( Frmca Rupert OolTy Nev,3 j--;-s. Wednesday, July 26, 1950 . 3 minutes and this only sfter an unavoidably large blast." Delays ! equipment breakdown and labor turnover factors. rv0ad' cunt: the heavier ', P.,. : P7 j-1 XtCj ICCtO . j T- i !07ia Kemuuscesi Inspection Of Highway imoracUi:abliity 0f constant grading is also discussed tn the r? letter. Oddfellows, Terrace, Here ?-,...--r : 1 umbian In Mon-jnlnn OPPORTUNITY MOCKS . to be completed;; 'NVESTo! Kitt FOR A BUILDER OR Exceptional Offering Time does slip along. day's News appeared a report of meetnlg held here In 1924 premier King spoke. There were fourteen persons, all in vigorous middle life, on the stage of the westholme Theatre. Twenty-six vearj, ag0 and all but four have passe(j 0!1 Numerous "tourists are said to be cancelling the annual tour . itarry King, district deputy a grand master from Terrace; and ( other Oddfellows torn Terrace ' were in Prince Rupert last nlffht. to take part in the Installation n' officer! of ths weal lodge. .The new Noble Grand here Is Fred i.reen. wir. tung ana rns puny t jarrWed yesterday afternoon andj returned to the Interior this morning. They Included Jack o-oinaruy, mey hay, are o,y a, matter of minutes. Since they are at present losing 25 per cent oi operating time uue io anuw-Ing traffic to pass shovels and j interfere with hauling equipment, ' it may yet be necessary. as is done elsewhere, to hold up traffic for a minimum, say, of two hours. J Since detour roads have been Impracticable owln,g to the rock 'na mufce' ule endeavoured to maintain the present oia roaa lor-ir&inc ox, weight which it was never In-, tended to carry. Damage to the load by this cause, it Is suggested, might have been due to the heavy vehicles. , j Other causes for temporary poor conditions, Uie contractors Miggesi aa new coiuarucuuu suit spots pending compacting and the weather to say nothing of. Large subdivision in Prince Ri HUM', L... - - 1 ueiur tJ atvuuu. ixjt Dv i ii.es nvattauic. no laXes f) r Panoramic harbor view. Area comparable to'j prising nearly 3 acres. Easy walking distance to pital, downtown shopping centres, waterfront Barman, R. W. Beecher, William 1""' , , ' linger, im0f Emu HQionH arf.Kmea- Forget It. There were i Individual lots available or will sell entire prorr- a v.v ..jw.v,,,,. rnuea 10 sell j tit7.ii.jr, urvwrr.i nu tytj, gested that demolition be de-when there, was real war. No;laved a wnilej in view of lhe one ever heard a shot unless Korea crisis, but evidently it Is assessea vaiue on similar property. Terms if a (1.J J Allan 1 rn.. f... ........ ,,,0.u,.s IU pai iiiuiars, rtittne w 297 (eves.) office ef Armstrong AgcncU. aumt-aiuuuuuu wiuiicu ueai skin. Eighty lakes, sixteen bays, fourteen Islands, two rivers, three creeks and a ridge have been named in honor of pioneers of t prominence, , and war veterans ln Northern Saskatchewan. This able or not. It may be a few is a worthwhile practice. It gives' days earlier this season What a certain distinction, and anjjs wanted is flexibility in the abiding Interest nothing else ean. matter cf dates, which means TZ'nt ' Indian Supplier Doing 2 Months 1 Seagram's $uw Seagirain-$ "V.O.- Seagram's "83" 5cQ9,ram'sTCroxi'n Royal Seatjrami-King's Plate Seagrams Special Old This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boardor bythe Government of ft Willlam Leake was lined $50 :Tru first applicant here to en-1 well, representing Columbia Cel-and costs or one month's lm- list in the Royal Canadian Navy lulose. prisonment, on each of two is a cook. He's an important1 Latest development in the counts of supplying . liquor to man in any navy, army, or air controversy over the state of the Indians in Magistrate " W. D. j force anywhere in the world in highway has been a letter from Vance's couA. He chose lm-rwar or in peace. Ho well the the reconstruction contractors, prisonment. - cook performs his job has more Wood Si McClay, discussing .. The charges srose from sun- to do with how thines eo then some of the major problems plying an Indian man and 111 1 . i i i . i woman witn uuoxicuiing liquor." h"f ui u msuw uiui in-i He pleaded not guilty to tue ! digest Ion Is supposed to have ; V W'ANTO l I ' Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Pleaie refrain from telephoning. Cla: 'ord per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Njtlces 50e. Cards of Thanks, Des'ASi era! Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements 2 00. SPFCLAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE At the Invitation or the con-! tractors, Wood & McClay, who have , the reconstruction of the 5-mile section of highway between the city limits and Galloway Rapids in hand, represent- fltivps nf thp Prhvp Pimprl Chamber of Commerce, city council , and other interested! persons including provincial government and concerns using the road for Industrial traffic will make an inspection of the piece of highway the passability of which has been brought un der question. The trip arises out of tne recent criticism which was made to the Department of Public Works at Victoria by the Prinze Rupert Chamber of Commerce, with which protest the city council later agreed but with ,.,r"f,." , . , UHUt, tlUU lilt. i.UlUHLkia v? taken issue. Those making the tour of the road tomorrow will include Mayor O. W. Rudderham, Presi dent L. M. Felsenthal of the ce Rupert Chamber of Com-' merce; Hugo Kraupner. chair-' nlan flnr, , m.u.t r p 1 Lyons and Peter Oamul-a of the Chamber of Commerce highway committee; J. D. McRae M.L.A.; H. W. Stevens, district engineer; Harold Whalen, representlnj 'Nelson Bros. Ltd., and Mr. Dos- 'which they have had to contend. 1 ' i 1 h In If i 1 tl 1 1 1 1 1 (ho .. T-, i n ,t ,1.,., ii ' ...B uiji i and Passable while the woiki 1MS Deen unaer av- . i ne contractors siaie mac they have endeavoured to co- operate in every way in the handling of traffic and "at no time have we held any one up for more than one hour and a.- FOR SALE FOR SALE Fourteen foot row-boat in sood condition. 2 sets of oars and locks. Also 5 h p. Johnson outborad. twin cylinder. Phone Green 297 (eves i or m. tl78( m i MsMsMMsjpjMsMBMltaI Iw WnrtiMiMal is sat mMiAid m AtsUysd-sv W Liauw CWtl Bo4 r W U Qannmmt at Briltlll CollHlibil. ' 9 evrT R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX Will be rMidint permanently in Prince Rupert Contact the above for all Service requited and for ?arts and Supplies PHONE 451 Phone today for a Free Dem- . . onstration of the 1950 Model CANNING AND WANTED Red 800. low," "Ten Mile Creek" or "Crow lHi11' Hill' and scatter them over this I land of magnificent distances1 and vistas. i - "Every Southern British Col- j who has a car might well ! n tirn-trppb- mntm. tvin in : Prince Rupert. It can be done ln four clays from Vancouver and I maybe some of the local talent can do it In less but for real enjoyment a week each way would be better. The roads are so good." So writes Bill Rose, tarm editor of the Vancouver Sun, and we'll bet he knows his stuff. The warehouse built by the u Arm "pre munues to b mantled, u had been not thought warranted. Ana ilirlflpntflllv Fllmontnn i oltlnrr a lot of high class, well seasoned ! lumber ' ! August fifth has always been the opening of navigation date at Port Churchill, whether suii- :in ;'""' a contrast t with Prinea Rupert ; where ships eome and go every ; day in the year and .where a modern grain . elevator waits through the years, seemingly un- noticed, siui certainly unused. I ' a 1' of us think i' If we do think! I T 1,11.1 nmnu . ,9 .. 