1 Itflli. i oo -i Rat Menace ! short . ,na,k , I cot'isted of rt Ws Human Rights .v for Prince Rupert Daily News I Friday, December 8, 1950 Ray Reflects and Reminisces " ' 5a'istied with Seen Here lce cream " " lr late ,,,. Ms:. ;; As I See It An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince ' Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member cf Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Da Newspaper Association 0. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY, Managing Director ; - SUBSCRIPTION RATES A flashlight, In Prince Rupert ' of cWnn n ' C just now, is a worthwhile pos-'a I iession. It reminds one of about he nm brintJ h 10 years ago when there was no DortimT hlmwt i Is Main Concern In Monthly Report of Health I' nit Chief concern expressed in the monthly report of the Prlnoe Rupert and District Union Bcarc fly Carrier. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. "" tit $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5 00. "X help conserve power, in view if By ELMORE PHILPOTT The mm he situation at Falls River, r worw heuj during evenings that are dark indeed, public co-opertlon is as m n:ht,' guard a Power important as It is welcome. "nportance to CI : of Health for December was in connection with the increase in the rat pooulatlon. Careful instructions for their reproduction are outlined in the repoit. The reuort calls the rat "th most usele.-'s and dangerous peV in the wo-Id," car ying man diseases some fatal to man-and causing annual destrutir to Err.nprtv and fond of S20 n' tiiu.c ic, ui course, quile a uerhan ,-,. u,t H TRUMAN'S nOMIl A FEW MINUTES after President Truman told the world that the use f the atom bomb was 'under consideration," my :elephone began to ring. tew stUl here who lived In Prince when it ! ulh Appreciation Due QEVENTEEN public-spirited citizens offered 0 themselves for the community service at' the civic nominations which closed yesterday. The appreciation of the city is their due, wheher or not they are elected at the polls next Thursday. With competition only for the four aldermanic ivuti.i, .-. luiig utiu us iu or start almn t u T jariler. The good old oil lamp m-h n. ,.hal1 4 mfc: 6 " PIWP! i.. line as irnnorn! general In I mnsl most of n iv... the liotnes. Indeed, candles were n:t tj..t. . rrt. . "There inereaieaiieaasmanv are at least as many unknown. After nightfall, the 'Ja probably more rats than n..Kiinh ...... Kotarlans r. cr. , Anxious women' voices beanT to ask what could be done to stop President Truman from ordering the dropping of that awful device. Would it do any good to the-e are people in Canada he ,that lers' otherwise, to manoeuvre along Wg report states. It speaks of the - taa Valley avm,J , a narrow ,ank walk , ,d , iap:d reproduction of the vermin. to $15 a month musk meant , ri Three methods of rid .h, which getting u lt .H ,w . consisted n( . : These children of I'nited Nations staff members are jettinf a close look at the I'niversal Declaration of Human Rihts, which is two years old on 10 December. All nations in the world have been invited to set aside 19 December of every year as Human Rights Day and through programs in schools and community tenters to pay fcomage to the principles of freedom and of the dignity of man. of them are noted: : of pork and bear,: of cnance arms M r Etarvp th"m out keen anrhnire -i u i m ... spuus, and itH containers cove ed so that gulls. finhiiht v,. ,t .,tr,.n., aunaay deUca Hoi,,. cats and d ogs do not scatter the "watched 'vour step.'- step.' as never any mnwi wnai a punW ' health! send a telegram to the President' Or should Canadians send their wires to our own P:ime Minister? oOo WE DO NOT knew yet whether President Truman dropped that verbal bombshell by accident or careful design. But we do know part of the reaction: " The hint about use of the atom bomb caused mo-"e consternation in the western countries than it Winston cnurcniu, arter a busy day not long ago, took a contents about; keep stored foods in metal containers vegetables in bags should not b? ! stored on cellar floors. I Build them out Kep Iwle's in floors and walls blocked off; have doors and windows fit Cellulose Mill Order Opens New Mine in Telkwa Area MFV" DPI I.U fcMY Tl ... Bulkley Valley Collieries, whose head, F. M Kill them when food and Dockrill, is a business visitor in the city, have opened shelter have been eliminated, th 'p Mine No. 3 near Telkwa. The mine is being do- remaining rats mav he tr,PF? KO.MBKR JAC KETS and PARKAS, from BOYS' WINDIiltKAKIKS, from FOR THE LADIES LADIES' IfOKK Cotton mixtures, Nylons and All-Wool, from, puir eloped to meet the large tonnage coal contract ,.epon gCK.s t0 warn llaced with the company for the new mill of the a?amt unconcern for the men- Columbia Cellulose Company at Prince Rupert. . - n""rpt in keeulne d'jn ft'f T Initial develonment indicates - nnmikitinn. 