6 T prince tlupcrt Diiflp JRcUjj Saturday, May 28, 1!49 LAST TIMES TODAY short-season years. thi district, Improved this week . pinall. now on holidays. American landings this year 1 off he north and off the Queen Exuberant over their 10-day i have been smaller than was ex- Charlottes where the biggest con- crui.se to Alaska. 252 members . rtH totalline 1.520.000 nnunris1 centration of trolling boats is of the Porland, Oregon Journal 7 p.m. - 9:30 The Alaska Steamship Lines motor vessel Luciclor docked here at 4 o'clock Friday after-noon with seven carloads of frozen fish from Ketchikan for hhipnient to the eastern American market. She sailed at 11:30 p.m. to continue south for H... ...(I . gi .myrmi 1 SUNDAY MIDNITE1 centred. Catches there, cruise party arrived back in up to Friday. However there j now have been a considerable num-1 however, are said to be only Prince Rupert at 9 o'clock last ber of boats, ouJ these were moderate. ! night after visiting Ketchikan, mostly the smaller ones of the I In the Naas River area and Juneau, Skagway, Lake Bennett monday Waterfront ONLY fleet fish Area Two. Deliveries off Dundas Islands, troiiers nave ana cm cross normoounu aim ,j I j. Will I I l Jg j..y'r Doors Open Wrangcll and Ketchikan south been getting 30 to 5Q pounds a from Area Three by the bigger 7 I-m.-9 BARBARA STAN day. The season there is just 12:01 ill I IM H ijMi il li ! bound. The Prince George, which is their cruise vessel, today is - vvnins Americans have been fewer. Halibut prices took an upward beginning Gillnetters on the, Skeena this sailing in Douglas Channel and 12 - Rupert Peoples Store" AND week averaged 200 pounds of Gardner Canal in the heart of spring salmon per boat for the i the coast range. First port they week, an amount barely large ! will touch 'before the cruise ends flurry at the beginning of the week, setting what so far is a record price, then dropping back to a more normal level. On Monday, the American boat J.B. sold 30,500 pounds to Royai for 24c, 18.5c and 16.5c while enough to pay expenses. There . at Vancouver on Tuesday morn : Alaska To Use Prince Rupert Two Million Pounds of Halibut Spring Salmon Improving Two proposals, either of which will have a pro i are about 50 gillnetters whiling their time on the Skeena. ing will be Victoria, where the passengers will spend a full day. "STELU several other vessels sold for top Next Friday, June 3, at ruid- Shore workers of the United prices of 20 cents. This, how- by Rose Marie Reid . . ...... I ilt 4Un .L.w.i,,n ,i,,oA ever, was a momentary rkr Fishermen ana Ainca woikits , ibw n.- maws " found effect on Prince Rupert as a shipping- port to Alaska, are being studied in the United States. They j are based on the continuing demand of southeastern . Alaska ports for better steamship service and they don't care who provides it so lone; as improvement i materializes. 1 j At Washington this week, the! However, what results from i merchant marine sub-committee, these plans, the fact that im-of the House of Representatives provements arc under considera- by ReJ ommg Tue caused by an urgent market de-' Union are momentarily expect-; of halibut fishing in Areas 1A, niand. Otherwise prices through-, ing ord n the results of the IB and Two in waters off Al-out the week remained at about arbitration hearing between the j aska and Canada. Area 1A in-18.5c, 16.5c and 14c. union and coast fishing com-, eludes all convention waters j panics over wages and working 1 southeast of a line running BoaU leaving for the Area conditions. The matter has been northeast and southwest through Two grounds now are on their, before an arbitration board In; Cape Blanco Light. Area IB in-last trip, since it was announced' the south now Tor several weeks. ! eludes all convention waters be-this week that the Area will be The union has already reached j tween Area 1A and a line run-closed at midnight, June 3. What agreemei with coast co-opera-, ning northeast and southwest they will do for the balance of tives. j through Willapa Bay Light on the summer is still undecided.! j Cape Shoalwa'.er. Area Two 1n- So far there have been no re-' The tourist season made itself j eludes all waters off the coast gave its approval to a bill which , tion is proof that Alaska, which would allow Canadian vessels to has been victimized in this re-provide ' the service sought by gard for a quarter of a century. MARJORiEj, in AM) A'FIHH felt on the Union steamer Co-! of the U.S. and Alaska and of CARTOON NEWS ports on the tuna situation, which last year provided a sec- IA quitlam this week on her sail- j Canada between Area IB and a is now ach!pving a swuure wnicn "ives it a stronger voice in demanding its rights. Another strong inference is that the continental American mind is at last coming to realize that by its strategic location, Prince Rupert cannot be overlooked in any reasonable Alaskan shipping service. ondary fishery for many halibut ing for the north Islands. When ""e running through the most boats. Fisheries protection ves- j she docked here at 1 p.m. Friday, ' westerly point or Glacier Bay, sels will start scouting tuna off she carried a dozen round-trip Alaska, to Cape Spencer Light, the Queen Charlottes after the! passengers who are seeing the; r such ports as Ketchikan, Skagway, Haines, Hyder and others. Political delegates from Alaska at a Washington hearing described American shipping service as "indifferent." Under