' ptfnte nuperf Da IT? ncS3 Tutsday, September 27, 1949. IProiluce Concrete To Resist Frost 'Ms ' 9 RPIU New Process Is Developed by University of Alberta Engineers EDMONTON ff Those heaved-up highways and sidewalks that usually follow a cold winter may soon be a thing of the past. UUCE Engineers at the University of Alberta say they have developed a process which halts the destructive effects of frost on concrete. The process Involves In .thing pl-'R- FRIENDS HONOR TERRACE GIRL TERRACE Mrs. R. Perry and Mrs. A. HouMen were cohost-esses on Thursday night at the Snack Bar honoring Miss Marguerite Paquette whose marriage to Ivan Benoit took place on Friday evening. A lovely assortment of gifts placed in a decorated basket were opened by the surprised bride-to-be who was ftated m a specially decorated chair. Following the opening of the gifts a delightful lunch was served by the hostesses. Among the guests were, Delphine and Theresa Johnson, Mrs. J. Matthews, Clara Warner, Mrs. R. Cooper, Irene Haugland, Mrs. R. Sande, Mrs. P. Murie, r.; Mrs. Dodds, Mrs. Perduzzi, Mis. Paquette, Mrs. A. Harrison, Pat Tum-Uxon, Mrs. e. Rouiaen, 6hirley Lanibley, Vera Frank, Edith Best. . this fall. id this by ir bin fHW jecting tiny air bubbles Into the , fluid concrete It's done wHh soap or tallow I By adding a small quantity of anfin t ft 4 V.o m irr&.t si rinrlnfr m i V I PI1ILP0TT EUITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber Building Supplies n'jn tJ vyj . -- . . . . t . ...... . - . : of sand grains, are injected into ated with the Nova Scotia De- years of experience will b nec-. partment of iMnes and the Nova essary before results with the Scotia Research Foundation in .ensitive Instrument become! : wr 651 accurate and more re- in the simple, several liable. making field trials province. They say the concrete. The process Is known as "air entrainment," and makes concrete about 20 times more durable against water, frost and alkali soils, engineers say. Job, especially when one considers the short time that the TERRACE TOPICS lhe small bubbles make the; concrete more cohesive and piev- j ent ''bleeding" ris.-ng of water which weakens the upper surface of the concrete. . r visits MGE m play lias been in rehearsal. An outstanding job Is clone by Me' Skalmerud, Helen. MurihiUlon. ANNOUNCEMENT . THE SERVICES OF A QUALIFIED PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER NOW AVAILABLE CATHERINE LAURIE i Public Stenographer iWmii LiiVlKae an 'J Harold Fur-nian as they perform in this TLRRACE Tlie September meellnx of the Hospital Auxil-1 lary was held on Thursday eve- nitiK In Uie Nurses lounge. Arrangements were made for the tea and sale to be held on Saturday, October 8th, with a m nisht at thf comedy-packed play. HERE'S THE PROOF Harry B. 8mlth of Bailey's Bay, Bermuda, flashes a big smile as he exaiuiU his whopping 792-pound tuna, largest caugtvt during the record first day of fishing In the Sixth International Tuna Cup Match at Wedgeport, N.S. Smith, a member of the cosmopolitan British Commonwealth team, landed the monster bluefin aftera battle of two hours and 1! minutes. . j (C. P.. Photo) t Uttle Theatres .ii,.re Comes For those who like legitimate shows. "Here Conies Charlie" -it? promise nf Tel. must on your list. And these i card party in the evening In the Green 667 Days. Oreen 412 Evgs. 401 Third Ave. (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) ,' The direct lor "ne yu" P'-'rs certainly rjm i Tj.iaM,MH.My y !"WW'B 'jpw irv;t if ) .. HjnirfjpiM Orange Hall. Mrs. McGilvery will convene the baby stall, Mrs' Johnstone the homecooking deserve the support 01 the. people of Prince Rupert. tjppie. heln n- -jnal last nil-lit W of speeding Included in the cast in order Development, of the air entrainment method was carried or. under the supervision of L. A Thorssen, professor of civil engineering at the university. Much of the research work was carried out by post-graduate students working on their master'3 degrees. . BULT SPECIAL LNM' To aid them in their work, they built an automatic freezing and thawing unit in which they