LADIES TIE IN MIXED FIVE i Continued from Page 4; prfttce Eupcrt Daflp J3cto3 Monday, February 7, 1949 hilpott, Evitt WHITES IN MAJORITY The only three South American countries with a majority white- inhabitants are- Argentine-, Chile and Uruguay. and Co. Ltd. Can Supply You With - Sir7i..: :-,,,L ""v ' "'Buwrnmimmmmmmmmm w1llWlll,.'- r 1 ' V I i - , "" - " '"' v V - I I . t, 1 - i t-- I ' . J ( 1., . I 1BER-- Including Fir, Cedar, etc. OORING In Fir or Hemlock . SIDING All Types-SASH and DOOR and ! .moiis FOOTHILLS ALRERTA COAL in all sizes rnoNK ri FIRST ROUND HEARING END Three matches In the handicap English billiards tournament were Dlaved at the Cana- Edward. Drew, children of George Drew, M.P., national leader Party, hear their mother tell them a pre-bedtime story. BRUWNWOODS- BEAT CO-OP (Continued irom Page 4i tUan L(JRion HaU f)Ver lnp wepk end and only one match - A. M. uurst vs. Gt-orge Abbott-re- B. Windle 220 174 14s T. Vanetta 2d!) 206 182 R. Tubb 226 199 210 nanoicap 17 17 17 . Totals 1057 108! 1CG3 H.M!e7 188 173 19 r. irneu 66 139 140 F. Moore 79. 105 153 E. Sweeney . in 112 140 H. Piuym jug 184 178 A. Fetherston .. 126 93 lo3 Low score .... 13- 124 162 Handicap 125 125 125 Totals ... 750 wt 1051 WINGERS D. Rudderham .. . 153- 16 161 .J.1 a-d 175 232 2U9 I. Krisljansson . .. 138 169 145 B. Vuckovicri 185 247 219 Reil n 134 129 N. Sheppard ........ 232 211 137 Handicap 12 12 12 Totals 1014 ll(: 1012 HEADPINNERS A. MvMceKin 229 209 158 T. McMeekin 174 193 169 E. Murray 95 166 140 M. Haivocsen 175 190 189 V. WraUiaU 215 216 179 J. Comadina 201 173 219 Handicap 19 19 19 Totals 1108 1160 1073 OVERWAITEA K. Paul 115 188 185 H. Tubb 181 169 18$ M. Kuzik 104 171 ,121 N. Mazone 218 254 188 J. North 121 133 114 L. Valletta 129 166 177 Handicap 27 27 27 Totals 895 1106 908 MALKINS A. Leamy 175 171 230 M. Leamy 204 166 223 E. School 119 110 94 R. CtuveririK 150 164 128! D. Tayior 191 130 lo8i H. 1 vior . 279 161 215; Handicap 71 71 71 Totals 1189 973 1119 K1NGPINNERS S. Comadina 295 173 205 1 A. Pierce 183 183 168 j J. Shenton 142 G. Shenton 215 259 205i 1 183 147 J- $rj;;;;z 161 146 , low score 90 79 1U7 I Handicap 10 15 15 Totals 1129 1053 993 DIM OTCTL'D Q m Gi asdal 131 157 252 E. Ball 133 79 117 M. Townsend 90 84 107 M. fetapleton 213 277 237 u Jokanuvich 111 125 19 194 173 147 Handicap 110 1 Hi 116 Totals tS8 1011 11' 203 198 177 v. Menzits 179 199 208 L. Anderson 148 213 159 O. Anderson 194 243 210 I. Garner 171 231 193 E Garner 167 229 183 HandieaD 25 25 23 Totals 1087 1338 1155 'PIONEERS L. Eiii kson 181 230 151 C. Enckson 191 217 129 K. Knutson 245 198 193 u ii.,i.. onu n 011 " P. M. n.ies . . 226 197 18U B. Moxley 243 218 244 Handicap i i i Totals 1405 1273 1171 PUSHOVERS C. Whatman 192 129 123 J. Warren 178 153 142 J. Graham 198 156 269! M. Flynn 141. 125 2671 E. Anderson 121 J. Paul 221 197 Handicap 42 42 42 Totals 1093 915 1228 HIGH SCHOOu mains to be played In the ln; round. J. Lawrle 'plus 20 def fated W. Straehnr, (plus 3 by a score 11. MeKinnon 159 176 235 North Star missed their 3 at- "V.(1y 1; 23i tempts. A. Bellamy ;. ... 