I , r-, Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, December 8, 1950 Alaska Good Music Trail Hunting Ruling Annoys Germans By ROBERT FETT" -. FRANKFURT (Reuters) Tlw ing quota on publicly owned land and 60 per cent on private land. These people must apply for a permit 15 days ahead, but must cancel their trip If occupation personnel want to hunt In the same area at the same time. So the large German land- official say that "they never do this." A fisheries ministry official said the Russians seemed amused at the idea that anybody might ever seek Oerman authority. For Action, Advertise! tsj western occupying powers are j owner, JBaron Von So-and-So restoring many rights to Ger many but not in the fields of hunting and fishing. There the Germans are still cannot even shoot his own game or catch his own fish unless visitors on his land invite him to join their party. They often do. Life Is a little easier for the Baron's brother in the British 1 1 strongly reminded that they lost the war. and they do not like it. ' k ' . ' o -izone. There, occuoational per il .The American high commis- sonnet ! are restricted tr, Khr,t in,. jjslonef recently circulated new and fishing in 40 per cent ofi J roirillQllnnu cirr,-,nr1 U.. L';..U -i I ..... . . .. l.vc,"-v...o o.Kt.cu uv nitjn i - suitaoro land ana tne Oemians w r. m iw . ii..lu,,ci owm iYicuioy, mmseu may use the other 60 per ceat if STANDARD OF B.C. PRODUCT a wioi ana angler, rnese they do not Infringe Allied se- began by stating flatly: "Anycurity iaws defining possession person within the category of of arms. The British pay com- 1 C.'. and by having chairs built larger j i p.... Ton!"6 lmi,ie,:ion that 1 Members Differ irns ,... ...... nun!, pensauon ior tnis requisitioning. I and fish on any land and waters But it comes out of occupation1 in the American zone without nald costs, by the West German regard to . ownership, lease, (jr government other property rights in respect m the Soviet zone, occupation' of the land, waters, animals,! personnel are supposed under On Car Exports Changes (Ai'i it wa a. Diru.S or iisn. ; Easf German lnu; tn annltr f, " i' ' w Mrs. J. T. Harvey again de- Such snortsmen, v.dien oify LONDON nunung ana nsning licenses, but 1" i . . . I A ine lumre ol nicts the storv of the "Alaska, ihe make-up was a more rilf Iicult problem. Miss Dunne ha.", a thin, rlasi:-ally chiselled fare So a special mask was made for utr. fc.ving Uli a double chin and plump cheeks with only her eyes being left as they naturally are. A new mask had w be mant every day, then glued on licensed by the Americans, may jo Broadway .whi:'h i iw die other day "in (.1)1 . 1 I TTi-i i 1, -,t I.. . . .... . . . . . ' i iv -uvKla. uZ Xra" 1B ltle Unoleuml hunt or fish as they please pro-' .anada was discussed by thres block cut shown here.,The treble vfded that they do not shoot , Jjrni'd to the scenes 18 jptaKL.S in a recent IIOUSC Of clef notp sunerimnnxpri on the within nhnut Slin vm-rls nf building controlled by the HOMEWARD BOUND . T 1 III I ;.mnnoiu- dcoale on Anglo-Can- map of Alaska and British Co adian trade. lumbia shows southeastern Al erican administration or within faired in musical v goln;; to Holly- i (kv-b.ivn movie star jl!i:iili:ilHly from ii -iso plajvd t,hi i Vi tona in "Tlie jv. o. iijsjCI conservative aska and nnrthsm nn Hictrit -aid tiiat BiitLsh car exoorts .u low runnme nt. ih. rai.' t Tn Now the wind blows hard from' the east-nor'-east ' Our ship she sails ten knots at least ... . iV ; Huzza, we9 re homeward