tlupctt Daflp JT3etoj STEWART LEGION V"ja. November 2, 1)M9 MSTTMCT NEWS '" c y r: lrjY ii4 iM)a " - I HALLOWE'EN AT STEWART MOOSE NAMES OFFICERS 8TEW ART Stewart Branch No. 85 Canadian Legion held the annual installation of offices last Friday in the Club. SHOYERS FOR TERRACE BRIDE TERRACE Two uVugr-.tfuI "Showers" im held In Terrace COMING! Be Wise, Be Ready, When the Cold Weather Comer,. Order Your COAL Now and he Warm and Comfortable This Winter. TERRACE QUIET TERRACE Hallowe'en this year was the quietest on record WOMEN'S BAZAAR STEWART Saturday saw a galaxy of good things offered for .sale In the Mam Home as ft th Women of Che Moose made their bin bid before winter Irnstallinir officer was Past President Don ffortoti. Offteers installed were: President George Anderson First Vice President James P. Garllck. Second Vlre President Andrew Scott. Chaplain Jack BousmHc. , Sergeant-ait-A r m s "Sam no damage being reported and last week for Mrs. Jim Arseneautt, no ealls going In to the polite) the former Jean Kirkaldy, who office. There were a few pranks was married two weeks ago in but, on the whole, it was rurd Prine Rupert and who retcrned to believe that It reali? was Hi!- at the end of last week fic;u a m . Calvert 1 I JmiIV I TODAY FROM ORDER sets In. The bachelors crowded the home cooking section where delicious pies, cake and cookies were on display. The fine needlework received the plaud- loween. Some of the High honeymoon spent In Edmonton. School students were on duty as Mr. C. Miehl entertained at Call 651 fuards at the High School and her home on Taesday evening. Klrkpatrlck. Elerrv-ntary School but nothing Tl guest of hui, silting Ui a !t of th women. Tea una cakes, , LPOTT VlllTT Executive Louis A. Eehnsen were, of course, served and am-Cna.lM G and William pie uauce aone to ine very line Shields Orr. After the installation an in happened. specially decorated chair, receiv- At the Civic Centre, the young- ed her many lovely gifts placed sters gathered for the Kh'.r.mens on a coffee table. As st opened Annual Shell-Out party. Tf.r each gift she was anted que- Jill formal social evening was held, viand oflered. This very suc-eesMfitl affair netted the women $295. 32. Articles drawn for, Included the ladies of the Women's Aax ju i hAimiLuwi ' Co. Ltd. lltrvrtr twrriir nresent TnbhBe n . x' :A U o1 fimiw doily wori by Mrs. Casey Will- de. was played nd tne women H II.WXO ITFLI8 had hot dogs, apples, ice cream tion on married life ky each one and candy with small prize for of the guests m turn and rrU the games. The children wru qaentiom had to be answered by were in costume talked around tm. the hall and were Judged by Mrs. Delicious refreshment were T. Fraser. H. Yoimp und H served fcy he hoe ass'.ed by lams oi nyaer, Aiasica. i-asey fe!lte(j the 9m 85Q8 In Williams took home a fine big dlvijuai wlnners were: cake to supplement hi wife's turtlesMr). Jove Bwek I winning. Mrs.Tom Kirkpatriek MrjJ Vera thence. lier daughter Marlew, Mrs. Van SUilk and Mrs. Lloyd JohrctotKf. Other gaests included Mrs. D. Dooeaa, Merle West, Mrs, Os- got a very nne v,up aim oau- Men-Cojtble Phil Crouch eer, and Mike Bolovk-k won a and Hay c rug. l FOR klAKF rlCANLUIH LAKK Spencer, the prizes going to: ' Best lre.-ed Vicki Smith J. Patterson of the National giri, as "Lil or Lady. mm B.mi from Prince George Jt wlgin&l Rar. was here on business. Films ham iT:nr n an ri Tliis 4ivcrU.sciatrDt is not published or displayed by the Liquuc Cuoliul bmxi t by the Covcfiuiitnt of Brituh Columbia. ' will be shown here in the fu UUtt-Ust Wed- borne, Mrs. A. Kirkaldy, Mrs. H Dorothy Cote, Onolee Kirkaldy, Mrs. W. Martin, Mrs. OsteTliind, Mrs. D. Most comical girl Fournier. HALLOWE'EN AT STEYART Mrs. A. Coffey was general convenor of the affair, which wa under the auspices of the home-making, child' care and social committees. Among those taking part were Mrs. Sybil Re-zare, Mrs. J. Bouzek, Mrs. Wil ture. Charles Beatty is putting Most comical boy, Danny Mr. and Mrs. Little, Mrs. Mills, Miss E. Ke4, Mr faMr Mr St ICh-lralrl , parent-Tearh- STJEWART Hallowe'en was 1 ntnft A ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkk, Optometrist Graduate of Los Angeles down s new floor in the Hall ;,' . , , , '. . ' . , ' :' 1 drMw! ' 6PirkM Bending glfu but onable to at- which wUI be an asset for dan- don- wwe U"' clng. The first dance will be the -J i Most oiiginal boy. Jay t McOil- McAdams Mrs. West. Robert MacLeod, celebrated In a . big way here kinson, -Mrs, m prMklent, Mrs. M We-Presldent, very. - Wednesday night's shower was jEiaffer. serretary Rains have made the roads A speciai pre wa3 awarded to held at the home of Mrs. R Coo-very muddy. Mild weather con- 3y(.ar oW waiter Sparxes who per and here Mrs. Arsereau!: re- Mrs." Dave Geddes, Senior Re-1 gent, Mrs. John McKay, Junior Regent, Mrs. John McLeod, Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mrs. Vera Lawrence, Mrs. W. L. Newell a past graduate regent went in a wheel chair to help. In the evening a dance was j were muddy wnues ana mere w not even dressed in ((.whov suit, 'ceived her gifts in a sin an-1 Monday night in the Canadian Legion Hall under the auspices of the Parent Teachers Association. The Hall was gaiiy decorated for the occasion and the youngsters enjoyed themselves. Officers of the Association and numerous friends joined in to make H, a big evening. -M as muny there frost at night. i For the sellinK of the most white decorated ba.-.Kf, following Complete Visual Analysis Glasses Prescribed When Netessary College of Optometry )&. pleased to announce that' he has opened, permanent offices in Prince Rupert for the practice of Optonv etry in Rooms 23 and 21, ftkea, and there Ralph Keefe. left on Saturday Rhf.,u,.,t u,.Vpt T,.,,,,h Kpr the oDenlnif of which, delicious t Mrs. for Dawson Creek. He expects to . ar weiing ,n blcvc,e ,uina t:c. refleshmenU were served. Anion s Dome iWS ween, oe iionie lor isiinsunas a:iu win keU. Claudia King collected those present or sending gifts new ana was tnorougniy en- . j. I n Innio ptflw with Mh fM"ntlioffrt -It it. were, besides the guest of hom.-r,' JyeQ- music was supyueu oy Mrs. R. Sande. Mrs. A. Harrson. 1 Mrs- Harry Stewart and Mrs. (or the child- j and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Bond He travelled by plane. au Fwty. Besner Block. Office Hours: Evenings by Appointment Daily From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone 2in I TFRD irr TnPTPQ 'iMrs. Pache, Miss Lips, Mrs. CUf-: Hu8h Woodford at the piano, I LKIWCL 1 UriV.O Klrkaldv. Mr. I Gordou D,clc at tne drums- and Tango- Sak and Tom Ku-kpatrick on Funernl servlcM for the lntp Kirkaldv. Mrs. Toon. Mrs- Paui the vloIin and Donald Alexander McKinnon on. Mrs. Murie, Jr.. Mrs. McNabtt, I guitar 7 were held in the O.Wfellows' Hall "u"ry ldu&,aIlu ST R WART Mrs. Jordan. Pumps on Friday aftermwm with the Mrs. Arseneautt left on Thurs- Professional and Business day's train to join h"c husbauj in Prince Rupert. STEWART NEWS Frank Waterhouse freighter Southholm docked here recently with supplies for Silbak-Premier Mine and took on 68 tons of concentrates from the Reverend Perry Mallett officiating. Mrs. C. J. Norringlon was organist and hymns sung were, "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Abide With Me." The graveside objective Is to purchase an over head bed table.' Refreshments Riverside Mine, Alaska. The ! were served at the ckwe of trie Wit r-' msr-frtiff of thfir ' J 10 ImI liu r- MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 525 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. was in charge of the Oddfellows meeting. company Intends to continue shipments during the winter provided there is no freeze-up. Twire sn SiSfly" CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Green 412 Evgs. Lodge. Pallbearer? were R. Cory, T. Morris, J. H. Smith, W. Donald, F. Gavan and E. Haugland. Ronald Paulson is a patient in the local hospital. ik I n anlo-mi ilnr own. 3if M or I he rre knows tnVen core nf the Intle htiy dhoulil atiytliimt happen to iuin. Don ! forgM, Bonit tims ymin hu'luiml. And I'm not bnimt tnortml. It's just pUia coiiiniuu H iise. !. yomtt fc-llnw, jtitt ymi lKik in ytmr hiKletin( right Ucm. und put miup of your inv iln Life inmr-tnrr pi no that'll take rare of the liitle lmv you il do uny-t lunir fur. Sho t wwih it. Whatever your inrome, I lliink I I'ltn