210 I'm;- 1 nt vn , LADIES (jAME R. Twed ,,u laj. Handicap 71 a 71 j There was no ladies' game. Toluls ' lOWixhis game has been dropped MEN'S l.E.M,l'E (from the Saturday night sched- 01 i:m w in alter a very game in the first round. In the second round P. D Hardy plu.i 40. scored anot her victory by beating G. Alexander ininu 7. in tn iriR it Duncan ipius 401 scored a win North Star made 14. Rupert ' HoU?1 madC 3 f 7 free thr0WS' ule- The reason Is due to tht withdrawal of the Miller Bay team from the league. This was caused by the loss of several of their players. The game was awarded to Peoples' Slore and with it they tool- ovtr second place in the league. OPTIC SUNBURN . Snowblindness is actually sunburn of the eyes. over Bert Morgan (plus 20i by!L"w s'ure STORYTIME Sandra and of the Progressive Conservative 4-WAY SCRAMBLE IN MEN'S FIVE- PIN LEAGUE Continentals, Malkins and Maple Leafs wound up with four points each In the weekend session of the Men's Five Pin Bowling League, blanking-Aley Cats, Brownwoods and Scotians resDectivelv. Burns, who are sitting at the top of the league standing, took three points from Jay Cees. Continentals rolled the high- est team srores, both for single game and three-game aggregate. Their single game score was 1,208 and the triple was 3,157. High individual scoring wa done by S. Davidson, of Continentals with a 29(i for single game and Bob Rudderham of 1 Stones with 748 for three games. Continentals 4, Alley Cats 0. Malkins i, Brownwoods 0. Maple Leafs 4, Scotians 0. Burns 3, Jay Cees 1. Mallets 3, Ambassadors 1. Stones 2, Moose 2. CONTN ENTALS 150 to 120. It is hoped that all matches in the second round will be ! DODGERS-... .... 1 S. Ramsay ;KY SCORES , (oast I.eaKiK SATURDAY ,-r 2, Taconia 4. 2, Fresno 7. 4 .in Francisco 3 u 4, Los Anelcs 0. 1, New Westmin-ter I .SUNDAY i 1. V ir! land 0. '.us 4. San Die-.o 2. j a,avv rim- i Sir I s for Your , ! LLPAPER t 1 1REMENTS ! 1 311 MeP.ride St. W B l V. . I V 1: R t:e Kaien Co-Op COVER YOUR FLOORS NOW! 10 OFF ALL FLOOR COVERINGS INLAIDS CONCOLEl'M REXOLEIM BAROLEl'M A number of other items (3G at cost price , piayea ociore Wednesday as no ; enmes will hf nlavert nn ihn! rio. . .1,.. K..11 being reserved for the regular monthly meeting. BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE February 12 Rupert Hotel and High School, Morgans aiut Fashion, Brownwoods anfl Bo-Me-Hi, Miller Bay and Doms. February 15 Kinsmen an North Star, High School on' Peoples, High School a n Stones, Savoy and Co-op, . .. T.'..! - n hth.u r. ,) I High SchiKtl, Peoples and Doms, ; Ca-op and Bo-Me-Hl, Mcrch - ants and Morgans. . . February 22 Kinsmen and; PHONE Feb. 7th to 19th only ' WRITE 179 251 3rd Ave. Box 1127 280!