PROV1NCIA! DISPATCHED ARY PROVINCIAL. LIB.1A n VICTORIA, D, C, V3 f v Daily Daily NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CABS f VOL. "b,i?l,ed ot Conada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Princa Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" . Phone 81 V XXXIX, No. 288 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.r FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS r Conference i 1m M DO iVJ Agreements Attl Talks Ottawa and Provinces Would I Improve Old Ace Pensions OTTAWA With agreement between Canada's eleven governments that to important rurnan And Xre Nearing Close constitutional amendments Today should be considered dealing with old age pensions and proposed provincial retail sale:, taxes, the federal-provlnca! conference on fiscal and socia. security problems concluded yes of embarkation on the Sea of terday. Thev agreed to give "early con mo Hard Pressed United Nations Forces Korea Trying To Fight Way Out ilUNGTON, D.C. (CP) President Truman !e Minister Attlee today began the wind-up 'f their conference on the world crisis and Ice-president Barkley and members of Mr. j cabinet to meet with them. This was taken ng that the meeting was chiefly for review sideration" ' to constitutional Japan at Hungnam. Thousands of others are scattered in the northeast, trying to reach the escape port. In northwest Korea the only patrol contact was reported along the newly-formed Eighth Army defence line. Top United States naval and marine officers conferred secret steos to launch an old age pen I i.-J.. J. ! 1 , sion plan for pensions with", a means test for persons between 65 and 69, the two government.1, going fifty-fifty, while the pen sion after 70 would be without a means test. ly on a ship off the stormy east Korea coast. A United States Eighth Army source said that some Allied The second constitutions United Nations, must await evi dence as to whether United Na amendment would allow the is been accomplished in being aimed at irther decisions. j ij j. Lawton Collins, ates Army chief of ( called In to give a' tlons forces can hold on there provincial governments to im I $ 1 4 1' f PnRpf If ir W u H j j , ... -nv- -. - ir,.f Hf i f fif&i i-,. -,, T H.H.I.M mm.m, mnnwnrnlli-rt-Tllim-tir I pose sales tax on retail purchav3 South Korean troops In th northeast had already escaped by sea. The big question was how Announcement of the agreement was made by Prime Minister L. S. St. Laurent as the federal and provincial repre many others In the northeast could reach the coast. and whether there is any chance of negotiating ... an acceptable settlement with Chinese Communists. AT THE BATTLE FRONT Meantime Tokyo dispatches reported that thousands of United Nations troops were battling desperately today to break through fiery Communist Chinese traps In efforts to reach sentatives ended four days' study of the tough economic problems facing the country. The Department of Justice will draw up the amendments hLs flying visit to jllins, who returned l told reporters he be-r foices there will be ke care of themselves irther serious losses." lident an ti the Prime ire reported to have ide agreement on Eu-fence measures but to less succeis in welding I front on Far Eastern ie two -are understood Jecided that precise l to be taken on Korea Imunist China, aside iding moves In the ANNOUNCEMENT Ten-Point Program HONG KONO REMEMBRANCE-Of fleers and men from the Canadian destroyers Cayuga and Athabaskan and members of the Canadian colony in Hong Kong observe two minutes' 'silence during a Remembrance Day ceremony in Sal Wan military cemetery, near Hong Kong. The destroyers paid a tne Korean east coast for a probable mass removal by sea. Chinese forces are reported Power Co. semi-operational visit to Hong Kong in November and on Remembrance Day held a special service in the cemetery where 281 Canadians who died in the defence of Hong Kong in December, 1941, are, buried. (National Defence Photo) Canadian Air Lift May Be Extended, Japan to Korea H.M.C.S. In It- close behind on retreating troops at Koto airstrip on both sides of a canyon trail leading down to the sea and ahead of them near their expected place