'4 Prfnrc nupcri Dafip Rctosf Saturday, April 30, 1949 THREE FINED ON MIXED Rftv V-' "A BASEBALL SCORES Western International League Vancouver 4, Salem 5 Spokane 2, Tacoma 10 Wenatebee 8, Bremerton 18 Yakima 7, Victoria 2 Pacific Coast League Portland 3, San Diego 9 Seattle 3, Sacramento 5 Halt Is Winner of Blue Grass Stakes LEXINGTON, Kentucky - LEO DUROCHER IS SUSPENDED NEW YORK tfLeo Dnr-ocher is in hot water again and has been indefinitely suspended by Commissioner A. B. Chandler. The quicktempered New York Giants' manager was accused by a Brooklyn fan of punching and kicking him Thursday at the Polo Grounds. Durocher denied the charge. w- I II I V U' I Ifin I f lalAm.J n I . V San Francisco 10, Los Anteles'oiK! llil'"r B; o J rcners v I Hamdingers Civic Centre Dates . . MONDAY Sports a.m. 9:00 Bo Me Hi Gym Clas Special a.m. 10:30 Ministerial Assoc. p.m. 6:15 Chamber of Commerce Dinner LEATHERETTE Artificial leather is a cotton 'Bay OutT 8Wf! or linen fabric treated with ! Humdhi-L .n,pt V solution of Dvroxvlin F.. . A.: Platinum is among the chemi cal elements that were.not dis covered nntll the 16th centurv t-f. ",,lVfais PONT MISS THE FUN AT LEAGUES Teener, . TS 3- "mazuni 1 Clovers v.,. Allfv , 23-MilW J , us a n-.. -;ujver.s vs it w m 1 LIMBERLOST: POSSIBLE ADDITION TO ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY Packing 10 times the ws.llop of present carrier-attack planes, the new Martin AM-1 Mauler is mentioned as a possible addition to the Royal Canadian navy. Known affectionfcely as "Able Mabel" of the U.S. flcrt, the hish-speed workhorse can carry more than five tons of hwh explosive. The Mauler, establishing a new record, flew a test with a gross takeoff weight of 2S.J32 pounds, of which 10.6S9 pounds was armament. The Mauler, in the foreground, is carrying a destructive payload including three 2.200-pound torpedoes, twelve 250-pound bombs and four 20 mm. aerial cannon with 800 rounds of ammunition. It has a range of 2.PO0 miles. ( TATHER S( vf fev &.yXk-i For FISHING. BOATING. DANCING . . . AND Fun for the Whole Family at LIMIiEIH.fKT? Make your reservations TT TT 1 1 , nappy nonaay in :ne FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT LIMBEM.OST ASSAULT CHARGE Three men received fines witM alternative jail sentences In city 1 police court Thursday on charges 'ot assaulting a taxi driver and I obstructing police officers in a i case arising out of a dispute over payment of a taxi fare a week ago. Found guilty on a joint charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm to Bill Nesbitt. city taxi driver, were Wendolyn: Schwab, Richard Adkins pnd Jimmy Adkins. Richard Adkinv was fined $100 or two montns while Schwab and Jimmy Adkin.' : each were fined $50 or one month on the same charge. The charge arose out of ' an altercation on the night of April 22 when Nesbitt received a broken nose, a sprained thumb and facial injuries near the dry dock gate. The accused trio claimed that they had been provoked by the charge for a taxi ride from Third Avenue to the dry dock. The three men each entered pieas of not guilty to a charare of obstructing police officer but changed their pleas to guiity after prosecution evidence had been entered. . Sctiwab altered his plea on advice of his counsel, A. Bruce Brown, who also was instructed by the Adkins brothers to reverse their plea. Mr. Brown appeared for Schwab in the assault case. Police Corporal A. H. Taylor pointed out that violence is not necessary to constitute an obstruction charge. Any act which might interfere with the work of a policeman in his duty could considered obstruction. Vhe said. On the obstruction charge, Richard Adkins was rined $9.5 or 14 days. Jimmy Adkins was fined $18 or seven days . anci Schwab was sentenced to ,;he time he had