- Mathe.son 1? i,4 LADIES 'B' BOWLS LEAGUE SCHEDULE of Feb. 8 Rosa Lees vf . Belmont: Mlllrr.TJay vs. Busy Bees; Nobte & Wick vs. Boosters; Big Sister:, vs. Stars; Toilers vs. Brownwoods. Feb. 15 Rosa Loes vs. Brownwoods; Millef Bay vs. Boosters; Toilers vs. Slurs; Busy Sees vs. X Belmont; Noble St Wick vs. Bir; Sisters. Feb. 22 Toilers vs. Noble & Wick; Busy Bees vs. Rosa Lees. Big Sisters vs. Belmont; Boosters vs. Brownwoods; Miller Bay vs. Stars. March l-Blg Sisters vs. Miller Bay; Boosters vs. Belmont; Brownwoods vs. Busy Bees; Rosn Lees vs. Toilers; Slurs vs. Noble & Wick. March 8- Busy Bees vs. Stars: Toilers vs. Miller Bay; Belmont vs. Noble & Wick; Boosters vs Rosa Lees; Big Sisters vs. Brown- ) woods. March 15-Miller Bay vs. NoblAj & Wick; Brownwoods vs. Stars. I Boosters vs. Busy Bees; Big Sis- ! ters vs. Rosa Lpes; Toilers vs j Belmont. March 22 -Busy Bees vs. Big'; Sisters; Boosters vs. Toilers; Rosa Lees vs. Stars; Noble St. Wick vs. Brownwoods; Belmont v4 Miller Bay. I March 29-Toilers vs. nnsvi Miller Bay vs. Brownwoods; Belmont vh. Slurs; Rosa Lees vs Noble & Wick. TRAIN SCHKDl I R For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Salurda: 10:45 pm. PROFESSIONAL MATTSON'S ( UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 528 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles PHONE RED 751 MARGARET McLEOI) OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE G?I3 P.O. Box 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in , all Its branches 204 4 th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 QUALITY KFPAIKS Fur Downtrodden Reels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL I ltiinn IZ. 130 106 U7 riTrhntf fif 122 223 j 'urauhart 67 132 73! jJ. Jenkins Ill 170 182 M- Knutson 84 172 148 H. Dunn 185 144 188 MEN'S TWEED TOPCOATS Reg. to- $25 NOW- $15 MEN'S ALL WOOL YAUNf DYED WORSTED SL'ITS Sizes 42 to 46, Reg. to $60 NOW $4.50 Men's GABARDINE COATS English make, Fully lined sizes 36 to 44 Reg. $27.50 -NOW ... $"1 MEN'S ALL WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS, Waffle Stitch, Special $3.59 MEN'S DRESS PANTS. Worsteds, Tweeds & Gabardines from ,. $4.73 MEN'S WORK PANTS," Cotton Si Cotton Worsteds, pf l-fect fit, a large assortment Price from .'. $2.95 BOYS' SHIRTS for School? and dress $1.25 to $1.75. BOYS SWEATERS, assort-1 ed styles and low in price- From $1.25; BOYS' RUBBER LACE BOOTH.. NOW $1.9 BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS & DRESS OXFORDS, Best Quality at Reduced Prices i NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL i Greer & B ridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS , Floor Sanding A Specialty RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 Make Your Pcrns tiVZsz0z. and be all sot to nuiM that new home or to re-; model the old one when spring comes. We will be glad to assist you in every way possible. ' i MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors PHONE 3(13 SAVOY HOTEL' Carl Zarelli, Prop. - PHONE 37 P.O. Box 6t FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Handicap 170 170 17Q Totals ova iw ivwB Tou'-h Rupert Hotel, High School andj Miller Bay, Fashion and High, School, Savoy and Brownwoods.; February 20 High Sthool and! I SILVER STREAKS G. Smith .. - 153 204 134' L. Smith 119 87 163: R Roberts 151 114 127 1 K. Roberts 124 83 237 M Smith 67 112 152' R. Smith 171 137 241 HandieaD 76 76 76 Kinsmen, Fashion and Merchants, Bo-Me-Hi and Savoy Doms and High School. lex Cale ' ' Burns 2? Mallets 21 t-ri. VW II J i Continentals 20 Stones 20 Malkins 17 Ambassadors 15 1 swlians Maple IjezUZZZZ'LZZlCCZ.. 