1 tftlnn Rupert Dan? Wffij Mmc'ay, February 7, li49 oifferent idea?. They held down ; 3 the Brownwoods' scoring while j starting to do some of their ) own. They cut the lead to 7 J - MORE SPORT ON PAGE FIVE 1 c ' V BASKETBALL ft. iff P'ir.U 29 to 22 as the final ten ' I cored 11. They made 3 of 12 iip-and- i 25 victory over the coming Rupert Hotel. i minutes began. Co-op climaxed 'a 12-pohit drive by taking the i penalty shots. Morgan's took 62 rAiiiitiifMMiM & a E A T S WK E E E T tf S c per word per, Insertion, minimum cQirne, aoo, ttlrto AoUimm 18 free throws' and made 5. Jl'XIOR LEAGUE i In a game during which they!,,!acl 31 U) 30. From then on the ' twics held 12-point leads Brown-' lcad chanced twice. In the last woods had to come from behind j fcw seconds Co-op-tried nan! . three times in the final minutes i to Get a shot a" ay but were fttrUI of innitfcr. -Ttiu nmigwt, r uiirmi nonces, jwnrrine ana r.HKUKriiiiii. nujiuunixuwnui w hPECIAL. DISPLAY. LK-illbLK PltlOK ml North Star took a 28-25 vic- K urtlsmg, 1 payable in wloaco. I' lento n-rrmn from telepboDLoft. ' to take the victory. Brown woods "-d "P by the i:'ose . checking j tory over Rupert Hotel in the Wr Beat Co-op FOR RCVl- MEMORIAM , stressed possession of the ball,! 01 Brownwoods. j opening Junior game. An im- I teamwork and passing during, Brovnwoods took 3S f:hotK and I proved Rupert Hotel team gave tT in anecHonau? r ilmce of henry Halli- SENIOR LEAGUE BASKETBALL GAME IS CLOSE AFFAIR ,i Herrace. B.C.. who the game but, when it came to made 11. 'They scored' 13 of 24 j a scare to the North Star squad; linislJmg this system off with' throv.-s. Co-o; too'-: f3 ;,hoU and as they battled right to the final : baskets .they fell down to the: made 13. Tney su.uU 7 of 15 bell. Rupert Hotel showed fine i A'ay on rcuiuuiy o, It's going, to be bit dlffi-1 words and, they just don't work : o.,nilkr T lovingly remembered FOR RENT New fully modern three roomed apartment, equipped with electric stove and refrigerator. Down town location. Kelerence.x required. Apply Room 3. Stone Building, plume Red 593 during oifcie hours, (tl) FOR RENT Apartment for rent, Bay Apartments. Phone Red 391 after a. itf) cult to try to get away without with, that whistle chief. Alex by all ms iamiiy. Brownwotids 35, Co-op 32 free throws. IVratMEWA'TE poorest shooting in the Senior League this season. Co-op never did net coina:. Bill knows just that and also respects our referees as we all a word or three on the Alex Bill-Johnny Comadina mix-up in a recent eame hptwppn Rn. teamwork and passing. North ; Star's accuracy in shooting , ' brought them tha win. Both teams took 49 shots, Rupert Hotel made 11 of theirs and ; Continued on Page 5' Intermediate-Morgan's 39, Mih School 25 Junior husband ana iatner, do. It was just a case of temper Stiles, wno pa.s.seu iJiruary 7. 1947. Me-Hi and Co-op. In convorsar I and. a few. mild words none of tlon with the boyish looking' whichi could not be used in the Their teamwork wasn't these as' Iri Irnvdiate game they came up with their poorest i Mor2an's ran fm'r i" School showing this season. The lossl with a "-muirtrr drive as they or Jack Lindsay's scorins piuich ! won 33 10 2S- D-,rlnS lhl' fu':it was keenly 'felt as the Co-op of- I lnrf,J quarters play was. close WANTKII today, oui rvc ry nay, m we remember. coach of our Ail Stars and High lis Wife and Family. living room. Aiex. when questioned re the show, had Jittle to say and I, quote: "Oh I just didn't think I had done any North Star 28, Kupi-rt Hotel 25 Brownwoods rolled invo exclusive po.sse.st, Urn of second place in the Senior Basketball League a they eked out a close win from Co-op who suffered their second fence didn't h-ive nnvimdv t