PROVINCIAL LIBRARY PROVINCIAL LI32,?.Tt grails victor. 3.c; lis ,,Y3 onr.lES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NIWSPAPXB JhihliRhed at Canada's Most Strateeir Parifir Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII No. 195. . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1949 . PRICE FIVE CENTS CABS l . ommmiity Officials on Lottery Charge r nt Grey ' C EARL JOHNSON Hoard Convention Urges ' I . . j mtpmimtvr- :-. i-.r..4I-. - rft.. mmm mm, -'""' ..-Mvt COMMITTED OH Raid on Carnival Results in Seizure of Car, Other Prizes WILL TAKE CASE TO SUPREME COURT IT'S WINTER IN ARGENTINA BUEN08 AIRES Tills city has had Us coldest day of the year to date. There was a . temperature of 28.24 degrees. Ice, uncommon In the Argentine winter, glazed the streets. For MURDER CHARGE , of B.C. Liquor Laws , plebiscite Asked Despite Opposition Within Prince Rupert Delegation Earl Johnson, 34-year old Na-naimo fisherman was commit ASSOCIATION LEADERS SAY the first time- In fifteen years tllS-'"1'"111" "u",uo Ui iiauc ui mere was a snowstorm at Mar ;h Columbia convention here Friday! del Plata, a fashion resort 200 llnnnn rliut.;V.iHir.n rtan i;m""M J" of Buenos Aire. ted for trial this morning by Magistrate W. D. Vance follow-1 VANCOUVER (CP) Four officials of the West in-his preliminary hearing on point Grey Community Association were served a charge or murdering his " " brt-her, Vivian (Vic) johnsoa w'tn summnnses on charges of conducting a lottery, pboard the seine boat izumi in The charges followed a police raid on the Carnival on MrotZn! siwr of 'Wednesday in which an automobile and other prizes vessel was shot to death with a Were Seized. .22 calibre rifle in the forecastle Officials of the association '' iiia for lack of effectiveness in con-! .. 1: - u i..: 1.750 X-RAYF.n IN FIVE DAYS the provincial government to hold a irn the will on A total of 1750 people received x-rays at the two travelling after he had ordered another announced that they will fight TRAINS COLLIDE .. -..j 1 x-ray clinics In the five day per jsmc until" Ul,ui both directions from Intervening centres of population. brother, Clifford, from the boat the case and take it "to su-jJJ EASTERN U S lod between Monday and Frl- in a laiuiijf 4uauci. piciuc euui l. 11 lit gcb&ai y . Vanderhoof's resolution that day, Prince Rupert Health Unit the Turgeon Highway from Van-j reported today. derhoof Into the Omlneca mining Friday s total at the mobile iranls, cocktail 'it clubs. 1 was put for-Prinre Rupert mimcrce whose rr divided on ' K country be extended the short 1 un't which visited Cow Bay and the Fishermen's Co-operative The tall Negro will coir.e up for jury trial at the fall sitting of the Assize Court here September 20. His committal followed a preliminary enquiry in which Mrs. Jenny Johnson, wife of the slain man, told how she had seen the shot fired and her hus CANAAN, N.H. Two dle-rl Boston and' Maine pasengf-r trains crashed head fin, on a siding here yesterday. Forty-four passengers were injured but none seriously. Four eastern Canadians were listed. A trainman's error in switching sent the Montreal-bound Ambassador Into the southbound Ambassador out of Montreal An amendment. L. M. Greene of In addition to prizes, tickets, with stubs, printers' forms, and ))ther printed matter wre seized In the raid on the printing shop. All this parapheranalla is said to have been connected with the draw. City Prosecutor Gordon Scott, who advised pouce officials to lay the charge under the Criminal Code, said that he ir confident they can make the charge stick Laut vpnr a Kiml- distance to Flnlay Forks and the north side of the Peace Rive; was approved. Those speaking In its favor were Senator J. O. Turgeon who had been Instrumental In the original bullulng :it a Royal Coni wo? ne the social a?! cts (it the was 242 and at the breakdown unit In the Health building 231 were x-rayed. Since the two units moved Into the city, the mobile machine has x-rayed 738 and the breadown has handled 1,012. The breakdown machine will remain at the Health Unit building until the end of the month and the mobile unit will leave next week to visit interior towns. band slump to the floor and die within a matter of seconds. According to witnesses the quarrel which preceded the which was standing in the siding. A wooden milk