 4, Greenwood 2, Matson 2, Keays, Paul, Marshall Senior League Thriller Tough One to Lose Fashion, Doms' And Rupert Hotel Other Victors Brownwoods were the heroes last night in the sec LOOK FOtt T1IK NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL IABEI Tklt oVrMMaint a not publlvhcd af iitpUyti bf t Liqaor Confrol Board at taa Gantnuatat a) B-ltlJi Cslvnbla. ond game of the l-SO Senior League season. But FOR ECONOMY and DOWNRIGHT GOODNESS they didn't win their game the easy way. It was v crowd-thriller from start to f inisk and the lead must have changed hands at least a dozen times throughout They ati enjoy Pearson, Leavitt. 15. tt'NIOR I.KAfil E the evening. It was wkte open basketball that brought the crowd to its feet time after -r- In the only Junior game of the t ime with mounting excitement I fixture to wi by a 39-22 score SMITH & ELKIIIS PLirMDINO AND nKATINO lhon 17 1 P.'t. Bo 271 night, Rupert Hotel remained u Morlnp, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable ana Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage t Storage Limited Cor, 2nd ana Park Avenue? Established 1910 Phone CO and 08 and yelling. . rBob Gill made eood use of his ex- defeated when they outscored the MARGENE ( Referees Comadina and Cic- ftra inches to top the scoring with High School team 23-18. Hiul. 1 ' Srhool had plenty of opportunity cone had a busy evening and call- 12 points young Lawrence Knst- ed thirty penalties on Brown- manson starrittsr for North Siar but they just wouldn't sho t. i Ht;h point getters for the eve with Iff markers. The game was one sided from th? first whiuie and the issue was never in Jouot. THE NEW MARGENE HAS A NEW WONDERFULLY EASY SPREADING TEXTURE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR NEW MARGENE TODAY Another Product of Canada Packers Limited North Star Knstmanson 10, woods and 34 on Bo-Me-Hl. Lav-igne, Shier, Gurvich, Pierce and Scherk, were all benched for personals during the dying moments of the game. However it was not a dirty game. The play was just so fast that bodily contact could not be avoided, with re Young 1, Wesch 7, Hartwlg 3 Smith 1, Ketcheson, Sedgwick Simonson, Hamilton. 22. Fashion Gill 12, Kebb 1. TANTALIZING ami TASTY SJfe ning were Sather and MeFarm-.e of Rupert Hotel, and Claik o.' High, all getting 8 points. It wat clean basketball, only 19 personals being called by BUI Bacon and Ted Arney. ; High School Sht ppar I, Peterson, Smith 5, Flewin 4 Nirkersori 1, Rhodes, Clarke 8, Tall, Ei-own 18. Rupert Hotel McFanane 3. Matkl 2, Stacey 5, McFar'and 2, Donaldson 1, Morrison 2, Stacy Forman, Sather 8.-28. SHOE REPAIR SERVICE FOR Sr-harff 1, Hill 8, Jones 4, Skog 4. Lien 2, Intermela 3, Teichman 4. sulting personal fouls inevitable. There was plenty of scoring and the final score was Browne- .CAKES and COOKIES 39. woods 53, Bo-Me-Ki 51. It was a Car BAKED FRESH DAILY AT WOMEN'S LEAGt'E The first game in the Women's RUPERT BAKERY LTD. League was won by Dom's who led all the way to win by 24-15. f t! 3rd Ave, Phone 643 The High School team was much Advertise in tne ua:;y New? OUR WHEEL SERVICE IS TOPS, we'll repah tires, check wheel alignment and steering apparatus quickly and efficiently. You leave feeling safe. heartbreaker for the school team to lose. They had the score all tied up with less than two minutes to go, and lost possession of the ball to Brownwoods whe were quick to make use of their opportunity to score what turned out to be the winning basket High School had at least half a dozen opportunities to tie up the game but could not make an of the three foul throws awarded Hospitality . . All Over Town at this stage, losing possession ol tne bail time after time. Ray FOR spring was top scorer for the evening with a sparkling 18 points. Doug Shier, Webs' er and Gurvich all made the tit; or over Janitors1 Supplies column. The score at the end of And a thousand other TOYS in our large NEW STOf'K which has Just arrived for XMAS MAKE YOl'R SELECTION NOW AT See each period left the issue in doubt all the way. It was tied 9-9 in the PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE 712 2nd Ave. Phone 632 5518 3rd Ave. VV. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 Agents or: first, Brownwoods ahead 27-25 ati the half, Bo-Me-Hi leading 39-37 at the thre-quarter mark, and Brownwoods winding up th7 winners. If the league keeps up at this tempo the Civic Centre gym wtll have to increase Its seating capacity before the season Is over, for the fans like to see close, exciting basketball, and that is what they are getting, wUrt a thrill every minute added for good measure. Brownwoods now DUSTBANE CO. OF B.C. S. C. JOHNSON WAX CO. G. II. WOOD AND CO. BRODIE BRUSH CO., etc. una themselves In first place, with one win and no losses, High school have one win, one loss and Co-op are trailing af ter ldr ORMES DRUGS close deleat by Bo-Me-Hi. last DRUGS Ml Kaien Co-op ' DON'T LET "BLUE MONDAY" Get You Down. Come in Today and See our WASHERS GAS MODELS $194.95 ELECTRIC MODELS with water pump $167.95 ELECTRIC MODEL $157.95 ELECTRIC MODEL , . $134.50 PAYMENT PLAN CAN BE ARRANGED ' THROUGH Ol'R CREDIT UNION PHONE 179 BOX 1127 251 THIRD AVENUE Cfi week. Lineups: Brownwoods Lavigne T Shier 11, Thompson 8, Sunberg 5, Owens 4, Davidson, Gurvich 10, ArnUen I, Pierce 7.-53. diWft -jt V lft Stew PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK ' DAYS, 0 A.M. TO 8 P.M. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. , Bo-Me-Hi Carlson 8, Spring 6-BoftIe Carton 25 18, Webster 11, Scherk 4, Moore 2. Ratchford 2, McChesney 2, Sharpe 4, Krlstmanson 2. 51. INTERMEDIATE LEAGt'E of bank., !nv" trough VurC1 p0yr.ll Sovingf Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 am, and Sunday eimt Jtptiil 2t per hottlt uthoHMl bottlw T Coca-Cola und.r contract wllh Coca-Cola Ltd NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert Fashion- overwhelmed the younger and much lighter North . .. f Star team In the Intermediate