Prfnee Unpen Daflp Hrtos Saturiay, Aujus: 20, IM. m SeraciesiClurrclill atlUBEH CF CAXAIjtAX ??ES ATtCT STS5AC O? CI 1 SATURDAY SERMON d4 a.i eommuni'.x emfcpn!Rf nrirtrnTii and centraj BrltUii Columbia j lAutitorucd Second Dm Mall. Pan Of!s Department. Ottawa,) Pib!!shJ ery trwraooo errpt e-mday b? frtoca Rnpwt Daily Km Ltd.. rt Avenue. Prince Buptrt. Brtttah CotumMai ' O A. HL.T7B atanclxi Editor. H. O PERBT. Managing Director. erB8CRIFTlC! RATES ' VUf earner. Pei Week. 20e; PrT Month. 7&c: PfT Year, M 00. I7v : Bj aU. Pn Motth. 60c. Per Year. 6 00 (!- ! if?-! Y ' Ta i - MOST IMPORTANT 'By Archdeacon E. Hodson. St. Peters Church V .'4 Ac.'js 5. 24: "Let jusUe rail down ai waters. righteousness w mighty stream." fFeatherproof Publicity "THE VICTORY of the Prince Rupert Job's I Daughters' drill team at the international competitions at Spokane Thursday night was a notable achievement which sent a wave of pride throughout the city. Without question, it was the major conversational topic of the day and it is this reaction which brings up an interesting point. Detractors f;m Prince Rupert base their unpleasant comments almost completely on the Justice and righteousness are more important characteristics in a people than ritualistic practices ncT church attendance. Amos, the prophet, whose words head this sermon, (:s speaking to a church-going, outwardly religious jeople. But Amos rioted that the" ' seemingly cunard religious riteousness. 9 NEW HOUSE CLERK Ixin J , , . , - "-fvi-uiq notary Irum yan,. new cierk of the Ckimmons KinvoertiniT rr v,, t.,,..i.. .. . uia. yeais as clerk and assistant clerk. Mr. Raymon d,' who Signed hisCn.'' to take his new post, is shown being worn in by Dr. Ga-spard Fauteux ! house, -hile Mr. Beauchesne loolcs on. ' w weather, which even the most ardent Rupert booster must admit, strains the patience at times, j But rare, indeed, are those who can find cause for ! disliking the eopie of this city. i After all, it is the people that make a commu- ! nity, not the weather, and such achievements as ! that of the Job's Daughters are forcible factors in letting those in other parts of the world know just ,' what we are like and what we can do. A spell of ! fine weather certainly does no harm, but it has not j nearly the publicity value of a triumph such as that group of girls has achieved. ! The Job's Daughters' triumph is another trophy ' in a growing list of accomplishments by which local groups and individuals are bringing fame to the town. To Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mitchell and others who made it possible and to the girls themselves should go heartfelt appreciation. If Prince Rupert people continue to accent ex- i cellence of accomplishment both at home and while ; away, the right kind of weatherproof publicity will and To Amos, lavish expenditures for religious ritfs were a mock-, try when the poor were losing their homes and forced to go bare-foot. J The demand of Amos was that justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like a per-' ennial stream. This Justice is a social rather j than an individual quality. It is respect for personality, j fair play between y man and man To live according to this , ideal is to render true service j to God. Jesus linked up love to j God with love to our neigh-! bours. Our service to God is t judged by our attitude towards! our fellow man. Incense, stained glass windows, and soft music j ran never take the place of hon- esty. fairness and sympathy, in ; our personal relationships. "Let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.' We need it In cur own day and generation. ts , -1 A: WW First Presbj toriai; Church Minister: Rev. G. E. Scr.dail B.A., B.D. Duector of Music: Mrs. E. J Smith 11:00 "The Appeal of Christ.' Tenor Solo: (J. Daveyi "O Lord, Correct Me." BabtJ.smal Service. 