FINAL PLANS FOR CONVENTION Saturday, May 28, 1949 GYRO PARTY IS ENJOYED Reminiscences By W. J. and REFLECTIONS Jaycee Gathering to Bring Many Delegates Mrs Robert Joyce, Mr. and Mrs.' Martin, Orme Stuart, G. A, Hurt-Ned Dr. Jens Munthe Allan Alfjter. Mrs. McLeod. Mr. and Saturday for the United States where he will attend a national Final preparations wil t be I Fifty couples attended the . .. . Hurst, Dr. R. G. Large,, Joseph Piuort Vfr Mr Tnprm Qrl Mp Ivit. 1 ' . Among some of the Northern! w n w tu. ,Uort - Vfr Hrnnn TT AlPrfl comuleted within thp nvr ,,, convention. British Columbia and Prlnee ,. r,rn rInh and Mrs. S. Dominato, Mr. and P wiiHnn and WllSaifi Scubv Regional President Brent Mur days for the first of two conventions which will draw scores Rupert physicians who have - j RDIE! doch will be present from Victoria with a delegation of five members. Practically every mode- of passed away since the early days might be mentioned Dr. H. C. Wrinch of Hazelton. Dr. John Advertise In the Daily News. held one of its characteristic- Mrs. A. J. Dominato, Mr and ally delightful dancing parties. Mrs. R. E. Montador, Mr and Andy McNaughton, at the pi- Mrs. Al Manson, Mr. and Mrs. ano, was in his usual fine fettle W. D. Lamble, Mrs. Douglas and, when the gathering broke Scott, Miss Winnifred McCas- up at 2:30 a.m., the guests were kill, Miss Leah Basso-Bert, Miss still loath to go. At midnight, Randl Thorsen, Miss Audrey weather of visitors to Prince Rupert during the first two weeks of June. Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce is putting the finishing touches on plans 'for Its two-day B. C. regional con transportation will be employed Ift winter Oates Reddie, Dr. H. E. Tre-mayne. Dr. John West, and Dr. 1 " on'you "' unaware. up C. A. Eggert. Dr. Wrinch, pio kYff UsUJ rot ff! qrcler your coal supply now and be sure ot a I snugly comfortable winter ahead. neer of Skeena, established a hospital at Hazelton lone be vention which will open here delicious refreshments were Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin,; r I boat, automobile and air. Delegates who have definitely indicated their intention of coming are: , Trail, Bill McNaughton. South Burnaby, Ernest next Friday, terminating Sat In addition to the Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mitchell,! fore completion of the railway : served ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER RltEATHKVSY OF CANADA Ltd. Vancouver. BO, CALL 051 to place your order. urday evening. and was a widely known figure dance, there was card playing Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene, Miss In the north For a while he and other diversions elsewhere Kay Keicl, Miss Janice Patter- Mi Out or towrv delegates will number more than three dozen Smithers, Tom Mayoh, Les sat in the provincial legislature. 1 In the Temple. son, Miss Ruth Ramsay, George Dr. Reddle, who came from I Those present included Mr. and, in many cases, the visitors, who will come from all parts Hau. NlcK "cut, aon. PHILPOTT, EVITT &.C0. LIMITED Lumber Iluilding Supplies, DONT MISS THE FUN AT of the province, are bringing iams Walter Burns, Die Heg-their wives. I Kle- Luls Schivli, T. W. Aida. The Civic Centre will be head-' Vancouver, Allan Campbell, J. quarters for the convention and A- Collard, George Hughes, most of the visitors will be quar- Vernon, Gerald Hilton, R. M. tered at the Prince Rupert Corrigan, David Howrle. Hfiipi . Victoria, Stanley Roberts, Nor- Scotland, practiced here dur- and Mrs. M. CBrydges, Mr. and ing the railway construction Mrs. W. F. Stone, Mr. and Mrs.j era. He had been located in Duncan McRae, Mr and Mrs. Colorado for some time before Jack McRae, Mr. and Mrs. Mark moving to British Columbia. He Oormely, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. had his home and office on a Macdonald, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. part of the townsite that has Elklns, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott, long since disappeared, as Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Oordon, Mr. streets were built and other and Mrs Frank Skinner, Mr. and LIMBERLOST Social events connected with1 man Parkins, Clyde Elford, Glen the rr.nvent.inn will include 'Murdoch, Laverne Bands. For : i,uv,o ,;o... ,hq. ,i New Westminster, Arthur FISHING, BOATING, HUNTING, SWIMMING ilNG the TAILOR dnnpps tin hnt.h rtava An nffl-'Bell, Bill Main. changes and developments wld-'Mrs. A. S. Nickerson, Mr and ened. He lived in the general Mrs. W. M. Watts, Mr. and Mrs. neighborhood