Prince Rupert OqlTy New? I"rlday, December 8, 1950 Frozen DiDes? Phone Thorn' Don't foreet the Rod and OU m . . . AIR PASSENGERS From Sandspit (Thursday) Mr. and Mrs. S. 8tewart, N. Lind-gren, W. McLeod, E. T. S. Moore. From Vancouver (Thursday) R. Breales, D. Bravender, Q. Al-lard, G. Clancy, R. McNab- To Vancouver (today) Miss A. Smith, H. A- Jorgenson, J. Wilson, D. Souter, H. Stewart, R. S. Edwards, H. L. Batten., K. Mars-den, T. Finnis, A. Chapman. " ,i . 1 H "-j 13.1 k 13- i i ? Junior Citizens Are Taking Posts One hundred positions are expected to be filled by this evening by students participating In the Junior Chamber of Commerce Future Citizens Day, according to an announcement this morning by 8. O. Furk, chairman of the Future Citizens committee of the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. Applications were slow to come in and by Monday evening, only three had been received by Junior Citizens City Clerk Iona Hardy. However, .by this morning there had been nearly seven j ' ''T' - V ' ' , f-:r--r V!Vy yip 03 K " . ' ': " .: ' i ioucci, metal, Black 884. (tf) P. M. Ray left Tor Victoria on : the Prince George last night. There are only 13 more shop-iPing days till cnristmas. The mails will be closing shortly Get your CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW at the VARIETY STORE. (tf i j S.O.N. Whist and Dance Friday, Dec. 8. Whist, 8 o'clock. : Music by Mike Colussi. Reiresh-jtnents. Everybody welcome. (283) j Mrs. E. T. Applewhalte, - who I has been receiving treatment at j Prince Rupert Gentral Hospital, j returned to her home yesterday. Gun Club dance at your Civic Centre on December 8. Lots of fun, lots of prizes. (283c) 95c buys a pound of Nabob coffee. 15c buys a tin of grapefruit Juice at SHEARDOWNS. Be sure to watch our windows for other good week-end specials. . . (278) Mr. and Mrs. Mayer return home to Port Clements on the Coqultlam tonight after a visit In the city. A general meeting of the Construction and General Laborers' Union was held Tuesday evening in the Carpenters' Hall. General VhltW For Men ty and Miss Hardy said all the; positions would be filled by this I Just about everything you business was transacted. FOR ALL BUILDERS' NEEDS, PHONE 116 or 117 can mink of in the nav of ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. evening. The broadcast scheduled to be ! held by the Junior Citizens city council Tuesday was postponed . until last night when they made a creditable showing. Next Tuesday is the day the juniors take over running tne city. The day will end with L' Hnr'inl tnr th anri tl' A k, t i "That's the last time I ass you topass the salt!" GIFTS at The TOTEM POLE GIFT SHOP. (itc) You win find the greatest selection of Christmas decorations for the home at th VARIETY STORE. U H. O. Perry, who has been here for the past several days on business, Is leaving by this evening's train for Prince George. For a very special gift we have a fine string of pearls with An organizational meeting of a Rotary mixed chorus will be held Friday, evening, Dec. 8, Civic Centre. Any person interested In choral singing Ls Invited to attend. (286c) Christmas turkeys, ducks or geese. Place your orders with us now to assure you the grade and size of bird you require. WE CLEAN THEM AND DELIVER THEM. MIDWAY GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. Phone 659. (287c) Barbara Teng Joining Choir Humor j Grew " Jack Armstrong of " people who have worked with Motors left last night on the th Final Rites For "Nifty" Lambert llre' , "T T'l Miss Barbara Teng, (laughter Prince George for a business tr.'p1 Junior Citizens Day is part of tfi Vancouver. " the Jayeees "get out the vote" campaign. L ; IJ1 'iu mrs. j a. reni. hav. sal u. u ion in un anony- ins been accepted .here a few I nimiii' cull to the mtjy montris am as a memb(,r of th solid gold catch set with a small ,,,urJay. announcing that famous i'lpa Ch, oir of Vancjii- diamond. Beautifully boxed. , i on was bWK'vea killed, ;ver wU1 ,ave Decern hw ih h Bulger's, the store of worth and ORDER YOUR APPLES FOR XMAS NOW. Fancv Mars S B!) The funeral of George Lambert, pioneer restaurant waiter, took place at Grenville Chapal J.. injured iimiH in in a a bus uus uL-ci-Vuir acciV,lir fnr for Vancouver VnnPMiiifo.. to sn-nrt -,.,,! lu,,. beautv beauty. nti dtn DOX. Jr. size S2.0fr Anot.her shtn- ! liU'v nwmlm I weeks rehearsing with the choir' ment Netted Gem Potatoes ar- Thursday afternoon. The oin- . WAvTm. $, an Junior News which will present one concert 1 1?, . !E, " Men, or women riving Wednesday, excellent elating clergyman was Rev m- fanning the air at po-.Then at Eister she will go south ' Jlterestf i" Part-time work as keepers, $2.99 sack. Include Jap1 Canon B. S. Procter, St. An-i ,h.,i.i..,.p n,i:f,.r n,.. ,,.,., ,..