car , behind the engine was smashed to had tu immediate be-ar shooting charge was laW agalnst thf matchwood and took most of the shock. Kinsmen Club In their draw but th: jury decided it was not illegal. ginning wiifu vie juiiubuii uu- jected to Cliff and Michael Patrick (Mickey) Dolan, another crew member and a brother-in- wis rejected by of the road with federal aid as 19 The rrsulu-! an artery opening up gold min-' the plebiscite lng areas. ' 14 to 3. Among special guests heard at iby. prrldcii of Friday's convention session were ,.rt chamber of Cr. M. Norrls, Vancouver Board tusly opposed1 l Trade, Major II. Cuthbert ,o iiKieiisi' the Holme, president of the Asso-r and the pro-Id0' Boards of Trade of Van-soul destroying couver Island, Victoria, Thomas liquor business. Robertson of New Westminster, ! Associated Boards representing ircailon led by Biker of Kpi- llf Trade of Fraser Valley, C. A. the House of Reprseentatlves. The latter body slashed the budget in half. The funds were FOUR OF THE BEST Competitors for the title of Miss Canada shown here, from left, are: Betty Brown oi Mimico, Ont., and Patricia Bullock of Lethbrldge, Alta.. in the back row; Norma DuPont, Quebec, and Aklene Markle of Toronto in the front row. (C. P. Photo) law of the Johnson boys, bring-l . m . WOULD REMOVE YULE TREE DUTY meant to supply members of ing liquor aboard the Izumi III. VKIYIO rK.WUK.AlVl the Atlantic Pact with arms. Witnesses testified that Vic r ltili 1 O 1 ILL UIN Johnson also had accused CHf- WASHINGTON The United WASHINOON f Senator' P.. Baldwin has moved that in future, import duties on evergreen However, observers said that it seemed unlikely that , the Democrats would b able to muster a majority in the Sen- States government forces be ford of trying to claim the attentions of his wife who was cook aboard the fishing boat. gan an uphill fight today to Chr'."tnias trees be eliminated. f innings at the Borner, divisional supertnten (tool, Canadian National Rail ways. n and s)on.sore'l Every season, thousands of trees The hearing, which began salvage. $1,450,000 foreign arms ate foreign relations and armei program which was attacked by services committee. of his description are imported h rilled for: Friday afternoon, was conduct Led; by Crwn Counsel T: W W r " v H Iroin Caiiada. loInrcKMit ob-V.-1 ?'". vyi V Brown. Mrs. M. Wllla Ray. act ed in behalf of the accused man travel between and the United moval of from Hs's of pertain ('h as coal, oil Dr. J. A. Macdonald, testified that examination RESOUNDING DIN ANTICIPATED WHEN CITY, SMITHERS TEAMS MEET SUNDAY Smithers ball teams, like Bulkley Valley potatoes, ol the lung cavity where the bullet came to rest showed that j ueorg' reported on uib - iai., meeting of the Pacific Northwest Trade Association. Friday afternoon a reception was held preceding a dinner meeting where delegates were the guests of the tSmlthers Chamber and heard an address by Senator J. O. Turgeon. Ladies of the convention were entertained Friday afternoon by Mrs. Olof Hanson at her Lake in addition to the .22 calibre II Htr h produce and !' products to tir between these luraeed for the Oldest Newspaper Observes Birthday QUEBEC Hie Quebec Chronicle-Telegraph Li now observing Its 185th anniversary. Nex-t month, the Chronicle-Telegraph will formally note that with The Courant of Hartford, Conn. (U.S.A ) It is the oldest surviving newspaper enterprise in North America . Sif m , are always good . . . and like the ground crop, some years they are better than others. While no report of the quality of the spud harvest is at hand, indications are that thq baseball team is up to standard calibre. yait ft,. slug, there was a .38 calibre bullet lodged near the lung. Mrs. Johnson iater told the court that Victor Johnson had received the bullet 11 years ago. She did not describe the clr-. i InU'sratlon of 'lie vast regional h.