Prince Uupctt ailp ftttoj HMD I Local News Items . . . Mm A N, XVihaI.i l.i miUIiik Turmluy on the Ciniut.-uin mi ft CO-OP HOLDS INFORMAL MEET An li.fonnal discussion of ideas for operation of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative stores and fish camps took ' ; trip Ui Vancouver, k.i 1 1 iinii lift ul ttii ciiii of the week fur I'm I Clements Uuvl.l Jones returned to Uie city on the Ciunosini evening from il Hip to v'uueoiivcr. Arthur 10. Jones rrturnetl to I lio rliy Haiuriluy afternoon liy ' BEAUTY . . . UTILITY . . . . . . ECONOMY n I l I i I r it SYI.V AIM.Y WEATI IKUHOARl) All lln. Win m, ul II. i- Ihiiiklit III' I'll w u mini MtH'k liinilli limn II In in lii l avail.ilile lor rally ilvUvriy ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. roii ijimiu.k iuhi.ihm; suiti.iks place Sunday afternoon among air from it Imnlncvt (rip to Van fiiiv r.xeeullve Meet Ins Cnn- couver. CO members Who attended a meeting In thr Oddfellows Hali. No reports of decisions were enl i-Ulun hull, o til fij mlttin l p III, till;l lilt. tlt Mix. H nirkry of Hie Miller lluy Hospital Muff la miIIIiiu ( Tiit'.siUy on the Caniosun on a trip hi Vancouver. mi brought before t ie meetins?. Following the discussions, two films were shown, one dealing with wild life conserva.lon and the other with early Canadian r I,, Min.iker. alter spcn.ltnn a j couple of days hi the city. leU at the eml ol the week on his i return to M.issell. C, J Cutler Hint H Heill'ont ; ..c inn shiinlvmen'a Mission letl rini it.) f -m Itniilitr Mmmr Meeting, Tui'mIh.v, rVbruury 0, 8 pin sharp, tSU transportation. Chairman of the meeting was Oscar Petersen, chairman of the member-hip relations committee. r i v AUSTERITY IS at the en.l of the week for. x4 , MEASi i If. Massett, NOT SO BAD Miss Joyce leslle IMIN, ol the public health unit returned to the rlty on yesterday niorn-la' train from h weeks trip lo Smttticrs, Hiurlton uiui Terrace on official duties. Moose Card Party Is Again Enjoyed SONS OI' NORWAY t'OSIllMi; HANlT. A haul liiui'i v.imm' it, nice IcallllCit the WtvUl Clllil illlil liiiin Iuh p.utv il Hi.' i",i.' .it N.nwav I .!;- riiiUv uijihl ,lillt I'll pl'IVns Wl'lf pICM'lll tuiil the pi toe wtntici lot nii tuilic vide Mix I t.mli 5.Uu itel an.l liov jvhnMon I'll. , II, lilt Km lift hi io. In Ul hinn M-.ll In r nnUiul mill 1 1 .no r Smart Fabri'u Scores of Moose members und f i, thino Is nvtNteittv still Mr. MelVinnlil. wluvso Ini.N .heir friends attended the! H, J. H.icou retnrnevl to the city ut the nut of the week from Victoria where lie was called recently on account ofj the death ot his brother. j The Annual Came Pinner ol the Hod & thin Chib Is on Feb- i nmry l Tickets are limited in.! !itnher lire nred to net weekly card party and dance ng Gabardir, ! lnt thtuu ni not .s bnl tt l.luiiul," hio Irtte V MelViiuM evpeeloil lo llml,' iU Mr, V ! nrrvcil m.s fire chief In rrtnoe U Hieks loil.iv follow tun her ;nup t for vrs,' now rnivke-s held in the Moose Temple Sat ' urday evening. Cards were play- steds. Coven lu.Uicv