7:30 "The Fu;;ness or Time." Duet: i Mrs. W. Martin, E. Martin) "Prayer Perfect i. Quality phinting DIRECTORY fcrrlr hi all rh nrrtie mt 11 a m atf -3 em.; Mar Srhool at 12:15 e-arepl aft taown. ANf.l.lfS riTHIUtU. 4tt Are w at Dunsmuir 8t. Holy Comsiunion a 30 a m. Sundaf School 2.00 put Canon Basj 6. Procter, B A . B D. Rector: (ElueTajl FTT BAPTIST Ave S at Tounr St aflbiater: Ret. Frr4 Actrobua (Ones HZ) riKT rHFBVTFIM 4tb Arenue Et UinKter: Art Ceorfe SendaJ! i (Oreea Wiil flT IMTHI eta Ave Wee Bft. L O SK-tx-r i Green 6131 i j n ix fiorrx Tw:RN.n.e 20J etn Aee rat Pastor: C. Fawcett (Orwi 831) SALVATION ARY Prater Bo.-rt CO.: Major W. Yurewfuen Directory Claaa 0 a m. Sunday School t 00 p m (BUCK 2Wl Pi. Ptl L I I frth Ave. at McBrlde St Pastor: E. SoUand (Black 610' ST. PRTFIf ANGLICAN' Seal Core Archdeacon E riodaon Sunday Srbool 1 1 -CO a m. Evening Prayer "i f- o m (Blue 337) REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCH Fun damenia list i 629 6th E., Near High School Phone 369 Sunday Services suspended for July and August. Prayer Meeting Wednesdays at S p.m. at 514 3rd Avenue. The Salvation Army Major and Mrs. Yurgensen Praise Meeting Saturday, 8 p.m. Holiness Meeting, 11 a.m. Directory, 2:30 p.m. 8unday School, 3 p.m. Salvation Meeting, 7:30 p.m. The week-end meetings will b conducted by the Divisional Com mander, Senior and Mrs. and i'v'a)r warranaer. The Divisional Congress will be conducted by the Field Secre tary. Colonel Best, September 18. First United Church 636 Sixth Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Rev. Lawrence G. Sieber 11:00 am. Sermon: "Keep Going." Children's Story: "You Can't Rub It Off.' No evening service. Vou Saw It in The News! Advertise in tne Dally News! Chest Final At the Prince Rupert Health August 22, 23, 24, Si August 25, - 1:30 - It's Easy! It's 14 D USES i t RavmnnH rWV,f Aa ,. i -i .. fire, in spite of the el torts of variously cJothed bathers t. save the cabin. Ha!f-a-miilitin pounds of hal-I ibut have been landed In the lact iM-n rf'ift t V .-,..1.... - - ,J (juirs i aid ing from 12.30 and 5 tu 14.10 and and 8 50. LJMU.'JUf!T- (August 20. 1939) One of the three women from all Canada to take part in the annual shoot of the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association at Ottawa is Mrs. Wm Brass ol Prince Rupert. i Chief Alfred Skadeen of Aiy- ansh was drowned olf Ten Mil' Point in the Naas River, having LAND ACT tll of liilriilliin lit il) to lti Laud Rectffdmg Dimci of Prmc Kuptrt and Mtuuit' lniitiiit( (in Lots Thrr a 3 1 . Four 4i mid hive (Si. Bl'ck Nineteen (lWi. Town-I site i4 Ms't. j Take lllillce that I. Hamuel l-oll-l rtl Simpson. A ir em lor vueen ctmr-loiu- Cauners Limited of Muwi British ColumlMa. ocrupation Fish J er. Intends to apply for Iran (il the following fli-siTihed lii(td: HKUinlUK lit xt planted t the South Eatcrly corner of Lot Five (5. Block Nineteen (191. T0W118IV of Maiwt thence South 61 Ucn 1 inlns West to low woter mark, tli-nce North Westerly alonK low liter mark a mnaiiw of ill feet iiw.r or lew; -thence North til deii ! .6 mins Eat Ui the North-Went cor- j ner of Lot 3. Block 19. TownMte of M;uwt; thenrle Houth-Kasterly lolii hlt-h water mark to the point ol 1 contmencem-'nt and containing one and ope-quirter (1 14 1 acren. more ) or less. j The purpose for which thin leane In required Is for cannery and dock count ruction. ' Samuel Leonnrc. Simpson, : AKent for I 4iun Charlotte Cnnners. 