' "L i in 1 I in i n i in i 1 1 i mini iiniiiwim .""""""j Prince ttupctf Daily j:3cUis Monday, February 7, l'J4'J ,4DAYSSiaaft Evenings at 7:30 Only "; f C D D liutlio I)iaI I 1240 Kilocycles subject to Change) Hit MKthN S (iKEATEST LOVF i.. ii ,, .., it '-m, 1 Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. R. De Kcrgoinmcaux. Terrace Reporter of the approaching opening up of the military hospital which it is learned will have a staff of between GO and 100 personnel. To obviate further flood dam-ago, the land owners In the vicinity of the slough from Kerr's farm to Brauns Island have petitioned for the dyking of that area. Conservative estimate of the cost of such a dyke Is $22,800 and hopes are high that such a project will not be long in getting underway. SCHOOL TO GET MOVIE CAMERA Terraec P.-T.A. Makes Plans For Year t TERRACE At a very enthusiastic meeting of the Parent-Teachers' Association the members decided to purchase a fihr camera for uhe in the Elementary school. This year's project came up for discussion with several suggestions being brought forward by the members, such as hot lunches, library books and dental care for the children. C. W. Mlchiel. chairman of Hie school board, detailed a few plans which were being formed for the new High School near the present primary school and thanked the members ofc the F.-T.A. for their past help In supplying things for the school which, at the time, were beyond the reach of the school board. jviONUAI -rUL 4: 15 -Slock Quotations and lnt 4:30 -Magic Adventure 4:45 Easy Listening 5:45 The Question Box 5:00 Musical Program 5:30 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6: 15-Martial Airs 8:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 -CBC News Round-up 7:30 -Club Dale 7:43-On Mike Tonight 8:00-R.C.A.F. Band Concert 8:30--Guy Lomburdo Show 0:00-National Farm Radio Forum 9:30 -Recital 10:00 CBC News 10 : 10 CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orch. W Mvfna Inu. rrcri... .. Dana Andrews. TercaK Viroinia Mawn . u. - c Dr.- Lira and Mr. Simons, secretary of the Iluzclton Hospital, drove In to Terrace at the weekend on their way to Prince Rupert and Vancouver. They were accompanied by Miss McLcou who spent a couple of days with friends in town before returning to her duties at the Ilazelton Hospital. r -"o- nudgy tain? C. W. Alger d uve to IlaVelton last week on school board ' " ""liii tut Kj,,(, I V LA. "''rfTfiTTTIn S Mrs. Grenfell and two children have returned from Rc-glna where they spent the paut few weeks visiting relatives. COLD UP THAR? Foster Hewitt is apparently used to the temperature in that gondola, way up over the ice in Maple Leaf Gardens. He should be, perched there for. lo, these many years. However, Wayne and Shuster appear to be finding the upper air Mighty chilly. Not even the excitement of Wvi game seems to be able to warm the blood of these two so-called sport fans. k Dr. Co(,k who Is with the Hospital Insurance in Victoria! has been In town on official! business in connection with thej military hospital. 1 IOTEL ARR 10:55 Interlude U :00 -Weather and Sign-Oft TUESDAY A. M LLOYD MANGRUM GOING STRONG TUCSON, Arizona, tt-Lloyu Mangrum sank a six-inch put!, on the El Rio Country Club Terrace Man is Burned to Death ''flint Itupr W. Baker and E. IluckholU have left for roil Edward where they will follow their trade, as carpenters. Terrace has been glad to learn 7 J. McLachlan of Port Moody and A. C. Mastertou of North Vancouver, engineers, are In town in connection with the ; 00 -Musical ClocK 00 CBC New.' 8: Especially did he thanMhem for last year's soup kitchen which had proved of great benefit to the children, lie also pledged that for every dollar the P.-T.A. spent on the camera, the school board Would spend an equal amount for films for It. The meeting was held in the Credit Union hall with Mrs. Van Stolk as chairman. After open A. A w i (I, W'ealiici-.SDiion t, I... I,.r(rr t'lilrrlv liiwr I The house was not damamd . ... . i eighteenth green yesterday with , . . ... i . ..... .....i i i' ' heating plant at the military hospital. W. E. Lylc and A. E. Scott, a careless penouium ins miui the nonchantl stroke did the i Meets With Untimely Kurt as the flic was cxling.ii.shcd before the arrival of the fire en- TERRACE -James Porter. 