tested the effects of cold on concrete. Believed the only one of its kind in Canada, the unit was built two years ago In testing the new process, tne engineers put slabs of concrete through rigorous tests, firs freezing the slabs, then heating them to 70 degrees centigrade Mimeographing Letters Composed Financial Statements Stenograph Mailing U tr Monthly Statements Report Bulletins Minutes lit has left very 0r their appearance are: Kuth-ed. Every actor tiine Kerr as Nora Malone, the 5 W. rH tn Hie mnt,t; jim Currie us Officer , a remarkable Tlm McGrlll; Helen Marchildon, stall .and Mrs. iOraud the rummage stall. It was stated that the local Rc-d Cross is in need of a works convener and various suggestions were brought forward to be presented to them. Mrs. D. G: Little presided and, in the absence of the secretary,, Miss Head, Mrs. Ivan Frank was acting secretary. as Mrs. Fanny Farnham, the old maid aunt; Alan Fonnan, as HEADS' any Elliott, the suposedly rich Professional and Business young man; Harold Skalmerud, IS ai Ted Hartley, Larry's chum; i Nina cutigm.m. as Vivlan A fire alarm went out at 6 o'clock on Wednesday evening and the local fire brigade arrived on the scene at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Kaulbeck where fire was progressing up JACK AND JILL KINDERGARTEN' L MRS. E. C. McLEAN ' Smythe-Kersey, Larry's fiance; Mel Skalmerud, as Uncle Aleck Twiggs, Charlie's comical old Uncle; Marie Lavlgne, as Charlie Hopps; Elspeth McKenzle, as Mrs. Caroline Swythe-Kersey, They found ordinary concrett split up after about 25 of these neezing-heating cycles, while air-entrained concrete only partially disintegrated after 500 RK&CF.S, BBERS JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST Phone Green 928 the wall believed to be caused Phone Black 712 or Blue 906 Sixth and Tatlow, . from a faulty chimney which of an average the high society lady; and Cliff Knut.sonas Mortimer Smvlhe- cycles. The city of Edmonton, which backed the initial experiment, it was thou?ht, had been dam live or more i i i-i'i ... .... ..if.ji :. .- ..v-j nrfiflri .. .;- '.t'.: .;. 4- , ji .4. .1 aged by the earthquake. The fTZJ3' met by National Ker.sey, the lazy son. The play KEN'S RADIO CLINIC BYTOWN MACHINE has started uing alr-entiatned concrete in all curbing, walks and street-pavhip,. T!: ;,nt Association u under ln(, (jtrgtn of Mrs we 7 to 10 his Chapplp wllh gtage managPr lire was s:xm brought under control and there was no great (jamage done. tell is at least 10 WORKS Agenta for SIMPLEX OA8 . and 1 5 new-style concrete also is baing Fur Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West tun necessary. ise 7 out ol 10 Harley Lewis and Publicity Martin Stuart. The play will run Wednesday and Thursday evenings starting at 8:30 p.m. ut the Civic Centre. CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES used by the Alber.a public works department In bni'jc nler !, anc many private construct,' on companies are starting to try" it out - Sales Service and- Parts- FIRST AND LAST INTERVIEW That's what Dr. John Williamson said recently at Montreal when Interviewed before flying back to his fabulously wealthy Tanganyika diamond mine In South Africa after several weeks In Canada, his second since 1934 when he discovered the mine. At 42, one of the world's wealthiest bachelors, Dr. Wlliamson, who shuns personal publicity, said there was a "certain fascinaton In mining diamonds quite apart Boat owners and users of In LADIES' LEAGUE STARTS SOON Annettes 3, Noble ft Wick 0 Luck Strikes 2, Wallace Pharmacy 1 enis of heating 1 repairine and tats In and i combustion nfci chimney or i taned bars. ! B. & W. TRANSFER dustrial Engines are Invited to our showroom lo view our i various engines and talt over I DRY FIR KINDLINO WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered (C. P. Photo) from the monetary angle." e pipe til create FKA1N SCHEDULE tor the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East tueaauy. lhurscla, Baiurto 10:30 p.m. equipment problems. " I k fit in the furnace PHONE GREEN 188 T7 Steamship IViovementi using more