1 LinittccJ. Masaet. H C. ' Dnted AUKUAt 5th. 1949 ; IH) ; SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. . PHONE J7 P.O. BOX 13P7 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETR I8T John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue LOOKING BACK I ! (August 20, 19U) Squadron Leader A. S. C. Stuart MacLaren. Flvini? Offi- cer Wm pjenderlelth." pilot and Col. L. E. Broome, advance offi- cer of the flight, arrived on board H M C S. Thiepval from Nlkolskl. Behring Island, where the p'ane In which the party were on a round-the-world flight was smashed. Thick fog caused a forced landing and the plane was later damaged Dy tne waves. I Sid Thompson's summer home at Salt Lakes was destroyed by YOU ARE- INVITED TO SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO THE Full Gospel Tabernacle for Daily Vacation Bible ; S SCHOOL AUGUST 15-20 ' Time; 9:30 . 12:00 Faston C. FAWCETT-Green 331 liny, SITPI.IFS FOIl OFMCK STATIONERY FOK IIOMI GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS Patrons follow. -SEES BATTLE BETWEEN REDS AND CHURCH PORTLAND, Ore. tAPi Sn. J. Howard McGrath, National Democratic Chairman, assert i ftp ,Vat t'r time has come fur ' Catholics to rise tip as a "church militant' in a battle for Christianity and Dem'jcracy. "'tJflly the bold offensive -irt." the Rhode Island senator said in a speech prepared for delivery at the supreme convention of the Knights of Columbus, j He referred to Democracy's ! 4rsToles throughout the world, and warned, "In Europe and Asia the old barbarities are reappearing with a new scientific .tageance." j But the United States has a problem, too, he continued. Mc-' O'rath called it "Crass Mater- lalism, which would elevate and, &IoriJy sense and sensuality,! Tibpve spirit and conscience." i a result "piety and pat-: rtotism alike demand a re-mint-1 "ttiR of the coinage of our Christian clviliz-ation," he said. 1 This cannot be done "by affecting a silken piety or some ntimental vaporing," McGrath -aiivised: It must be accomplish-M' "by example and a deter- lned manly application in the', "nisnner of St. Paul resolute nd muscled' in character," he people litre opprt-ising the puur,' taxing them beyond their means. j The prosperous dwelt in homes of he n stone. mliUe the wwkers housed in hovels. j Judges accepted bribes and the nee-dy could not get justice These evils were not oecas- ional but were widespread. And Amos stands up to rebuke the . hypocrisy of it all. J The prophets' remedy was that a change In cha rater was iece.-ary to remedy the con-diUon. He felt that the men heruselves were the real problem. i j It would be useless to attempt , to ch&nge conditions unless the nan himself was changed. "It is not the sty that makes the pig but the pig that makes the ?ty." Social reform depends upon personal reformation. ! A merely formal reugion is' no use. It may leave the character stricUy unchanged. The! Nobles of Israel hom Amos' condemned were very religious j outwardly, they attended religious leasts and took part in Solemn Assemblies. They were generous wKh burnt offerings and meal offerings. They would) sacrifice fat beasts as peace' peace offerings. Yet their re-j ligion only touched the surface j of their lives. Aquisitiveness was their driving moUve. I This ancient characteristic ' has lasted down to our own day and generation. The acid test of religion is not ritual and sacrifices, but the attitude of one's heart Israel's leaders might qount up the total annual expenditure for ceremonies and sacrifices out Amos demanded that their religion show its fruits in integrity of purpose and kindness of heart. "Let Justice roll down as waters and righteousness as a mighty stream." Tlirouthout the religious history of the world we constantly ee two extremes, religion without morality, or morality without religion. Neither extreme is safe. Morality, will endure only If supported by strong religious convictions. Religion will be respected only as