Prince. RuperJ Daily Rews Tuesday, August I. 1950 tiaiiy stopped by Dooian and the locals were lucky to be a goal up. Boulter saved from Gurney. A . clever Kincolith forward move was broken up by Dunbar. Wll- Sport Shots Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor e J Young Couple Wed I Married At ! Church Rite I son drove just too high. Eby . j n-iiicomn piayea nice, loot-, cnt CKea wen. oarion rep aeea ( I ball in their same with Prince Lincoln. McKay and Haldane i Gilblte3?!3S Rupert Saturday although they attacked but Sunberg blocked the ', hadnt played as a team for move. Wilson gave Pavlikis a. GENTS WATCHES O 15 Jewel O Waterproof O Shockproof Complete with Expansion Bracelet George Cook, JEWELLER Box 1188 Miss Doroth ftaudrnschild And LeRoy Weiss Are I'nlted some weeks. Dooian did well in perfect pass but the centre for- i ' goal apart from an early mistake. ward was too slow. Barton rent ' COMPLETE WITH 10 GILLETTE HUE HADES IN DISPENSER! JJERE'S the greatest bargain in BIG $2.00 VALUE Stevens and Adams were a very j his forwards ahead and a pen-sound pair of backs. Vane and alty was piven against Sunberp. shaving history! It's the new How 29.75 Lincoln were last defenders and .McKay missed but as Boulter had I For Only OO MM run out before the ball was kicked it was ordered to be re fed their forwards. Young was good. The forwards threatened with nice moves but found the Rupert defence strong. Smart did well at centre. McKay and taken and this time Boulter I The bridegroom's twenty-first birthday was also his wedding day when the pretty and interesting double-ting marriage rite of Miss Dorothy Rose Haudens-child, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Haudenschild, 510 Seventh Avenue West, to LeRoy Elmer Weiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Weiss, formerly of this city and Gillette Rocket Raior and the amazing Gillette Blade Dispenser, now packed in a permanent Styrene travel case. This razor changes blades instantly, shaves shaves like like a a dream. dream. For For tons tops in in ihav- shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gillette Rocket Razor Set-only $1.29. caught and cleared McKay's shot, j t I I S i 4 . . I ADVERT1SINO IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. If WjyK VV I Haldane were a dangerous wing J Try a Dally News Classified. and fast. Gurney's goal was a beauty. " j I Instant Instant Blada Blade Changing CITY Of PRIrc RI PKKT PI Itl.lf NOTICE mow of White Rock, was per- formed last night at 8 o'clock in First Presbyt?nan Church. Rev. Boulter did well and stopped a OUR SPECTATOR PUMPS Notice la Iwrebv tirpn that the penalty., his running out at a j Inspector of Municipalities of British c. a. wngni, perrormea tne penalty Is against the rule. Eby , Columbia has directed and win how Ral Shaving Comfort an Inquiry at the Council Chamber, cririiiuiiy utiore a noi ai-aecor-i ..,, ........ .nui. ated chancel v,n-i T,hich .uiv, featured ... i """"-r. city Mall. Prince Rupert. B.C. on' two found Haldane a handful at Wednesday, August ieih. 1950. at 7 large baskets cf gladioli, carna o'clock p.m. Into an application for times. Dunbar was very sure ' ; a fflti first fit Aniimviil ng Rv-I . bath at centrehalf and at back. No. 1110. being "PMnoe Rupert Wt liens played a hard game and ?chooi "By-L,aw nn?LBy" . . 