of what Is today q g Hanson, Mr' and Mrs. Mar-the Christian Science building. tln Van cooten. Mr. and Mrs. C. DANCING . . . AND MANY OTHER SPORTS rial luncheon on Friday will be Chilllwack, Cliff Cheek, Don .sponsored by the City of Prince Harris, Jack Parker Fun for the Whole Family at LIMBERLOST! Prince George, . Ron Hatch, Mrs. Reddie passed on about a c Mlllg( Mr and Mrs. Mel Han- Rupert,. Hiilaid Clare, Rudy Kaser. Convention Committee Chair Make your reservations early and be sure of . your Happy Holiday in the Bermudas of the North. year ago. gorii Mr and Mrs. R. 3. McCly- One of the earliest of all doc-' mont Mr and Mrs. Normaa man Harold Helgerson antici OTICE! Clothes remaining in this shop jnclaimed after one year are to be put on Unlcss customer advises us to hold longer. e give number. LING, THE TAILOR 220 Sixth Street P.O. Box 386 tors here was Dr. H. B. Tre- Balcer Mrv and Mrs. Grant pates about 40 delegates from North Vancouver, Frank Ooldsworthy, Ernest H e n n, Grant Currie. Prince Rupert official dele mayne, who handled quaranune R, t M d Mrs w s.; at least a dozen British Colum FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBERLOST LODGE LTD. . THONE 5C3 OR UNION STEAMSHIPS OFFICES PHONE 568. duties, as well as engaging In NobIe( Mr and Mrs. c. G.Ham, bia towns as well as represent eates are S. G. Furk, A. r. aves of the Junior Chamber of and J. K. McLeod. Commerce of Canada. 1 Crawley general practice, tie maae " Hemsworth, Mr and Mrg Fred home Centre Street which' on Mr and Mrs A D Ritchie( Mr back In 1909 was about all away t and Mrs R Fulton Mr and Phillip Pugsley, president of, ; L. L. HUNTER - the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Canada, will arrive here from Montreal on Thursday afternoon, leaving at noon runce ivupcn ttiiiwuiiiu tv. a Allowing building of the Digby Island quarantine station, he later received an appointment to Victoria, requiring residence -Ml Property Owners! ... ' FOR , I.AM) RMHS-fRY ACT Re: (ertlfliate ol Title 1SBM-I; to the North Westerly I'lve (5)1 acres, more or le of Lot HIv . ThoiKjnd Two Hundred and Fifty PASSES AWAY at William Head. One of Dr. All Types - - SUPPLIES FOR OFFICE STATIONERY FOR HOME GREETING CARDS PENS AND PENCILS PRINTING Tremayne'S daughters, married (ra.K. Kauge Five (.') fount li-j Leon Laverne Hunter, a halibut fisherman and resident of the Prince Rupert district for the last 40 years, died in, hospital here last night shortly IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRI T1SH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE 111 the Miiltnr if the Htnte or liinii'Hii Morgan and In the Mu Iter ot the and living in Michigan, was m. WHeREAB gatisfnctory proor ofj Prince Rupert last summer in log, ot the ,hove certificate of Title. the course of a holiday tour to , Issued In the name of George William Hoult has been filed In this office. ii 1, h-iof wilniirn i and the brief sojourn Alaska, u hereby gWen tnat , ., here awakened memories when, at th expiration of one month as a child and known by every-1 from the date of the first pubiica- hereof, Issue a Provisional Cer- ..nt "Pete." she ,v, r,lt.oH played on nn'Mon one as )ficBte of Tltle ln eu of td lost the rueeed townsite. Certificate, unless In the meantime DIBB PRINTING CO. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION ' REMODELING and ALTERATIONS CEMENT WORK, ROOFING; Contact ''!. , NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. PHONE 563 ' FREE ESTIMATES COMPETENT WORKMANSHIP after tie had Deen virought ashore' suffering from an illness. He was 52 years old. Born at Snohomish, Washing AitinlnMrutlnn Art 1 TAKE NOTICE that by Order of HI Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, made the 20th day ot Mny. A.D. 1948. I wm appoinwd Administrator ol the Estate of Duncan Morgan, deceased. ER BLOCK . PHONE 234 Dr C A. Eggert, who ln his valid objection be made to me In . . Li- 1 writing ton, Mr. Hunter moved to Port Essington with his parents while late of Cousins Inlet, near Ocean Falls. British Columbia. ALL PARTIES having claims youth Uvea at Ainn, wnere nib - DA1.D rt the Registry of- father was In business, moved fie, pnnce Rupert, B.C. this win from here to Vancouver after da, ol April, ivd. practicing in Prince Rupert, . - t Registrar of Titles. a boy, later living at Porcher Island, where he spent a large Packing, Crating ping and General ' against the said Estate are hereby i (1E4) 1 AT YOUR SERVICE required to furnish same pruperiy verified to me on or before the ninth Dart of his youth. He