It shows the fruits of upright living. True religion will show Itself in deeds of Justice and Clinic '. Week Unit Office 2nd Ave & 4th St. 26,-9-12 em. 1-3 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7-9 p.m. Free! It's Wise! FOR SALE NEEDS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES PAINTS VETS HONOR DIEPPE SHRINE PARIS Thirty-two veterans of the battle of Dieppe, representing various Canadian mili tary units, Friday took part in the ceremonies at Dieppe in1 memory of the encaeement . fought there, August 19, 1942. The veterans arrived in Paris : August 16, where they met Can - adian Embassy officials. There t as a special ceremonial at the! Arc de Triomphe. Today the party will return to England where, Saturday and Sunday they will have the opportunity to renew English acquaintances. Principal centres from whicn the members of the detachment were drawn are: Montreal, Toronto. Hamilton, London, Windsor. Winnipeg, R-gina and Calgary. Derailment of a freight train on the McBride subdivision of Canadian National Railways, ( ast of Prince George will tonight's passenger train from the east to be eight hours late. Thirteen freight cars went off the rails. Aaid. "And If we Catholics must stand alone in that battle far better the valiant few than the indifferent many. The SDar- fan advice still holds: 'If thy sword is too short stay close to thine enemy,' " he urged. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY enow MEIN apparently A letter (rum chairman uf th Committee, pvt. the commit!, pointing uf a SHREWSBURY ly 60 Nurth On Royal Agrkt.j. ALUi PRICES BUYK MEN'S Ml 1 MKS MKSS S Ditrssil i Ta $71 ,00-Noi ! MEN'S GABUH , To $I3.5-Ni YM'NO Ml SLACKS-T. SI Now MEN'S SPORT Vashabk-T t j No MEN'S SniKI J WMhhlf-To y Now 4 MEN'S CiABUIHl j D.B.. Ule . T.i S.j-N" 4 I mfn's wonsri; I) .. All-Woul, To $47.50 N MEN'S SOX-f work. From, fw BOYS' SCIKM1 To Sl.25 N BOYS' sroKi To SJ.25-So BOYS' ANKIE To 5c N -BOYS' PANTS- choose for Good fit ni From LADIES' ANKLE1 To 50c-No. T" LADIES' ST(K'1V To 55c Now - fllll.DS ANKLnH To 40c No - ORMl . .irnimTS ..nrftftJ'1!' DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNER BLOC.C PHONE .3 Notice to THE Qvic Centre Dining Room will be closed from . AUGUST 11 TO AUGUST 27 (Inclusive) (Re-opens Sunday, August 28) Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajri. to 1:30 a.m. Phone 173 tor Outside Order. Modern inter-city type buwes, also suitable for school runs . . . contractors ... or oilmen . . . mobile offices, etc. Now in resular service . . . steel bodies . . . recliner seats . . . air brakes . . . adequate baggage facilities. Seating capacity 28 - 37 passengers. Inspection of buses can be made at Calgary. WRITE OR PHONE WESTERN CANADIAN GREYHOUND LINES Calgary, Alberta , Fargo Trucks AVAILAHLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GIFTWARE . . . Vases Figurines Fancy Glassware i Mm items, 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame it 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. sure to see our election HOUSEHOLD STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UT,ENSILS you can get your GREETING CARDS and GIFT WRAPPINGS without leaving the store Save time and effort Select your gifts at- PRESCRIPTION lhe-"'-)( STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 8 A.M .... . nnS TO ' of GIFTWARE and remember Phone Rtd 400 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDA 10 7 P.M. TO 9 P M. Rupert Motors Ltd. Phones: 866 Office, 566 Shop SATIN-GLO - VARNISHES ENAMELS Dally car dellrery service M tS' iroin r m from 9am fill fl n m and THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 818 3rd Ave. W. A CLASSIFIED AO IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING RESULTS