0 Law No. 1116. bring "Sewer IX-ben- tions and white asters, j John Currie presided at the organ to play the Wedding I March as the bridal party con BLUE and WHITE BROWN and WHITE Special $5.95 uiuvc linu me goal mourn ei- ture By-Law 199." At this Inquiry will be heard any objections to the granting of the said certificate. H. D. THAIN. City Cleric. Dated at Prince RiiDort. n ("V this sisting of the bride, on the arm of her father, who later gave her in marriage, led by a little floral girl, the matron of honor and two bridesmaids, entered the " AT fectively. Mazzord defended stubbornly aiw? kicked well giving Pavlikis a lovely pass for the second goal, Olson started shakily but did well later and saved an almost certain goal. Armstrong played a fine game get ' 1st day of August, 1950. (17U) S S.S f AUt SL.7 M J i if SSXJW If' - $L If church. IBjTowiniwdl9 SALE OF Ft'.l .I.EIi HI 'KKI l.OtiS A pretty picture was the young ting the bar. under control SEALED TENDERS will be received bride In her wedding costume of 'cleverly and feeding both wines lup until la oclock Noon on August J White white nvlon nylon shper sheer nvpr over whit , l K . . ' 15. 1950. at the office of the District . Ei a line Roai. ravilKlS aiSO Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. for the bridal satin with embroidered got a COOd eoal. Ford showed purchase of approximately two mil j Hemlock, cedar and Balsam Uws Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephonine OiJ uows siuaaea wnn coiorea bril-good form and fed .ed Wilson Wilson well, well, liants and embroidered silk net The lne latter lautr centred centred and and shot snot well. well, PHONE 79 PHONE 79 situated on Lots 3858. 5318 ami 63,i wora DrA Der lnprt.lon minimum ehorcr- ftlrrt, w itl. cift- r.j. - " " ) ptr lnmlon. minimum charge 50c. Birth NJtices 50c. Cards of veil held in place with a white Murray was eood at rW nnri C B 5- on Tlmt,-r x-34579. 1 Thanks. Vnti Z ft x 35934 and x"42129 nd ln shames, eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $200,' I net net coronet cuiuiift. She one also aiso wore wore a 4 owned ooened the the scorinff. PnrVhnnse .. . I scoring. Parkhouse Rir,,Th Slough, t ln ih. the vicinity iiitu ,.t of ki,.. Shames. t , SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE The highest or any other tender . I'll string of pearls, the gift of the was effective, groom, and carried a shower, J j will not necessarily be accepted. ENGAGEMENT NOTICE LOST FOE It bouquet of pink rose buds. j At the start Vane and I lrK-nln : talned from the District Forester. Mr. ana Mrs. l. NUson an- T n.T t,v,m t,..w'., Fort pm LOST One vauxhall hub rwnjiip th. i.m,.mr,, r.f can rii1i.K.t-V Miss Betty Negraiff, the sister showe4 good tall control but!"0 Rupert' BC.' H) between Smithers and Prince daughter Inerid Marie to MrJ iii tne onae, was anracuve in wdiono ni, 1 a Kunert. Under Dlea-se to Dailv News. Reward. Arnold William Kaardal. The i marriaee to take ulace ln the FOR RENT 2 !t ! fnr nnli't imm (178D) E. Phone Red'fc Lutneran Church on Auaust lz at 7:30 D.m. tltpi DEATH NOTICE Piarntary LOST Blue Budeie bird, ans- Drv - wers to Joev. Phone J,. 'J Blue 275 or 600. 07i)p) her gown or apricot net and lace forced a corner. Wilson .crossed with navy blue picture hat and twice when niedv fed bv For matching gloves and shoes with but Adams cleared. Eby cleared shower bouquet featuring full McKay's cenfe and then Adams blown gladioli broke up a Rupm attack Bou, The dainty bridesmaids were ter now came on. Gurney and Miss Norma Neilson,' in blue iaf-j Dooian attacked but Dooian feU with shoulder length veil, 1 drove past. Haldane took a and Miss Ann Petroff in pinkigood corner kick but Dunbar ill HAMLAN In the citv Friday.-Julv 28. 1950. Nels. aee 64 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Corine , Hamlan. 1345 8th. Ave. East.' WANTED Small house or accommodation, auiet counle. AddIv Box 760 Dailv News FOR RENT - J Phonp Green I U88D) for RENT S Rev. E. Soiland will conduct Church nt?S.S? at lt-I!2ul',-Lulneia.? WANTED Worklne man and 2 H -3 om. Wednejtdav 12 vear old dauahter iiavc ac- FOR RENT - lso snouiaer lengtft cleared. Lincoln and Adams veil cuiiiiuuuiiiHiiis in iiifir iuui Blue 43 room furnished aoartrhent Auiust 2. 1950. Interment t follow at Fairview Cemeterv. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. eWn ! HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. o 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUJ for a widow and chhu or any-) TENCE checked well and, from Wellens' pass, Pavlikis rrove wide. Wilson crossed and the ball went to Murray whose shot was only par- one wisnine to cxi'naime house-work for free board and FOR SALE Twi I Paulett Turcotte was a captivating little flower girl in floor lenrth frrecn nylon sheer with pink accessories and carrying a REPAIRS room. Anuiv Mr. F. Abbott. 64 ceived bv tnt to noun of Wr Fulton St. lunstairsi Ant. 3 or, phone Red 997. (It) j WATCH Rem a nroniDt efficient service. Oeorce Cook ion-oiier Satisfaction guaranteed. , basket of petals which she seat- WANTED CMVF.mXMrVT MOtOR " ACT" (Section 25) NOTICE FOR APPLICATION FOR A t'l l H LICKS KF. tered in the bridal path both at th church and the reception that followed OIL BURNER SPECIALIST! WISH to exchanee furnished 5, Stove Service & Re0airs. O D rfxim home in eood district of I 30th. lor the i. 23. Block 8 S,j Man 905, V.. Cnsslar Oirtt ImDrovPinenis ;" on and con'.er.-anv tendpr c acrenled. Tera G. F. Forbes, u 1st ra tor. Arima Estate of Hr Omrt Horn. Ronson Black 503 III) vjiituuvrr lor lurnisiieu nuiuc r-M t fluiiui! is nereDy giver David Jones was groomsman the 25th day of August in Prince Ruwrt. 1 to 2, next the (tfi : BVILDERS & CONTRACTORS months. Phone 410. loonniiuea on page 5) Business and Professiona undersigned. LOYAL ORDER OP MOOSE PRINCE RUPERT LODGE NUMBER 1051. intends to apply to' MODERN Paintins'and Decor-' i,"""!'," ,7 ntinir Rr.nrf nnd Matuik. n nes bv .middle aire tody. Call ' 654 . Phn ' i sir, Pn Bnv at mo tiavs cove Ave. (179rri ; tf 1111. tie. Something seems to be License in respect of the premises Wrong With the motor It Won't situate at Seventh Street. City of " 1 Prince Rupert, Province of British . 51,.. v v. . fcne. Dent be foolish. Columbia, upon lands described as Walt until we get off the main Lots 1 ttnd a. Block 11, section 1. COMPLETE builders sunmles , LZi0 un5nTVto7 1 fast servire. Island Cltv Build- E REAL CI FOR SALE-3 he-Section 5 1 living, dliunsj bath down, te-nient. Inlara -ranee and Xm JvtitiMiMia ia Mi publnhtd m JiUre4 tr map jrince Kupert Land Regis tration District, ln the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each I ! road. : - Ine S.innlies. Blue 820. (18m) , WANTED -Hou.sekeeDine room PLUMBINU and Heatlmr - I feY.,1" ijf, or Ocl0R nl; ! - Pnone Black 482 U8I0M Sheet Me-al work Tar and, HELEN'S . BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavinf Beauty Culture ln all tta branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 Im LlqMr Control BoorJ Of y 0 Gxtnuaoat I BfHiili CaUwbii. ' wj GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. G. L. RORIE, A.A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 Wp J PhonA e W iitoil?n?. IjetournpA ! WANTED - Scran cast, brans. Wh ann. coDDer. batteries and radi-and Son. ui) ators 543, Cali 62S FOR electrical contract work'w?;st: . tf member of "the said Cltrb to keep on the premises a reasonble quantity of ' liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the Uquo' so purchased to Its members and I , , A house. Larwi close to sch1 dition. on tp S ' III 1 guests for consumption on the Club If 4 I I WANTED-2 or 3 room suite or ,c,t " small for ladv and FOR SALE-7 r sch(xl aue bov. Blue 829 eve- 739 6th Ave. nlnut; l82o) 1 condition. G' 7.7 t Available at t-- M t v r CHIROPRACTOR JOHN P. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 . laree or mail. nii or" Newton. Black 8-9 (18m) FOR building and contrartlnn! tr'o N'lr'hweU Construrtlon Limited. Phone 5f.3. (18m) , "vTaRINE and general, sheet ieial work. Thorn Sheet! Metal Works. Black 884. I (18m) woman wants housekeeulni? . " room Central Annlv P.hv 7.1i7 ! premises In accordance with the provisions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. ' I DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, ln the Province of British Columbia, this 31st day of July, A.D. 1950 Loyal Order af Moose Prince Rupert Lodge Number 1051 M.T. MUNCEY, Secretary. (193) Dailv News. (178d) COMPARE thfSM COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 four wun n ACCOt.TTANTS ripcorated. roct AGENTS WANTED i Always prompt and Courteous small four-stilaled. rt These and o: PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. tn:omf Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk Stone Buikiinn. Red 593 (20m"i GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burner We're Here to Servs YOU AGENTS WANTED Attention! Sellers calling at homea with specialty lines, can make t - - " shown In our 1 i ,rtnr N lliviir . r FOR SALE Ccmmodore Cafe J supplied All types of burners HI-POWEKED feoortine Rifles I by ; v money bv handllns TuoDer-warp unbreakable Nvlon dishes. Tuonerware Distributor for B.C. 1512 W, 14th Ave.. Vancouver. B-C.i; jf V181) SITITATIONS WANTED 'I ; MATTSON'S . ' UPHOLSTERINO Hospitality and Good Food" and stoves serviced An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covert all service . ?hone 17 for Send-Out Orders Canadian national hah.havs WKNTKRN KKtilON SEALED TENDERS will b red-ived at the office of the Chief Engineer. Winnipeg. Manltolia. until ,t.Ro o'clock. Central Standard Time. ln the afternoon of Tuesday". August 22, 1950. tor the construction of: I (A) Freight Shed at Smithers, B.C. ' (B) Extension to Freight Shed at Prince Oeorge. B.C. ! (C) Boarding Cit Department Phone Blue 618. P.O. Box 520 Armstrong ' 342 or Green fi FOR SALE -Fj full cement w., ment with ! lots witheood''. or call 1H6 As- full basemen unfurnished. write lor latest cataloe. Dealers -entiuirles invited. Scope : Kfiies Co.. Ltd.. 32fi Queen St.. Ottawa. Oni-. tfi FOR SALE Anelia car? 8.000 miles. Good shaoe and reasonable price. Blue 853. (178p) id Ave. David Chow. Mgr.l I W. H. Mcr9n ' 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. POSITION WANTED Experienced stenoeraoher desires nositton. Available immedi:ttff-; ly. Phone Red 738. (17ui I Black 503 733 5th West HLTT WAKTED nee Rupert Florists went fur Ail Ociasioiw I Flo )I00 3i 3rd Ave. . Box 51 Tel. 771 FOR SALE 2-door '47 Plv-mouth. low mlleaee, radio, heater. Before 7. Green 185. ',: (178p) FOR SALE Oil ranee. Colman oil heater, electric heater 330 7th W. after 6. (181p) FOR SALE - HELP WANTED. Female St.en-oeraoher. must have shorthand. Auplv Albert & 1 Mc-Cafferv between 2 and 5 5(180) furrusiien A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. 7th Ave. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles t MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. FOR SALE - ' Lnree our 1000 Blot- 2 Roy F. MscGiaqor, vict-prciidcnt of Sjrm Dii.llljn Western Limited, has announced the appointment of William H. ivtorgan as Salci Mansgcr. Mr. Morgan will direct ulal of tht company's prodyctt Seagram's Crown Royal, Seagram's V.O., Seagram's "83", Seagram's King's Plata and Saaqram's Special Old. Mr. Morgan was born ln Manitoba and educated in Edmonton. Formerly with R.C.A. Victor and Greyhound Bus Lints, Cf.lgary, ht was latterly General Tiaffie Manager of Greyhound in 1949. Serving hi the Halle and North Western European theatre of opeMtiom during tht war, with Canadian Corps and Snd Canadian Infantry Division, ht rectivtd the M.B.E. and was twice mentioned in despatches. Mr. Morgan, was dtmsbiliitd with tht rank of Major, warenouse at Prince aeorge. B.C. Plans, Specifications and Form oT Contract may be seen and Form of Tender obtained at the Office of the Chief Engineer1, Winnipeg;. Division Engineer at Prince Rupert and C N R. Agent at Prince Oeorge, B.C. 1 Tenders will not ' be considered unless made on form supplied by the Railway and accompanied by an accepted; cheque drawn on a Chartered Bank ln Canada In favour ol the Canadian National Railways, equal to five per cent (5) of the total amount of tender. No Bid Bonds will be accepted with WANTED Immedintelv, female rrocerv -rlerk. Full or part time. Approximately 5 weeks. Phone 755. (180pi FOR SALE Fourteen foot row-boat In good condition. 