-.i,0 iU . .u.;:Per'al interviewers, preferably oranees with vour orrtPrsHii cirew's Cathedral. Mrs. Gilkei Pure Wool Ankle Sox in Diamond pattern with Wool Tie in matching design. Per set 84.00 Suspender, Armband gnd Garter Sets in attractive colprs. Per set 03.00 Fine Quality Suspenders, smartly boxed. Each . . 1,50 83,00 White Silk Scarves with embroidered initial in black. ' Each . ,. "' 83.00 Lined and. Unlined Dress Gloves- 82.95 ,0 07.05 tHickor; Leather Wallets, irv. f in selected quality : i ,. 83.0003,50 Leather Belts by Hick- f ...... '..., '.. .... . ... . . I able to travel short. Mitano 1 oo hn. imuv in--..r. una nroanist Hvmns were "Iad l-settlng not a word middle of June will leave anain - . , -v.-v. miunni VJ n.vA r. It I " occasionally. Please apply by AND. MEAT MARKET Phone 'Kindly Light" and "Nearer. My letter to Box 847. Dailv News.' i God. to Thee." Pallbearers were :iniiation. Hie rumor grew, to enpape in to weeks' final re- rii jH-oi!e were rumored hearsal after which the choir will ! in a Int.s full of Columbia l ave fo- a tour of Canada and j Hiving full particulars. (ltc)i John Bulzak, Charles Atkins, , , IF you are shopping for!Barnev Turbitt. Havworth Todd, Wright Davies. Who ret.iirnpH TOYS rntno tji thu V4P. i,.w t.,-i- a i n no,.,or,,-, woikmen, according to ureat Britain. IETY STORE. Our stock is com i , "cmiusuay from jrum Vancouver, rMn'''- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown, I 'wre he sint a while in Conrad Sueet district. Shauahnessv --"ko .etoy nosp, Huxnitni saw gwui plete and prices are right, (tf) Interment was Fairvlew Cemetery in the returned soldiers' plot. Mr. Lambert, more a,, Mrs. Mrs. L. L. Strike, btrike, E. E. Jones, Jones, are are " ' Major I wli nffifial Quarters cave pas-, pas-1 n ,:.,. .., 17.: Donald Wainr flssnr-fatH ,uh , -- 4W, Jaillll. lUlllltlllV III r r I Tl DOt ''WSH.vU known as "Nifty," uicps that Rupert, who U still a patient in Henry. Whittaker, former pro-; ;e . MUSIC for Happier Living served in the First Great War. i the CoquiUam tonight. . the hosptal and continues to im- . ! """t in private prac-prove. He asked Mr. Davies to lice a Victoria. Is on a trip from remember him to all of his . , Vanderhoof and Terrace friends here. It is understood he to make flna,1 lnsPction of new ANNOUNCEMENTS MISERIES OF government liquor stores at those will remain In Vancouver. Rad and Gun Novelty Dance iwo points Mr. Wagg, who ar-'December 8. rived from the south on the p December 15 Canadian Le-I Prince George Wednesdav. left n that evening for the Interior and gion formal pre-Christmas ball. : ls due back here tomorrow ninht - . , . . , t enrout to Victoria. Mr. WhitJ ls Daughters Variety Musi-taker sailed last night by the: "l sw- c,vlc Centre- MondaM Prince Owmrp (in' Vila rnt.iirn "fx. 18. OUR HUGE COLLECTION OF POPULAR and CLASSICAL RECORDS INSURES A PROPER SELECTION IN A VARIETY OF PLAYING SPEEDS. Hear our Records For the Children --...r.Uv - the DOTnVwh December In County Court George E. Armstrong vs Oscar Therien, $115.75 stands ove; Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, MacLeod and Ray for defendant. south after inspecting the new card party, i - ' i relieve . l I 1 J " - pl)t , . 4 ,. Canadian Legion December 18. t'i-i'i ru - irt thrmii'ii ' : .