AwaitsfHelp TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co Ltd.) j Destroyers Hard Taxed to Meet Demand Since Falls River Break-Fish Plant Hard Hit While outside help in the form Hit Korea OTTAWA (CP) The cabinet has given author ity for the extension of the Royal Canadian Air Force of crews from Vancouver was Between Truman And Attlee WASHINGTON, D C. 0 President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee today anounc-ed a ten-point program for the defence of the free world against Communist attack. ' The communique was Issued after days of crucial conferences between the two leaders required by the world crisis' created by intervention of Communist China in the Korean war. WAKUTNrrvmN nc w Can VANCOUVER Bayonne .' 02 Bralorne 6.00 B. R. Con 02 B. R. X 04 Congress 08 Hedley Mascot 42 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 6.75 air transDort operations rieht into Korea to clear being awaited today to repair adian destroyers roycrs have have helped! helped! , t j. i i,i i thp hitrh transmission line acrass installations of Kor- the way m case tne 12 Canadian planes are needed jlthee skcena River which carries smash port :il Reverses Stand and Will Open Evenings y council, meeting in special session yesterday on, reversed its decision of last week against ing men's clothing and shoe stores from open-day evenings until 9 o'clock for the benefit of Ma Cellulose workers." ' "x ' in the present crisis. That means they could be used Fails River power into the city ea's Yellow Sea port of Chinam-po which has been abandoned by Prince Rupert was still limping for evacuation purposes if the need arises. - Pioneer 1.80 United Nations forces. A United States Navy spokes .07 along today with a curtailed and voluntary rationed power supply provided by the steam, plant. Defence headquarters officialsi said that the 426th Squadron .06 Vs Premier Border Privateer . Reno 2iryantold reporters, today that The ten-point program was .02.-- may move from McChord Field 'Labor Seeking Sheep Creek 1.25 near Tacoma, Washington, to . ...lii. i i, fm.rannlnflrl I .28 Silbak Premier at the dry dock and the Shawat-lans Lake hydro-electric plant. Before noon today, the demand exceeded the supply and there was a cut-off of power in japan wiui ui -.a.b.i..- . ter being advised by the executive)! the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants Asso Taku River .. Vananda Salmon Gold .07 .09 .03 .03 North Stars. For tne last nve; nlffl IS at 11 m months they have been flying) .J l J ClUllI the transpacific air lift f rom j McChord to Japan but not to OTTAWA Canada's four Spud Valley Silver Standard 196 ' Korea. , strongest central labor organiza- ciation that it now- wished con-r'deration of a majority decision of certain categories of trade, the council decided to comply with suh majority request of men's clothing and shoe merchants to .80 Western Uranium ... hese No 'unteers The move by the cabinet iSitions are taking the lead in a looked upon as part of a gen- h ve tne eovernment rc- United Nations forces had abandoned Chinampo, port of Pyongyang, North Korean capital. After all Allied ground troops were clear of the port, an Allied destroyer force, which also includes Australian and United States ship, turned their guns on the port area, "rendering It useless to the enemy." The destroyers were the Canadian ships Athabaskan and Cayuga, the Australian Bataan and the United States vessel Forrest Royal. A naval spokesman did not mention the Sioux, third Canadian destroyer operating in Korean waters. eral United Nations move to pre- . imDOSe Drice and retain rent certain sections of the city. Street lighting continues curtailed and the downtown section by night is remindful of the wartime blackouts. After midnight last iiight, while consumption was light, street lights were maintained in the residential sections. Hard hit, as a result of Uvi power shortage, is the Nelson Bros Fisheries . Ltd. reduction' be allowed to stay open for the convpnln-e of the workers. produced after a review of what the communique describes as "changed aspect of world affairs arising from massive Intervention of Chinese Communists in Korea." The