! I1 Ptince Hupctt Dailp JetoJ Saturday, May 28, 1919 iLocal News Items . . . i NEVV ROOF OR REPAIRS TO THb ULL UINfc , 1 Insist oa Returns From Cash for old gold. Bulger's Baseball Sunday! Double- Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday night 8:30. tlti GRADUATES See W. F. Stone's suit specials for your graduation. (124) Square Butt Shingles Header. 1 p.m.. Juniors! 2-3n p.m., Rookies vs. Old Timers. 1 Vets Meeting J. S. Wilson returned to the city by Thursday afternoon's Roosevelt Park. (1241 n..-ok;i;fmr rr The condition of A. S. Carter, who was admitted to the hospi- hades find Black, per 100 sq. ft. $10.75 plane and George Daw-es got Softball entries for Mens and Ladies' Leasue to be in v mm m k a mm. back yesterday from Victoria' where they attended the pro-1 I ' ' 1 & McCAFFERY LTD. EVEHYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" rilONE 116 vincial command convention of the Canadian Legion as Mr.' Wilson Is zone representative j hands of Acting Secretary at Civic Centre not later than Sunday," May 29. (It) Ernest Unwin sailed last night on the Coquitlam for a trip to Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. Mooseheart committee of the Women of the Moose met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. uu iaf iau, remains unchanged. Mr. Carter has reached an advanced age, being eighty nine years. Miss Margaret Sharp Is sailing tomorrow night on the Co-quitlam for a three weeks1 holiday trip to Calgary where a sister resides. R.'J. Harrison of Ihe Northwest Construction Co. sailed for Northern British Columbia and acted as vice-chairman of the constitutional, and laws committee. Mr. Daw-es was on ( the ways and means committee. W. Faught. After a brief busi ness session, delicious reiresn- last niRht on the Coqultlam to make the round trip to Masset Also attending the convention from here was Jack Scott, who acted on the housing and lands committee. Mr. Scott has now left for, a trip to the United States. Twenty Canadian Legion on company business. Apple blossom time In Prince ments were served. Those present were Mrs. O. Tweed, Mrs. R. B". Skinner, Mrs. R. Johnson, Mrs. William Terry, Mrs. W. Faught and Mrs. -Harold U payable la advance. Please refrain Iruiu taiepaujuu t'jis; r irortl per tnaertlun, minimum cnarija, tua. tint nouuaa "of Thanaa. Kcath Notloea, Funeral Noticea. taarrlaa Rupert looks the part just as much as in any other part of Canada. There are not many HO IMS""1"'' t"uunw.mciin, 94. SPECJAi. UiaPLAY. DOUBLE PKICE standards and 300 delegates to the convention took in the . big Victoria Day celebration parade in Victoria. ' trees but what there are appear WANTEIJ l NOTICE 1 to be flourishing. The pink and AIR PASSENGERS ! white blooms show horticultural WANTED -Two or three room v J ,;:w -J- apartment. Apply Prince Ku- health, pert Hotel. Mrs. Roxburgh, '. n the citv Thurs-i6 194'J. Ernest :j years. 7 months, aand of Mrs Es-cr 1451 Plaza. E.' Hudson will . . 129) ; Frank McLean, local mining To Vancouver T. Jones, J. Three or ' man and old timer, left last WANTED TO RENT- Announcements All advertlaeotaxta i tsu column will be charged for a I ml month at at oenta wurd United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickerso.i, Borden Street. rices ai uri'uvuie four bedroom house. Will evening for Prince George from hv ' 'N A1iPnbv' Mr c Pone r toD ,,, ham, C N. Aiienoy, Kj. rope, uav rent for su tab e 1 .i 1 place. Contact 8. S. Gilmouri " .. . EARLY BEGINNING Here is one of the youngest customers of Canada's cotton textile Industry being weighed by a member of the Victorian Order of