Prince Rupert Daily News - - Wednesday, May 17, 1950 Victoria Report Stock Reducing Ap independent daily newspaper devote to the upbuilding of Prince j Rupert and northern and central British Columbia j by J. K. Nesbitt SINGER We repair all makes Sewing Machines WORK GUARANTEED For Free Estimates Phone SJ64 Singer Sewing Centre Mr. Kennedy Replies bALE Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, VICTORIA-Hon. A. D. Turnbull is the new baby British Columbia Here Are Just n r O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRTf. Managing Director I of the cabinet ! He is 46. . . j The Editor, Daily News: The editorial taken from your making this provision, because it would be extremely dlfficul to meet the various kens wiih of the Many Spec il Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations I He replaces Hon. rJ. L. Larson or fuoiic worKS. i Mr. Carson is 56. 'paper of the 8th Instant dealing wWch we llt,ve to c? I'.tad v.itU- Fishermen's all wool ex l Canadian Daily Newspaper Association SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier," Per Week, zoc; Per Month, 73c; rer real heavy PANTS It isn't often a man gets into the Cabinet before with Liquor Board policy, has out this protection in our -Gov- j o.uu, ujf jviau, rm mod on. ouc; rer Year $5.00. Jsjw- j jjg g , been forwarded to me. I have ernment Liquor Act. i Th n'pw Minister of Healt'i 1 read the article very carefully Previous to the change tn legis-. l and Welfare Mr' Turnbull is a backed down. If they didn't liKe and lt evident to me urn tnis three years age, this j i ... w'c thp his stand thev could fire him ' ,,r,i nnt nrpnnrert with- Board nad no authority over the ; opttumr Men's Dress PAXTS-s for summer ana evtryj. wear Special Men's gabardine St'lTsi double breasted, perf,Jt Better or W orse? , (IU1CTL, OUlt-SUURCll man. o " - inaitt 'M " -v f - - t-- noWil and !eBal'y had no ' George Pearson somehow f rnnsifiprabP thoueht. as vou Proor M.L.A. for Rossland-Trail. He s A walking pxamnlp No 1 Of the thought it more important that have gone below the surfaee of right to even ask the proprietor latest styles. Real bargain fickleness of the voters. At a a lonely old sick person have 4 ,his particuiar matter and con- to change the linen on the beds, by-election in November of 1943 hospital bed than it was to put sidered some very . imporunt Tne matter was taken up by the N the welter of statements and views which are Men's gabardine all wa,i he was defeated by J. D. "P a new ouuuing, a Mieammieu dealing with liquor legis- Memoera oi me Legislature ana producing such confusion in the average mind COATS latest style, s, ; r nina oi . , ln A1 ,Ui . nrmiinia . ,.,. UJirVt ,. tllil3 , . lliCY thev insisted IWOULU that bliUb somelrnne be i Quinn of the C.C.F. Little more highway. He is that !-..- these days, it US difficult, indeed, to aDPraise the I than six months later, in June ruan the humanities to him ould'like to ad- done to better hotel ac- ... - ' nrra mnnrtant man TIP ... ar. the same voters -'e muie the question commodation in the province vance my side of world situation. Depending upon how one looks at ; .of "ye turned around and threw Quinn trappings o success ana pros- with the result that by legislation parity.. for your consideration. First, I may say that I have the Liquor Control Board was authorized to take charge of the VANCOUVER YICTOK1A Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. never at any time endeavoured fnUre situalion x am pleased to i.uu i Now special jj Young men's gabardine PA'; various colors, perl l best made. Now jjg Men's whipcord SHims fast colors, pre-shrunsi a well tailored. Special Boys' WINDBP.EAKERstl 'howerproof, full zipp. f to mislead the public in connec Legion Offers Scholarships j out and put Turnbull in. i Mr. Turnbull shows onte j again that the spellbinding ora-I torial types are gone now from government. Mr. Turnbull is a I plodder. He'll probably never ' raise his voiee, even in legislative debate. Gone are the days when , cabinet ministers made flowery tion with my position with the Beard that is thai I am the sole member of the Board. As such am quite prepaitj and willing to accept all criticism dealing will, the "A minimum oi live" scholarships, offered by B. C. Command, $4.00. Now Board's decisions. Howevnr, the speeches and thumped their desks in so doing. Cabinet min- Canadian Legion, are available to An deflnltely state that if report that from that date to the 31st March of this year over $9,800,000 have been expended by the hotel industry of British Columbia in improving the service not only for our citizens but also for the tourist industry and, with a very few exceptions such as this situation we are dealing with in Prince Rupert, we have had nothing but the highest praise for the work we are accomplishing. Today many of our tourists are visiting the interior of the Province thoroughly en- 10 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS kb. Camosun, May 12 and 26 FOR SOUTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, May 3 and 19 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5CP 311 there is only one member of the Board, he shall, for all purposes of this Act be deemed to be the it, there