1. .1 . i ' helped In the downfall of Napo-j leon? . Te fltatue of Liberty In New York harbor i the work of the i Alsatian sculptor, laeaertc Aug-uste Bartholdi. who died Oct. 1, 1-904. ' Modern Etiquette Q. Would it be all right for a rr ember of the family1 of a brlfle-to-be to give a shower for her? ' A. No; it is a poor taste to do so, and is nothing less than an indirect demand that her friends give something to her. Q. If a hostess has no servants and has many duties to perform, should a house guesf clean her own room? A. Yes. Under these circumstances there would be no excuse for her not . dusting her own room and making her bed Q. Is there any certain hour thi, ) tne ntofc-. coritvi tot rt wedding to take place? A. No; any hour that is most convenient for the nersons concerned is permissible, , .A WH:Vi " Mil rfl TVS A 7.u m iif.a v - 1 McBride St. Phone ROOM AND BOARD WILL room and board 2 chil- dren, Phone Red 660. U7CM , . , . ( LOST i LOST Ladles blue belt. Phone 544. (174d! LOST-Flv fishing line and reel on late model red one half ton Studebaker. on wav toj Rainbow Lake. Sunday. Julv! 16. Return to Dailv News (176p) LOST Inside of ladies' wrist WANTED Srrat watch, blue stone in wind coDuer. batwne jtem. sentimental value, a tors. Phone 543 Finder nlease return tn nnllu, uot - Babt WANTED Bv wort 12 vear old in-: one to care fo; furnished aoans meals, do the ; mendine. etc A.: p.m. to 646 Fife ' ( upstairs i or Pi WANTED-A 1 ! Phone Blue 333. CNR. eiimlovee wile onlv. Phone 3 WANTED TO REST room house, fun:- furnisppd. 'lot tact H. D. Rf-Mivriatennent. Cellulose Co. W or Black SW2 ' New? or Phone Black 876. Hp-' James Kohne RADIO LICENCES Some 1.309,006 broadcast receiving licences. Including 221.115 (television licences, were current I In the London postal region at the end of April, 1950. WE PAINT and DECORATE exterior or Interim MaMMVaWMMaHar SPRAY or BRUfH Wallpaper Hangu.g THE LATE IT PA INI BURNING METIS JDS SPENCE and MATU'.K Phone Blue 215 233 11th St Prof essiona GEORGE RORIE & CO Public Accountants and Audi-i tors. Income Tax Returns , compiled. . O. L. RORIE, A.A.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 i y i MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. Cook's Jeweller Telephone 212 EBY & SOUS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let ill htlp you plat; thot nw homt under h N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Bos 68C r refined home w FOR RFMT conservative hair. FOR RENT Room to share.) I wanteu to ko. -5"on"ea Coast to coast, one of Cnd' finest London Dry Gins t popultr price. N This advertisement ii not published ex displayed by the Liquor Control Bon4x . by the Government of British Colurobi " Classified ads bring results. B usiness and' HELEN'S BEAUTY. SHOP Permanent Wavlnt Beauty Culture in all fts branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 CHIROPRACTOR f JOHN P. L. HUQHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 St 2-5 Evenings, Mon. Si Fri. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST, New wick or pot type burners supplied AH types of burners and stoves serviced An un-, conditional guarantee of per fect satisfaction covers all service 733 5th West Black 503 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. HANDYMAN HOME" SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS - Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS '- OIL BURNERS PHONia Black 334 Red 804 P. O. Box 1870 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 ! STONE BUILDING PHONE BLUE 693 P.O. BOX 1184 at) - - - F9? SALE Double bed size neauivresL ninttrix ar,ri SDriiig. 3 months old. must i ieavl.nif tow"- S75 cash. in 1028 1st Ave. W. Red 323 tl75p) eofrTg 6 couSS s cst7ofnKdrawe1s. fel.nt01 W A N T E D-VE r i v reason-j WANTED Seml-M ablv f charges but the court found him guilty on both counts. An Indian man and woman were each fined five dollars pius the time served for being intoxicated. CASES BREATHING... . r RELIEF from HAY FEVER and ASTHMA Inhalt the toothing herbal vaport of Kellogg' Asthma Relief Breathing becomes more free and natural. Brings effective relief even to chronic Asthma and Hay Fever sufferers. Over 60 year in use. Available in cigarette form, if de-tired Ask your nearest dealer. NOtTHROP t LYMAN CO. ITD., TORONTO Ett. 154 SKI THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD BCHUMAh roid Post Office Bldf .) SUMMER BOWLING HOl'RS I P.M. to 12 P.M. Now is the 'Tim to Practice Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who. bv their svmoathv and kindness, helued us during our recent bereavement. Sarah and Marie Orlnstrand Harold Grinstrand and family j ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Inborn Tax soerlalist. 