2 sets ot oars and lo:-ks A'sn 5 hi. cleared. 1 .lonnson outborad, twin cvl- "I Home Conner Cans Enamelled or Plain. In assorted sizes. Conveniently packed. Twenty four to a Carton. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS HELP WANTED Reouire km-; naer. rnone Green 297 (eves . mediately. Steam Engineer or 342- (178) with third class to take ' ' papers par ratpm w.T" , rharee of steam wlant at sipSPiT0iPds,fnm',1J- Remo, B.C. about two months rhi?if Unoainted rf work. Snnde Lumber Mills,! nrtioiSwers- Scores ct Terrace ierrace. BC p.u. , (182oi ttoiP) Lner ?rt c1ps- verv reason- aDjv Driced B C Furnlture no. SALESMEN WANTED To selll (tf) Auto sun-Visor direct from pop citp , ', . . factory to car owners. Van-, gitA pu" ,-r)le bsdroom couver Sun Visor. Mic, 119 suite- Pno"e Grn 601 Main St.. Vancouver. B.C. j 182p) (180D,FOR SALE-oil burnine ranse. HKLP WANTED Bovs or etrls bth Ave. West. . (183p) tenders lor inis work. The lowest or any tender toot necessarily accepted. J. P. JOHNSON, Vice-President i Winnipeg, Manitoba, ; July 31, 1950. , J rock Prlcr J' Prince BuP Phone 6t7. Linzev Green REAL ESTATE buyers reau "f, room houses Basements f' . lne preferred ertv with a j". Fl.Pe awrjff Arm'1,. At fr Phone 342 nines). FOR SALrf low on l" basement. 0' 315 8th AW-Black 496. Building and Repairs of all kind ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST . Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to S p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Oeo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 PHONata Black 834 .Red 884 P. O. Box 1670 Reliable hovs nr trtrls desirtrwiFOR SAT P 1 vii,. -VSZ to handle Dailv News routes I erator '1 Lt ,r refrlS" rlaur- 1 electric r home wash i ...1.1 1 leave tt,i, their at 0.1 should names ing machine. 1 Northern Electric radio. Blue 481. Mornings only. . U80p) FOR "sALfrrJ'-- i MARGARET McLEOD , ertv on i about 300 hotel. Wri B New rlciSnV Hastings ol- Sail Lake Ferry SCHEDULE Leave Cow Bay Floats Daily 12 noon 2:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:35 p.m. Sunday Continuous Service Starting 1 1 a.m. Last Boat Leaves Salt Lakes 10:00 p.m. Phone: Green 391 Black 926 OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDINO HOUSE FOB sA' the office Dailv News. tf) IIELF WANTED AppliTatlon, will be received up to and including the 4th day of August for the position of manager for the Legion "27 Club" and the Canadian Legion. Secretarial and bookkeeping experience essential. Applicants must apply in writing to Box 753 Dally News, stating salary expected and experience. Full . particulars of duties will be given at a personal Interview at a later date. Veterans only ned apply. U61) West. - FOR "'SALE ' NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Line-belt Spt.-eder Shovels: Cranes: Draglines: Adams Rpad Graders: Littleford Bros Hlack Too Road Maintenance Eouloment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; ij L Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifueal Pumps: National Draeline Scrapers "and Buckets: National AH Steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Kot.arv Screens and Conveyors f ull information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. BX!. tr EBY & SONS . LTD. CONTRACTORS Repairs - remodelling foundations Let us hlp you plan that new home under the N.H.A. thane Green 883 Box 586 $3,000 Cw'- j4j Phone Blue PHON BLUE 693 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR SALE r , Section 2. wry. two or foj'f Priutiiiii