75. jnp long-time resident of the dis- j 51 Iricl, died Sunday morning im Ber;;, N, A w, ,,., 15 Morning Song 30 Music for Moderns 45-l.ittic Concert 00 BBC News and Cotnty 15 Morning Devotion 30 - Morning Concert 59 Time Si-'imJ 8: 8 8 a 9 9 9 10 10 following: j Davey, ImIivdu;,, both of Vernon, are In town on B. C. Tower Commission busl- i ing with "O Canada," the presi the Red Cross Hospital from I . Won the United States open clay. Vuiuijuvi't, u champion the $2000 first prize Vancouver: D, J i, in the $10,000 Tucson open ' gary; G. J.iy, rma :00 Ellen Harris ness. dent welcomed the fathers who burns which covered his entire were present. 'body after an explosion caused ; 15 Morning Melodies tournament. t Acton. Sa.-.k;itrWl by using gasoline to start a fire. 30 Roundup Time 45 Scandinavian Melodies Made nun the icaaing unuea Terrace; Mr? i CI n I no nwit-witr u-ii-iiini til Intn 111 i . 10 10 A very entertaining program had been arranged by Mrs. Campbell and Miss Larscn. Eight tiny tots from the primary ovuivo ii.umj .... ""- i-ori , Clements- M Having been hospitalized for a few days deceased had just returned home when the explo- 11 1949 with a total of $5,755. P. E. Bishop and D. McConibie of Smlthcrs, surveyors, are spending some time in Terrace in connection whir the drainage of Lnkelsc Avenue. Smith( rs; Mis. E :00 Musical Varieties :15-Songs of Yesterday :30 Weather forecast 11 La Bichc. Al'u Set a 72-hoic El Rio course record of 263 17 under par. school did their physical exer- 'sinn orrmmH .it 2:4.r n m Rt- II die and daughter l The Daily News wishes to draw attention to tht ru!: that classified and transient advertising is payable in ad-' vanic at the office at time of presenting copy for adver Using. Those desiring to ad-verti.se in this manner in thf Daily News are asked t- assist the effice and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified ' II II 31 Message Ter.ua 33-Recorded Interlude : 45 Let's Waltz Mrs. McGilvery has pos; poind her trip to the eastern flutes. Alia.; W. p, ver; J. Eiiiiioiuivoc Mrs. M. O.-n-Kiu. ; Woods, Smithers eises to the record player which j urday. All aflame he was drag-had been supplied by the organ!- gcd outside by Mrs. E. Gleason, zation. Other records were play-j a neighbor, and rolled in the ed and enjoyed. These young snow but his clothing was still children were Judith Amdam,! smouldering on his arrival at Ann Smi!h. Barbara Hagen, Ber- hospital where Dr. McGilvery at nice Lee, John Jones. Pierre Nor- once reported his condition to i :00 Mid-Day Melodies i 12 1 12 ! 12 j 12 Am 15 CBC News :25 -Program Resume 30-B. C. Farm Broadcast 55 -Recorded Interlude niandeau, David Toop and Teddy be very poor. Washington Wins Honors In Skiing BANFF, 9 University ol Washington's well - drilled ski team captured major honors in the third annual Alberta intercollegiate ski meet in a weekend battle against ttuduiti itom the Universities of Lr.ti.-n Columbia and McGill. NEW it HOI, 12: 1: 1: Farquam. Mrs. Amdam gave a reading at the beginning of the meeting and Mrs. Campbell brought forward the Idea of the "Problem 1 pTT Gordon Little of East Kwinitsa was a business visitor last Friday. Due to slides on the line west of Terrace, Tuesday's train from the east turned here and returned to the east the ,v.n;c evening. Passengers for Prime Rupert stayed over here, accommodation at the hotels being strained to the utmost. :00-:30- Concert Hour Bernie Braden Tells u Story Com't'y Consumer B.C. School Bdct. Musical Program - -i ... - . . A Borne Awa;ts ii Nothing Could 60 Roomi. Ha I 2 2 2 3 3 3 PORCUPINE NAMES Box," an idea which will be ad-! opted. j ri.ms for another school con-, cert which will take the form of' ;an operetta to be held in May! I were made and, as the P.-T.A I Wife 45 - Western Five, Ottawa 00 -Ethel and Albert 15 Spotlight On a Star The porcupine is ai.so kiiowni PRINCE RITE i Phone HI K as qulll-pig, urson, hcdgn.o: and qullk-r. 20 I .30 Sketches In Melody Divertimento BBC News -International Com't y :45 3 3 3 Be Finer! , I Evening Gowns 5 For that Formal Impres- a slon. All sizes, 12 to 44. Style selection, too. And Not Exprnsive " : rupert : 5 PEOPLES STORE :55 will supply all the costumes, Mrs-Bailey was appointed costume convenor. The meet log also decided U. pay transportation for the school children who will participate in I r - TERRACE GUIDES ARE AT STRENGTH TERRACE As (he company of Girl Guides is now up to strength with an enrolment ol 30 Captain C. Mcllroy asked the the Music and Drama Festival: I "to be held In Prince Ruuert in .