wi n- Mis W l t'lx ivtiiuv lv Stniitay Uatn from her home At Oliver. He son, An- ed durina the early part of the Uo lo U, , Aui Yxr.rct. iSUi, u her. MIPXV1NTFH FLOOO - Sixty Longneuil families were forced to leave their homes by unseasonable Hooding of the St. Law- irnce Koer tios weiiv. T.iC I.oou ..i ..c Sv...... s..v.c u opposite Montreal wa caused by an ice Jam two pules up the river Hcie Is one ot the flood victims making a tour of the area .CP Photo. in a row boat. theirs without delay iaj i evening. Lena Schwab and Florence C'.outler were w inners J !or the women and John Me-! Mm hii'Kt thlnkx Uwl. CoiViU-tU'iiN wonlil he even hetter It It Flannel and Made - to M, XV, Cmnerson, well known i . . i . . . i 4 .. Alex tlordon. business afent i.i- the rnued Fishermen and Naughton and Oie Tweed high scorers for the men. Refreshments followed the card p'av- i uusers ass riullip M. Ray. srttary- SLIGHT DAMAGE weie not lor Wuek nurkettnis.l r veierrtn nun ioei 4er.. .. lh,t K U iheie was hilt liNtrl- ho now make hts home In I'liuon h uillonma rtlone. j Vancouver. Is makln satis-Comp,e,l wlih Canavla, ot , factory mMvery (mn an Illness isniiMV the hnv pats ot hulterthat overtivk lilm miw time anil oih which aiv ratuvnet out , sw ing and prizes mere distributed! of COirmle'p manager of the Prince Kuperi branch. Canadian legion, has DONE BY FIRE tluiiitei on u.i iiiaMei ct i''ie motile Mike Coluva, pi.tvoi ac enwllin Imt-ac In the ii hiM p u ii tin- pi i 'i' ivuutcis wile Mt tVi.e John on tio,t uitiutai' S.'lvh; ttclu-MiiuviiU ' viciv sciiinI Ivliveen cu.W an.l lUstiiu.! Hie eoiininS'.ce in vii.issc eon tWt et Knol 5;,tA. iW,u i)iki lviv KsvuiM'n Net lli,liii,'H Ms Ktiiuli tVhl .-' ,(el., M ,K!m ;Mt Mi , h.' no wi i a i inai lime, uancuig mpn been appoinuxl a special com-' . jjsnuji amount of damage mtssioner for taking affadavits. was jjone t0 Jie exterior wall of weekly ceiiainiy seem measn1, i enjoyed with music by the Orchestra. Carl Brechin Nc v, XV, K Caution of 1VIU csei,nuc aiui irinis air sUelU l rvturutns to his home Allied XVorkeis" Cnlon. arrived, in the city at the week-end to' confer with members ot the local union on matters of policy ! Mrs William T, Malcolm and son arrived at HiUedale from' VMicouver on the Camosun; Tsteitay Mr Malcolm is man-' a$er of the Canadian Kisluns Cxv's plan! at Hutiviale A joint svvsal with, the men ot the Moose lodo was plannec. according to an announeemen. , ,j,e ietourneau ApartmenU at in the latest issue of the Six;Jl Avenue XVest Satur- t was master of ceremonies. sv.uve aUJvouiih theiY sveni to tion in styl fit and fine PRIt IB en Uif Cnuvun her t-e plcnlv of the cahhase type Ulnitlufi tr hvf vtvs l ,il iliV ..f whi.h a U'.tel ... , , 7.. !Uie etty Murine hloh he t- Ciasetle. -day when a "bUiw torch, used to thaw out water pipes, set the Pavri tathul. !c of the MOCKF WOMEN'S !ae. The fire was put ;s .MUVJL. W UHCaXO w, w.. ... A .:. .Hudson's Bay Co store manager letiiUM the niHil met-Unji ot Uht YxUxcf Kujv-rt ITOvtery ot hhe Cuius! Chuivh last vitnk l.;i..M,l rt(l- IH'.UJi HVWI .l hui.nn XXhile the clolhtivj ration was afoul to Kx Uile,l, Mr. Hik-k RUMMAGE bALL ': . Ut K-rt, wa5 a passen $15.50 1! ger as.ara sue iamsiui in.