Nurses. Diapers are only one of the 1,000 items made from cotton in Canadian mills which expect in 1949 one of the busiest years on record. This photo is by Malak of Ottawa. (CP. Photo) or at wuuu cuuntry wnere ne was at Blue 923 evenings tl at z:ju pm. ,v 29. Interment i Fairview Ceme-Undertakers in ranKements. (It) and Mrs. A. Johnson, J. W. Hay, C. Underhill, C McNeil, A. Carlson, I. Neilson, R. W. Fiippen. uoiumbia cellulose (124) I located for quite a while before travelling tn the enani. Hp nlans WANTED TO RENT 4 rooms or on staying a while in Cariboo' To Sandspit J. A. Secord, S. more., nouse or apartment. June 2 Annunciation School white elephant sale and home cooking, 2 to 5:30 p.m. Catholic Hall, June 9 After- BUY . . . Larce four warUme ideal For . before returning north by way Bakko, E. T. Applewhaite, G. H. farm v VHr WoH RUiI M 97 i 0 rf 1 the citv Friday. 49 Lfon Lavern, s 11 months, bend of Mrs. Char-at Ridley Courts HOTEL ARRIVALS Prnce Rupert QUESTIONABLE BELIEF No report of an eagle off a child has ever been moon ,tea and home cooking sale; evening, final card party ana .st Canon w. r. WANTED TO RENT House or suite, -2 rooms or more, for family. P.O. Box 1000. (124) WANTED 2 first class moTor mechanics, top wanes. Superior Auto & Body Service. Art Jones returned to the I From Vancouver T. A. V, city Friday afternoon by air j Tremblay, A. E. Jones, M. G. Mc-from.a trip to Vancouver. Kay,.H. Blackburn, G. Dawes, S. Harry Blackburn of the Allied S. Leitch. Hotel Co., Vancouver, arrived In Prnm SantiSD;t Mrs L. Mc- distribution of tournament pri zes. Mr. and Mrs. J. Tomancy, Terrace; R. Edwards, Bella Coola; G. Shipton, Everett, Washington; C. Rogers, Seattle; nil conduct serv-ville Court Chapel Sundav. May 29. ill follow In Fair-rv B. C. Under-r.arce of arrane- Lutheran Tea and Home FASHION CRAFT CLOTHES An Investment in Good Appearance ' substantiated. Scientists estimate the lifting power of an eagle at not more than seven pounds. (124) Cooking, June 11. H. J. Hodkins, Vancouver; W.1, Intyre, J. Husio. .Strawberry Tea, Presbyterian SALESMEN WANTED the city Friday afternoon by air on business with the company's local hotel Interests. Church, June 16. WD TOIM) H.M.C.S. Haida I.O.D.E. Tea, 1 " - - t ' Williscroft, Terrace;, C. Mc-Neal, Vancouver; Capt. H. Dol-ron, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. J. Roxburgh, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. Oddson, Osland; June 25. Queen Mary I.O.D.E. bridge FOR SALE whist, May 30. Dailv News of-,v niuht. a locket, lion phone Green (It) earincs on down-P O. Box 1732. (It) Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov F. C. Underhill, Vancouver; R. j OFFERS plainly marked "Offer for W23" on envelope will be received bv tne undersigned up to June 10th. 1949, on a 31-MAN POWER SALES PROP- , OSJTION New patented tool multiplies man's strength 31 times. 2-min. demonstration sells dozens to railroads, transports, public works, shops, factories, electricians, police, hiiihwav depts. Every auto, bus. truck, or streetcar should carry one. Light, compact, low priced. Look at earnmes one month-Mauriee. $4300; $637 on repeat order; McEl-,. i,n- Rrnwn. Sd56 spare Coburn, Prince George; R. W. 17, I.O.D.E. Chapters Fall Baz Fiippen, . Houston, Texas; J. Wills, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. aar, Nov. 24. IR BENT D. Rutten, Masset; R. McGee, ly42 Chevrolet sedan, condition as is and where Is; licence and registration not included. This vehicle may be seen at Lindsay Motors Ltd., Prince Rupert. B. C. Vancouver; F. J. Beal.e Bella Furnished Rooms, West. (124) Coola. time 'Just lntroducirm four , nw products with lust as j ; promisina possibilities - Grab V"ur territory now or ileeoiim room. 801 et (tf) Salt (It) Cornwall'. 