a Pfncf Roptrl Paftt J'toi ' Wednesday, November 2, 1949 " H COAL River O. Hougan sailed on the Prin Sons of Norway Meeting Wednesday Nov. 3 at 8 p.m. (256) cess Louise this afternoon on a trip to Skagway. IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING 0b. LISTEN IN to Canadian Legion Broadcast over C F P RTo-Nlght Moose Whist and Dance Enjoyable Baturady night whist and dancing parties try the Loyal Oflder of Moose at Moose Tempi, art again popular and drawing good - sized crowds. Winners last Saturday night were Mrs. O. Breimo and Mrs. B. J. Bacon and John Frascr and B. 3. Bacon. Following the playing of ; cards refreshments were served and the remainder of. the evening was devoted to dancing with music try the Moose Orchestra. Women of the Moose, regular meeting Wednesday Nov. 2nd 8:15 p. m. (256) Now P.m. to 6.15 p.m. It Double -, Sted Tuxedo COUt AND ert & McCaffcry Boy Scout Association Annual meeting, CI vie Centre, Frldav , I M I T E 1) PHONE 116 Nov. 4. Civic Centro ladlee' tUL-llMBKlt BUILDING SUPPLIES William Murray and Carl Smith of the provincial Forestry service here, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala enroute to Penticton where they will attend the annual convention of .the Provincial Government Employees Association. Mr. Murray Is second vice-president of the Association and Mr. Smith is dele-gat from the local branch. lounge. All interested please attend this important meeting. (258) St. Peter's bazaar. Church Hall. Home cooking, sewing It Pays to AQvertlse! bout N as geney Trousers O. W. Robinson, manager of the Polaris Taku mine at Tulse-quah, and J. McLean, mine superintendent, were aboard the Princess Louise this morning, north- candy and tea room. Thursday, sistant Super-m Bailey and Dr. ,lU of the Indian ,'clt today for her ,fNaas River vil-end of Uie navi- ov. 3. 2:30 (It) ticnn'c Douna irom Vancouver to the I, w. Lencr left on today's plane for a business trip to Queen mine. Both were accompanied by their wives. inanotte Islands. Mrs. Lefler left recently for Tranquille Sani Wouia you mina removing your glasses" PROVINCIAL HEAD TO VISIT LOBA CHAPTER . Plans for the forthcoming visit '' IM s 1 J tarluni. Arrivals in the city this morning on the Princess Louise included T. Johnson, J. Cades, Mr. Is Fined Under Game Regulations HIGH SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY ' Rev. Fred Antrobus, pastor John Nelson Hammond was Smart, Double Breasted Tuxedo Coat and Trousers, and Mrs. L. Cromwall, C. McKay of RIrs- "e'en Gill, Grand Mis- fined $15 and $5 costs by Magis and Mrs. A. Tolman. trate H. F. Glassey yesterday tress of the L.O.B.A. organization, in British Columgia were laid at the monthly meeting of the local 1 1 Using is payable In advance. Please refrain from morning on a charge of carrying LLsten to Aldermanic your Independent candidate, Eric of First Baptist Church, . was elected president of the Prince CU5sliM.ua, "vvi k' luocrwun, minimum firearms in a boat without a lie- chapter. Mrs. Gil! will visit the $75.00 Tuxedo $83.00 Stock Sizes Single Breasted With Silk Vest . . Faure on CFPR, Thursday, Nov. ,ty on November"14 Rupert Ministerial Association ense, contrary to the Game Act. rth Notices ouc, tiaras oi inanics. Death Notices, , Marriapc and Engagement Announcement'. 12. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE . -., . v in. acquaints winHort in th r,,, r,. this week in succession to Rev. I ' ' ' program. Moor He was apprehended by Game Warden K. R. Walmsley at Winter Harbor. . . r l NOTICE I LOST AND FOUND Lawerence G. Seibert of first United Church, who " has left for New York. Rev. Lawerence ,. . ., Made to Measure Tuxedo m the city Sun- LOST Will person who took mm G. Sieber of- First United Hi Husbiirt, ace green wallet from Civic Ccn months, beloved tre Powder room, please re Coat & Trousers $83.00 ANNOUNCEMENTS Church is the new secretary- l-s. Martha Johan- turn wallet papers and key pram will be a special meeting on November 14, a banquet ,to which members of the Orange Lodge will be invited, on November 15, a luncheon for Past Mistresses at the home of Mrs. Frank, Ellison on November 16 and a tea the same afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Carr. Mrs. Gill will leave by train treasurer of the Association. : ,' Fred Hemsworth sailed today on the Princess Louise for Skagway enroute on an Inspection tour of hard rock mines in the Atlln and Tulsequah districts. Ed Ooughlan, local welfare officer, left on Monday evening's train for a trip to Smith-ers on offical dutes. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar The . Association has decided morose avc. wv, wj r. yj. box nu, urgently ,i! conduct ser- needed. (252) Jim rhdv. LOST At Aero Club Dance Nov. 3. ' We have a limited number of Tuxedos in stock, bii: to again sponsor a Bible study course for pupils of the Booth 'm to follow in ; Saturday Oct. 29. Blue Bur- Moose Temple Card Party, berry Raincoat. Will fintler rv B. u unuer- Nov. 3. Memrial Hieli Schol such . as kindly phone 795 (257) ge of arrange- if we do not have your size we can promise quick was started last winter and Civic Centre Bridge Novem November 16 to visit the Prince WAKTt ber 4. had an enrolment of sixteen sau WANTED Would like to Tent delivery from the factory. Lutheran Tea and Home Cook pupijs.. George chapter. Committee In charge of ar house or trade living accomo ing November 5tn Splendid office rat. solid gulden dation in Vernon B. C. lor same here. J. A. Felget, Nel Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov rangements will Include Mrs. L. Anderson, Mrs. BM. Evans, Mrs. red St. evenings. son uros. ton Edward (Zfil) ; Mrs. H. M. Daggett has been admrtcd to the Prince Rupert General Hospital for surgical treatment which she will undergo In a few days -. Inspector of Schools Joseph Chell return ;tp the, city this ember 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov R. Hauser, Mrs. G. Richards. m Dixlife truck, WANTED Board and room for working girl. Close in. Apply A committee to take charge of 17. . Fr Uuick Sale BOX BU4 city ! (208) the chapter's Christmas tree was ,tien (arm Mil- Women of the Moose dance, Oddfellows' Hall,' November 18 A 1 . . il rirVTrT?rTi?fW?.!rTlHlff. 1 - Jurt one toil ol B-H "Fresconetle" covert umightl? laliomine, vtallptpet . . . give you fay wll with tatinv watliable iurfaee. Drie to the touch in couple of hours. appointed. It will consist of Mrs & Room by WANTED Board sober gentlman ly News. BOX 6 oh uai J. R. Carr, Mrs. R. Hauser, Mrs sstmitiouse El-Asturia Messen- Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. (256) L. Haapala, Mrs. A. Denton and morning on the princess Louise from an official trip' to Ocean Falls district. ' r Northbound passengers from " m ot- ' "'VT i WANTED To rent . small apt. Mrs. E. Moorehouse. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Nov. 24. or house, unfurnished. Bv Dscusslon also centred on the chapter's fall tea and sale, which S'd new John-' young married couple. Reward. Phone Blue 99 (265) Andrew's .Cathearal .Fall JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue will be held in the Oddfellows' Hall December 7. Winner of two lace doilies which were rafled was Mrs. A Lund. At the close of the business session refreshments were sour 10 H. P. A control "for i Eiieh. Model :fiSX,AJo Win-is 11 pump Run. :.-aK.0O. Box Srll (258) -wl used Cum-ai Industrial Phone 311 Ba7.aar, Nov. 26. Saturday. United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1. . , . Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home . r L- -t. I McBrlde Street here on the Princess Louise this afternoon included Mr. and Mrs. George Jack and daughter, Lucy of Telegraph Creek, who are sailing to Skagway, then flying from Carcross to their home at Telegraph Creek. Sixteen-year-old Lucy Jack hMt'otn'plrted her studies at Lejac Indian Kchool. PARTNERS Wanted with $5,-000 to finance a business that will give a substantial income and security. Box 602, Daily News. . (259! WANTED Housekeeping room cabin or Apt. furnished for couple, no children. Phone Blue 923. (250) WANTED TO " REN'fYour ap' Are You Planning' ' served. The next meeting will j cookjng at Sons of Norway Hall, be held November 10. I Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. Kith have been owhauled and H?ton Machine (tl) -IMS Chevrolet Hass e n sr ef i furnished or otlicrwlse, will, J, receive care by this couple fr. Apply I Nov. 15th. Occupancy Box 007 Di seat heater. Ex-:tion. Pnone 742. Uat; aily News (258) PERSONAL Small Electric, Appliances that do it 'went kiU-hen condition, Phone when Your ' tptffi RADIO gfSl Gets (200) PERSONAL Will person who saw small black Corker Spaniel killed at noon Motulay at Dunsmulr and 5Ui, please phone Blue 403. (250) Smith-Corona m job . To Build? ? ? ? ? ? Then plan with builders, man who know how to