- N,'i. i i-, ei returning north alter a Line Is clear and t'.i moving nonuaUy iaia a; trip to Vancouver. Sne was ac- Three Wed weeit of iryuip interrupt ..-ts. alontivar.-.e-d by her mother, Mrs. j n Pniue RniH'rt Chapter. of the Moose. Itv'.J a success! -al rummage sale at the Moose Temn-" Saturvtay after-novn tn aid of a memorial scholarship for the purpose of assisting in the education of Colin at the r"iii;ar ;vo-.;.. jni of the Women of the M ose nvenUv The svia'. wi',5 be held at the M,w 1V:v.p.e on Febia-ary 23 that. man ot the meeting was Mrs Olenn. senKv- Keicr.t. a.s announced this if.frr.,m MacIX.r.ia. , si uiu,i:.i:i .National s ot.'k-es. Tcmtrits tram f.r the ' TO HoM IT MAX tuN(I KN East leaves on time it S o c;.ct Prin.-e Ku- f,j n.cro' Mci": This is iuthorttj- that L U.e Fun for double the pile )ftu (Mi buy injthiiig bdtsM ttun h.i,i led ,nsUni Im-Ioi. the it-i !v Axuv5v,vMlr. one ot nv.xal wax ettwlct She nUa'-h has tven tn Venenielaj have eloiJite.s home A.ul n0!her tn lYxas -arihxst oUu-vwiM- A n was lor ftM, i4;S, ,XWu-,s on the deck',w.s ,vi oU)Xa hrA .j 1hf Mmr C!,UVNU,V TI1y s uclcs axaUiiMe, !ia Inc ust by Ceianex- Cor- M. Hicks mace a tMiet tru4 lVs4.,on of America rnsnn-t-is ,lo ln i to vivU a eousm lwt i9Wr(,m n4 iv.waut ' ....c.uinK lkNvie lUUanntviu' i:.cse j XXaUer Harper, who years a$o i M'e jipt-m ioi ot her tune ran a men's clothing stow on n,soi5 at lUlh H,v.h Street an,l xh afier Cuvvvni.-, She AilaiUK tv'.Jv leaving l-rv, sef.W tn lw. ;i-u ,viut vunv, slve trvelUi jean, near YV.orU, ts gra..tiaVvy; o.v the Awiiania an,t sUypeJ recowruit frvvxi the rftevls ct at Hatuav to inI a tUu$iV ': hrXen huv A'.uwvst a var 1 h" sviftered a tU He is "" " n4 K'Wi bi Xf iMsiy u prvMched the- $J0 -X mart : u:'.-;cr..i..t i, o--i ir.y in-j IVmatioi-.s hare e. .:.e from a".l j.h'-'esi in the Supen-ar Auto and I parti of the Uir.on and the g.-r- ,B y S-nice to Ot?J mi ' ' . ernnwns :U cvr.'.nrj'.e or. a;XV.t, "ntata ' ...... ' : VUiUi for pontKi i FtHCY A. BET.G , " ' !foe Atviir.g as the vaiious stai'.x unvier clvair:v.ansSt:! o Mrs. A. R:tch; were Mrs. B, BeKarr.y. Mrs. D. Kca,yss Mrs V Orahanv, Mis J inittte- Mrs IX Morrison. M.s A lltntoa. Mrs. II t,k,!-..v Mrs R WtUvv Mrs B O.ur anc; M:s R. M.i.'.Hl Ia c'.ursv oi the ere Mrs. H Mu:-..ry. M.-5. C. ?',ej.-v.c Mrs, W r.ey. Mrs B Sitn-tter. M s. Ii Ov-vte. Mr. W Bus-svy :;d Mrs. & Ka.,c.i:i Cwvtite H M.Kav, p.sw'.uc'.Jon manager for tV.e Canachan Fislv.txg Co arrives! in the c:t on the CaniAMin 3as; een:r.g frMW Vancouver. Ttve mixtttj" b-vi!, Catv.tsw was hc;e t a nuv and take t..r. ta c. .. '.. ;unta. Key IV. and Mr Kc.o. after having sv: the '!-.,.; ot ' W'iv'k m live v:s m eonsuv-;,i ;;h ;he sesv.w of lt. -.v Kuvtt r-.VNA5er ot the Vm-t.l Chuivh Oa-.w-u wwtfii lor iarC.ey JU Atvvar-il the M,sv,,- tvvs.5 Th.was ftw , tvu's vv.i the;: sv tuck 5o She;: ho;-.iC At vVxan IV.