pifntf Hutjetf Dafl? JStfas Saturday, April 30, 1&49 :" 'if T I SOUND AND AGGRESSIVE (Continued irom, vage.l) .... . ."" V. . - ! generally working in close ,co-epenation with the various rfish 'We are pleased to announce that we can now supply BRIQUETTES REGULAR BAlIST CHURCH (Fundamentalist) 629 6th E Near High School Phone 3G9 I I SATURDAY. 5ERMON DIRECTORY BervtrM In all-rhnrrtten at II a.m. ami l:m p-nt: -ftumtav ; Mhml at I4:1.V exeept v m.owu. and game associations hrtheiin-,, terests of conservation.' ,'. I '37. To assist school boards: throughout the province Xo'vom-' ptete their next 'four-years' building program, by -Tntiniirf i torpay Soro efthecott.'''1 . 28.ToprovMeneeessry'fMjnl3 ; - iVo Slack Clean - INDUSTRIAL -MEN COMING 10 J. T. Gawthrop, director ol the regional development dlv- ision of the provincial Depart-' i ment of Trade "and Industry, I ! and E. B. Harkness, Canadian' j National 'Railway industrial agent for British Columbia wili-arrive in Prince 'Rupert on May; ; 9, according to word received I by the Chamber - of . Commerce ! here. Mr. Gawthrop and Mr! t Harkness will come from iPrince ! George, visiting communities aloiv; the line, enroute. " . - THE TWENTY-THIRD PSALM By Archdeacon E. Hodson iSt. Jeter's Anglican .'Church) There are spiritual songs in'the'Old Testament and AxnuritN rvrntr.iMtAL . -4ti.Ae. W.-at Donmnair St. Uty-Communion -.8 30 ajn. ' fcwriday feeftool -2 X). p.m. CamontBasil 8.-tockter..BA., B.D. Kecter: BJW733) CALL '651 FOIt ALL YOUR COAL NEEDS Foothills Lump, 'Egg, Wilt antl famous Washed 'Stoker Goal tor future buikli0s at tthe Uni-; versity Of;Brltiih 'Columbia was they are (required .bo - that this insUUiUon may expand with' the J growing needs . Of the ;province. in the New, but the OldTTestamenf transentls-the'New in its spiritual songs. To '.know. a rpeqple we must know its songs, aswitness theongs of Bobby3urrks and Bonnie Scotland. , The :Psalms come '.to us steeped in 'memories of home aad the homeland.. Many I rmsT aimsT ; 6ttv Aiw. E at Young 8t ' Mima ter :?. Pred 'ABtrebua ((Omn 81J) i rriRWT 'PRRKRYTEKIAN 4 til Avenue bast Minister: Hev. Cieorgc E. Sendall (Oreeo 8821 29. ,To review .continually through the 'Assessment Equali SUNDAY, MAY 1, 1949 12 ;1j p.m. Sunday School. (Classes for AllCorns!) 7:30 p m. Gospel Service. Speakerr G. R. S. BLACKABY Subject: -TIlL HIE COME" (Lord's Supper follows : Evening Service). Wed., 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Thurs., 3:30 p.m. Mission 'Band Frl., 7:30. p.m.-iYoung Peoples. AVE BELIE fE 'AND PREACH THE OLD-TIME GOSPEL zation Board ,(cattonal , costs' HILPOTTr EVITT & CD. LIMITED AIR PASSENGERS of us learned the .Twenty-Third Psalm at our .mother's .Jmee based omrelative assessed values so that-eqiialijiation of Ue burden can be;attalnl. '30. -To .Assist fnrthr riric FHMTHMTH -888 6th Ave.' West lUlAlMer:.U. A. Wilson. M A. - . (Gtreen 813) sorrows, -this, YJespairs, 'forgiveness and trnal hope. W fly to the psalms "When the tGlepthS'Of our ' life re stir BUILDING SUPPLIES along with the .Lord's Prayer, while to some it .hring's tfcack LUMBER red. .Ta te ' this ' Twenty -.Third lFl'lJ.tOOPEI. VMRDRNAfLK aai.eui Ave. Irastor : Paul A. Barber (Green -630) the memory of n .old village church surrounded by its. city of the dead. Psaimt4t .bas tbeen 'ung 'toy men ftor -migh i three t thousand in rrural areas 'to 'receive tdu-cation by paying board -allow-; aneetorparentsanri iO'oiorithe eosUof constructing dormitories. 