- - , ft When the teams met earlier- lloi'flll IKllnnu tn I Kathlyn home. In the morning and that prop they were guests of Mrs. .K. Collison at the coffee hour. "ad markers be ' such lilphways Concluding social function was TRADE BOARDS PARLEY CLOSES SMfTHk'rtS Prince George . .J this season, they divided games and In both cases the winners built up early leads only to have the losers come back to make strong comebacks that Just failed. Both games turned out to be slugging matches, though many tight pitching battles have been contested between the two teams. No matter how the games go, the Smithers- cumstances of that shooting. The old bullet was sealed in protective tissue and apparently had not caused him any trouble. CUfiford Johnson, Mickey Dolan and Anthony (Tony) Sil-vey, the latter a crew member of the seiner London III, came aboard the boat just as Vic Johnson and his wife were leaving to eo up town. Mrs. John The Smithers team are crowd pleasers,. they are a scrappy bunch, do a bit of beefing but quickly forget ft to play good ball. Like the local squad they are mostly home grown. Unlike Rupert they have lost several players recently when some of their top athletes have been forced to move for better jobs. And so the interior club sometimes find themselves shortof strength. Some of their junior a dance rrilay nigni ai Smlthers Elks' Hall. The convention concluded this morning when four more resolutions were considered, officers elected and next year's convention venue was chosen as the venue for s- 'Such names wier" and "Mid-! s'lKKested f,,r :on as "Hinh-beiween Prince ice Ruprrt. " l an Alaska to the intcr-t'onini..s(.n. 'rom Terrace '""'al Department v r : - k,- r-'' - i vr : CllOS"!!. There are eighty-seven registered delegates and guests. Earl, was aboard the wince Kupert seriej usuauy , provides the best and most ex- son said, boat. avin the citln8 baseball "Just as we were le entertainment players are breaking in, but are short of experience so It is an of the season. galley door, Cliff and the rest appeared," Mrs. Johnson said. ticipated that they will pick up 1950 convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central B.C. by delegates to the 1949 convention which concluded here this morning. Officers elected at the final session today were: ' President. George Ogston, Vanrterhoof. First Vice-President, W. J. Scott, Prince Rupert. Second Vice-President, Miss Elizabeth Winn, Juneau. Secretary, Duncan Kerr. Ter ln')"stry to take I learlln-f in n, . i i m Juu "My husband told them: 'I mean this take the liquor off the a o mr ?;"1 oncraliMii ,r light with these. I don't need a coupie oi piayers irum ucisn-a gun," Mrs. Johnson testified, borhood teams to round out the "Earl loaded the gun. He just club. NATIONALISTS MAKE BID TO HOLD CANTON ship. There will be no liquor! ttipiri it. when he lifted the gun Players expected to be Oh mm aboard." "Vic was outside the gallcv my husband said: "Alright, if hand for the Sunday games in- tarted to go down! you are going to fight that way, elude Jack and Gordle Hether- door. Earl VANISHING LANDMARK Vancouver's skyline won't look the same when wreckers complete the job of razing the old Vancou- . vcr Hotel, long a city landmark. It is expected that demolition of the huge building, begun three months ago, will be finished by mid-October. (C. P. Photo) race. CANTON 9 Prwii reports salB that the NationtUlsts have sped strona reinforcements into Final resolutions included two Pfwtiieini; plan,.,! ''iniary object the I '""it at a reason-! antral licit ''"n adopted B " Prince Ru- ""'IS "I) -d im-ld "nal locntioi iiig of ihn pi inc-f. Gi,'n l.r.l tllf 1:1 ' Hipinmy a-vi the steps and took a .22 rifle from near the exhaust pipe,' I slipped in and tried to grab the gun." , The gun, she said, was empty at that time. calling for action by Canadian Ami-Hi-Rii Governments In tint. ,...-- teporri to B.C. highways. FINNISH LABOR the mountains less than 170 miles northeast of Canton in an attempt to check the Reds southward rush. Report is probably true because large numbers One sought continuation of road to the Whltehorse-Atlin Tulscuuah on the Taku River FACES SPLIT HELSINKI P Finland's cen of troops have been passing Trade were admitted into niembeship. I The convention closed on - a high note of enthusiasm over I the fact that, Central British ! Columbia and rrinre. Rupert ! are coming into their long-envisioned era of expansion. n,r.,w r.ninn' in the last few and thence, across tne aiusk. f b" IllSlillllnrl trul trade union federation lias acted against the Communist I union's erowina offensive. It I'll fight this way, too, Mrs. ington, Goodwin, Norm KJipat-Jahnson testified. ' rick, Bill and Archie Leach, Cliff Mickey Dolan testified thatEmersop, Senkplel, Carl