1 OTfe. JOE GOSCOE (Continued from page 6) Prince Rupert Doily' News Friday, December 8, 1950 fiiscr & ll'ayne . SPECIALS Blackwood On Bridge By Eosley Blackwood rRIDAY AND SATURDAY bought and uses for school purposes. At this time while other King Erward school , rooms are assembling conventional Christmas trta decorations, the back of Mr. Goscoe's room looks like a miniature radio station. A unique lesson for the pupils Is the automatic "leave-the-room" marker, which Mr. Goscoe Here is another hand Mr. Dale played with Mr. Sharpe. In view of .the fine result Mr. Sharpe got on the preceding deal, Mr. Dale was about to class him with his friend Mr. Masters. But something happened to change his mind. p Early Friday and Saturday for These All-Perfect, 51-Gauge, 30 Denier Nylon Hose a special purchase of a famous make . I D I 4 rr Mr. Sharpe started to explain to Mr. Dale and disrespectfully calls the only the numerous kibiUerg how the: i gadget m tneir room. When a1 opponent had missed slam. I j student wishes to go to the wash a .,., hraVin QQl- f His gleeful boasting lasted so j oubtrSakln ag""St him room-lnstead of wrltlne hls name lonir and trot sn lmirl that even I .' I on-the board to indicate his ab- toe'kibftzfrs clamored V A-Jl. he merely pushes a but-1 teguiar Loo a pair i L - . f ,. .. Vtn' UTDlPTTTriTtDi Vit-t-, . ..... UuFC w .liuumg it, ton on ms way t0 lne door im-i into the opponent again. He mediately an arrow switches' told them what dopes they were around a chart on the wail point-to miss an easy game on this mg to the word "out!" i irjn:i 1.59 Is an mi" .. iuuii,viiuuoi rtnriiwT VUALITY pair lully sheer Nylon Hose in 1 smart winter shades . Drlcerf uiiiiu, etc.. eic. u is an rient :o a. m erous savings, especially if ya buy TWO pair. And th it s one of the best known In Canada and though we're ( ." owed iu jruu nrr.-, n. M stamped on 9 III every pair So we nairr "fc illOP EARLY! Z PallS tja)jlj le up your opponents and take advantage of their weaknesses In the actual bidding and , play. But If you deliberately harangue them and ridicule them for the purpose of upsetting them and Lower Skeena Getting Snow continuation of the game. East-West vulnerable. South dealer. Nortfc (Mr. Hale) s a u a H 8 2 DK. 8 5 3 C 4J 18 4 ' Wmt Cast 8 K J 9 6 4 a 8 10 e H A 7 H K 4 D A Q 7 D 9 8 4 2 C J 9 C A K 10 8 2 Hollth (Mr. Sharpe) a a 7 H Q J 10 9 S 3 D J 10 C 6 3 The bidding: SHOP EARLY lust the type l i FOR YOUR causing them to play badly, you j Rain all along the C.N.R. line are mighty close to cheating. i east of here is adding to the haz-Mr. Dale figures that if you ards caused by heavy snowfall can't win honestly, you shouldn't earlier in the week. Terrace is of Toble w GIFTS ! ! win at all. the worst spot. Deep windblown ! Mets' Vjoi Socfes Special Plain and Fancy Patterns All Spun Nylon Sub Sizes 10 1-2 to 12 . Eaxt a C Pass (tout h West North 1 H IS 1 NT Pass as Pass Paw and Standard Lamp that would moke Uleol for Christmas this year!! Visit Our Furniture Department You will find a wide range of Household furniture DARTMOUTH, England W Starling stealing putty from window frames are believed responsible for a number of panes of glass falling from windows of newly-built houses here. snow has drifted over the line' in that area. - There ' has been no interrup-! tion In rail service to the east ' but the highway is blocked between Shames and Kwinitsa. Crews are now( working to try to open the road. Plows from this end are expected to reach) Salvus tonight but there has! been no ieport here on the pro- j East and West got vulnerable ited Quantity Regular and Short Styles '1.19 pair and then came the hand shown above on which Mr. Sharpe Inserted a brazen and dangerous ROME'S HILLS Th nnplpnr . toucn M psychic opening bid of one heart, tFTONE, England P As