bound! ABITIBI ACQUIRES B.C. PULP-PAPER VANCOUVER-Announcement was made in Toronto yesterdv that Abitibi Power & Paper Co had acquired. ninety percent ol the fiimmcn sl-ist-no nr u rs:. id Theatre and tlie 'rc are sti!) coins 000 a year had "knocked the I BandlnS together to bring top-bottom" out of the used-car fight entertainment to the market in Canada. He wondered ' north at the lowest possible cost ''r "n"'6'?' SCale Jt,- Ketchikan. Fairoanks, An- exports could continue without - . reachins the saturation r""' ra.n.er, JU,Kauran. M. Matphcrson, Labor meia-gC;l' Vvaituhorse anu Prince Ru-oer,aid he believed Britain wa;jPert- ' paying too much attention to 'ihe first program at Priive retUknC,dr'ofant1"ilerTfrh V 'iIrt is scheduled lor Thurs- half a mile of the zonal boundary; do not trao; confine themselves to hand-operated rifles or shot Runs "excluding full-jacketed, armor-piercing and tracer ammunition;"; and do not take fish "bv using any rxp'osive. net, snare or Doison or by means of anv vlectric device." The last two conditions revive memories of German protests snor. aftpr the war that troops employed fair means and foul when hunthie and ffching. PARTIES WATCHED j When a hunting party is arranged, the local German official must provide a guide. The ?u)f' himself may not shoot unless ic is to kill a wounded animal or For over a century Lamb's' Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow, it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Demerara rums. ?? Dl""-:0 fou"1 ifh Columbia Pulp & Paper Co ' J,, tires where she wnlcn ?irn' Wl're ei,h'"r!and Wocdfibre pulp mills Ahi ..vie and television tibl b a!.,,, nefioliating- for th. fcrn down complete- Aiaxka pine Co I Alley" now Purcnas0 of controUns intor. ,f el.-ant shops, iMt in British Columbia Pulp & ? S" h,P rapor and the Alak Pine Co. ) , was h diftlcult k be- by Abiubl involves b(.tween $30 . i make-up and be- oc.0,000 and $35,080,000 it was re "wn hctKlit, 'pcrted last nifht. . .- 5 feet 2 inches u ig one of the arg0,t i0,Bjng 3 ,fl'1' inchea," deals in B-ltish Columbia history !iolvi :i tnut v me v-h rrjnrks th.' first West Coast v Morkmsj feet be- addition to Abitibi pulp and J Kn -icn jth dresses, mw, holdings. tab's Wary Bus . --J"". ,most popular programs ever ing too many cars. presented from the Civic Centre I do not agree that this is a;stage Mr L1 u .U v.'-'-"" -emporary business," he said.1 i,ima' 0 These hunters, when on private I l This advertisement n not published of displayed by the Liquot ' Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I don't see any rea-son why we Son., . " carmen "T-,e Soriit land- may keep haU of tllR .houidii't ke(p the market for Non-occupational ocrsonnel, Notodi f the Ftea Knows th' ihe smail car." , Troi,n,f Ve yrS. B malnly waning other forelipi- : If?.Ub Sr!e?' ? ers in Germany and exdudin- ,nely the Germans themselves, are Hrt.--SHe..UV HALE3WORTH, Suffolk, Eng- u a"d 'll Sifr from, allotted 20 ner cent of the hunt- 11 Amliliwii hoi Moiiikod m ditpUytd Of An oU sm thmty. Uqwr Cwol tout m W Grniwl ' ? tk Briliili ColuwbU . j f) - , , . , imnuuocj, ivii . UU1 UU 1 Will j . , ' . , , , . , , t , , ,. .and o -A new housing estate I pla- Beethoven's "Moonlight . :iere will b3 nameless for the Sonata." Chopin's "Scharzo" and ' l&'ll&'SISS Jme brin3. A list of 22 re:om- the " "Sweetheart Waltz" from Sj? k -,.w.... , , & S f ft nended r.amcs including "Man- "YPsy Baron.' ia!ay'' and "Khuddulm" was re-; " ocled. 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