- itatinn. Ik ' a It spreads d-cold ntist-ry ok, individually boxed 01.50 f 05,00 9vi soothes Kae miser; ml9c.rao.e liquor store here. LETTERBOX- UP 'l'" u".. .. nnd lets you December 20 Canadian Legion Bring-ur-Missus Nlte. S.O.N. Christina- tree .and dance, Dec. 27 British Pacific Engineering Co. Ltd. vs. Bazil Tomkins stands coi'B1"'"" way y VICtCS VATRO nOi hose props mils&Uichmon over to January court. Brown & Harvey for plaintiff; MacLeod i Junior Chamber of Commerce Christmas cabaret ?arty, Dec 23. ' (Our store will be spen until ft oclpck tonight) TRIBUTE TO CELLULOSE Editor, Daily News: In regard to the company and WITHOUT A DOUBT WE-HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK OF RECORDS IN THE NORTH, r Make your choice from O VICTOR 0 BLUEBIRD O DECCA O CAPITOL O COLUMBIA O LONDON Frostie Locker our boys who work at the cela-nese plant on Watson Island, we are very proud and happv that the Columbia Cellulose Co. has A Side ot Pork in Your Locker, 40c lb. m Ray foi- defendant. R. O. Large v. Wood Si Mc-Clay Ltd. $132.58 Brown & Harvey for plaintiff; Locke, Guild, Lane, Shepherd and Yule iMsi-Laod & Ray agents) for defendant. S. ii Hlckinore and W. T. Hirkmore vs. George F. Martin, $l,COO stands over to next cu i. Brown and Harvey for plaintiffs; MacLeod and Ray for defendant. The appeal of Mary P. Meger against a sentence handed down November 1 by Stipendiary Magistrate C. G. Tran at Stewart-December 15. MacLeod and Ray for appellant. A certificate of naturalization was awarded M-s. Allda Hermlrvi Kopala. taken enough interest in our city of Prince Rupert to go to the trouble and expense of erectir.-; and establishing a plant of its size and capacity, creating employment for our local boys. lore your order now for a side of 5ATHI-GL0 Semi Gloss $t High Gloss In .'many beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRYING THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD t r I- i. I i ! I i t i I.; , ! 1 1 I i, f r f !l ti tf, t -1 Your Locker Hunt has another large shipment of I'ork arriviiin on Monday, Di-temltrr Utli My son ls employed by Colum Pork in Your Locker for only 40c lb. I Enquire About our Record I Gift Certificates McRAE BROS.. bia Cellulose and loves his work. bosses, and general good treat- j ment he receives there at all Average weight per side, fifty-eight pounds times. Furthermore, the meah he gets there are first class and, Instead of taking a cold lunch from home, he is able to have a good substantial hot meal out at Watson Island Such officials as B. Ingram the &rMt Modem's ? for?; boys love as they would their own FRIDAY AND father or big brother. So I say- Ope n Columbia Cellulose of Prince SATURDAY Rupert "can-y on" and maybe the torch will ever be lit and held. MRS. E. L. GURVICH-OLSEN Nights for YOUR Xmos shopping Save Time ,1 ! ; Cash your cheques here HOTEL ARRIVALS (Prince Rupert) Giles McKenzie, C. N. Shears, M. Brownder, K. Kirk. F. W. Richardson and Paul McConnell, George Coolc Jeweller This tUTVeriTsement is noi published Thompson, or displayed by the Liquor Control Vancouver; H. P, of (A FEW DOORS FROM THE CAPITOL THEATRE) ' - - - - I i Wi If! fcn I Rfc Prince George; W. K. Elliott,' Columbia - Smithers; B. H. McDonald and Mrs. O. Dunlop, Prince Rupert; Mrs. Malloy and baby, Masset; P. Peterson and J. M. Sloan, Dor-een; Mrs. William Osborne, Terrace; J. Landweber, Ketchikan; F. W. Doubt, Wishman, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Giraud, Terrace. w 7 ALLACE Give General Electric Products! PHARMACY A tlistiniruisJifd figure in anv n tr. ' - o ' Tin!? Contain Morgan Q.E. Toasters, from $9.95 U $14.50 G.E. Radios - $19.95 G.F. Kettles :.. $14.50 G.E. Washer and pump $159.50 g.e. e ft. Refrigerator $429.00 s Canada's largest selling rum. ---Cxl' Next tinu-, enjoy Captain Morgan Rum. HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. P H 0 N E 7 9 'Hospitality and Royal Vacuum Cleaners $80.55 Table tamps $4-95 to $$.9S Trillte Lamps .... $13.95 up Captain Morgan RUM f-D LABEL Extra smooth and flavourful Good Food" Thai is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe KiUiand ' fuli-boJieJ NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. PRINCE RUPERT STEWART, B.C. PHONE 210 1)1 enJed to Perfection from Carefully Selected Rare Old Rums SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE THIS ADVlRIISfMLNT IS NOT PUSHED OR DISPLAYED Y THE UQUOR CONTROL OARl) OR Vt THE GOVLRNMtNT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA