Prince Rupert Dailp J3ctos Saturday, April 30, 1949 Spring Fantasy Color al Show CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles usual this year, mainly because the skippers of the bigger boats feel that the rush In Area Two will make fishing the closer area less profitable. Seven boats cleared for Area Three this week, dressed 4 to enhan, " m n ,, 'we,. (Continued rrom Vage 1) (Subject to Change) mosphere of . '. L "erettes. Jl Aft.. Waterfront "ucr the last cast oatw. c"n an unusual armada for the Canadian fleet to send north while the southern district is open. throughout, from the music to the setting. PRETTY SETTING The curtain went up on a dimly lit stage arranged as the interior of a French Cafe. Six was sung by Richard Tweed to his lovely partner Daisy Ardern. The younj couple danced by themselves for the second chorus, and on the third were Joined by all the couples on stage in a dazzle of color. COLORFIL FINALE Vin Elliott led off In a solo on the finale song, "Au Revoir Again," inwhich she was Joined on the second chorus by the entire cast of both parts of the show. The words of this song were especially arranged for the Y.PA. show. The curtain went down on a happy show. marip on if,,. --"""-auons in search of the lover who never came. With lights gleaming on her scarlet gold sequlnned gown, petite graceful Anne Whiting performed a solo dance "You're Too Dangerous, Cherie" during the course of which she accepted, then spurned, the attentions of two suitors, Ernie Braman and Frank McFadden. One of the waiters, Jim Hemmons sang the well loved "The Last Time I Saw Paris," in which he was joined on the second chorus by pretty husky-voiced Carol Brentzen. Vaughan Tattersall's violin and the romantic song, "4n Dreams I Kiss Your Hand, Ma The Seattle packer Satrania, which has been chartered by the Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Co. for its Alaska packing service, arrived in port here Friday morning enroute to Ketchikan Mrs. Helen rut , ths Un of the assisUn;' tfwed the show a also sent to I under command of Capt. Jason which sent home a happy - Halibut and Salmon Seasons Opening Bringing Alaska Fish to Prince Rupert Both the halibut and the salmon trolling seasons will be under May next week, restoring life to Prince Rupert waterfront which has been semi-dormant SATURDAY P.M. 4:30 Here's to Romance 4:45 Lake Success, CBC 5:00 Announcer's Choice 5:30 Top Bands 5:45 Sports College 6:00 CBC NEWS 6:10 Recorded Int. 6:15 Latin Axner. Rhythm 6:30 T.B.A. 7:00 T3.A. 7:30 T.B.A 7:45 B.C. Panorama 8:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30 Date With Music 8:45 Dancing Time 9:00 McCleary's Orch 9:15 Meet Gisele 9:30 Chilcotin Trails 10:00 CBC NEWS ' 10:10 CBC News x 10:15 Adventures 10:30 Dal Richards and His Orchestra. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. . - he large array, the i flowers nso "1 Ellis. She left a short time later for the northern port. The Satrania is the second packer to be brought from. Seat- young couples sat chatting round six candle-lit tables as the strains of the romantic "Toujours L'Amour" floated from off stage. All rose to dance a pretty picture indeed with the girls in their varicolored formal dresses and the boys in dress suits. The couples were Joyce Peterson and Dixie Gllker, Daisy Ardern and Richard Tweed, Shirley Hudson and Dick Hedstrom, Doreen Bate-man and Henry Dixon, Hazel Tweed and Percy Welter, and Margaret Wide and Lloyd Petersen. As the music died way, attention swung to the parted Accompaniments were played by Mrs. Helen Marchildon, Y.P. A. supervisor, on piano, and Vaughan Tattersall on violin. W. D. oninth, anc Kelsey assisted with tv over the winter. Just what kind of a season it will . tle within a month for the same- dame," made music as the be no one can predict, but the fisherman's incurable optimism will not let him believe that it will be any gaily dressed young "gypsy TODAY thing but good. CREEIt G ARSON in 'JULIA MISBEHAVES' purpose. On March 30, Capt. Ellis came north with the Beloit II which will operate along with the Satrania in bringing Alaskan salmon to the Cold Storage plant here. Capt. Ellis, one of the youngest skippers on the coast, is a cousin of Robert Ellis, mayor of Ketchikan and operator of an air line. He is 23 years old. He Since Thursday, 150 fishermen have taken out halibut licenses Jiere, believed to be as great a number as ever started the season out of this port. In addition SUNDAY MIDNITE-MOH -Tit to this, 80 salmon trolling licenses have been issued, bringing to well over 200 the number of revenue - producing boats which have sprung suddenly into action. violinist serenaded the