can be optimism or pessimism. For instance, President Truman has said that the world is more settled now than in 1946, the previous low point in relations with Russia. On the other hand, Trygve Lie, Secretary General of the United Nations, say that things have not been so bad since 1945. There are at least two ways of looking at world conditions at this moment. One way is focused on the question as to who is winning the "cold war. ' The other is indicated in the question as to whether the "cold war'- can be kept from getting hot. If preventing this 'cold war" from boiling over depended on reaching agreements withthe Kremlin by tomorrow, then we should be obliged to set the Truman and Lie estimates in direct contrast- and should guess that Mr. Lie was nearer the mark. But prevention of shooting war has usually depended on the very combination of influences .sters nowadays think it un- mSn scn001 siuoenus m tne dignified to get mad in public, province this year. Preference It may be all to the good, but ill be given to children of serv-most observers are rather doubt- ice men killed in action with Chairman," from which you will iSu iur me umu. u. judge the Act itself gives this des ignation. I am also particularly interested in that portion of the artl- uays ui jjuii r&MUiiU ana ouier veiei ans iicai, ui line. wLiict Harry Perry, Dr. Weir and Dolly worthy applicants will also be Steeves, when legislative debate eligible. ' was real debate Indeed. Tne The vahie of each scholarship trend today is towards a busi- is S20Q and a further grant of Joying our country where prev- SHINGOLE ",rins lPe OI governmein. $25i arrallged through Other TL. ! J - I and politics is much duller as a cle wherein you object strenu- iously they stayed for one or two ously to making an exception for days in the Coast Cities, where the city of Vancouver, and ak conditions are very crowded and why this city should be treated ' then returned home because we differently than any other city in the province. You are of the ' 1 Continued on Page 4) opinion tht I have decided tl'Js - - sources, will be made to each successful candidate on entering U.B.C. this fall. Four of the five result. Premier Johnson, in appoint-big Mr. Turnbull to the cabinet. scholarships - may " be used toward i ne i a e a i Tinioi l Shingles, Fences r rough lumber. Mjjjjc a variety of ottrit colors. I Thompson Hordw ..u;u , , . .. , , , . continued irununuea to xo walk warn the tne political political . . A hich are now at work. That is, it has depended on tightrope that's coalition. ' The taking Grade 21111 ln an aPProved principle 'hen it is thn? for the i a""" ;rfff TIME fSTj TAKE MJiTTnl your RADIO TO KEN'S cr Co. Ltd. people to t-ke somt- dras'.'e action. w;r.n this statement I have no serious objection. In rrafcne; n exce'.ljn of the city cf Vancouver, however, I am simply carrying out the principle as laid down by the members of the Le-islature in the "Government Liquor Act" wherein they make very definite exceptions for a city the deterrent to War Which exists in a fairly Well- ' Premier might well have in- scnooi- lne m is reseivea ior balanced division of military and political power be- j ZSZ nlXen TZl tween the possible Contestants. And it has depended j a Conservative, the Liberals available through B.C. Command on the possibility that negotiation meanwhile can would have been mad ,Liberils tnere ai'e tw0 others maclf pos- 7, . . far outnumber Conservatives in sible through grants from man- amehorate the least tolerable ! grievances Which Set House seats) and, if he had ches and their auxiliaries. the contestants against each other. ! been a Liberal, the conserva- - . , , . . . , i tives would have been hurt and Mrs- Hans Kocn and Mrs- c bO the Case seems t to be a that 141 the West IS farther might have threatened to walk Frank Clifford of Terrace arriv- than ever from an agreement with Russia, and that out- If there's one thing the ed in the clty yesterday by car SMora and ELKINS Plumbing & Heating Prompt and Efficient Service 90 Day Guarantee We pick up and deliver Phone Blue 992 in our province having a popu- 25 000. I is bad. But the West is in better condition to defend j t0 preserve coalition and keep and left 1oday on their retun? Iation of moVe tnan Moving, Fat-king, Crl Shipping and Gn Cartage and StenJ Complete Reliable an ll U'(U Service, also au('-S! Canadian Liquid Air c i ' ' Oxygen. Arety'cne k weldL supplies. Lind&ay 8 Cartaf' Storage.Limite Cor. 2nd and Park A think they were most wtw in ItSell against aggression, and to maintain itself If any arguments from getting out T e interior npcessarv thrniio-Vi a nrntrarfprl nprirl nf tpnsinn Nto public. Turnbull is a Liberal ; ; ? ' I George Pearsfm, whom he . re- u and that IS good. - places, is a Liberal. So there is This is true even when the loss of Chinese i no change. IS t Est. 1910 Phimtn Uk territory to communism is considered. In World War II the Axis overran vast territories while the democracies were gradually winning on innumerable hidden or semi-hidden fronts. Something like that may have been happening again during the last four or five years as between the West and the Communist East. I 'iiiinl'iiiiiiiiiWi.iiiliijlliMiifliiSis.ii.'iis'i'- i