select -- - materials and use them to give yon the most satisfaction. Call on us. W keep costs down, ' but give you the very best. GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Titer Snap for FOR RENT in perfect lor bin game Place (250) ;E Chev. Coupe 5225 00. Armlv 1R- FOR RENT-Sleeping room close In. Phone Green 937. (261) KNOCKED OUT Take It r )-; TOR RENT Large housekeep- Jfter 6 D.m. i2fioi TO Mium Coleman; uur room for gentleman, w share. Close In. Phone Green 448, between 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. wo I (pnV RADIO IWH 5 CUN,C ana iron ,Tp seil as soon U30 Hays Cove (256) Piece spcUonnl REAL JTATB FOR SALE-Wartlme four few1 minutes to Post Office on 7tfli Ave East. Prince 'Rupert, RED 561 P.O. BOX 121 Phone oi and easy chairs. hl8 2nd Ave. "rap. Mattson's (260) Realty Co. Phone Green , m Aufmttic Irtml "ilibrc, srwK-iir.lv & Star's Stylewear "WM Mark 'ot Sporting 'eh only $41.00 Munition $3.00 ,tlvv. Limited FOR SALE 8 roam house, 4 bedrooms, dlninir room and trout room. Full concrete basement, heating system hot water. On two lots, fenced in, good garage. Apply 1138 Ambrose Ave. or phone Blue 441. V'r and irney refunded laory. Kcmo Maine rul Uttnwa FOR SALE Six room Wartime house with garage, fine view, MORNING BRIDE Miss Dorothy Peachey, whese wedding to Ronald Stewart took place before Canon Basil S. Prockter at St. Andrew's Cathedral this morning, well known In the city, Miss Peachey Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S L. Peachey and for the last year, has been stewardess on the Canadian Pacific Air Lines, Prince Ru-pert-Sandsplt flight. The bridegroom Is flight engineer for C.P.A.L. here. Attending the couple were Miss Norah Dougherty and Allan Dyer. The bridal couple left this afternoon on a honeymoon trip to Alaska on the Princess Louise. (280) 'Wii-.cs- Adam- . . ... um,. -ilntenanc wen r-io,,,..!,-, newly decorated, wren n and heater Full price $2,700. Terms. R. E. Mortimer, 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88. (257) FOR SALE5 room, house; large utility room; furnished or unfurnished; basoment, close In; concrete foundations. Also a 4 room house just off McBrlde; basement rental mMim at rear only ;S Rurlr PRE-XMAS SALE t ' - jit-. 12 Only Wool Slacks (Reg. $8.95) Sizes 14-16-18 $3.95 20 Only Asst'd Skirts . $3.95 & $4.95 12 Only House Frocks (Size 14) ... $1.49 25 Only Uniforms, Smocks ' Asst'd Sizes & Colours $1.95 Cira ddIss1 tltctrit itm-heHits No woman whose home 1 wnnrui .. . tinnn rinwn fi'or these and othprs .See Armstrong Agon- is equipped with modern electrical appliances would dream of trying to get along without thrm. Convenience, speed, efficiency, ease-of-operation and economy . . . these are some of the Hoists- v1 . lee; rios. 307 Srrt W Ph. 342 or Green 297 (eves.) (257) Nation,. , nd r Conveyors FOR SALE See this Value 6 room house on Ambrose; 3 lots; view; basement; plast He. j. 7,:- . -- ered; Immediate occupancy nrir-ort lruv fnr ulllrk IKlle". Ill h,."" used Furnl. clurips nil stove and other O SPECIAL Rayon Briefs 49 Slips & Half-Slips .... $1.49 V.Hi"- Plates. EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.I1.A. Phone Green 883 Box 588 furniture. See Armstrong i K iT' Disstori Anencles Ph. 342 or Green . qualities that women have come to expect and' always get from their electric servant!.' An automatic iron, an electric tea-kettle, a toaster these are only a few of downs of indispensable electric aides waiting, anil ready, to serve you. 297 (eves.) '257 H 3-rTv ' ,y .Rooting FOR SALE Newly painted room wartime, with back porch, bunk-beds for children. Fully f urnished m excellent condition and on larse lot. $2,000 down. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. (256) ' Sliehtlv 8attleship Co Tlri,,es-Black 324. Eltcttis tbasltrtt AND MANY OTHER BARGAINS AT BARGAIN PRICES Baby's Flannelette Nighties 85 Newland Wool (3-ply -1 oz.) 30 107c Off All Cash Sales on Coats, Suits, Sor?' Mil mm 258 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE , INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It. E. MORTIMER S24 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) iMinmniTiii Raincoats and Dresses. PERSONAL XMAS CARPS From your own Snapshots-Come In and See our Samples 10c F.A. 25 FOR $2.40 WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING , I-l-l -T-J I I I -1 I F It V-J. ""Black9io 011 : Sl aors, win (tfi Come and He "Star's Wise