-s- MMNfill VKC.ICAl i" ewr'A h. cf 5 KOVOrir : uv.v :.v lv.:i.; : T:-::-.i i ru . i i.-ri.'.:r.u; J I &J --r,... I A. VJEiJ i v -. ...... . .. . I --i i i'i f k jNri mne I VXvcas YvHiivi vl Arra-Au.iV ; cannery w as p.v-nsfr on ihe Cactyvsun Ui sor.vj t.rvv.ish to 1,e Na K'.vt-r c-.- I'try to nuk jvryjra,xi: f,r itJ vnvw-.-.vs saosv T.".- ftsiwri ws'.'svt 5v ojvra.Ai t-at m V r wst i;n as a f.siutvs caavy ' as it has Kn"8 Kr te 'si: tc s Miw. J C, S. IVnsv v ;?J Wit V. WiWV. S vssnS " a; t tvi v? IS .m V: Mr, vv :f.a;t A... f. c." "Jv Ca- irw a $t iW. iW Rev aI tWVjt i aw-fT is te iv iisfj A--V SA-hr-.g Tvtfso r to Va-.v. i a '. o jw, . .' : U-i-n Mi A.V ci.i :Sw rA- .;se h.:.s-- "-info iUr-fl tT: . . n as oJ ;;.. ;vl v sv iCj.x its; ;? i ti.--.". .As AiS.i; i. j,ri I.-c t e-r.j.-a "..x; A,t rtsfAr'rh cx aa:- v. vi F.n:ir r;? tvii.v rfvif-i a K..r.- i..'..t 5.- -2 SWA? A.-- y w OV.MlYVI.-LooA(fl ( H ' ) I c 1 1 i i i r i i i s M .-.tvr. M-x l,o;-.'s iii warsv tc ,'.'l CTi" ..;.'.e--N VtSMfU s tt C'cti.v ti ;v-A .-..s. tr- ,v Cv XtAj'.v S.v F. A.". at.- F ..: 5 vi S Si K,'Vi j Avvuti S. r -V.v..k..e C F-:v :.; S.--r: O.h;-; C-.thTv-vr a; '.v.vJijvit i .: tv..k I f T;. wli :'- fc.-.iao.Ci? -. j UCIUAi I I j ? ... a r-H-i. . it GrAT-irr.if'? I r7 .,vrT V Si O.-.. S,a tv.-.. tra.-..- hX t. Af.NJU t'-iT IJ?, 3Ar.-;Hf ,it.-- 4-i,:';j-.v.5 iTut-.Ttit 4Sw fcv, CatkJv ANNE'S v-av-n a.--v-Ni .tv.( . . . . . . .... ii: iiiiib m S-C X't. SiaJit T o.'...'. t" ro.s. tf.;M Vr-s, Wv.-.ft Aji uiss-tw , Utt rro;c!,fv3- V."j ! a rArare v .-.'c? Ire ul: i ririiKr Jv'-tn-s. ?i.'. i.v i ?. t. S Vhr iUv." yi-.'-' i.uij A. -)r .uij.tcit.t.u. t;.ii .--.i.v-.u.'.t ,.u (i. -I' As-..s, Hr n ...; .4.1,1. 4. uvu-T -n.j)t n i'.irr-fC 3 i.rt I SPECIAL!! y.j; $i4v WANTED X lfiXA IVs A H V vv ot vc KUrtKT MAKINK RllLTY "X ' -A - iKV l ) yakco: t Pr? All TA-prc nr PDivnvr i rm' AntKtwtwrtl l wm ii ii ii n n'..i 4 a iw Jit vnrvfti!:uHMa Cat FCH i"'i ' ;iiaf 5ttiiAi3t'i ncf nxxi roT.. ; a A'i, v C. 1 ,s.X Hv ; .. r.-J. 5 ' 1 I o'i. Xlvvi '.'iwl. J':. U. I CHIROPRACTOR CociDedore Cile - lMll.Il PrilllilljJ IV. t,ff Cwv.ifvt. i'v-i-. s.'Vt rsX .X V't A I. ; 4-T v , y.i.v-4. ' IS.4.ll H4 lixvtjjk. CaHm s! i i f- A 'i.v M OUTSTAMHNG FEKFOKM.ANCE aa tie WOODS ; .!.!ll--sllt li.lH.l.ill .- -. s -. ii i.n.. 1 Ka s 3tpia UtiS iL V'lt i .V imraA W "J. it.. i ... 0 4J rhr- hlif. -i'lvuvl TAlMiiiw A .1 K.ti if Ji: z X ! ;n.iiAf.. . -lito - u. X..v. ;r',v. T'i!v,it ti.1.' $Uii: '.Ui, 'S'ivh Ali -IA "i4i.,is ju.-juir. 01.1,- C-JVA-'Kii, "Kiw-: Vii.-.-!-. Tv. W, im, Viw. i Oiviy., Sijvtip' -jiutr , A,iv -i. f At J- f - n... Cv.iCHk; ' iwl. Jv-vsJ? w-owtA 5 a Skf. h. Tlvt tui.!v. OJ41--.J. Jiv.'inj. g. BAPTOIfE P. M. WOODBOSS Power Chain Saw f'nni uiu itrrn.-r 'O dji i J -rtr-t rn-ru 'CSim. Jtt. ; 1 VNr: Al t TAINT "X'i V . v., a- -Att : '' . rf uini,l- ii.ia.-.r5ii fs.ts.v7. -,. ji'uiiun, i'tiJt im. win n.M a A.v.xvn iivit i'.'AijViW -fcwov; TiTi. a.o. 'Fluu juts PMKCE RUPERT SUPPLY H015E VXIXAII DAILY T.ur rviJr THOiMPSOJi llAR WE CO. IIP. i! s 31.