VICTORIA, B. C J rtOViNCU, I. 0RL1ES DRUGS Daily Delivyer NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published al Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PHQIIE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 5. PRINCE KUPEHT, B. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS jpyCABS I 3 m 0& . - i lO NewWOOU Indian mooi guile tin A VANCOUVER'S ICY GALE G80 nnoun uilding Pr ogram A vcoUVEK An icy-fingered northwesterly today, blowing down trees, signs, telephone fwer liiies here and endangering small boats, find averaged 40 miles per hour with gusts of !".i miles ner hour. Two boats were reported Metlakatla Contract Let -Vancouver Firm to Build Marine Dock X1 -V s3s vi , If . rV .r I t ) KITKATLA'S HEW ELECTRIC PLANT 1,-css in English Bay but both are now safe. First contract has been let in a new school build Electric' lighting requirements of the native village of Kitkat- MAUNA LOA ERUPTS t .1 ing program undertaken in this agency by the Department of Indian Affairs and which, it is estimated, ) Hawaii ijava, lumuiijig uuwn erupting la arc more umquawny lustii 1 . . ,, . , rn inn r j' .. o i 1 1 Loa s steep oanK, was accelerating today. care of with the installation j Will run into an OUtiay OI .1W,UW. iniuail oupeiu - which was finajiaed this week, tendent F. E. Anfield announced today mat Mitchell under the supervision of Thomas' & Currie, local contractors, had been awarded a job, ig volcano erupted vioitnuy laie yesieruay. ilW flow, 'pouring from the snow-capped Wilford, local electrical con- running into an outlay of up-i tractor, of a new caterpillar wards of $20,000, for a new one- I ciiesel plant. Larger than the. room school and teacherage ol SKEENA HIGHWAY Iain and moving into three steaming streams, Itiumtid to be fifteen miles long. If it main-I its present pace and direction it will reach land's western coast slightly north of the town former plant, the nevi outfit will j pro-fabricated construction at IS SNOW BLOCKED NEXT SESSION OK PARLIAMENT WILL SEE DREW LEADING OFFICIAL OPPOSITION Progressive Conservative Ira dor George Drew and his wife, Fiorcnisa, are able to relax these days, following Mr. Drew's triumph in the Carle ton, Ont., tay-rlcction. Jits victory completes his transition from provincial to .Icdcral politics and the next session of parliatient will see Mr. Drew enter the House of Commons as leader of the official opposition. be able to serve the wlrcle village as far as illumination is concerned. Chester Nelson is in charge of the operation of the plant. Metlakatla. It will replace an historic 50 - year - old building there. Work is to start at once. Larger schools and teacherages at Kitkatla, Hartley Bay, Kin-colith and Greenville are included in the program. The schools will run two and three rooms. SEAL COVE WHARF Another federal contract of which official advice was received today by E, T. Apple- TRAINS RESUME lua during we day. Ulficials said there was anger of life and property at present. RELIEF AFTER STORM K'AGO Fair weather ajid rising tempera-day helped speed relief work in the storm-areas of the west and in tfie flooded regions it- southern states as southern California's ! weather jn & yea is. appeared ended. Early tes place the crop losses at more than $23,-). Tlie losses include ten million dollars in crops, $5,000,000 in vegetables and more than .000 in cut flowers. Highway from Prince Rupert to Port Edward is being kept clear ot the continuing snowfall but has been closed for the past week beyond the far end of Prudhornme Lake in the other direction. District Engineer H. W. Stevens said yesterday, however, that he hoped to have the road opn again soon over the divide as far as Tyee. The road between Tyee and Terrace has been hopelessly blocked for some weeks now. Many feet of snow Marshal! Resigns As State Sec'y; Truman Denies Fight in Cabinet NORMAL SERVICE Normal train service in and out of Prince Rupert was restored whaite is a new wharf for the cover it beyond Kwinitsa. ' Disclaims Issue Over United States Policy Toward Russia WASHINGTON, D.C (CI') Secretary of State George Marshall and Under Secretary Robert Lovett resigned today and President Truman immediately IMMORALITY AT OKALLA Department of Transport, marine service, at Seal Cove. It is being installed In connection with the transfer of headquarters of the lighthouse service from Digby Island to Seal Cove. Order-in-council has been issued at Ot late Thursday after snow removal crews had cleared the last of a series of snowslides from the Canadian National Railways line near Kvvinitsa, 40 miles east of Prince Rupert. Telegraph and long distance telephone communications were being restored today following IDA IS IN ew Jew Indignant I atlier is llpniand-ing Public Inquiry Into Incident at Prison R SHAPE named Dean Acheson to head the Department ot State. Mr. Truman announced the action at a press conference. He said that he had appointed Director damage to the land lines at the Fifty-Eight For King's Plate Race TORONTO (H Fifty -eight Canadian-bred three-ycBr olds are eligible for the ninetieth running of the King's Plate at the Ontario Jockey Club's opening meeting at Woodbine Park, Club tawa providing for the acceptance of a tender of Horie-Latimer Construction Co. Ltd. of Vancouver for this job. The contract figure is $81,880. :s of (ill and I'nilrd Hollars Double Kwinitsa snow belt and further east. Tin train, which was normally due at 10:45 last night from Jas r Ago TON 9 - Canada's re VANCOUVER f -British Columbia police today continued their investigation into charges by a 20-ycar-old youth that he had been immorally attacked in Okalla Prison on Christmas Day by five other inmates. An investigation ordered by MISSED BOAT ON LOAD LINE f Budgot James E. Webb as; Under Secretary of "State. ' The changes will be elective January 20 when Mr. Truman is inaugurated as President for it new term. Th- I'residcni. emphasized that the condition of General Mar Secretary Palmer Wright an- per, arrived four hours late, delayed while the last of the slide was cleared from the trael-.r ! iild mid United States now about $1,000,000,- BEHEADED 17 U.S AIRMEN j nounced. Owners of contenders I kept in the hunt for the King's Plate with fifty guineas and $10,000 added money by making ; night's train will lav t i; i pout double the holding.s, illar savins austerity j I Prince Rupert' Case, U Apiwars, Never Got Before. tr.cui.. i urne s P - , ... 1 fa notion M'i)S.i---i 1 ..-.!-.. t "iOKJU- A. t- ,Wt-t -.....inef..! the Attorney General's department will cover circumstances went into effect in InlfrnaUoniU Coiierwee. deposits last December. t'arhiynietrie&'Ht has" been actus-f shall's health had firompledhim Ur accept tii resignation and he conr.eetii Vilh the outorrak of ed of ordering the beheading of 17 United States airmen. He will go on trial before an American. .so "reluctantly and with I, I' KI. " tight youths on New Year's night', and three women late Thursday;!'1'' CieiiercU Marshall underwent a n iinistcr told t!it! Edmoii-"hAailx r of Comnu'ice that, $mber 21, official holdings . fttS.OO0.0ii0. compared with military court within a few days Incursion Meantime Cease Fire Effective in Palestine and Armistice Anticipated - . LONDON (P: -The Foreign Of-he. charged today tfc&t an ts- cursion into Egypt near the border town of Rafa. A spokesman said that a Jewish force had been observed three miles south of Rata at noon yesterday. There were no indications whether the incursion took place after Israeli had agreed to cease fire in southern Palestine yesterday. The cease fire was to be effective at 6 a.m. today. Tel Aviv reported that tlie rumble of guns had ceased on the south Palestine front at noon today under a cease fire agreement between the Jews and Egyptians. Meanwhile moves for armistice talks brought the glimmer of real peace. The cease fire, which it is $4G 1.000,000 in December! kidney operation last month and is now recovering at his home hi Pi'icJitust, North Carolina. Lovett, whom General Mar WOULD STOP BRAIN EXPORT Canada Taking Steps fo Itrlain Cieer Young Men and Women at Home OTTAWA n Canada, alarmed out a month after the 'ins were made UTeclive. night. In a letter to his parents in a Fraser Valley town, the youth named five of the youthful male escapees as responsible for an alleged attack. The lather of the youth said he would demand an inquiry in open court into the alleged assault. got their first wire through this morning and expected that normal service would be restored this afternoon. A train dispatcher's wire was put through yesterday in order to keep the trains running. Long distance telephone lines were expected to be restored late this afternoon. Damage to the lines was fairly widespread. In addition to the breaks at Kwinitsa, there also was snow damage btween Burns Lake and Woodcock, Deep snow has hampered speedy repair work. Lit tle headway, it now appears, has actually been made in the long campaign to have alteration made In the international load line regulations whereby a northward extension would be made which would bring Prince Rupert on even terms with Vancouver. The local Chamber had understood that the mat ter had come up at an international conference on safety of line at sea which was held last year in lundon. Now, however, according to a communication received by the Chamber from H. W. JJrighton, representative of the MINAVIANS at claims that the Dominion's cleverest young men and women ti re moving to the United States, K SECURITY shall brought into the Department of Slate, said in a letter to Mr. Truman that he iiad submitted his resignation "for personal reasons with which you are familiar." Acheson is & former Under Secretary oT .State and saw service as Assistant Secretary of Stale under Cordell Hull. 1EMI S RIFT Meantime President Truman f l rarlry lieiiig Held in ONTARIO TOWN HAS BIG FIRE Damage or MMUIWI is Done Sr.vh Timn I'rior lo A!lli- iHfeiur I'ad is trying to put the brakes on "export of brains." The Dominion ii working through the executive and professional branches of the National Employment TRANSFERABLE GAIN IN NATIVE POPULATION IN 1948 IS SHOWN Indians of Prince Rupert agency are keeping pace with the wliite people in maintaining the natural increase in population, according to figures made available by Indian Superintendent F. E. Anfield. The net increase in 1948 was 97 as compared with al in 1947. Native births in 1948 totalled U)9 as compared with 164 in 1947. However, the deaths for the year just ended were down to 62 compared with 83 in 1947. There were 58 marriages in 1948 compared with 11. in 1947. There were two stillbirths in 1948 as STCI KHOLM f Prime Mln- hoped will be broadened into an VOTE FAVORED '.crs f Sweden, Norway and (. vice to get chiefly at Canad- k, with the foreign and smnj denied emnhatiralJy and in de in Villasr of Sunderland SUNDERLAND, Ont.. -Fire :ffnf federal Department of Trade and Commerce at Vancouver, the matter was not even discussed despite the fact that Prince Rupert had won support for its case from the Pacific Northwest Trade Association, Chamber of Commerce Opposed to Extension of Service Canteens tail a published story that he was engaged in a fight within Hill!, armistice, came almost two weeks after Israel had said it "felt constrained to resume freedom of action" in the Negev: The Israeli general staff's cease fire order called on troops to remain In positions and return fire only if attacked. i 4 his cabinet to soften United ininiKlers of the three s. met in secret yesler-CarWad, Swedish town ie Noiviejilan frontier, ere scheduled to di,scu.,'S wvi.m defence problems, wmrccs said. lime .signature is expect- made, pus iibly in a war-sea, before the end of thi.-i Mi ian students taking training courses. Among the students there seems to be a tendency to slip Into emplyoment there, IRAQ GETTING NEW CABINET BAGDAD, Iraq (P Prime Minister MiiKumln al Pachaehl of Iraq resigned yesterday. General Nuri Es-Sald, president of the Senate, was asked to fjvm I a new cabinet. the Canadian National Railways and the federal department. The executive of the Chamber will see that the matter is pursued further even though it seems that a "ten-year boat" may have been missed. ii which broke out In an overheated stove and that threatened to destroy this town of 5lo, forty miles from Lindsay, was brought under control alter it lird destroyed the main business block. Damage is estimated at $10.000. George Laiysa said that he left his cafe for three minutes after lighting the nmrninj fire and returned to lind the place burning. The lire spread rapidly wh'ile lire brigades were summoned from Lindsay and other nearby communities. Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce in answering a referendum on the matter from the Canadian Chamber of Commrce, went on record at its meeting this week in favor of the singl'-transferable method of voting in elections. Under this system of voting, which Is finding considerable favor, provision is made for first and second choices on the ballots. First choices are counted first and, if they fail to produce a majority on the initial States policy toward Russia. At the press conference lie asserted that there is no change in United States foreign policy. He said that an article by Jay Franklin in Lite Magazine was without loundation in fact in nearly every instance and paragraph; Mr. Truman said he had never -had a private interview or conference with Franklin in hi; life. The President f.poke on the issue i'.ft r some top administra LOCAL TIDES Saturday, January 8, 1919 High 7:42 1S.1 feet 20:23 15.0 feel Low 1:03 8 9 feet' ' 14:32 8.7 feet "'Hi nf t,,e North Altantic de-npel.dliance Involvlna United against three in the year previous. Prince Rupert agency includes the Naas and Kkeena River areas with coast, villages as far as Hartley Bay. e out Canada as well as the I i European bloc. . t, .. . . f , N J & c a )L WSKINS GIVE RICH CONCERT PRESSING FOR HAZELTON ROAD Sending of Delegation to Victoria Is Proposed By Bums lake Board of Trade M Violin and Piano tion officials had indicated tiici belief that he would have lo rHE Wl-AT HER Synopsis length, received an enthusiastic ovation from the audience of 150. Prior to playing the Concerto, Thrill Civic Centre T, 4; "(HC Mr Adaskin. who is head of the "Ti r in New York or In Deuartnient of Music at me uni i'"e Hlver whether lie fore , Westerly gales whl''h reached, more than I0 niliea per hour over southern VanrotiVT I'.;kmd and the Lower MainlnmJ of British Columbia during the early counting, second choices are taken into consideration until a clear majority is obtained. The method is, of course, not required where only two candidates are running. Another referendum placed before the Chamber at Its meeting was on tlie question of whether the Department of National Defence should permit the operation of co-operative service canteens on a more extended basis, i eri ciaiiiy nis personal aiuiuae toward Russia soon. In the articip Franklin said that the President was now making a light in his own cabinet to modify "tough" American foreign policy toward, Russia and would adopt a softer Prince Rupert Chamber oi Commerce is suggesting to Burns Lake Board of Trade that the or an Inexperienced ' U an artist plays 100 jtt: versify of British Columbia, and for many years was first violinist with the Hart House quartette in Toronto, explained the classic III 'y the composer, his will react 100 per cent. proposal of the latter body to send a delegation to Victoria to "'florins onlv 70 ner rent press the urgent need of con morning arc decreasing grami-ally to nortiiwcsterly miles per hour) this afternoon. An active storm moving ra.slwa.rd across the province this niorlr- wiit, his audience will 70 cent dr SO per cent inil." structiou of a highway from Hazclton to Whitehorse to connect. British Columbia most ef structure of that type of work. He described the introductory theme of the first movement, the development of the theme and finally the recapitulation. He used rich imagery in his comparisons to life during the explanatory address. taking in commodities additional to the "traditional articles" handled in such canteens. Fear ? Was t.hi ukju llu,..-u Ailns. fectively with the Alaska High "''rt violinist Introduced "sic which no lng Ik being followed by cold Pacific air. Unsettled weal her; Is likely to be genera! in most areas today. Decreasing winds and some clearing tonight will cause much lower temperatures way might be more appropriately undertaken by the Associated Boai'ds of 'Trade of Central was expressed that this mignt lead eventually to armed service department stores and it was felt that the need even in isolated "aiices Marr. uerfornscd P'dit at ti To say that Mr. AOasum 'neeomonnied bv" Mrs. Adaskin (I,l'e auditorluiu and, ir "Uulenre reaction to their HARLEM Globe Trotters CIVIC CENTRE floM.V AM) TCESDAV Ja' -wary 21 and 25 Preliminary 7:30 Main Event 8:30 RESERVATION NOT HELD AFTER JANUARY 16 TICKETS dated January 21 good on 24th ONLY British Columbia thati by indi-, vidual boards, particularly since) jthe Hazclton route was given in the performance of the work would be to misunderstand the nature of the concerto. As In all P'as the criterion an it tinr- places might be more fairly met by the leasing of concessions to commercial operators. The Chamber, accordingly, went on record as being opposed to the in all regions. Saturday will be cold. - j I'ureeast j Queen Charlottes and North' Coast-Cloudy with widely scat- j tered snow flurries today and concertos, whether for soloist ri occiipvt.ra or soloist and shiild be, their perform-(lKl a great deal of Justice composers of the music i'layed. UiP "pening and major enlargement of service canteens. . i .,1 itvv r -, , . iiumlii i i tiV . favorable consideration at the annual ronvention of the Associated Boards in Juneau last fall. The Burns Lake Board had written to the local Chamber-urging that the time was now ripe to Institute a campaign for piano, eacn snaieu vuai w.rimuw At. one moment the HMnHfla has more than 125 Wins northwesterly Daled January 22 good on .,i..ii mmunri.-ri the attention I Saturday. me evenine. this filled species of trees, o!' which 33 are "softwoods." Only about a dozen of the "hardwoods" are of 0 .Played Ludwlg van Bee-! (20 m p.h.) in the exposed areas, light elsewhere. Cold. Lows to while the piano was in the background, while a few moments 25th ONLY STUDENT'S MATINEE Tuesday 25th, 3 p.m. the construction of the road 11 s Concerto for violin with CEREMONY OF CONGRESS OPENING An elephant leads the procession that marked the opening of the 55th colorful session of the Indian National; Congress at Jaipur. This is the first Congress to be held since that country won ils independence from Great Britain. Note that one of the riders carries the national flag of the newly established Dominion of India. . , -night' and highs Saturday At much commerical importance later, the roles were reversed. north from Hazeltoil With the recognized as one of the lest the Port naray aim ou, and about 80 percent of our mer Miss Marr's mastery of works of its kind ever TICKETS Now On Sale 50c Parents with Children $1.00 sending of a delegation to Vic. toria as tlie first move. chantable timber is of softwoods. 22 and 35, Prince Rupert a ana 35. piano was no less than that of Continued on Page 6) l,JSed- The composition, " "cecded 40 minutes in 1 5