existing maritime laws, Canadian vessels are prohibited from providing anything but the most sketchy service to Alaska. While these proceedings are going on, another solution to the southeastern Alaska transportation problem is being Area Two season terminates, it north coast at its best. The Co- : CHINESE AND BOOKS is understood. quitlam Is under command ' of In the middle of the 18th lulll ill j Capt. vV. MeComb, who was for-! century, more books had been Spring salmon fishing, which merly master of the Catala. and printed in Chinese than other has been poor in all areas of who is relieving Capt. Alf As-! languages combined. at Prince last week Halibut landings Rupert during the II II III MMHI ruMUIIWl RUPERT : 5 PEOPLES STORES ! ferry system which would link j the fish continued to flow in : Prince Rupert with the Alaska , (tesnit a C0UDle of davs of panhandle, carry cars, trucks rough weather on the grounds. WHAT ABOUT . and passengers. Reports indicate that American President Lines are chiefly interested in I this scheme. Total landings here to date, since the season opened, have been 7,688,000 pounds, about the t-'ame as last year and previous Self Winding Watches? Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Sox 51Q Tel. 777 Flowers for AH Occasions Some pi'ople are afraid to buy them bicau; they do not know hyw, they work. iin j nave a Kcigui iiimuc me case hic. swings to a different position every time Ih wearer's arm is moved and this winds up a sma wheel a tooth at a time and keeps the water Klat'k Calf always wound. Nr7'V Bluch" (Kfordl The watch runs more cvmly than one hir! r Is wound only once a day. Tlwy are satisfactory and convenient. Two of our staff have been u.lng them for 1 Commodore Cafe "Better Thn Ever" some years. Prices rane from $15 to 9.3 No luxury tax now. Ill LOI R S a in si JBest Food and Service In City ; ! Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders ! ! ? i Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.." j J.V.W.W.V.V.V.VW.VA I" 1. r.T''- Shoei that look as good to your eye as they feel on your feet style that others admire and you tnjoy long life In every inch of their fine, sleek leathers these are the things you get In Leckle's. Ask for them at your hoe store. Tht$ were th promisei made by trie Coalition Government BEFORE the 1945 election. Compere them with what was done. PROMISED. Property owners and municipalities relieved of school taxes. PROMISED. Consolidation of school districts and increase in number of teachers in consested areas. PROMISED. Tak ins over share of teachers' pension contributions from School districts. r1. CAI HE) ) Ilea net- He: f '.! '" ,, aire ,.Thn .. (.!.' "trlel " WJ1 ttss o ssiied jonlt lotlce it U Yom ion .1 'meat rUt alld vritln . DfH V-e, fay tG tubU ncoi 61 . I hor I rt: ; -L i 4m I i I i i (a I i i CM 1 WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 1 IXHtUarr JJltarntctrij :. it QUALITY SHOES :t,lj$fe, IIOUKS Weekdays 0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. wf ; imi iii I THE I Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. E SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVEN Iiuildcrs and General Contractors '4 . CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Bcsner Block Thone BLUE 443 for Appointment iioitrs 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 5 p.m. KYKMXtiH Monday and Friday, 7:30 p.m. fot those unable to com during the Cay. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. PHONE 79 PROMISED. Assumption of 50 of cost of school buildings and equipment. PROMISED. Immediate start on Hope-Princeton Highway. PROMISED. Peace River Outlet. PROMISED. Establish ment and expansion of B.C. Power Commission. ; PROMISED. Major expansion of University of British Columbia. PROMISED. To support every practical measure of social service, including Old Age Pensions, Mothers' Pensions and Health and Welfare Services, PROMISED. To' improve relationship between government and municipalities. 4 Just as these promises were tep't, so the Coalition Government's promises for the future of British Columbia will be kept. You can trust the Coalition Government to work for the best Interests of the whole of this province and everyone in it. FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING Houses built under the N.H.A. Plan-20 down payment-, balance in easy monthly payments over a period of 15 to 20 years. Free Estimatecs FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Charts I'IUjaK BLACK 221 P.O. LU)X 1676 I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY i I Your Dally I I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ARK ESSKNTIAL FOR THK F1SH1N FKKET 1 5llc l" J1.15 Dominion (iuvrrnmrnt Charts, I'nited States Charts Admiralty Charts For that SHOWER, WEDDING, BIRTHDAY or NEW ROYAL HOTEL B.C. COAST PILOT Vol. 1 Soutlirrn Section Vol. 2 Northern Section TIDE TABLES Prince Rupert Harbor Pacific Coast (Canada) Pilot House I.o(f Books Hanson's Handbook (Latest Edition) IIEAPQl'A18 OFFICIAL CHART ANNIVERSARY The VARIETY STORE has a wide assortment of lovely gifts including Greeting Cards for all occasions A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water Ketum S. MM! PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. . Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Polished by the BRITISH COLUMBIA 518 3rd Ave. W Phone Red 400 , I Adverti.se in the Daiiy News!