couples In the cafe. Carol Brentzen, In a frothy black gown, portrayed a charming cafe singer "Miml" as she danced onto stage alone. She was, however, stolen away by Frank McFadden to finish the number in graceful duet dance. With a crash of music and the rhythm' cf a tambourine, two gaily dresed gypsies whirled onto stage to tell the fortunes of the young couples. The lady gypsy, lovely Iona Hardy, raised her voice to sing the exciting While the halibut men will be gin their activity early tomorrow was skipper of the packer Kiska morning, the trollcrs probably which was lost last year whe.i LARITT. . with a Fistfull of DouJ will be slower to start, al- she was rammed near Ketchi kan. -n oninrui of Trouble, . ... In a Picture Packed Full of Laughter! um. The converted sub-chaser though the weather will be a deciding factor in that. Trollers agree that dark, rainy weather seems to keep the fish at great depth with resulting poor catches. Randy A which was packing for the Canadian Fish and , Cold Storage Co. last year under com- "ABBO? I This season will see more fish-1 mand of Capt. L. J. Beaver, is SUNDAY A .M. 11:03 Songs and Singers 11 :30 Religious Period, Tor. 12:00 N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. 1:30- -Church of the Air - 2:00 Capital Reports 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:25 CBC News 3:27 Weather Forecast 3:30 Harmony Harbor 4:00 Week-End Review 4:15 John Fisher 4:30 Les Chansons de Paris 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs, Tor. 6:30 Musical Magic 7:00 Stage 49 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Winnipeg Sunday Concert 9:00 Classics lor Today 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC, News . curtains at the back of the stage from which emerged a lovely Parisienne lady in a billowy blue gown, Vin Elliott, who rised her voice to sing "Encore, Cherie" and then joined with her partner, Jim Herrunons, to perform a graceful semi-ballet ballroom dance. As the dancers left the stage, waiters Jim Hemmons and Frank McFadden appeared with trayfuls of soft drinks for the "Cafe patrons." After all had been served, captivating Iona Hardy ppear-ed in the limelight as feature performer for a gay little number called "Poppa, Don't Preach to Me." Miss Hardy's graceful animated gestures, no less than her lovely voice, served to make this number a standout. Her colorful plumed costume was entirely her own design. The lights dimmed and attention shifted to a wistful-faced young lady in raincoat and beret leaning against a make-believe lamp post; As the six ing camps in operation near the expected north this week to join the fleet of chartered packers bringing fish from the north this 3eason. M-jjV LOU gyps' ballad, "Golden Earrings," then Joined her handsome partner, Ernie Braman, in an expressive gpsy dance. The haunting melody "Mam-selle" formed the basis for the next number, sung first by Percy Welter to his pretty partner, Hazel Tweed, then sung by the couples while Hazel and Percy danced.' A scintillating can-can revue performed by Margaret Symes, Snarl Ingalls and Ruth Kctche son, drew a wave of applause and a demand for an encore. The girls excelled themselves in a delightfully exuberant dance iih JOSEPH CALLFH ill 1 LEON ERROL-CATHY D(M halibut grounds than ever before, making it possible for small boats to. fish without ice and make quick runs to market. The fishing companies all have their regular camps out and some have one or two more than usual. The Co-op has ten camps out this season, two more than last year. Just what prices will be offered on the exchange here this l i h . u hi f i Union steamer Coquitlam, Capt. Alf Aspinall, call in at Port Edward Friday afternoon on her weekly sailing north and disembarked .4 passengers, mostly carpenters to work at the Wat-J son Island project of Columbia' 10:15 Trail Talcs Cellulose Co. The Coquitlam ar- 10:30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and Sign Off p.m. and sailed last night for year is a matter that will be de-1 rived here at 1 cided when the first cargo is put ' at 10 o'clock that captured the hearts of the , audience. j Waiters Jim Hemmons and Frank McFadden introduced in ON THI SAMf PROGRAM couples sang the poignant war love song "Lilli Marlene," Elaine Steffens, as Lllll, aroused pathos as she strolled sadly from table to table, examining each face up for sale. However, it is not Masset and Port Clements on expected that it will be lower j her fortnightly call to the north than last year's opening prices island. . . . , , of 15 cents for mediums. . Area Thiee nas put in a call Opening of navigation is ex- Stikine River with the rover boats plying as