-- - HyCOL Take y: from ti- u: sek-cti'ir i '' right Li SECOND MAULIXO PAIGNTON. Di vo....hi-e. En?.. .9 While cleaning a cage. 72-year old Jack Hockling was mauled by a 224-pound brown bear. Hockling was taken to hospital and his condition now is satisfactory. Twelve years ago he was mauled by a leopard. j May. Mrs. A. Kennedy was ap- pointed chairman of a Liaison1 I committee for approaching the m coiiDs school board on different mat-' ters pertaining to the welfare of the children. Is Your Radio Sick? I i BRING YOUR RADIO ; RADIOPHONE SET TO i Ken's Radio Clinic Following l he close of the j meeting, refreshments were. Coniic, '.; etipi'i -li'-,f i 1 a r u f , m sniall-siznl CALLS served. I Association to officially close the Company. Any new girls wanting to Join will be placed on a waiting list to await vacancies or else the formation of a new company. Mrs. Art Kennedy reported that the Brownies had been going for two years and they too were full up. The Association members met Tuesday afternoon and Mrs. E. Head pretuded. Summer ramp for the girls was discussed with matters left as they are until further inquiries are made. Fol- J i for SATISI'.U'TOKY SIKYUK lowing reports, election of of- X Dealers for TO BLUE 846 (iKM KM. DUY BATTIIKY : fieers took place: " ' President, Mrt,. ilead. j i Vice-President, Mrs. J. Jul.scth. ; ' Secretary, Mrs. II Fisher. AND Hl.STlNGIIOl'SE 713 Second Ave. Phone 53 NEW CHAMPION? -Here is Mariene Elizabeth Smith, 17. of Niagara Fails, a leading contender for the 1940 Canadian senior women's figure skating title now held by Barbara Ann Scott who has turned professional. Miss Smith, who was junior champion in 1948 and placed third in the senior contest, will seek the title at Ottawa February 13-19. CP Photoi BRINGS PROMPT, EXPERT SERVICE SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating NOW7 is the 7 inw... Treasurer, Mrs. D. Kerr. i A hearty vote tif thanks was tendered to Mrs. Kerr for her past services as secretary-treasurer. Boy Seoul and Girl Guide Week is to be held from Feb-; ruary 'JO to 27. and a bi jain-j borer is being planned for one InUiht during that wrek with the j AsstH-ial ion and the Boy Scout .Group eommiuce getting to-: sether to plan the event. HOLLYWOOD WW Most IJp-tn-Dati CV the City Open from 8 p.m. to We Specialize in Chinese Dishf CHOP SUKY CHOW Mhl lOll OUTSIDE OUOERS I HONK lH to make changes in your ivfrivratiun system. Wo will in' ixhu to assist you in any mcnts conteinplati'tl. Have your machine cheeked to see if it is in condition for the heavy work season which is ahead. SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Reach-in Coolers Frozen Fowl Cabinets Ice ('ream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. I'llONK 210 or 2W BOB FELLER SIGNS UP TO $72,500 NEW YORK. f Bob Feller has signed a one-year contract wiih the Cleveland Indians for approximately $72,500 but Joe DiMaggio or the New York Yankees will probably top that figure today with a pact for cIom1 to $100,000. j I CEMENT COMIXJNENT ! Gypsum is added to Portland cement in the final grinding j process to reculate the set tint THE Skeena Construction & Cabine II.DIRS AM) Gl.NIRM. COMKVT llOOIt stviiivi: vn CABlM'T W ' . C? bars wrapped as I ,ji"V cxa'.ed with I'cirs tomue-terr.ptina ll Of J?- the best" IC3T1MATES FREE UN RElt' rb P. O. Bo 1676 m. " Jjtimc of the cement. i BLONDiE -He Feels Like A Cancelled Stamp! By CHICK YOUNG ANNOUNCING . . . Re-OPENING Ormes DrJ i & ) I - v : i ! n ' . r- -, -, V."'.L VOJ II I v PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS I II lb IX ? TO i ICS TO ' SUNDAYS AND HOIiDAYS-12 NOON i rN. A COFFEE SHOP l 3 X -' r-v i ! 1 till i v- y 7 TM. TO 9 PM. 5 S ,.A Vfl?i -i Tin K si ,T J 1 'J I B -JL -V-,--i i SI I. I i U Belfe. 'U5. Vs. V t 1 1 351 Vrsl Third COM1TETELY RENOVATED AND REEIRN1SHLD BETTER THAN EYEI? na..... L nt ""J usurer ki '"- irom ' l'su' U4 U from B urn. Ull S p.o- Downy-Flake Do-Nuts Our Specialty f '-z.tr 1 .- Y7iei i r513J PHONE 81 TT'U.":. "tr. - -" - ' ... Z .rZ''.r- 2.-.,