served in jail. WANDERERS WIN ASSOCIATION CUP LONDON (P The Wover-hampton Wanderers today won the prized English Football Association Cup, defeating the second division Leicester City 3-1 at Wembley Stadium. A capacity crowd, including Prin cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh, saw the Wolves score their great Victory, "uw "U. ..PHONE 563 U. iUES I'HOIVK 586. r YOU ARE A Steamship Movements Fcr Vancoutet Sunday ss. coquitlam, 10 p.m. Tuesday ss. Catala, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 11:15 p.m. ' From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala, 11 pm. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Coquitlam l p.m For A Ike Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. CaUla, 11 p.m. from Alice Arm and Stewart Fofhers ond fherr sons like Old Cham because it fits into a man's smoking pattern. It's just right for day-in-day. out rnokmg. Enjoy OW Chum's slow burmrwj quaMties ond fresh, cool, rich flavour. Ask your" fobocconist for a pockag or half -pound tin. wk M hIhku rWi i wft fJ LUCKY LADY!' "The crystal ball reveals your handsome husband on the phone . . . calling Red 705. He's making reservations for MOTHER'S DAY . . .ordering CHICKEN DINNER for two!" Tuesday ss Catala. a. m.'be r' n t" s ARNn J 7B A M nil "GOVERNMENT LIOI OH CT" T i Section 2t Xfttive of Application fr Convent to TranMer of IV-er Ue we KOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 13th day of May A D, 194'J.' the mxi sien i intend te fcftply to the Ltqunr Control Board for rrm sent to trnmsfn- of Brrr License No, 8216. tpstwd in rrpr-rt tit premises, beta part f th prpwhWR known o th 8iiwry Hotel Mtnote t 60S tn 614 Frtwr St.rrrt Jn tn C'rtt of Prrne Rupert, Province of British Cotum-bla. noon the tnrnH describe! ' Lots Thirteen 1S i Fourteen (141 in Bloc Thtrtj-trtree (3a. Section One (11. Map 9S3, Prince Rupert I.ml ReeM.r.ton District, from Curl Zarem of Prince Rwpert to WiltiR 14oyd Woorts of 101 it Nnhsin Street. VancwnveT. British Oolmo the Trjtnfiferee. DATED t PTinee Rnpert. B.C. thW 12th y of AprH. A D 149. WILLIS LLOTD WOODS. (115) COSMETIC SET Keenelands $20,000 Blue Grsjs Stakes was won bv Halt which was followed past the post by Kentucky Derby hot shots, John's Joh and Wine List. 7:15Chamber of Commerce Meeting 7:30 I.O.D.E. Municipal 8:00 Band Practice 7:30-Litt!e Theatre IIITXTIxr. savimuiat. MANY OTHER-SPniiTs' early and be sure of vour X - " 1 Bermudas of the North. - OR UNION STEAMSHIPS I I ! ' I ' VA" Dim, Room In The Ko;h phone nccl 705 2r PROFESSIONAL HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and repairs of all kinds i Koofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evnin.,. P.O. Box 1670 DRYDGES and McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Income Tax Returns Compiled Bosner Block Room 31 PHONE 600 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 318 P.O. Box 521 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING PHONE CLUE 593 P.O. Box 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. tncome Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone fiSS i Well Cartage Ltd. ! Complete Moving Service Cratlnf Packing - Cartate BLUE 789 RED 516 PERFUMES and COLOG m i . r. .. -nocoiates - - otationel CUP FINAL COMINFG UP LONDON (? gome 100,000 rabid fans have jammed the hu?re Wembley Stadium today to watch the year's biggest soccer game, the Football Association cup final. This year it is Wolverhampton Wander-j ers and Leicester City clashing for the trophy which Manchester United won a year ago. Betting was strongly in favor of the Wolves, who are eurrentr ly placed well in the English Leaue, First Division, while Leicester City is struggling near the bottom of the Second Division. However, it is axiomatic that anything can happen in a cup final. Advertise in the Daily News! NOTICE The Daily News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at tlm? of presenting copy for adrer tising. Those desiring to ad vertise in this manner In the Daily New3 are asked M assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified adver- Using. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. IMIONE 37 P.O. BOX 1537 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT "to to 4 ALL TIMES" S Contre BMrj ' m ft PIN AlcvanrtOT Rnutirm. IHwl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims aKRinKt the said f-suue of ALEXANDER Rt'SS-WURM, of Stewart, British Columbia, who died on or before the 25tli day of June. 1949. to deliver or send bv DreDaid letter full nartirulnrs of their claims, dulv verified, to THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, the Executor of the Will of the said deceased, at its office at 626 West Pender Street. Vancouver. BC AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased anions the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which it shall then nve had notice. DATED the 2:rd day of April, A D. THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, Executor By: Sutton Braldwood A Morris 208 Yorkshire Building, 525 Seymour Street, Vancouver, B.C. Its Solicitors. (h) WHY WAIT? your old-fashioned washer on a new 111! Special TRADE-IN allowance ! Think of it! All you do is set dial, add soap and your job's done! The do-all Bendix fills itself, washes clothes sparkling clean, rinses 3 times, then ihuis itself off all automatically! Your hands never touch water! Don't delay! Act today! Take advantage of our special trade-in offer it's literal indeed! M'RaeBros, LIMITED WANTED Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT TIIEM AT YOUR DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WE PAY CASH PHONE 950 THIRD AVE. AT SIXTH ST. TMOIFl i) VANE WITH f7 RIG i) WASHEt litfty w thousands of temperate people burton (Ale ite drink of SUPKR ACITJ LH. TUIi I LIFE TIME AIKfHAX Cmc Centre For Rfsmailons and chickm BUSINESS AND A. HUNDEIDE WATKIN'S DEALER 517 Seventh Avenue West Phone BLACK 890 "" Box 29G :OR. P.J. CHENEY DENTIST 'SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK , Phone 785 p.o. Box 1401 ARROW CABS mj - 24-Hour Service PHONE 64G Prompt and Courteous Service PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East DRY KINDLING WOOD 50 Sack Delivered Chain Saw and Operator Available for Hire PHONE B it W TRANSFER Green 186 BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and - CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. ROCK and CONCRETE WORK FOR YOUR CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS Hew, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed INTERIOR DECORATING PAPER HANGINO and SIGN PAINTING R. RAHMER FHONI BLUE 836 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heela and Worn Soles IMC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second A ft ,Yti " I "i - V' a SAFETY WRIXGKK THOR GIVES YOU MORE moderation Point for Point Dollar for Dollar Here's the WGf.EST Washer Valui T Only $150.7 Northern ... B.C. PowerCo. I BESXF.R nFCVERl 4 stewab: PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. IVOODBUILT PRODUCTS .CCD) AST J&EWEISDE' - "BAYf. A CASE HANDY AT PPiPE OF PACIFIC WE DESIGN, MAMirACTUn i TiiVIQJT .. LIMITED una tin ton m HOW Fl RXITIBE ,T.IV CVTBOSm 1 19 ri STRE FIXTURES . OTtlCF. Fl RMTt "F to YouR-srFiovn THE THE VANCOUVER . This JvHimi . rhiv-dverti j, net .M SATISFACTION PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN AIL ORDERS - V PHONE BLUr951 0R 535 . NEW WESTMINSTER ... VICTORIA - I t i. i t M er dit , d b h. L.qoer Governmerrl of Brliuk rl,.-,U: 341 Second Avenue- First ana - WVIVMIVIfl