11 ps 11 Alley Cats LADIES' BOWLS A" SCHEDULE February 7 DcJong's .vs. Orange, Savoy's vs. Wcstview, Manson's vs. G. & A.; Variety vs. Tuft & Odowcs, Annettes vs. Scuby's. " WHO SERVES THIS ROYAL TREAT ! -x iXr-- ?ZSST ?sg33 Zfl I M 'Z-ly -1 . V?:--:"J rSiN .T'MW tfrSA kfj f,.yi.fc , wjgh lOt.r: Cfi-.., ; HJW&fr Sif Vra!n, T f I 4tlSW -1 . L FRE5H FRUIT PARFAIT I i I pkg. Royal Raipbvrry Gtlatin I 1 cub boiling water ! I 1 cup cold water few grains of tall 1 cua cruthod mixoct froth fruit, swooitnod to lasto I cup twootoned whippod croam. Dissolve Rnval Kmpiierry Gelal.n in hothiiK wiii-r, Add told whim nd I !alt. Cttol unlit mixture lenms to I ihiikin. A.W nip il fresh mat. I Olill until . Alternate snnunhlU of I gelatin ami whipped cream in lull 1 parlaii nlsses usinii cream lor j lop spoonful. Serves. 6. Tender, ripe raspberries glowing with full, rich color . . . Iirmimin with tlewey-ircsh flavor . . . that's what comes to mind with the very first spoonful of this mouth-watering dessert! For here's jelly that's deeper in flavor . . . more sparkling in color . . . thnn any you've ever tried! fry nil delicious Royal Gelatin Desserts strawlierry, Msplx-rry, cherry, orange and lemon. RoVa Wor(d famous fang!! for flavor. for Tasty Meats Chow Mein Dishes a Specialty opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Phone 173 for Outside Orders ; .!( i 1 I I Totals 861 813 1130 HOTSHOTS Default. MIXED I IVE-PIV LEAGUE STANDINtf w L Pis. Headplnners 8 1 Maccv's XXX 8 1 Kinupinners 7 2 10 Pioneer Laundry .... 0 3 01 Winners 7 2 9 B. C. Messenger .... 6 3 7 Pushovers f 4 Brownwoods 4 5 llh-h School . 4 5 Malkins - 5 Silver Streaks 3 6 Dodgers 5 Boks 3 6 Overwaitea 6 Pin Busters 2 7 Cloverleats 4 1 7 Hotshots f T Maple Leafs 1 8 A down different kinds of .-harks are found In Canadian waters. NOTM'K Exumlimtlons tor tlie posUlem ot Assistant Korest KaiiK" will be 1W at the cinlrcs ftt Hk tlaicfl And tunes ImliciUed. Monduy, February Mth. 9X iijn.. Prii.-e Hupert; Tic.liiy. M.irelv 1st. 0:00 .ii. Tfrrar. Tliurstliiy. Marcli 3rd. 0:00 n.m., 1 SmltlMTH. ITiduy, Murch 4th. 9:00 Burns Liike. Application forms mid full particulars may be obtained Irom tlie District Pea-ester at Prince Rupert ot the Forest Raider's oflicc at 260 232 209 S. Davidson 176 296 247 B. Harrison 170 135 277 R. Vuckovich 217 267 224 J. Paul 233 185 21J Handicap 39 39 39 Totals 1093 lla4 120rf ALLEY CATS W. Landon 172 "2 R. Houston 117 H. Lindseth . ..: .... 211 99 20S A. Blain 182 172 125 198 m jii Handicap 100 Totals 980 MALKINS A. Leamy 190 127 215 B Wick 163 211 23i: T. McMeekin 164 223 21- R. Burnie 245 221 203 B. Withers 107 HandieaD 19 19 19 Totals 948 1004 1060 BROWN WOODS E. Mussalem ...... 224 173 15':' 1. Dunbar 204 180 176! R. Woods 131 195 2001 R. Shrub.sall 192 1 K. Moxlev 164 Handicap 12 Total 927 MAPLE LEAFS J. Schild 155 J. Miclhell 177 J. Whittaker Ill i3d H4; W. Pane 203 142 122; S. HandieaD Paul 167 117 lis mi Totals 930 1072 SCOTIANS W. McLernev 171 226 213 J. Wide v 115 J. Stewart 04 114 146 J. Dumas 238 177 182 J. Davidson 13 157 la, Handicau 93. Totals 82 911 963) BURNS S. Comadina 198 170 159 Halvorsen 210 221 144 J. Pinniser 273 F. Comadina 225 258 234 V. Comttriina 223 293 238 Handicap 28 28 28 Totals 1157 1197 1032 JAY CEES-A. P. Crawley 288 205 , 189 O. C. Odegard 237 132 S. G. Purk .... 