you see it worked out beaut- Rome are all on the east side fully. Both East and West 0 the Tiber River r Hassocks Ash Stands Coffee Tables gress or tne plows from the Terrace end. CHAIRS CEDAR CHESTS Lrlle, a business man in The Experts Li e, broke his artificial 5 Defends Uniled ; Nations Cause Inst st on Say... i rross-chanitel boat. A Li here repaired the lin timt for the return BUCHANAN'S GORDON and ANDERSON By KAY REX Canadian Press Stutf Writer 'QIACCUOKIIYG' Phone 46 Federal Block Korea Could Lead to World War Russia Would Like To See A-Bomb Used "The future of the United Na 3rd Ave. W. mougni someming iunny was going on but they weren't quite I sure Just what it was. They got1 as high as two spades and made five, losing only to the ace and queen of spades. West finessed the clubs, set the suit, and discarded his queen and seven of diamonds on the two long clubs In dummy. "Hmmm," thought Mr. Dale. "Very clever, but clearly a dangerous fellow. No really sound player takes a chance on spoiling a brand new partnership by Bnstrual Uons Is of the greatest interest a a a a DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRINQ RESULTS SCOTCH W 1 :ins...use FINE PRINTING AT to all of us," Reginald Mawer, U.B.C. extension department, told the Rotary Club at their weekly luncheon yesterday. He stressed the significance of die Korean situation to the United Nations and said it behooves RADOL ID) The Secret is in the Blendin egaE PirimitteirG risking first hand psychics. Ob-mislv a case of Inflated ego. This lad is more interested in showing off than in winning. Ha plays like a. fiend but if things PRETTY CHRISTMAS PARCELS Make those Christmas packages as pretty as you pleaje if they're going directly under the- Christmas tree. ' But if they're being mailed first, save the glamorous touch for the inside wrappings. Once again hard-pressed postal officials urge Christmas-givers to wrap their parcels in heavy paper and to fasten them securely. And be sure to write legibly. Finally, don't send matches In the mall. These are a few precautions to make certain all gifts reach their destination intact and in time. , This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. PHONE 21 222 SECOND AVE. HEATING everyone to pay particular attention to the world crisis. "The situation on the Korean peninsula can lead to a major wai," he warned. Mr. Mawer said that. In le-spect to the countless ages ol world history, the five years the at its Besl - BROADWAY CAFE CHAND t fcii ; : . E HEATERS unites nations had been existent was not long enough lo give it a fair trial. It was aV- r.venient, 1 rarceis cesunea ror faraway lomlcal Food h mechanical spots such as Britain and the slned f maintain world peace, not ll- In sP,lt.e 'Kf'" Continent should have been he mailed .ir.il rlou a nafl. in tne puuuctti ueiu iency. EX said n., iK. It had done good work in line uaic3 (ui v itt in ai vj y jLiincca othr- fields economic, heaUh, Finest Cooking , Vnalic Burners '" arr ffpproaching. Cards ahd par- eels for local 'aDor- " war ca 1 delivery should !w ,elc- ""f be PlponeH for m long enough mailed mailed not later than Decern- saving in heating s. ' Hours: 7 a.m. to I a.m. For take home orders Phone 200 i ber 16 I time, ne said, tne u.w. may oe in a position to ward It off tlrely. SUMS liih&Elkins ARRANGED I - IC- - ' kw M "XL 1 I tafcfr a-- i I I Mr. Mawer sketched 4he his-; FOOD PARCELS WELCOME It may not arrive in time for tory of the United Nations In Christmas, but a gift food parcel KoeSL how every move they L LIMITED mbiiif and Heatinr l'w P.O. Box 274 made toward trying to settle Korea politically had been thwarted bv the Russian veto and refusal to co-operate in set-1 ting up a government for all ol the peninsula. 