1 supply of coal for three years program without adding to th TABLE CI.OTHS-4 serviettes to match. Beautiful w Were un to $-1 00. Now. ,et did in China or Russia maybe because more of us heard abou it. Mr. Attlee's trip to Washington was one direct result. oOo FOR YEARS back I have beer t-ylng to tell Canadians WHY think we will never have a worlr war three of the character of the former t o preat wars. I have nver said that w would not have another worlr war for obously all that th nations have to do to vet a worl- wor three Is to keeo rieht or going the way we have been. I t ot im no' kid ourselves eithe about the nature of the war. ' ; it comes. .Atom bombs will t used so will germs 'Which E S Erock Cbisbolm avs rn"A p' ith prospects of considerable crew, win oe an eiejmucuuu.. seats, a substantial list is ottered irom wmch to choose and, as there are many good men unfortunately there are no women in the field, some difficulty may be experienced in arriving at preferences. Important duties are also entailed in service on the school and parks boards where there are just enough candidates to fill the seats. There could have been no wiser course than to have re-elected, as has been done, the three able members of the board of school trustees to succeed themselves and carry on the important job of school reconstruction and reorganization. The parks board is a new departure. The body may not have a lot of money to handle but it will be in a position to carry out useful planning for the future "and possibly find some means of getting something done along much-to-be-desired lines in city beautification and development which is much needed here. SCRIPTTRE PASSAGK FOR TODAY "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus." Rom. 8:1. BIG THINGS FOR ALASKA THE grave turn of the war and the all-out defense program augur big developments for Alaska, with its vast reservoir of unused power, comments the Ketchikan Chronicle. Unofficial word from Washington indicates that several federal agencies now are vying for the power that can be developed along Alaska's largest rivers. A new project has been outlined by the engineers at Wood's Canyon on the Copper River above further tonnage as developments latest electrical mining macniiies TIGHT FIT A population of 3u6,u0u is oroceed and coal win come oui 01 uk A 300-ton preliminary ship- .T.'lLrZ !'.ZJ"Z V 7 ment of coal was made from the Bu.agc uu.... -;T No. 2 workings before the new SHOP AND SAVE AT mine was brought into produc-! tion, but with Installation of new 11 sr. mining machinery completed, the new mine is expected to meet the production schedule, i As No. a mine gets into full production, No. 2 will be closed f'fcS C A MIA lit down for the present and the crews transferred to the new workings. Only clean-up work Is left In the No. 2 mine. readv made A bombs or H bomh obsolete. oOo BUT IN MY opinion there f not a Kove-nment on e-rth especially Stalin's which kn what would happen once t.li third world war started. T! why I have never thought tr Stalin and Co. would nush v icold war to the oolnt of outri" An expansion of the collieries GRAND program is expected next spring. it which time additional miners SELECTION OF will be taken on the payroll and XMAS world wa'. Thev are well pw-that the Russian armies cm' .weer across Furooe. the " 1 jroduction will be on a more or less permanent basis. One new feature at the new workings, and one which will permit an expanded production : Lands and the Holy Land to iThev could tske over mo e ' South Fast Asia. N1" Cards .W"t. what would hannen to t fabric of society in Russ'a it""" A"art fmm the d:sintesrrc,,r" effects of aomic wa'fare. wH" of the oortical wq--fare -wrT-" western nVmoc r"ios wc' '' NPJ i2i A7 tvt Priced from 25 for $1 J You will be pte with our Cordova, along the old Copper River right of way, which reportedly would produce as much power as Grand Coulee Dam itself. The Taiya (Dyea) River project near Skagway has been put up to an important priority position, and probably some action will be taken before spring to let