T.S.S. I STEAMER I 1 PRINCE GEO! It seems strange in Legislative corridors these days without George Pearson. For many years he was a familiar figure entering the Buildings and taking the elevator to his office high up under the dome, with its view of the Inner Harbor and the Buildings.' lawns. Everyone knew Mr. Pearson's resignation was coming, Mr. Pf arson, broken in health because he would not spare himself, just couldn't carry on. He had hoped against hope he would be strong enough to finish the job, right on to the end, but it was impossible. Turned 70 last month, h took the course of wisdom. He will now be able to SAILS FOR Vancouv TRYGVE LIE'S WARNING GOVERNMENT OF CANADA $745000000 1950 REFUNDING LOAN The Bank of Cqnada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for a loan, to be issued for cash and offered in two maturities as follows: a.-vl Intermiiliat! f Thursday, M; at 11:15 p.m FOR KETCHlK WEDNESDAY Mill? A For For R-'sf'l R-'sf't enjoy well-earned leisure for a few years. It was the most difficult thing; George Pearson had to do in his hfe making up his mind to get out. To him it ssemed so n Write o' ! CITY OR OFFlQI drsv PRINCE PRINCE Hi Kl like quitting in the middle of the ; ftream. He wanted to complete bis task, but he knew it would BX' THE secretary general of the League of Nations Trygve Lie, on his way to Moscow on his mission of enquiry, used the following grave words in the course of a press interview: "We are at the cross roads. Now it is proposed to split the world permanently into two camps. That road will harden existing divisions, create new oner., perpetuate and accelerate the armament race, make economic warfare a permanent condition, condemn all the poor and hungry in many parts of the world to remaining poor and hungry, bring the propaganda war and its accompanying hysteria to new depths of intellectual and moral degradation and destroy the chance for agreement on control ef atomic energy. There is only one possible end to that road sooner or later a third world war." 18 year 2 BONDS DUE 15th JUNE, 1968 Callable on or after 15th June, 1967 Denominations $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 and $100,000. 4 year 6 month 2 BONDS DUE 15th DECEMBER, 1954 Non-callable to maturity Denominations $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 and $100,000 mm JL r THE BESt in PlumM Service) PHONE 10 PRINCE RUPI PLUMBING 5 HEATING) BUD SCHUMAt Office B (Old Post n't be honest to tne government and to the people, let alone to himself. i Now he is gone from the Gov- ) ernment after a record it's going to be hard for other cabinet ministers to beat, both in years cf service and almost fanatical devotion to duty. He'll carry en as a private M.L.A. for Nanaimo-The Islands, however, and that's fine. His counsel will be needed behind the scenes. His legislative speeches on behalf of the underdog will be good to hear. George Pearson has never paid much attention to the status quo. He doesn't believe in polite legislative speeches, all frweet mouthings that say nothing. He has always believed :n a punchy presentation. He never quibbled. As a result he made political enemies. Ho did and , iaid what he thought best for j the people. Unfortunately for him he always took criticism too personally. It hurt him to think ; that even for political reasons anyone could doubt his good , intentions. He should be told he ; hasn't an enemy in the world. In cabinet he was a persistent battler for the little man. When 1 fcome cabinet minister thought ' labor was getting too much, that ! the sick and the old and the underprivileged were being i babied, George Pearson went to j bat for them. He wouldn't budge. ! M he thought he was right he stuck to- his guns; the others ISSUE PRICE: 99.80 ISSUE PRICE: 99.50 Yielding about 2.05 to maturity Yielding about 2.79 to maturity DELIVERY: On or about 15th June, 1950 DELIVERY: On or about 15th June, 1950 Dated and bearing interest from 15th June, 1950 Interest payable 15th June and December Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada. Principal payable at any agency of Bank of Canada. Interest payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank without charge. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest , Subscriptions may be made to Bank of Canada, Ottawa, through- any investment dealer eligible to act asg primary distributor or through any bank in Canada The proceeds of this Loan will be used by the Government for the redemption of funded debt which has been called for payment on 1st and 1 5tb June, 1950 in the amount of $744,969,592.50. The Minister of Finance reserves th'e right to accept or reject in whole or in part any subscriptions for either maturity or both The books of the Loan will open on 18th May, 1950 and will close in either maturity or both with or without notice at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. ' Ottawa, 15th May-1950. . 1 LAMPS! BOUDOIR SHADES 98 BED LAMPS 1.95 TABLE LAMP 4.95 TABLE LAMP 6.95 TRILIGHT SHADES, SILK 4.95 TRILITE LAMPS, COMPLETE 17.95 TORCHIERE LAMPS 18.95 : ' AT NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. PRINCE RTJPERT STEWART, B. C. Blue 210 . JOHN H. BULGEF OPTOMETB,S'r,j li John Bulger . Third Avenue