101 150 224 M. Stapleton 189 149 221 D. R. Hay 151 163 253 Handicap 75 75 75 Totals 1101 874 1128 AMBASSADORS Hildebrand 170 ni 153 Long 160 167 133 D. Pollock 145 156 216 L. Hopkins .. 255 155 214 M. Chviyk . 103 229 171 Handicap 117 117 117 Totals 950 915 1004 MALLETS- Hoditkinson 150 161 147 Martin 77 240 195 Bolam .. 160 170 14ft Garner 198 272 271 Mallett 112 142 158 Handicap 116 110 110 Totals 839 1052 1033 STONES B. Rudderham .... 214 374 260 T. 171 199 184 WRATH ALL'S t PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur anil Professional Si)lies BUSINESS AND PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair . MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East DRY KINDLING WOOD in sacks FIR AND CEDAR . 50c Sack Delivered PHONE B & W TRANSFER Green 186 HYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and " CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 7G5 P.O. Box 1401 FOR YOUR ROCK anl CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New. Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed I Wells Cartage Ltd. ! Complete MovJtif Service i Crating Parking Cartage I ! i) Suey Second Avenue im. to 3:30 a.m. oiv to a Ti.'ir value We often have a ' a 'nudity we iicrs. I i'- v should be 'I'lii.e.s:: or tint. 'I'll" cutting of I donr , Th"ir shape til't have no flaws Some large stones ;l"'r.s half the size. buy DIAMOND depends on many things. chance to buy diamonds of so would not offer them to our cus- pure and clear In color without their '58 little 'facets should be should be well proportioned. They nr spots. are not worth as much as f- ie of our customers brought In a diamond for tti'ig which we sold over 30 years ago and it 'imaing how the value had Increased. W" pride ourselves that we sell a quality so 'I, there will never bf' any fault to find. aminKtion cenues. oompieiea up-pl lent Ion forms should be forwarttt d to the Uisirlct Korester by HUruury i'2ud, or luillnu this must be presented to the examiner at the time ul the examination. These examinations are being conducted to establish eligible li-ts for 1U4U fire season employment. From Mich lists uppoUitmeuts to positions now vacant will be mude accordlna to candidates' standings in the examinations. Candidates must be cilliM'iis of one of the nations of the British Com-in British Columbia for one yer, monwealth. and must have resided The candidate must be physically capable of the work. Candidates must be 21 yeurs of age. but some exceptions may be mude depending on the candidate's standing In the examination, and men between the u;eu of 18 and 21 years are not excluded from taking the exumlna-tlnn. No examination f ! charged. (7.14-31) r !(. ... "'v ii hi.iik 780 7 RED kmi Slfi .nn Bo noi i 774 a Second nrcooa Av n - - - i j 'fWTferifeio eesf Mrw i " 1 I : M .