IJ0U1 wr-ivi lig-mmg hard fruit SALl. School squads, I (jot the picture of a greatly oppressed ooacli being simply driven mad by a BOAT OWNERS! tatie up the slack. Jack WANTED - Car batteries, ear radiators, brass aaid coiner; paying eood puces. See B.C. FURN1TUUE CO.. Black 324. WANTED TO itENT 4 or 5 room untarnished house or apartment. Phone. Green 82S. 132) for all lou.se bulls. In the first half Morgan's held a 10-12 lead. side-lined with a cold. thing that warranted my evls- one-sided game with his boys feWU.JMMI- .11 m Biownwoods quickly look the ' n 'ie 'n'l'' Quarter liiyh School defeat of the season, the score j ;ead and held it until the final i w"re ,ed by th"ir a2?,ressive for- on the wrong, side. Everything J tion from the gym and after all was against him and when it was the first time this season things are that way, take it ! that I did- it." 5 room house. Ap-ib Hast. 34i Kitchen Wood and avi' Rood condition, iioiie blue J4- 34j I 1941 Chrysler Windsor .Sedan and Ihiid lili Automat io Trans- ueing io a. ward, Bud Ratchford, who pour AlOlguns crept, minutes of itie enmp --hpn ihou WANTED --Board and Room for siiiule gentleman, central 1. cation nrefi'iTpfl Ptinim idn from one that ha suffered in ; nearer to a play-off berth in the ! were overtaken but came from j flemi,id,ut heam a! ih(-y "'-- ! behind to win. The shoemen's recent 'Cfud. t:,u U"ul uiKV Hi"jblf? load uf 12 P"'"ts at half-School nu n .I ic VI..,..', . , . . . P.O. Box 1338. i3i i'i like manner, a referee that call Privatelv owned. , , : ..... It appears that the ed in 8 points to give his team the leatl at the end of the quar-i.-f 22-21. In iiio linai quarter the heavier and moie cxpi.'ii-enced Morgan's squad had things their own vay as the IIi;.th School defence spread ,iOUO lor quirk sale. (I 154. '31 Globe Trotters exhibitions have , . ' " . " . " ume looKeci tnat it would be WANTED- Home for baby girl Apply Box 487 Daily News. (37) 7 , , v. couunuca uicir devoloped. some extra fans here ; j, l ufe.maue. much larger m the se.-- . ' ..... , . aS as they won a Close , 28 to nml h-iif ir.. .,.....,. r as the current ticket sales for Two cook ranges, her coal and wood. I. 33 HELP H'ANTFH them against you, is "the meanest guy on earth." His, whistle is sharper than a- dagger and the apparent disregard a referee has for one's feelings at a time of need is what , incites riot, I. have never tried kicking Mr. Comadina In the back, or using anything in the line of an of 1 wide and Morgan's burst through -'37 Pontiac, t'ood I CHART YOFIt COI RSE ; for the THOM SHEET : METAL SHOPS- condition. Owner HOYS WANTED - The. waiting list lor Daily News delivery bovs is open. Hmtabie boys wishing routes should leave their names at the office, tf liliee. leaving town. the Arrow-Prince Rupert series to be held next week is very brisk and the extra accommodation installed for the Trotter show will come in. handy. ART MURRAY. ' ' m " f , J""l TTHII III II I linn i.lHII,;,. 1,1.1 "- ' ' ' t i t : ' r-v. - - - r'. r levemuu's. ) ; for baskets. I The loss' of Websccr and Sun-. b rg. who have moved up to the j Bo-Me-Hi Seniors, was notice-1 i able on the High School team.1 Violin and case at, WANTED A reliable man to' fensive weapon but I have tried i i when your craft needs a new t price. BUick 718. seil Hawleigh Products in J2t Prince Runert and surround- What they lost .in experience. '? TV, Muffler, Galley Slack, Now radio cabinet the High School sound made tin ? ims msuict. no exDcnenee needed to start. Write today. ItawlcigIVs Dent. WG-B-ltid-189. Winnipeg. Man. un ,,n. reasonaoie. J!