it go to Alcoa for aluminum, to the navy for a .guided .missile project or to one of the other agencies for their expanding needs. The news that Alaska has some uranium deposits, now being tested for possible production, and that the Atomic Energy Commission is going to expand indicates that Alaska may come into the AEC program before it is all over. Whether our remoteness from other plants, such as at Arco, Idaho, and Richland, Washington, would be in our favor or against us is problematical. """These are the inevitable by-products of a warring" world' and, while Alaska would much prefer to have Yeacetime industries come north, our fate already is closely linked to defence and onr latent Gift Staiionen too! k We hove just received o shipment of ENGLISH GENUINE LEATHER WALLETS (which we will guld Initial five of chargrt SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS surelv organize everywhere the Red-held zone? oOo FOR YFURS BACK I ha' taken the rap for saying th we had better "ta'.k It out" wl" the Russians and their R Chinese ailies than continue t shoot it out, by cold or hot Now M'. Churchill and rathe , belatedly, even General Mac-Arthur have come around to thp I same view the latter asree'.n' that negotiation is better tha I shooting. i Put luf t a word of warning : I It t?kes two to make a peac but only one to commit a murde or make a war. ! If the other fellow wants t International travellers know wherever they go Dewar's is available. Winner of over 50 gold medals for Scotch of exceptional quality, Dewar's is served with pride in every part of the world. Diltillad, blended and battled in Scotland In 76'i ei. . battles. BEFORE YOU SAY SCOTCH. ..SAY- DEWAR'S . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, v ANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Catnosun CE ARM. STEWART ANI PORT SIMPSON Kunday, Camosun, 11 p m. TOR NORTH QL'EKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS c ;. Chilcotin, Dec. 1 and 15 it p.m. 1 i: SOUTH Ql'K.EN rwARI.OTTK ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, Dec. 8 and 22. 9 p.m. rt'.WK J. SKIN.N'KK Princ-f Rupert Agent I'iiird Avenue Phone 5G8 ifight you either have to fighr jor oay the r '-e of not fifhtin. Bnner 5 I Phone 234 3rd Street That latter is the t.errib'e truth that a lot of wishful thinker overlook. v hydro resources may tip the scales in favor of the C Rpnutiful . western powers. ond with 27 F.nel Features ic Sunbeam Appliances Heating Pads Waffle Irons Bank Depositing Process Speeded Business 'throueh the teller ' caes at the Royal Bank of Csv Prepare For WINTER! I he rew . . . M.CLARY "27 Wn.hina Machine Irons Toasters -fa Kettles Silex Electric Coffee Makers Records and Players jada here will be speeded up a-! .' .j ou will j ) result or a new denosit receivir" system which has been lnst-'ie where, in future, onlv countin-of ca-h will be required when tho KVKItYTIHX- IVATER tells the truth about,., WHISKY ! RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Idenosit is handed in. the enck beinn routed, to a rw-oof machine wh'ch sorts them ino ca.ec-rie anu proves the correctness of the deposit. In short, the scrutinizing of checks by the teller Is eliminated. The device In said nv Manager Grant Stewa to b the latest in banking devices. mm. McBrliie ClK-rk your Furancs nnd Chimney Now! We hae the most modern vacuum equipment for cleaning furnaces and chimneys. PHONE 884 THOM' SHEET METAL LTD. CHECK YOUR FURNACE MB HOLLYWOOD A fire switch believed pulled ' liic We Spec'0 in in mistake for a light switch caused a false alarm at B.C. Packers Cold Storage at Seal Cove which was answered by city firermen at 8 o'clock this morning. Seagram's DISHES ZCHOWMW ' Put Seagram's "83" to the water test. For water (plain or sparkling) is your most reliable guide to the whole truth about any whisky. ' Water adds nothing, detracts nothing, but reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Say SEAGRAM'S andbt SURE.a cf tha finttl CHOPSUEY "83" The Pioneer Druggists , DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 I LHRIi I MAS 15 COMING! For Outsiue :30 fl" r.M. f OPEN FROM 7:30 LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE PHONE 643 -vmvvtfiftfyifwtfiitfiitfwififinniflfl(iflUMifiiifWifwmiMaw.i.iM rt'cf'c,l,,f,t'c,f uMtK NOW VARIETY m for X'mas Shoppj RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Thu advertisement is riot published or displayed by ffie Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. M