communique said that the two leaders had agreed on common foreign policy objectives. The communique said that Oreat Britain and the United States would "act together with resolution and unity to meet the challenge to peace which' recent weeks have made clear to all." It added "we were in complete agreement there can be no thought of appeasement or of rewarding aggression whether in the Far East or elsewhere." The communique expressed pare for any eventuality. It is . cont-0is. They are the Trades stressed here that no orders ;and Labor Congress of Canada, have yet been given for the 4ne Canadian Congress of Labor, squadron to go to Korea but tj,e Canadian and Catholic Fed-the" way has now been made j erati0n of Labor and the Dom-clear for such a shift if the Ko- jnion joint legislative committor The amendment of the Eariy Closing bylaw to this effect is being made operative from tonight until March 31. I Nations Korean Ion (lives fClaim SUCCESS : The seven-! United Nations Korean Ion today sent Oeneral rean situation means that planes of Railway Brotherhoods. plant at Port Edward which has - are needed. , The unprecedented campaign THE WEATHER to put pressure on the government was announced last night Oils Anglo Canadian 4-25 A. P. Con .32 Atlantic -. 2.00 . Calmont 65 Central Leduc 2.05 Mercury .11 '2 Okalta - 165 Pacific Pete 6.75 Princess 1.25 Royal Canadian 08 Royalite 12.00 TORONTO Athona .07'2 Aumaque - -22 Bcattie 52 Bevcourt 40 Bob jo .' 11 Buffalo Canadian ' -22 Cons. Smelters 125.75 .Conwest 1.76 Donalda 44 Eldona 22 by officials of the four big labor Emergency Is Denied Synopsis The series of Pacific storms which have been moving across British Columbia during . the past few days have brought con- bodies which represent aoout one million members. a great supply of herring pouring in but which cannot be handled because of no power and is being sent to down-coast plants. Power company workmen,, some of whom have been taken off regular duties, are rushing completion at the dry dock of the first 800 kilowatt unit of the new diesel installation. , . ; I a special report, for-shallenRing Russian jhat Chinese troops In c volunteers. Jort said that the com-fhad made an on-tlre-friry and found all nrls- Dies After Knock-out It is the first time in historv iwwillingness "to seek an end Usrahla rain trk t.ho rnasttll QlS- I that they have joined together trio.ts. However, they have also to nosunues Dy means ui e- in a step of this kind. A statement which was issued lronf. omreratures in most re- eotiauon. glons well above the usual De-. Johnny Lopei Victim of Bout in California said they will conduct a joint countvv-wide campaign aimed at cember readings. WASHINGTON D. C Stephen Early, White House press secretary, issued a denial yesterday that a national emergency, involving all out mobilization, was to b'e declared in view of the deteriorating international situation. Well Informed sources have Iken by Genera! Mac-I forces were members Ir army units and "were Jnteers In any possible of the term." ESarper of Turkey read frt to the Assembly's 60-Politlca.1 committee. The MERCED, Cal. Qi Samuel J. Lopez, 26, professional boxer, who fought as Johnny Lopez, East Sullivan .- 6.95 Giant Yellowknlfe 5.85 halting increases in. the .cost of j they added. : living It is' understood the campaign "We propose enlisting the ac-i will include advertising, speeches, tive support of our entire mem- and variou activities by union I including canvassing of members bership and organizations repre- senting all sections of the Can-j Members of Parliament on ths arlinn nil Mir. In this camoaiEn." i issues. .33 died last night alter Demg been saying that reintroduction .22 knocked out at a cnanty snow. tion estimated that at .06Vi! Lopez, of Richmond, Califor- of controls such as existed aur Forecast North Coast Region Intermittent rain today and tonight. Cloudy with scattered showers tomorrow. Little change In temperature. Wind southeast (40 miles per hour), becoming south (20) in afternoon, south (20) tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy. Sand-spit and Prince Rupert, 38 and 45. God's Lake Hardrock . Harricana Heva Hosco Jackknife .08 nia, was knocked out at 9:30 jng the war, are inevitable 11.000 Chinese Reds were Korea. It said that none j. 05(4 p.m. in a preliminary bout oi an , 05 i Elks' Club boxing show. He died prisoners taken hari i.hs .75 I at 11:22 p.m. in the Merced Gen- Joliet Quebec I idea they were fighting I United Nations forces. Lake Rowan 06'4 eral Hospital from a brain hem- Lapaska ' M'i orrhage, Dr. C, C. Fitzgibbon said. Little Lone Lac 47 I Lonez. at 128 pounds, was ought they were fighting Koreans. y,4 - I , 1 CHINA AND KOREA The communique sal dthat the United States and Oreat Britain "differ" on the question of seating the Communist Chinese regime in the United Nations. Britain favored it and the United States continuing to oppose it. It said that the Formosan Issue should be settled by peaceful means. The communique announced complete agreement on the need for immediate action for building up of North Atlantic defences in Europe. Truman and Attlee announced agreement on Increasing military capabilities of their two countries "as rapidly as possible" and expansion of arms production. They also agreed on international action to avoid shortages of raw materials. ATOMIC BOMB President Truman gave Mr. Attlee assurance he would keep him Informed regarding any . use of the atomic bomb after stating his hope that world conditions would never call for Its use. Lynx : 12 Vi matched against Joe Madrid, Madsen Red Lake 2.00 1 127. of Stockton. California. He political committee then fl its debate on the six-I demand for Immediate al of Chinese Commun- Rescue Effected Bella Coola was floored In the second round for the count of eight with a left to the mid-section. Getting up, he threw one wild punch which missed and was then knocked out with a short right tq the chin. A veteran of four years' Army service, Lopez leaves a widow and three daughters. McKenzie Red Lake 35 McLeod Cochshutt 2.03 Moneta 35 Negus 69 Noranda 69.00 Louvicourt ' 16Vi Pickle Crow - 160 Regicourt 04 San Antonio 2.30 Senator Rouyn 18 Sherritt Gordon 2 66 Steep Rock 8.05 Sturgeon River 14 Indians Saved Six Indian fishermen, marooned for weeks In Ice-locked fA c ' v ' f p- ! Dean Channel, were rescued May. December 9. 1950 yesterday, according to wora reaching here. A Royal Canadian Mounted Police patrol boat battled Its way through ice ,snow and fog t.n clear a channel, 200 miles 1:11 20.1 feet 12:50 24.1 feet 6:48 7.1 feet 19:37 0.6 feet smith of Prince Rupert, to free At - most critical spot 20,000 Any change of listings for the 1951 Telephone Directory must be submitted to the Telephone Office not later than December 15, 1950. . E. EDWARDS, Telephone Superintendent. - -(286) HOCKEY SCORES National League Boston 3, Montreal 0. Pacific Coast Portland 7, Seattle 2. Mainline-Okanagan Vernon 5, Kclowna 4. the fishermen. It was a two-aay , united States marines and army battle. j and British troopers were In the A radiotelephone report said i midst of a tank-led drive to the fishermen were In good con-1 break out of a four-sided Chi-dition but "very hungry." They , nese trap south of Changjin ; J, , I v' I . , vs- . N I . ....... ... , (. -1 ; 7 , " . . . fivi s ; L . r ! k i r w i I wmt S,Mi--MMmmM -....,. .- .mmm tntrti reservoir. The Reds were entrenched on dominating ridges had been without food for aays. They melted snow for drinking and shielded by a snowstorm Al! Red Cross Members c attend SPECIAL '"3 Monday, Dec. 8 p.m. in the Civic e. I ' The" police launch hacked from Allied air attack and were columns with raking Allied NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS Our store will be closed from Dec. 11 to Jan. 2 for staff holidays. EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. heavy fire. through foot-thlcK ice anu u axes, sledgehammers and dynamite to open a path. A patrol boat is towing the fishermen's three boats to Bella Coola, their home port. FEDERAL-PROVINCIAL TALKS UNDER WAY Provincial premiers or their deputies get down to business in the House of Commons chamber as fiscal and socfal talks of the Dominion-Provincial (CP PHOTO i conference start. The 13 original states of the U.S.. constituted In 1790, had an larea of 892,135 square miles.