- Panel, very goon, write Box 1553. ( 32 1 140 95 I. , - . ' 1 ' ? i . .! , 120 204 t ' i V- ' or any other metal work. PHONE 884 for in fighting spirit. They sti; : ; 'j aie a team, to bo watched as' B. Payne 137 1 1. Keavs .: 95 L. Keays , 179 C. Silversides 183 IY. Turcotte 120 . Handicap 60 I Totals 871 LEADERS TIE IK MIXED FIVE-PIN LEAGUE I'F.ftSOH 1I, i 253 EAST FIRST AVENUE j they gam knowledge with every pa. sing game. i Hish School took 62 shots and t- Canner and pres-r with 3 pots. tjmi-h'tt. 817 9th Ave. W. '3D i Model' A Coupe in ion. Phone Black PERSONA LDRUCi SUNDRIES i rubber good.si twelve samples for mm postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co. Dept. 'PR', 71 Major St., Toronto. Out. (50( DRESSMAKING I)ONRPhonP Black 990. 140 9th East. (311 MAPLE LEAFS P. Thompson 138 H. Young 103 A. Shearer 101 R. Shearer 131 A. Hampton t8 H. Hampton 121 (32 226 2C2 ' " A f' ox , x ' 157 181 ' . 'f.NS ; V -.C 237 235 : Js V-' V . its ii :-''H yiV; ;'':': i: ) 154 1541 1 X ' t . . 4 Maceys XXX climbed to a lie in lead position with Headpin-ners, their ancient rivals, in the Mixed Five-Pin League bowling standings on the strength of a shut-out over Bo'ks, while B.C: Handicap 1&4 Totals 816 1104 1067 hit. X. I :::. M We Invite you to let us look after all the lubricant requirements of your car. We maintain records for this purpose and can advise you at any time what periodic services are required to keep your car in top BROWNWOODS 191 Messenger and Brownwoods also. E. Clark: MAPLE LEAFS LOOK BETTER G. Hull 129 IT Hull lift - Furniture. Ilard-i Office Fixtures. (writers. Underwoods I condition. Office 1-piece Chesterfield, t wood and cosU. Kl-ucs. Slmhtlv Used geclric and Battery I Cuds and Saucers, B Squares, Hot Kfessing Irons and fAlso other house-Mi articles. See B.C. I CO. Black 324. I ttfl improved their positions by tak bhvi four points from Clover rj' Woods"""'".'.'.'.'.'.'.'." 150 233 207 I - V V" 1 . - 76 76 s - t- , - . - 1 A Leafs and Maple Leafs rospee-, G: Maundrell 180 tT. Woods 206 ,iVolu Uve'y- Hanrtlnn 7fl Totals......,........ 1048.1264. 1109 Pioneer Laundry rollod the week's highest team scores with Bob Parker's MACEYS XXX.- More Firmly I nscotieed Now In Play-Off Position BOSTON Toronto Maple Leafs scored a 4 to 2 victory over Boston Bruins here last night after playing it one-ail draw with 1,405 for single and 3,849 for A. Matheson 159 215 156 136 182 160 167 168 124 Seaied tenders will d ov the undersign-Court House. Prince to noon of Tues- mr 9'J r,,i- i W PTOWII SERVICE STATION three Uzick zib. games. I J. Thornton 129 Jack Paul of Pushovers took i S. Davison 207 high single game honors with ! ? ,PurLbar . ... . ... Dunbar ..: 133 LONG LEFT LOOMS Angus (The Scottish Tenon McFar-lane, left, looks apprehensively at that long left of John (Killer) Weir coming toward his jaw. Fighting slightly underweight in a 50-pound class, the pair staged an all-out no holds barred battle in a two-round exhibition bout at Stanley Barracks in Toronto recently. The winner? Take your choice.' (CP Photo) 228 19K i I " ' !'- M, V,,U l ,...: 228 i 216 ,. uuiKimt! Known as""- ? iunuu.- yuoie ai 29 29 2bu, wnne mod Moxiey oi pio-; Handicap 29 2nd and Mcliride P1. Kit ll-.l I (in 1 OR Phone 791 (Continued on Pae Five) Toronto Saturday night and now seem pretty well established in play-off position. They are ting in fourth place with a three- tloi 8. Subd I)L 4044 1 121. Cassiar District jids siiould be aecompani-DV a certified cheque or if v order for thn tmi neer Laundry bowled the top three-game score, 705. Silver Sfcreaks, who were to have been matched against Hot Shots, garnered only a feeble "nt of the tender. Vhe point margin over New York anv .K'nder not Rangers Chicago, by losing . to a. if uifii, l ernis; ffcy Cash. Upset price $2m ! of. the building is subiect Rangers