431. ''To atari construction ton the first$350,OOgunit'Of a'new school for the deaf .and 1th" blind. I. '32- To-assist school" boards in To :Vancouver (Friday) Thornton, A. C. Smedley, jC Dixon, M. Forbes, A. Dnnisnl H..Nowak. f .To Sandspit (Friday rllA Ballantine, M. E. Campbell. . From Vancouver (Thursday) N. H. McClary, E. R. !Eburxie; R. Herman, M. J. McKenie,; W.I T . T T , . . . THE How -wondrous 'the -life of this psalm is -Men have faced years. To the Hebrews ; it vsg-gested God as : the !great Shep-.herd of His people, and to Jesus Christ it sr.igested the ideal SALVATION 'ARMY ' Praaer Stroet T3.0.: ;Al)or .W. Yarensen EMrectory Class 8:30 pjn. 'Sunday School- 8 iOO vim. iBtack8e0) r i o trL r f death with it upon -their 'iips. It has lifted Denitents out of Vpna uJnsuuuiun ot uaumei uj. k i shepherd, irriswiers (languish- ! t w? Builders antl 'General Contractors ;T.'TAri.'8 MTHF.RAN . t bthA v. -at MciSrtde St. Pastor: ,E. Sou&nd (Black 610) From Sandspit (Thursday);- I tneir building plans by -provid- ing 'them with standard .; plans I for schools and to make a vail - 11. Hunter, H. H. Thorn. , Hebrews sang it 'in old Judea, V18 "f 'f0"8 lhaye nsolatn.in its motto. the captives-bythe waters f Babylon when they -sat down fTbe'dying 'T and wept. The Maccabean,6eDce of, he'ChJ?d Sh(herd 'h rmg its words, sang it as they spent their -life-! blood .for -their , nation. -n-heL".!8 .sald lslA aoie to scnooi boards : a con Advertise in the Dully News! ' w H FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORK -'CONCRETE "WORK AND REMODELLING I . ,i. !, M II A Plan . lwi rT. I PETERS ANGLICAN Beal Cove Archdeacon E. Hod son , Suoday Bcbool HjOO am. BveuioK , Prayer :80 tun. ti:, lfM!M .liliiii-.liilli- iliillui.iiu.aimllitlilllli.iUlilli.Uiilhilili;!' shepherds sang ; it watched their -flocks . ;ai,.!yi are true 'for all o;' us. Mill or inUethie- , . ... ifl Duni u i 1 ' ' 1 ... . . ... (Blue 827) tllai'rm in ifu struction engineer -who -.win'; in-" spect schools erected from such' plans. ;.' ,..'-.' v 33. " To guard the. public's herl-, tage.iri respect to. natural, parks by developing those already, reserved and, placing under .reser- hem and the arly Christians . . .Z Jz. . ! man, 'tramp - or - housekeeper, u tJ chanted it ithm the cata-r Ki aml .mns,lk)T, -clergy, combs as they worshipped .ln, .tioetor ,w ,g;ntieman. e in easy monthly payments over a pert i r,L u 2 Free Estimatees FOR FURTHER INFORMATION government the. fullest coroperaJ lion, in all . matters affecting our First Presbyteriai Church Minister: iRev. G. . Sendail, .B.A...B.D. Director of .Music: Mrs. E. J. .Smith All may claim their share in "The iShepherd of i Israel." It P.O.; BOX 1676 iNE BLACK 2M 1 "vation other areas where' deem-reoirity! thereby making eviden ed : necessaty. i v.ur ' full rsupport .of .Canada's I -34. "To -render ' the (Dominion i partnership: in thetttlan tic. Pact, The Book of Psalms is .the book for all men. .It is'the. book of all experiences, .aspirations, suits :the young as -well .as i the old. Principal Fairbairn.says.it is a young man's psalm written i i by :David . when he -.was a youth, SUNDAY, MAY" 1 llU)0-,The -Rev. J. ,E. , Harris of .Vancouver Bible School. 12:15Sunday School. 70 "Bebtors." Monday, 8 p.m. Young Peoples shepherding :bis ifather'.s flock, while, Doetor McLaren -says "He wrote it when he. had grown old, For Building Supplies! PHONE , for the singer. of this sweet song is one .-who. has .travelled . far on life's -way, and his .path, has nol always heen smooth and bright, i He knows that there are sunny nooks and corners, that life W not all a wilderness, ' that there .First .Baptist Church (Young Street) "Minister -.Rev. F. Antrobus Phone: Res. Green 812 MITCHELL & ' CURRIE LTD. are ' bright patches - of green 'by 1 MUNDAY, MAY 1 f"iet -waters where in'the noon- I'll a.m. Morning Service. tide hours one may lie down and '12:15 Sunday School. Contractors Builders ami i. nd ine's thirst can 7:30 p.m. Evening Service. be -satisfied. He 'knows too Guest Sneaker: Rev. J. E li'ljluiiJiliiyk that- life -is -not ail pasUres-Of Harris, -Principal Vancouver I green .and .waters, of rest, .for: he, 1 .Bible School ,1 has to tread many a dark rav-J MONDAY, MAY 2 KEN'S kine whererthe sun ;iwver shines, .45 'Dan.-iFINAL Meeting of . Land .In whose .gloomy recesses 7:45-pjn. Final Meeting of Bible Llurk , "dangers and twild - beasts. RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactery Service Call 53 718 Second Avenue West Conference, the Message SLife has been to him as to all of E. being brought by Rev. J. Harris. us a chequered experience, wt, throughout it all one thing. has been very real to him. ,He has always 'been sure of-God. iHis rod ,.and -staff have . always been ,First United Church .636 Sixth, Avenue West Prince Rupert, B.C. Minister: Rev. R. A. Wilson, M A. there-to comfort 'him. . Rest and refreshment have always been tprovided and beneath him ever I MAY 1, 1949 11:00 a.m. MorningWorship. 1 "We are Entered In to Their 1 .Labours." In Memoriam, Rev. Alfred Wilson. '12:15 Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. stretched the everlasting. arms. He is sure God's love will be with him all-his days, and when thedark -.valley of the Shadow of death looms up, he will fear no-evil,, for ;'.Thou.are .with me" and having God he has everything. Is this quiet confidence in God which breathes through this psalm yours and mine? If not, why not? Sermon Subject: TThe ; Holy Spirit." VANCOUVER VICTORIA SFATTLE J Tuesday, 1 :30 . p.m., Chilcotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m.. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART ANP PORT SIMrSON Sunday, 11 p.m. -FOR SOUTH" QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS .ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL SI I JiiSiiS- if 2ArWn w , ; u by J w : ':i fH e?ir T? P? V. CONCEAUCO IN THE (J.ffcS SV'I !' P! - ',9k&in ( PLATFORM Or .OLD:CAn;5 . ) . 1 (tii T ' i', ?, HEDGE ANO FALU f '. -qJjEr ) V ASHES AuC UNr. ' --' - . f 'A 7 THIS PUDC-.6 .ffiE' 'NJjyCK ftjfT.' HIS MEAD..'' aVUrV". Vri i )"""-A h . ' ' ' ' ' Li't ' 'J' -, - -, - . . . . fffl.' 1 " A I Vv THEN I SEND ) ' t i I s" , "-. V'ii CAN SAVfi-iTIME ,) ,: 4UUEL .fjjgr'y ;' V . .Lier) .: :: . - Ajtmr .HEDGE . . j Tr-r "-VA L')? i 'Trespassing ' I , .