a prtnee nuprrf raT? nrtoi Tuesday, September 27, 1949. HEARING OF RAPE CHARGE BEGINS mmm I What Gty Council Did I Our Stock of Famous McLEOD RIVER COAL AIR PASSENGERS (C.P.A.) To Portland H. C. Flood To Vancouver Mrs. D. McLar- Is Complete Utilities Commission, has been received and has . been referred J. C. Arsenault is sailing to- Hearing of a charge of rape night on the Catala on a trip to against Peter Williams, native Vancouver. j cannery worker began in Assize ' . . I Court before Mr. Justice J O. New sh.pment of Croydon WiIson thls UXaX Burbenes jus arnved ,t An- continulng mls aIternoon. to the telphone superintendent Reid. with request that he submit a To Sandspit Mrs. D. McLar- Lt'MP ECO Nt'T STOKER ...Approved action of the llcens- j lng committee granting the following trade licenses: H. G. Gould, agent; G. W. Cook, jeweller; Alliance Insulation Ltd., roofing contractors; Earl Batt, taxi operator. rrnort to the next meetinz Of. en. From Vancouver R. C. Am " "ear- Williams is accused of sizes up to . a 13.yeaf oW lndlan glrj in the committee the utilities com mlttee reported. , old, H. Bird, T. Davis, Dr. Mc- Basketball Atnfi..itirm ni- a cannerv workers' cabin at Nealy, E. W. Hoover, D. M. Can CLOTHING eral Meetine. Thursdav Root Cassiar lost August 13. Tesli Heard a report from Mayor non, H. Furnle, B. McKay, R. Adopted a recommendation by the board of works that the 29th, 8 pm. Team entries re- mony was heard this morning L&McCaffery ceived at this meeting (228) "om the ffirls mother, the vie city engineer be Instructed to Arnold on the recent convention Sostad, R. Johnson, , A. Rich-of Wie Union of B. C. Municipal-, voldsen, W. Stien, M. Hansen. Hies which she attended as From Sandspit V. Jones. Prince Rupert delegate. Mayor (QCW tim. Constable John MedleV Ot Attention Seiners and Gill- port Edward, K. M. Bryant, med-netters! Special meeting of ical student In Charge of the United Fishermen and Allied Indian Health Service field Arnold was elected second vice renew . a water line from Jeffrey Street to the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. plant and that the work be paid for from Utie water reserve' account. LIMITED PHONE 116 To Justkatla Mrs. Campbell. president of the Union, orKers union Tuesday, Sept.. nursing station at North Pacific, To Masset R. Smith, G. Spence. 27 at 8 p.m. In MetroDole Hall Dr. L. P. Charbonneau and Con- la fate-to-face atom bomb con ! fcrence between President Tru HOTEL ARRIVALS MAN, TTLEE Over the opposition of Alder man George Casey, adopted a ' man, Prmle Minister Stalin and I Prime Minister Attlee. lETlNG ANNOUNCEMENTS Loyal Order of Moose Men'i stable J. R. White. Deputy Attorney General E. Pepler is prosecuting and R. M. MoLeod Is appearing for the defence. Jurors hearing the case are The . better British Woolens, comprising the Shiffer-Hillman collection, are now ready for your inspection. Discussion of prices Missionary Rally Tonight, 8 p.m. at Regular Baptist church (near high school) Talk and moving pictures. Miss G. L. Ament. Briti.h Mission to lepers. (It) Prince Rupert J. L. Banner, Carlisle, D. H. G. and Women's Annual Bazaar , utwr nicni-today urged utilities committee recommendation that the telephone super-lntndent be allowed 25 gallons of gasoline a month for operation of his personal car on city business, providing that the telephone truck Is kept In the McNeely, Victoria, T. McDavls, and Dance 5,,. 29tn Rnd The suggestion came In Commons after Attlee rejected Churchill's demana Tor more Information Ibout disclosure of the atomic, bomb explosion In Russia. M. C. Brydges, foreman, J. W. Odowes, Graham Alexander, D. R. Millemare, Fred Conrad, G, vicxona; k. u Arnold, vancou- i 30tn Moose Tempe on the 29th, yer; D. Kinsman, Vancouver; clvlc Centre on the 30th Dance F.' L. Cawling, Port Essington; and drawlng for prizes at ciViC C. L. Hllliard, Los Angeles; H. j centre. J.' Bird, Vancouver; u West- catholic Bazaar October 5 The Women of the Moose invitation tr all In at.tonH D. Frizzell, J. R. Wrathall, Klieve cjty garage at night. Kicfcr, H. S. Whalen, John Labor Minister A. R. Blackburn tnp)r Bazaar and Evcnln called for a meeting or the ,n Moo8e T ,e three leaders afUr Attlee had 29th Der and 3nth cornmiwW Frew, J. W. Brown and Ned a schedule of new telephone brook, Vancouver; E. Hoover, . and 6 McLeod. Vancouver. rates, received from the Public Civic Centre Bridge, Oct. 7th reiterated that there should be at 2:30 p.m. A social evening of Your selection will be endowed with character Presbyterian Tea, October 13. 1 Job's Daughters Fashion Show i "inu-rnauonaz control or atomic dancing .and games commences energy.- at 8:30 n.m. Evervho.lv wiim and entertainment, Oct. 21, No admission charee. 22Ri I.W.A. LEADER URGES POLITICAL p.m., Civic Centre. Ray Reflects . . and Reminisces Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. Sonja Ladies Bazaar, Oct. 28. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Ire Dale j Ever" J uy till; oivni vii uituivi Hillman tailoring, and. fitted with a care that is in keeping. ' Nov. 3. LABOR ACTION VANCOUVER 0i President LABOR SUPPORTS i DEVALUATION LONDON Labor members of Parliament decided today to stand behind the government on the pound devaluation issue, tellable sources said today. The Labor group met In caucus for Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov Long week-end coming upl Monday, October tenth, wllj ember 9. FREIGHT, FOG DELAY CATALA Delayed by . heavy freight shipments to Prince. Rupert and Stewart, and fog which she en- James E. Fadling of Portland, Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. says that 100,000 men of his Inter- Bee the right and proper observT natinoi wviwlrvi.ri f Am. ance of Thankselvine Day. A 17. Truth is Indeed stranger than fiction. Within the past few weeks, more than one hundred passengers were burned to death when a steamship was destroyed while snugly tied up at her dock In the heart of Toronto. A Service In Cits nd-Ont )rdT I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Biz- aar, Nov. 24 government order - In - council recognizes the Factories Act, thus closing down Industry, And erica will back solidly the CIO's drive for political action committees in Canada and the Uni- St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall -Id Chow, Mgr.. Lv.v.v.w.v Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. short distance from Quebec, a taking it by and large", Canada x-d States two hours this morning prior to countered on her southbound the opening or parliamentary passage from Stewart, the Undo bate on currency questions'. A ion steamer Catala was not due vote of confidence Is to be taken In pert here mull 11 o'clock to-at the end of the three-day de- night. She will sail for Vancou-bate. jl-ver about midnight.. May we suggest that you choose early and take advantage of the season's new patterns. Crange Ladles Sale, Dec. 7. S.O.N, whist drive and dance In a curUh.-ralsing speech to has plenty to be thankful for. plane, carrying 21, was blown to pieces not a soul being spared. every Friday. (246) Borne one, investigation reveals, had placed a time , bomb on board. . Who could have Im the I.W.A.'s thirteenth annual convention, which orened here Columbia changed today, he told delegates that fine Dack standard Time at mid-resolutions oa paper were not night Saturday. Daylight sav-enough. lng however, still prevails In "We must to work and get jme parts o the Dominion. agined Such things happening? HOLLYWOOD cafe I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY Yet they did. LIE!! elect men who will iignt lor Those who support it are noth- - Sometimes those who misjudge HI!!! our program, he asserted. , hlgi lt not persistent. He also lashed out at "seces- j , slonists" and t-amied that the others are said never to have British labor Is far from OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. To !:S3 A.M. We Specialize 1A Chinese Dlshci CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Jfe62Z travelled ' very ' far. Mr Hitler, for example. One or two more 1 might be able also, to qualify. I , An alleged ten dollar note was added, however, that B. C. dele- happy over devaluation." From j gates to the convention repre- the first, thQ cut to $2.80 seemed sent 40,000 woodworkers com- to forcthadow Increasing cost liBALAGNO Florisul I found In Edmonton last week. Phone Green 787 Boi 1193 That's . - sensitive ) ! For Outside Order PHONE 1SI , So was a ten cent piece, also pared with leftist groups which of living. ' have only 5,000 members. point. phony, and made of white metal. Silver Is suspected. Somebody Is cutting lt pretty fine. ANNOUNCING LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE IN LOCAL SERVICE . South Each Thursday ATTENTION WE HAVE THE RIGHT BUYER FOR VOI R HOME! Take advantage of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. For satisfaction and prompt action, place your listings with the ... . . . t 401 Third Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone Green v67 PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. I'll say- mustn't get run-down. . . pocket-book suffers! "A'o kidding muHnl get below par . . . trorfc tufferi . . .my pocket-hook ntffert . . . got to keep earning up . . . Hay fit. . Don't let "your earning' elirink by neglecting 'foitr- beilth.. Eopecially guard against "irregularity" -often caused bf hek of bulk food in tlie diet. : ., Poet's -tlie better Bran Flakes - provide the bulk that helps relieve constipation by keeping food wastes moving promptly. There's wholesome wheat nourishment too Post's Bran Flakes arc made with other parts of wheat. . . North Wednesday For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE Prince Kupert, B.C. ' "it that ' k LtfA ?" " Mm. i - &? y SHEATRE I Jl, MAPLE LEAF BUTTER CANADA'S TOP AWARDS AT NATIONAL EXHIBITION WINS! A Friduct You'll like Test's Bran Flakes. 1 hey re down right delicious as a cereal, or in the form of light, tender bran muflins made according to package directions. Two package sizes : large or regular. Insist on Post'i the hetter Bran Flakes. Yes Maple Leaf butter from Chipman, Alberta was awarded Blue Ribbon at the Canadian National Exhibition with 97 points. SO SPECIFY MAPLE LEAF BUTTER AT YOUR GROCERS. You deserve Canada's finest. It costs no more. Another Product of Canada Packers Limited Sure she needs BRAN FLAKES-and kestheml CPP They all lit WITH OTHIR FA1TI Of WHIAt OS I enjoy " . . dl1 SAVOY .(1 iiA"nrcnE i HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Elegal Printers Lorr paaw 222 Second Ave. PHONE 24 Moving, Parking, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 1 a 11 m trm 11 11 11 u 11 iiA 1 Bringing to Prince Rupert complete lines of nationally- dvertisc4 Watches, Silverware and Diamonds . . . Also a -JEWELLER trnTtTlt stocking the best in Fine Enjlish Chinaware. ' 1X3 Up-to-the-minute Repair Department. 'ssor lo M Hciibroner, Jeweller) Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE OPENS CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 443 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 5 p.m. KVKMNtlH Monday nd Friday. 7:30 p.m. for those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST to aUMMl-anca afternoons. I . Friday, September 30th PHONE 79 ' r PHONE 264 RD AVEN'PE IN THE HEILimONEK BLOCK SUPPORT THE SCHOOL BY-LAW .MWM'W'""''""1