far inland as Telegraph Creek. In prepara son the next number, "Darlin,' CARTOON OM NOVELTY SHOWS AT 7 P.M. - 9 P.M. mm Je Vous Aime Beaucoup," which tion for the season, the Cus to a larger number of boats than pected to start soon on the tom soffice here is re-opening its sub-office at Wrangell, with S. R. Tordiffe in charge. Mr. Tordiffe will leave for Wrangell Would you like to be sure of passing your old age In comfort? Boys' Sport Clothes RUl'ERT MEN'S AND ROY'S STORE ORME DRUGS DRUGi !...... ....... PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT PRINCE RUPERT ELECTORAL DISTRICT The office of the Registrar of Voters, Room 13, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C., will remain, open until 5 p.m., Saturday, April 30, and until 9 p.m., Monday, May 2, for the purpose of registering voters for the forthcoming Provincial Election, to be held June 15, 1949. on the Princess Louise on Monday. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8.00 p.m. , from the East j Tuesday, Thursday. Saturda: You can plan for H now through a Mutual Life of Canada policy that will provide a new tource of income when the da of your retirement Mm-. . PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS arrives. Consult our local representative. STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 fi SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 2 P.! 10:45 p.m. FIFTH LARGEST RIVER The Yukon, 2,300 miles long, is the largest river in Alaska and the fifth largest in North G. F. FORRES, Registrar of Voters, Prince Rupert, B.C. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. Court House (101) Emergency bicycle dcil iii Protection of low Cost Daily car delivery service I from 9 a.m. till 0 p.m. from 7 p.m. till 9 P 1 and Sunday MAO OFFICi WATERLOO, OMT. 3A YOU1L FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE J Favcett Torrid Oil Ik From New Spring Coats to Elskin Booties, We Have the Things Your Baby Needs THE STORK SHOPPE REPRESENTATIVES Richard Scphton, District Agent, 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rupert, B. C. Will Robinson (E. T. Kenney Ltd.) Representative, Terrace, B.C. Gives You CLEANLINESS CONVENIENCE EFFICIENT ECONOMY if i . . II .. 1 '' 1 BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 with the Syncrom-matic D' means up to 25 saving in Sold on Easy Budget Ter Plumbing Troubles? See them now at CALL Property "-Owners! FOR .... GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REMODELING and ALTERATIONS CEMENT WORK, ROOFING, etc. Contact NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. PHONE 56 FREE ESTIMATES COMPETENT WORKMANSHIP AT YOUR SERVICE (124) rEZ32l phone; tlFtiJd 846 MeBritle Street SAANICH Plumbing & Heating LING the TAILOR ft vnnrpt rTii , , unnln.r in tlllS f and unclaimed after one year are to be plj COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY j Your Dally ! ALL-WEATHER SERVICE sale unless customer advises us to now Please give number. i ixc Tl IK TAILOR Attractive in dCSiBn. this is a compact 4-room ba.semcnt-less bunsalow snihio r. HOLLYWOOD cafe Most Up-to-Date Cafe in the City. OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. to 3:30 A.M. CIO R t O ROOM Jews J'-.-.n-o-trd 8 to room" - , 220 Sixth Strect-T.0. construction anywhere l n l"umaa- " has a trellis across the front relieving its simplicity. The exterior di- FOR SALE Large Safe, fire. and burglar proof For particulars see B. C. FLKMTIRE CO. ri 1 1 -r-tn: w ii;ii.Mons are 26' x 20' the area for estimating poses is 676 square feet Automobile - m- We Specialize in Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 13J Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation plan. o wncrs - , . ""'nm,t,.m... : . ,, tt IS TIM HEW ROYAL HOTEL ,1. m LIVING ROOM KITCHEN 1 ' i j -1 is-4 x is'-fc- ff e'-orx . jTjlj: I I r i i 1 hii :i I I ' VfcJT. CLOl MORACfc DRAIN OFF ANTIFREEZE AND POtVEK I LI SH n ffJ INQ SYSTEM. A CAN OF CHItYCO KCST "'psftJ THEN KEEP THE COOLING SYSTEM IN W FOR WARMER WEATHER DRIVING CONDI u gee US Today ! FOR ALL YOUR SHEET METAL REQUIREMENTS WE HAVE THE MOST FULLY EQUIPPED SHOP IN TOWN THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 253 MUST AVE. L. - PHONE BLACK 884 V ."JAYCEE. CONVENTION CITVpmw o,, A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" SUTOKT THE MUSIC AND DKAMA FESTIVAL THURSDAY AND FRIDAY May 12 and 13 327 3rd Ave. West Phone 775 A Home Away From Home SO Rooini, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.O Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 166 SERVICE IS INEXPENSIVE AND MAY Mvd OF TROUBLE LATER ON. t LINDSAY MOTORS LID' PHONE 806 ' 1 I 7 i.ivij. xvyrtrti. I