Splcer, at that time., Vic said: "Jenny Spike Arnold, Bob Fowler and get my knife." possibly the Olddlngs brothers The knite was one used for from Telkwa. , .; cutting fish nets and general j The local squad will be v'.r-work on the boats. It had a tually the same as the line-up short blade. , that was ready to repel the Dolan stepped between the Ketchikan Invasion last week-two men and Vic said: "Mickeyjend. Dave Abel is hobbling you don't want me to use this around on a badly sprained ( on you, too," the woman declar- ankle and Is unlikely to be ed. I ready for Sunday. However, rMickey kept pulling on Vic's Herb Morgan is ready to go the . coat, then Earl fired." eighteen innings and he will , After the shot was fired, Vic undoubtedly fill the bill in the slumped againsthe engine. As capable Morgan manner. Both soon as Earl fired, I took hold Letourneau and Rosedale have of my husband. I had a longer lay-off than they "I asked tiim If he heard me.j would have had last week-end He said: "Look what my, for the Ketchikan series so they days panhandle to Juneau . The loss of Tayu, 170 miles The other sought imPve- tml west o; ti. "My husband said to me: "You stay out of this" and then he went down the forecastle steps. He ordered them off the ship. He was firing Clifford and Dolan." Clifford started to pack hit gear and Earl began to do the same. "My husband told Earl that north'ast has put the Commun-mem ana jrai-i.m.." 9 the the I ance of the highway from Prince Ists only five miles from I orrined them to cancel ' .strike call or face expulsion. to Prince Rupert ano border of Kwanntung Province ncniae George The move which threatened the Haines cutoff and the connection of Haines and Prince Rupert by a ferry service suit that he dldn t wide, he was not fired to split the fedeit.ion of which Canton Is the capital and the temporary haven of the Nationalist government. . Philippine c o n su 1 o r officials ESCAPES SERIOUS INJURY IN FALL Walter S. Bird, employee of open came on the heels of the have to go." government crackdown on ai During the argument which Nrusi 21 able for motor vehicles. . . .,1 tL-n u 1949 Final ennorM.nit-i"' nritkh.Amprlran Oil Com- rnnntrv-wirie st.rikfi offensive fnllnwprf. Mrs. Johnson tes trifled. iit'rrintj int. - , ' - vnn in a resolution arriving at Manila from Amoyj said that the big port on the southeast coast appears about was taken to the Prince which has already caused blood- Earl left the forecastle and went - i.,rii riPiH pany 11:54 23:31 5:32 17:34 16.9 fr-t 19.9 fr t 4.3 f' -t 90 f-et construction oi a ' , . nenoral Hasnital VfS- .Oirri. The . executive voted nn onto the nilot house top ... , 1 A at Tugweu ismmi ,,.rfnv i the ambul- eioht to five to order four strik- where .22 bullets were kept fori to Pr mc appreciation ance afler havln,r xallcn from inS unions to quit by August 23 St. Laurcm. rem mi ior " "r the d0fk on to the deck of thsior get out brother's done to me. He was should be in top shape, sliding down." Starting time of the evening "As I went down Into the game has been set back to 6:30 forecastle I picked up an axe ' to avoid conflict with eating and when my husband spoke, I habits. However the contest went toward Earl. He said: "I'll will be called promptly to allow shoot you, too." I the visitors to get an early deT (Continued on Page 5) parture for home. shooting seals. As he came down, she tried to make him drop the bullets overside, but he resistea. As the argument progressed, Vic raised .his fists and said: to fall. From the far northwest an official despatch said that Communists had pressed to a point twelve miles southeast of Lan-chow before being thrown back. Lanchow Is the capital of Kan-su province, Nationalist strong mile subsidy lor exieiii ... J , boat Merle C. Rail- he Pacific unti Great Eastern. tne r-aciiic ( Mr Bird alonp aj the hp f(,n a dlstance of tfteen feet wnZ' , r.iinmher of Com- time of the accident which 03-it appears that he suffered no S "ASEBAIX i(ional 9. New York f Pittsburgh 3 meriran 1 V !.. Smithers and the Fort curred when he was fueling the broken bones but is just badly nieiUB ui of u..t . . . .. . . tUn. K,.,,lSDrt j "Come on out on the dock and Fraser and District Boara 01 Doat. in apiue iu hold. i . . m M A 4k SI Ckt eball - SMITHEQS vs. PRINCE MPEBi - Sunday m ana fcssup.m.