1 hey had ref usee! to allow the United Nations is always welcome hi uie unu-u Kingdom despite the fact conditions have Improved considerably since a year ago. Tinned meat is one item to include and sweets. Both are still rationed over there. Pudding and cake mixes also would be appreciated because they can be made without eggs which still are hard to get. Shredded coconut and dried fruits also are welcomed by British housewives. commission on Korea into the 1949 Special Deluxe Plymouth 1700.00 ep your car HR-RFECT 1941 4-Door Plymouth ..... 900.00 Jjai b IIV b!I UI WIC . M..W. When Russia and the United States had withdrawn from Korea, he said, South Korea had a good body of defensive troops but not heavily armed or well equipped. The North Koreans, on the other hand, had strong offensive weapons in their army. For that reason, among others, it was patent that South Korea had done no aggressing. FORMS TO GET To expedite delivery in the U.K. of the gift PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Second Avenue and First Street fLL Cet WINTER our I parcels containing only food, discarded wearing apparel or soap, a yellow label (No. 61) .A.v.vvAAsv.A-.,..,...,-, obtainable at post offices should be attached. In answer to a question by O. o 3 nianijihu firtfrnlnff thft The usual customs declaration RuMtaM, deslr'e t0 have the form (91Bt fully completed NaUong uge the aU)mli must be affixed to all parcels Rus. )b b th eaker said the nlrtKnccoH addressed abroad. ohrrto H The Tno latter 1 Q 1 1 f f . ' r .. . WISH 'a slans would like to see the Unit' on your next 1 k...PQctr.3m I ii iiiL, should bear an alternative address if possible or indicate what should be done with the parcel in case of non-delivery. Otherwise such undeliverable parcels containing food or used clothing will be distributed through charitable organizations In the U.K. The total value of the contents of parcels sent to the U.K. or other countries without an export permit must not. exceed $25. ! BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS It's Christmas again and time to CHARTER FLIGHT A jr VX&tf. ed Nations use the bomb because It would brand them for ever in the eyes of the world as an aggressor. The speaker was introduced by A. Bruce Brown, president of the club. Visiting Rotarlans were Roy Winslow, H. Q. Perry, Prince George, and R. Ken Jordan, Vancouver. It was decided to postpone the stag party Friday night until a later date due to other activities conflicting. buy the Christmas seals whicn are . being ' distributed across Canada to help In the fight against tuberculosis. Triuiianyofl Met WINTERIZING I SERVICE Cooling System fust Syilam Ignition SyMam EleeriBl Syttem lubticanlt Mu nmphte Wiatcriilog ! iih our expert ncryice- factorv-approTCt JJPnuit, metbuiit nd ul"e iord Hans. Save . cold weather trouble 'Pnse. Drive in todajf, check and adjust vour Ufy.gin I r sate, trouble-lree f ' driving Last year in Ottawa area alone 275 cases of tuberculosis were i LJasa... ' I DOLL'S CLOTHES 95 c ond $1.95 THE STORK SHOPPE El'l.l-lU'l CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys O Aerial Photography O Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS '' For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Jf Killas & Christopher Bldg. "y Air Freight on all Flights discovered when 84,000 persons were X-rayed. Many of these required immediate treatment i while others were placed under observation . It's early discovery which counts in the antl-tubersulasis J torjDorj to nv cdtjg DittilUd In Csnoda and dhtribwtod by Tha Home of Saagram H Parker 1 Ltd Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W, ed to carry On the nece ssary ThU advartiiemsnt i not published Of ditployed by the Liquor Control Boord or by the Government of British Columbia. X-ray work. I " " -' 111 I .aiaaaiiaaaaNiMaiaBBMVaB -- - I USE-".6 9 nvEMQ)y mjm &m