8. O Furk Stone Buildine. Red 593 (20mi BlILDERS Si CONTRACTORS COMPLETE builders suodIIm fast Rervtce. Island Cltv Build-ine SuoDlies. Blue 820. (18mj "LUMBINU and MpatinZ ! Jjheet Metal work. Tur and' Gravel Roorintt. Call 029 6ta' ; wesi rnone 3. itourneau and Sons- '! ! . FOR electrical . contract work' FOR building and contracting Its Northwest Construction LA amlted. Phone 563. (Wm)i MARINE and general -- metal work. Thorn Bheet Meiai works, mack 884 1 , flfim) 1 SALESMEN WANTED Toseil ."-ViJJrJ 01 VW1":'0- ,m, J SITUATIONS WANTED rooiuun wantku Exnerl- encea swiionraoner desires position. Available immediately. Phone Red 738. . d79pi HLU WAKTED, HELP WANTED Reauire Immediately. Steam Engineer with third class papers to take charge of steam olant, at Remo. B.C. about two months work. Sande Lumber ' Mills, Terrace. B.C. . (182bi HELP WANTED l.TemDorarv helD wanted. Phone Red 786. ' (17(i ! WANTED Taxi driver.- Apolv i 112 Taxi. tf) HQf, WANTED Bovs or girls Reliable bovs or Rirls desiring to handle Dal'.v News routes should leave their names at the office Dailv News. tf) HELP WANTED Applications ' will be received up to and in cluding the 4th day of August for the position of manager for the Legion "27 Club" and the Canadian Legion. Secretarial and bookkeeping experience essential. Applicants must apply in writing to Box I 753 Dailv News, stat.l tur aalnrv : expected and experience. Full particulars 01 duties will be given at a personal interview at a later date. Veterans only " ' need apply. ( 181 1 priced. B.C. Furniturp Co. . (tfi lwl v.Ceraent building nu7 r!lu;ne- 11Ke new. Phone Red 807 evenings ; . (17fip) FOR SALE Or trade fuTlv . eaulDoed troller readv to go S2.Jeai?.onable offer refused! muiie ureen 480. (174pil F9?. S5 .Xe.ar .oldOillnet-i 15-18. Vu dwi Box S witn Easthope 755 Dairy News -1'- (176p) SAL?X? Jo (Thames -Ling-belt Soeedar Shovels' Cranes; Draglines: Adam; 1 goad Graders: Littleford Bros Black Too Road Ma nteWce iSrtrtienatAH Clamshell Buckets and Rock Graonles; 1, ij. smith Concrete mitom' E'uckl.'if1 TrAs; NeuEri Uucket Loaders for Stocknile and Snow Removal: Rice Port? tlonaMV"1 : Na- mwritiV5S'iD Sporting HmZ. '''w'atest catalog. Dealers r. ennil rioa nolij (tf) REPAIRS W ' AlnlervTe fPromt OIL BirRMiro onrTi, d, , ' ui CU1AL1Q 1 Rnner ce & Reoairs. Q. D Konson. Black 503. (tfj nrnniilM U'finLS room. Central. M Daily New. S rnnm suite couple, non-smok ers. Permanent -T i,awrenee. 6 phone Personnel uniDia Cellulose. REAL KSl'l. REAL ESTATE, VW' hnvers reauinne rnnm hnnu-S in E1' Basements and " ing preferred, if ertv with a or coveraae and 0111 Frno annraisai- at- A r m s t rot Phone 342 or Grt nlngs). FOR SALE-7 room; ni!i.-p. laree tw house, fruit trees. 4 conveniences, Terrace. Harry 1 Terrace, B.C., FOR SALE Four j;' low on Vh lots. '; basement. 315 8th Ave. BIack496. HOUSE FOR SAli" and bath. Close furnlslied. $3,000. Call green 997,. Walffl' tn-r e.Tir ertv on LakelseU, about 300 van -hotel. Write Mr New Dodson Hl; Hastinss St.. FOP SALE 1 "' '9U adjoining Cur ouiciunu pre cilo PrifP $!.50. ',V Realty Co. Phone Jl HOUSE FOR SALE West. near Conrad S'Jtl $3,000 casn. Dai JPhoneBlue21i... pno Ditr Be9,; I I iMxrrr rKtitKVIMU NEEDS Canning Machines, Cans, Glass Jars and Fittings, Pressure lT Cookers and Preserv- 311 ing Kettles. For good results why not try a CLASSIFIED Section 2. Orahfl two or ioui w-Printing Co.