last night, is back in the cellar. Montreal Canadiens 1 two points when they failed to j bowl nine-tenths of their own j average score when Hot Shots ! defaulted. i un six. months from the ' oi sale. The said sup Is to f-ft in eleiin, sale and saw- ....... , '.. nniv-i,iup tuaillfi vV Boston Saturday night and to Detroit last night. Week-end scores: 11111111.11,11.1. G F. FORBES. Government. Agent . Court House, ' . I mice Rupert, Be 4? (30i B: C. Messenger 4, Clover Leafs 2. Brownwoods 4, Maple lea's 0. Macey s XXX 4, Bo'ks 0. Headpinners 3, Wingeis 1. Malkins 3, Ovenvaitea 1. King Pinners 3, Pinbusters 1. Pioneer Laundry 3, Dodgers It Pushovers 3, High School 1. Silver Streaks 2, Hot Shots 0, SATURDAY Boston 3, Montreal 2. New York 1, Toronto' 1 (tie). SUNDAY Toronto 4, Boston 2. Montreal 0, Detroit 1. New York 2, Chicago 0. Next games will be Wednesday ni.'.ht as follows: Montreal a! Toronto, New York at Detroit, Chieugo at- Huston. The league standings: W D L F A Pts WE HU SALE t rooms (priced 0-$27()0i. 5 ronis (Prlrod fl()-$4:,00i. V 8 rooms (Priced 10 Sllt.OPP). ti'xnes an- modern Kdicv can he had f if) most eases. build or buy check Jit map of tlH. clly Bim-rty for s.Up. AGENCIES -r-ves, (;mpii 2!17 B.C; MESSENGER T. Smith lf.8 187 158 Ci. Smith .. 81 140 80 L. Swaf field 89 !"8 140 H. Swaf field i.9 174 118 L. Schroeder 140 148 134 J. Schroeder 242 173 215 Handicap 82 82 82 Detroit . Boston Montreal 27 4 14 145 109 58 21 4 18 124 120 46 18 6 20 113 108 42 15 11 18 108 119 41 Totals ..' 961 1012 927! CLOVER LEAFS G. Broriie 97 240 141 ; room and bath Toronto ill, w;'ter heat- i New York 14 10 18 100 105 33iS 5 23 129 158 37 .Villus Green " ")! ' "i'liicago 16 (3D -, When you join the Royal Canadian Navy (Reserve) you'll, meet new friends and take part in many interesting activities. As a Reservist in the Navy's famous uniform, you'l! learn valuable trades and skills which will fit you to accept greater responsibilities in your civilian job. You get this training right in your own home town and in your own spare time. Then, you'll have opportunities to sail on a salt water cruise in a modern warship at full Navy rates of pay. Take your place among the men who are being trained for greater service to their country and greater usefulness to themselves. If you want to ask any of them about this intei 6sting life, you'll get a warm welcome at S ft. Troller 'Doxv' l"-op Cold Storaiie s t . - . ' , RIGHT HAND RING In Scandinavia the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. (35) IScrap Lumber $10 ssf' '"atl. Phone Blue (43 Daily Pjpws CWinsinrd 'Arts get ;-iu k Kisiiltsl ' 4 I A. t' " "Jl K III,'.1V,'ll,!l ions and K E T mb:ta !, jf' aim Gravel Roof- ' o?" H 029 lhone 543 Itn lL(.hSTlE"' Rex Bowling Alley Open to general public Sat- H.M.C.S. CHATHAM PRINCE RUPERT ftMiiu. : and Sunday afternoons !urday and evenings. Monday Tuesday aijd Thursday eve-I nings after 9 o'clock. rn7" iiimppr more LV, thp modem o type National '"iills manuf;io-1 IP-date unit 1 'I111!1 ted, Vancouver Machinery . - . (tfi wanteii V Jit bookkeeping ex-L-mo know edge of ji tmroll work? Box F...Niws- (30) A' HN II. WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT VOIl It DOOR QA RTONED OR LOOSE , WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 Phone 654 LGER V ' ..-SBW iik . ,tltar1.'ltrlllWiiiliMnFi..,.rtiM I mwiTlMjlf, a5itJa. .it .-,i,v.i .....-itjf,! . ,n , nm.irf rr1 ' 'l TflH s-. v-A To) Zi2-'T? -i- ATT $5r. per doitn paid for cmptici iMRTRLST. fBlger Ltd. i'fd Avenue - "s.:fc -3 ff.-Ti littlfd by any B.C. Brewry ft Xlllljf (Safe 'Vciili?CLH.II1.viiiEl JlJ Thit o-ilhtmnl it not f,ub!iitiJ oi dupUyd by lh Liquor Contiol Band il il.t C4ii,r,ir,i.,l of U,,lh CiLmLi. V wji