-. : .;ynex' vook-XZ k? I S' ; 'Xij 1 rT r J-lil-t, (- -- . -.Vs. " ' .. , . . " --"-g f'1 - ; tJ;v- - rT W : -I J'm L-J ""1 1 , . J VWONDEf? -WHAT4L ht ' l!IIIUlllll(lili1 ' ttOkr" - n.,v .k cfcv -ITTTiT ' -me .trouble Smo . '! Mr. and Mrs. Martin van Cooten-returned Friday afternoon on the Coqultlam from a holiday trip to Vancouver and Seattle. ' 8:30 and 11 a.m. Holy Communion. Ven. Archdeacon E. Hoclson. 7:80 pill. Evensong. - ' 'F.'E. Anficld, Esq. s.s. Coquitlam, April 32, May fi. May 20. FOR NOUTn QUEEN ' CHARLOTTE ISLANDS NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO PI KCH VSi: LAMt s.s. Coquitlam, April 29, May UcIaixc 13 FRANK J. SKINNER ; Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Take notice that- Qwrije Eoy Sto-thert Turner 61 AtHu.lB.C occupation. Store Manager. 1 intends to api ply for permission 'to - purahaee ttotj following 'idescnlbed . lauds - . eojnwonoing at taifioBt, planted -son west. .bank. .of AUinto; SiverappoxH mately ne .quarter vimHe -soutli o WhHe!asa-.'Wharf. .at3ootlaBay on 'Phone 383 Phone sAttkn -.Lake, thenee i vwanis Prompt: and Efficient Service ANYTIME ANYWHERE chains, tlheuae sonthttweaty cnains, thence east weny chains .or .more to river. oaak,-thence north twenty ohiuns .UBliiKr river bank, as natural WRATHALIS PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing l-.nlaraine .... . QUICK SERVICE boundary .nd -oonta-lttlng tiorty AUCTIONEER acres, more or mess. 1 5 Amateur and Professional . Supplies PHONE 383 !J. ill. MAIR ; Daed - Marol Mtti. I OEOKOE ttOY . STOTluaiT -TOBWEn iame.ot.-APPUioant in iuii, MEALS AT .THE OF TASTY OF TWO Rl'PREMI: iCOCRT IN MKITIS1I .COMiMKIA . IN . UROBATE In the Mailer of the Estate f Carl 0car WelUle (otherwise knawn an t'.har.les Oscar WUWle). and In the Matter of the "Admlnlrtratlon Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN . Art" tT AXE NOTICE s that by Oedcr of His . Honour Judge W. O. 1 unon. mnriMthe lath dav of April. AX. 1049, was appointed Administrator w Second Avenue oppiifiite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 jn.,'to-3:30 a.m. 'Phone 173 for Outside Orden the Estute o' uari uscw .wtuur otherwise known as Charles (Oscar Willde), deceased, formerly f Kle- kane Timet; In 'the vlotraty ri xjuic- dale. B.C. , ALL PARTIES havig rciaims PACIFIC aninfit the said Estate are i nereuy Stevedoring Contracting COMPANY LIMITED required to lurnisn sboib nruj."'J verified to me on or before the 31st day of May AD. 1949. after vhtch date claims 1 tiled iay be paid 'with out reference; to.any clalmM of -which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES indebted 'to the said Estate are hereby required to pay the .amount of their indebtedness to. me forthwith. DATED at the Ctty of Prinee Ru-n- in. the Province of British Col General Stevedores and Contractors ; "Stevedores for Canadian National Railways - umbia, I this 16th day of Apnil AD. HEAD OFFICE ; PRINCE RUPERT. .CABLE ADDRESS MPACIFICO" 1949 GORDON fHASER TORBES Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (101 'I