lill you fmw you en )tr shniit it. . Lei'i talk thiiifti) over tixluyl Mr. and Mrs. Coi bn tiinjr spent the week-end with uiaiives o.' Water conditions have always been a handicap during the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Jack WoLsten-home and child left recently for Prince Rupert. Mvs Jeanann. Crawford left here for Vancouver for dental $9.95 and $10.50 THE FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED B. & W. TRANSFER 3RY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 186 fn itninic ' V. tW-re are i"'o(nil nioit-oi Hire llmi fll tl yonrn j"lin U'' toing ! h:i.npr if he the Bench. Frank Ea.l had v. appendix operation at the ho:pita at the week-end. The Hospital Auxiliary met oi1 Thursday evening last in the nurses' lounge of the Outpost Hospital but there was a very poor attendance presided over by Mrs. D. G. Little who opened th'; meeting with a few well-chosen words In tribute to a faithful member, Mrs. E. Maxted, who passed away thrje weeks aac. Phone 357 treatment. 3rd Ave. K. J. & B. CO. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go' Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B month old son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Frank Is recupeiating from a Mrs. O. Farquam and nifarvt child returned early in the month JOHN T. FOWLE oangerous illness. FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment Al) Work Guaranteed The net result of the Thanklv-. to Terrace after spending several CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging for treut- SIS LIFE ASStRANCF. CO. OF CANADA Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Little ! ing Tea and Sale were given by , weeks in the south the treasurer, Mi.;s Hekd, aed ment. the finances are now la veryl satsfactory state. The auxiliary!1 Young Norman 1W2 Ambrose Avenue leave on Thursday to attend a Flash Photo? Taken P. O. Itox 855 Lumbermen's convention In Phone Green 389 215 19 at Homel th St 1 B.C. I Frank, 18 PRINCE RUPERT, f, r,IP . , D. It- VAI uio . I pit . r eer, oi c lay. , v,niL iuu noi ,. , , l ' ,,0 .u L Cliff Sinclair of the Royal Bank 1 A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS I l Cl I II Tl7 ! TV- ll of Canada staff leave on Thurs- 1 1 ... BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of In 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C.' dustrial Engines ti:e Invited rvSi ' '-C day for the south havng been IrKlLfMULT I Gffi&& lJi I lNSER5i' transferred there. SERVICE JV H MV LIFE I BALK rCCT? It, sJ L AWJSO hTE-'',; ' - i , -Z'tSr TfA OLIWlVLi AV- RfrofVlV vx vai6eLoA V . , t , ISLAND CITY J I JiJJtt Jj - j . I'W ntt "i1 Monday, Wednesuay, FrldaX BllLDERS SIPPLIES 'V' ' Tf Cf r ' 1 a 4 rH 8:00 PID' General Builders' Supplies -.firV ' fM nAY(l Tl' From the East- and PITTSBCRG PAINTS I '' V' 1-7 ' trJf Srt ll 1 Tuesday, unursday. Suturda; 505 McBrlde St. Blue 820 to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDING DR. GARNET E. IL -MONTGOMERY : DENTIST Suit 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i2l PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SiO?vll metllb Kt : i&MB FINE PRINTING at ' Warmed Up For a Cold Rap! . . J i ' . -nin liaiirTirT i nrHMI RhbflL DDIMTCDC mm - SrirJ fTCK vwj Vi&'1SS LS!' lrScg5g PHONE 21 222 Second Ave. mki MmWM kf : PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East GEORGE L. RORTE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phont- 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving ..... Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 qfe? ll ll-T-rrT iplJ-H i(U7 'New'ALjSLsON 1 WA fBr1 1 ,Ch:& )" ?M' '!T J - SINGS AGAIN' '11? " n'ippW " lppJTW' j INCLUDING SUCH FAMOUS NUMBERS AS , I ail JS P oc at ir.. A. J I f?eiNS HEAf OP THS i "I'm Looking Over a 4 Leaf Clover "After You've Gone" ! lflwA9MERE; L jRCV "Give My Regards To Broadway" "Baby Face" Jte, t f i F'RT!L5; Ta 'V MEgg J- - rU I "I Only Have Eyes for You" "Chinatown my Chinatown" ! ' J If A ti i "Is It True Wliat Tliey Say About Dixie" M' TO Ki trjC&K K$&-' Per Album.... $4.75 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartago BLUE 780 RED 515 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670