returned fcrUKe and Storage DeLuxp Delivery Phone 383 Phone to Washington where he lived day of July. A.D. 1949. after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledRe. since since the the early early days. days. ' ' U2 U2 mm" " -; - BLOND1E A New Wrinkle. . By CHICK YOUNG until returning to this district mplete, Reliable and icicnt Service, call . p a few years ago. ALL PARTIES Indebted to ine said Estate are hereby required to Deceased was injured in a ! . .... , if -"""'Tii'iruTiitiiu 1 1 1 1 1 . : i m j . . ' 1 1 1 1 i i r"1 . . mi , i . i i 1 1 1 1 iti Ti i r"i itm ? i hi i i i ii i i 5 u i i i 1 - i . Prompt and Efficient Servlc say s manage ot orage Limited pay the amount of their indebted nru to me forthwith ANYT'ME ANYWHERE boat explosion several years ago1 and had been in poor i health since that time. . DATED at the City of Prince Ru- Dert tn the Province of British Col- . . ... . - ...... n id and Park Avenues Established 1910 I "TAU fe I'LV- 60R9C3W A rMf '.finB - 1 lWl MOON'T 0AR6-J 5 1 ' I ( I VCNDEP HOWl'OJH I ro,ib OF ALEXANDERS ES4 jf . LJ I COOKED -"T 1 I look in slacks rvrs and 6es rTrS- 1 " 11 V too mannish V " l 1 I ( like gc?own-up J-1 IuVl d&d r a 1 5i 1 cr" im them, V . m umhla, tnis zutn any o " Eytcheson & Ponde He Is survived by his widow and two sons. George arid Roy, Phones ft) and CS 1U4D. CWTRDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. (130) residing at Ridley Court, Hays VAp,EswEARr Mrtftv- sjxm . i a.iH : rrj ,, ' Cove Avenue. PACIFIC 1 i i j -rr Stevedoring & Contracting COMPANY LIMITED General Stevedores and Contractors tvedores for Canadian National Railways ABIE AnnRESa HEAD OFFICE PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. j HOM SHEET METAL LIMITED wishes to announce that the atest in Portable Welding Equipment It's Either a Feast or a Famine. ; t' UVI ' I LOOK-TERPlBLE, dearj w l , . . 'JUlJ--CJL JlT - '' ' V I'VE SPENT ALL ( !VL NEVER V. P' V1 VT Kr .( AFTERNOON MAKING ) UNoERSTAND E f J JCE,TriOSE DOUGHNUTS ' ti .: tK DOUGHNUTS r fl 1 ( THAT GUV--- ) I Vl I -A Gardenia Special. 1 .' -.TS'SSSiSB. ' iiiiiiii!iiPiiii mnwiiP11 ipEx' -"ir,iii!i!t'j ' ! F I IJ'liilL IT WAS DEUOOUSA f . S THE LADES' LUNCHEON ) 'I'"1 11 I ' 3UT WAT CAN THIS )J OH yi f TOMORTOVJ SS? S ' IH- A LITTLE FRENCH J A VJIRE BE CONG IN "GOODNESS' . ? SALAD LOOKS LIKE T JF ? l- , l - CV) , , A IT SHOULD MAKE MLL,S !i4ffl f . Sf A A TASTV BEDTIME ZjZ H 2JJftJL-'l -A- 'Vi5 1 HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP First Ave. E. r,,one Black. 884 "Jaycee" Convention City-Prince Rupert J mm m -i mm - HHiM' W AND USED TRUCKS FOR SALE M7 3-Ton Mercury-1 78" W.B. 2-speed axle; new tires, new motor. Excellent condition throughout $!?-" IP' ill it! 111 Sl- P46 3-Ton Maple Leaf-176" W.B., 2- By processing anil ntanufurturing, the Pulp im1 Paper Induslry adds 79.8 per cent to the original value of the lg it uses. All other log-using industries combined add only 49.2 per cent. Thus the Pulp and Paper Industry increases the value of the wood it consumes at least 30 per cent more than other forest products industries, yet it consumes only 12 per cent of lt.C.'s total soft woods cut. The Pulp and Paper Industry in British Columbia supports a policy of planned perpetuation and utli.alion of itsforests in a scientific and economic manner. This good management creates payrolls which support thousands of workers and their families. In addition the iiuluslry annually purchases 30 million dollars in goods and services and spends 7 million dollars for transportation. From the purchasing power of these payrolls and other heavy expenditures, everyone in British Columbia receive direct benefits. speed axle; new tires, and m a-i loik dition $1900.00 ith ol, iVo onninnpfl With COOC1 deCKS 939 Ford 'z-Ton Express $750.00 ISO FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ew DE6 3-Ton Special Dodge 9.00-20 tires and H. Duty Timken 2-speed rear axlp .... $3828.00 Fatherhood is Such a Responsibility! v S y.l- HL,, U---ssr-A ' ClCOK-ATTWETIME-- V .in. i ' .1 A. -JLEIWAsX VM JL L ' rHftS ) midnight.' shame $ scolding elmer. JL now i mave to rr up , i 4 ( Tr WATRTTrVl (" h on VOU, STAVING VTHE OTHER four'- A NWHEPE'S ELMER ? LE GOcS A JSV0"7 W ?RAN T J VV D.DNT COME) X JG J YA mkWt SOt DE5 2'i-Ton Dodge 8.25-20 tires; 2-speed Timken axle ; T 1 20 motor $3225.00 For tn Sake qf tlie Fnfiir , . Be Kind to Little Trees. fKOVK PuicES F.OAi. PKINCE GEORGE npmPF.PftPER Sales Tax Extra Bryamit Motors LIMITED t-.c.,. nna limlirp Trucks 3 .....a.COl.1 fOX 75!) PHONE 340