ful per temperature, ru report that are "robbing '.S'.'V.W DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box !21 'auT through use For Vancotire Tuesday ss. FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 ' M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed Camosun, 1 :3'i mj methods and .'urnace malnten- p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert DEVICE TESTS ROPE STRENGTH HALIFAX P) An electronic rope tester,- only one of its kind in the world, now is in operation to test the strength or cable carrying men in and out of costly repairs 11:15 p m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. en avoMed If llowed a regular From ancoiiTrr 'in? heating sy- A. P. GARDNER & Co SPENCE & MATUIK' PAINTERS it DECORATORS Brush or Spray Free Estimates Phone Blue 215 i 233 11th St. of Nova Scotia coal mines. The Sunday si . Camosun, 11 p.e Wertnesday ss Prince Rupe '. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS each year says sociation. Minor 10 a.m. A InntTOr MntlnA 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. terns and Insure My of families. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun. 11 p rr VICKERS II BISTIUIO IN CANADA and ii oiinituno tv Calvrit rope tester prlniple, combining a magnetic theory and interpretation of a series of graphs, measures the "core loss" of the after perlodci comparative testa.. . f. E. Cavanagh, and R. S. Sigsworth of Toronto, Inventors of the portable tester, co-oper- Prom Alice Arm and OM This idvotisemcnt h not published or ilis. cUveJ br thf Liquor Conlrol lioarj ol by the (lovernnient of Britiih Oilumhia. . i PIANO TECHNICIAN ' Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 -' 972 10th East PETAL 1.T1). Stewart Tuesday ss. Camjsun. a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Rupen 10 a.m. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINQ J l SUFFERED AGONIZING ! n the End lo Your Car British Chancellor of the ALL SMILES AT CONFERENCE END Exchequer, Sir Stafford Cripps, left, with U.S. Defence Secretary back to London. Judging by Louis Johnson just before he flew Stafford's smile, results of the dollar and monetary conference were satisfactory. , ..r rtrran Fal.S Thursday ss. Prince Rupert FPffN' PHASED PHONE RLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all . " Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 Don't. You'll 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesdayr-Sf. oidnight. - until I inctr4 wnrfrfMt, fait Mtifl Vm NMritit CtMlAt. f mltant fwt Niwf Prince Rupert find that Your DECEASED Auto's From Alaska 1 you expect maximum performance from your Prlnae Rupert. Thursday ss. t. see that It Is nmivrlu orenxprl nt -ill times. Advertise in tne Dally Njws! Prt in here, where exDerlence and equipment ff fi! f C'w"uH' B'JI3 NEW GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phon. 387 you of a quality job. WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 516 Gvess who 's m fawn wftft V.V.W.Y.WC.-.iWi'.'.V.V GREER & I I BRIDDEN PTN SERVICE STATIOlI BLUEBIRD, 10 "'Bride or phone 791 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS W of Dishes SPECIAL ON 10" STORAGE ALBUMS 3- Pocket 20c 4- Pocket 25c 5- rocket , . 30c Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNBYS OIL BURNERS CONTRACTORS AND , BCILDERS CONSTRUCTION i ALTERATIONS 5 REPAIRS ? TIFUL ENGLISH CHINA AND DECCA RECORDS PECIAT QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Pie Set f PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 Dinnprwai. in 22 and 32-piece sets at a price that's sure to please the w h o 1 e family. Ny $29.50 ONLY 55c each 2 for $1.00 or 5 for $2.00 DON'T MISS THIS GREAT SAVING FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY MATTSON'S ' UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 82fl 330 Second Avenus prnc Rupert, B.O. REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, Oreen IBS This advertisement IS not pub P.O. BOX 731 RED 561 lished or displayed by the Liquor 44 I " nniluiii in Control Board or uy une uuv-errunent of British Columbia fes- Box 1118 Phone Red 400