12. Ontario All oilers must be accompanied bv a certified cheque for at least 10 of the bid and are . subject -1 . 3 -S. S. & M. A. Tax on the amount tendered. - PURCHASING COMMISSION, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B. C. (It) WRATIIALL'S pnOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE KNOWN NAMES HELP 'A;iTiD THAT'S RIGHT! we're a SERVICE STATION Your car is our baby. Whatever it needs top quality gas or a thorough grease job, our complete line of services save you time and money. JofPder Shovels jbIiiips; Adams s; Littleford Bros ; Amateur and Professional Supplies 3,;ad Maintenance BOYS WANTED Reliable boys dcslrirw Daily sew. route should file their names at ti Dailv News Oflice (" HELP WANTED Male or female to operate News Stand at C.N. clock. Apply in writing; to slating quauucations Box 52a Daily News. Owen Clamshell Rork Grapples; Concrete Mixers; t Trucks; Nelson ers (or Stockpile raovul: Rice Port- SERVICE. HOURS: Weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 midnight Sundays 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. sieal Pumps; Na- -Women want-time work on ational All Steel HELP WANltu STAMP COLLECTORS We have a very fine selection in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE OFFERS plainlv marked "Offer for V12" on envelope will be received bv the undersigned up to June 10th. 1949, on a 1946 Ford Sedan Delivery, condition as Is and where is; licence and registration not Included. - . This vehicle mav be seen at the Police Garaee. Court House. Prince Rupert. B. C. All offers must be accompanied bv a certified cheque lor at least 10 of the bid and are subject to 3 S. S. & M. A. Tax on the amount tendered PURCHASING COMMISSION, Parliament Buildings. KuiKts; National cd for pari machine. W m s wmills; National labelling ns and Conveyors. cartaRe. BOB PARKER'S UPTOWN SERVICE STATION mum lrom a-i mrry Co. Ltd., PHONE 791 C. (ID Second and McBride vrFrp WANTED Opportunity "or bright youth, preferably abe to use typewriter ana for with some adaptibility office work, to enter employ- .... i notltcnqnpr ollice. "You're sure there were no directions?" 'itcClarv oil burn- 0 00 or best offer. (129) me. wm-k Could Victoria, a. C. -reT-ft-ty .. . 5Dcedboat engine, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES lame stationery boards, large din-eaves, small office table, oil stove. some ""'uv Annlv' commence part . time. Appiy ' Dally News. lil HBXp" WANTED Experienced "fish buyer wanted I fo. : out o than av Better town camp. salarv and bonus to one J For 5 5 Construction Alterations . Repairs J See $ GREER & BRIDDEN Jj m m r CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Jj :aT F 1 MM onng filled single v Si I i i I PREPARE NOW for Hummer nest of drawers, cine sewing ma-All uriced for im-Red 878. (12C Examinations, wrue wry.o. School, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Man. (' Kuuuy sia who can qualify. in references exner lences-anct reply Box 529 Daily Ncws. 7 PERSONAL New row-boat, 15'. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Floor Sanding a Specialty Red 5G1 P O. Box 721 WANTED Woman to do light housework and look after 5 week clays. Pne vear old boy Blue 128 alter 6. (W PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES (rubber goods) twelve samples lor 50c postpaid in plain seated wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Cc . Deot 'PR." 71 Major St.. Toronto, Ont. (i,JJ' met trolling, see ch Place. Green (125) iulix Washer, car n, baby carriage, re basket, electric keaiTestatk For Building Supplies PHONE 363 ; ' . . . SALE -4 room Dungaiuw 1 APPIV 1333 8th Ave.E.d2b - Wc Deliver it S You Buy it .o- it a p A FOR SALE m Shavemaslcr. n 613, mornlncs. (126) Haillo Dhonosranh. 20 acres all under cultivation. Fenced. Good Karat. fruit, taim Pd One acre small ?.a.-,.y fam, machinery. Aircraft Charter To better serve you we are basing a second aircraft at Prince Rupert Charter Flights of All Types Carried Out Three Regular Return Flights Ter Week to All Queen C harlotte Island Points FOR FULL INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS rilONE 795 C.P.R. OFFICE fe model, almost ' Box 527 Daily (127) SnTcow: one calf, chickens. F've roomed furmsneau MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors !0 It. Glllnet boat yi,wn "from town. Price r in good condition. Will r non no cash. Apply its. Box 517, Daily; AT THE B-V MARKET YOU CAN. BUY THE FINEST OF FRESH MEAT, FRESH VEGETABLES AND QUALITY GROCERIES. (127) B. C. Be'dore. Terrace 1 io; 1 ti.kn ,nJI 1 o I rn OAI V.4 rOOm lUlinoi- 00 Sniio 1 nnL; imncp r. ose .in. tor pariu-u ikrs Phone Blue 909. JCST CALL RED 411 after (i p.m. (125) Arc Your Eyes Right for Driving? Because vision controls s 80 per cent of all our actions, it is the ey to driving efficiency. Authorities show that poor seeing contributes wmmmm FOrsALi-Furni WarUme house and c-jrai.e mm"" mm 'rxp -s "v! -Y MAIElKEir '942 Chevrolet Se-rV Rood condition. VllOfl C:m ho coon from Station d htors. (tf) Call at 882 Bin avc. """ I Home Appliances (Formerly O. P. Haugen Grocery) I "869 Sixth Ave. E. ' FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS :, cat v2 lots on Eleventh 1 McClymont P Avenue .near and and Used ware and Office untlrrwood Type- autns RnHnuim V.V.V-W firs. New' Floor Cov-F Irons, Rugs, Din- .'"mis, cups and rilONE 24 to three out of five auto accidents. Driving requires efnei' FURNITURE CO. Box 423 222 Second Ave. ? is an oppor-'unity en v 94 Here oHhdV man tc cost on y at low erect a home cy?Pe RrerUcaltyo. Ishcd. SALEV furnlshedd4 T.i. III. .'""i Wll UU 1C- 1' undersigned up Injury. June 3rd 1 WAFFLE IRONS . $12.00 j f TWIN WAFFLE IRONS ; $16.93 j SILEX STEAM IRONS : . . .' $23.50 G.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS . . $9.95 to $12.50 j iG.E. HEATING PADS ..: $8.95 j 1G.E. TOASTERS $9-95 to $14.93 j j ELECTRIC CLOCKS $6.95 to $11.00 I STEAM RADIATORS $41.00 to $48.00 iNorthern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. E"iase of District &e b- Coast Dist- hereoir1 and BUY GENUINE ... ; Bustbane for greater economy and saving on your Dust Control problems in 70-lb. drums 150-lb. and 250-lb. barrels PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR 712 gecond Ave. Phone 632 P. O. Box 772 deco" rated and new furniture be Applv 1532 2nd Overlook, ("7 tween 5-7:30 P.m. . ent, alert eyesight, yet many do not ltiow teir vision faulty. Remember, keen vision is safe vision, so for safe and sane driving, .make sure of your eyes. CONSULT YOUR OPTOMETRIST SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET to the Ir?1r1k Kr' (Carl) Johan deceased. This liquated on the lTerabout 8 miles 8nsnp?tcc Arrange-R, property FOR SALE-4 room house Apply E. after b P.m- 1326 8th Ave. i. w in thn Tt r METAL WprtS - vac o U C. Terms: PLUMBING -.In"''?'! BESNER BLOCK g STEWART, B. C. j gfHONE 210 , If PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. PRINCE RUPERT I'lilstrator Admlnis- iTrnf DVinnP , l' Uan nan o ' Karl j Osterlund, de-1 (124) Advertise In the Dally News! (