Damage to Seiner ! Prince Rupert Doify fews Wednesday, May 17, 1950 O As Deat? 5y Abortion Less Than Thought Frank Cobbeart, suffering from Be Bop Saddles severe burns received last week from an explosion aboard the seiner Point Yoho, is recovering It for Women - 1 row, .... i ! . .. ..' . rVa -ri 1 Frnest Jabour Associated by Coroner's Verdict With Case of Betty Young Coroner M.M. Stephen; recommended at inquest that Ernest Jibour, charged with suoiyiii;; lor an illegal nnpratinn ln By ELMORE PHILrOTT WORLD DOES MOVE I YTII.'T VfllT nnm m- at Prince Rupert GeneraK Hospital. The seiner, which sank following a second explosion that blew out a plank, has been raised. Damage, although extensive, is no so serious as was at first feared. In the cabin woodwork was badly charred and a new paint job is required throughout. Greatest damage to the engine appeared to be burning away of the wirlnc. No decision has been reached , ........ x ,uuuiiuu,tliaige(i wim manslaugh:r , I (JOWnneartcd about WOl'Ll connection with the dedtn of J conditions here is a goori ;Mrs-Bettv Young m a downtown '(;0njc. ' rooming bouse or or abou AprU It". ! Read history any his-; The six man jury returned a Extra Special BffOWJIWOOdlo yet on repairs to the boat. i tory. No matter how bad verd'ct that she came to hcr.j you. find conditions today, you dPaUl between 4 p.m. April 18; will find them a lot worse in each and 2 a m- APril 19 M a f ssult of I preceding century. ; an abortion performed by some' If you had lived a hundred unknown person or persons. They i years ago, for instance, you would found that Ernest Jabour, by his j have taken human siavery for own statement, did aid and assist, ! granted. II you liad lived two knowing that an abortion was to , leiuuiius ao you would have be performed. i ' taken d u e 1 1 i n g-to-death for No further evidence wa. pie- I granted. sented by Sgt. Lance PotterUri I Mankind has made great who added that results of patho- ! moral strides. But as the mech- logical examinations of Mrs. i anicul changes have been- young's organs had not been re- ! priater tnan ;;ie rmuai changes ceived frorn victoria. Sgt. Potter- i man finds his life Just one ton staled that he haJ bepn , j problem after another. . ,, ,, .i I HAVE JUST BEEN READ- 1 , TUli "0l ! here h for some 1 lre- 1 tag a new novel about the slae i arr.lv5 . .-AID MAY BE GIVEN MANITOBA FLOOD VICTIMS WaterloKaed M,hPrn m,m,k ,i,uinL' llif hiuhest level in 125 years. At Emerson .k d- ...cu iiivn tnicrs uanada in a. lowara Inwnrri .. I.nkp LaK.e Winnlnr.tr winnlpeK, . 4h th i i-,.o,)i readinn i hns . course "" tnn,: t-.,. .v .. aires J " n , . , , i-nai record in Ui 1897 dis tance uit' K'Kiiniitiy iiuou oi ioo nas i lore Df-f n an munh .,..,) i , . . . Jwwmo spring snowstorms, the R-rl has risen to 46 feet above datum As damaae ;ir,tho vailoy. battle with the relentless R-d, the federal goVernment promised to In vet it possibility of fcdral aid. Seen above Is a section of Winnipeg partially flooded MANITOBA FLOOD i trade .tu.st a hundred years ago.i n,Jury memDer ,nqulrca aBout : a long dlstance Pnone call (Barracoon, By Harry Hervey ' Thomas Allen $3.50). ' Jabour received on the mo-ning ! The story makes one realize of ApriI 18-' how much we have moved ahead Co"st. Jack White answered the , since then. Mankind is slowly, Query by stating that a check re- vealed a call had come in at RELIEF ciumsuy, two-sU'ps-forward-and- c-ne-step- bacc, applying the j preat ideas of the French Revo-j lutjon, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. j In our own lifetime more peo 10:19 a.m. Jabour could not be found until 10:45 a.m. The conversation, said Const. vViiito. terminated in U mmutcs. Jurymen were: I W. G. Sheardown. foreman' P " . ple have won political democ- racy than ever won in the whoie h. Linzev Hnmki HnWrsnn rwm previous history of the human Stewart, Stewart Donaldson and race. India has gone free. China m. McArthur. is going free, in her own slow-motion manner. All Asia and - . c , Africa will follow. v-ambroi Sole In Anyone who leok3 down on Store Nets $35 COLORS 4 Mavis Cronin Is May Queen ! Sonja SelviR, Yvonne Jackson Georgina Mililiell and Aim Carlson, rrinccs.scs j The Kinsmen's Club May Queen j committee, under chairman Curly Barbour, assisted by the school teachers, today announced the queen and princesses for the forthcoming May 24 celebrations. Queen-elect is Mavis Cronin, age 15, a grade 8 student of Annunciation School. She is the daughter of Mrs. Dorothy Cronin. 033 Tallow Street, i The Queen will be accompai-i- d during the crlebraUons by a i o:rt of cu- p- lnccss:s. Thes will be Sonja Seivig, Kinn Edward School. Yoni e Jacks age 12 from B-ird-n Street School, Geor-Kina Mitchell, asa 11 f ro.n Booth .''in. a-:ci Aii, a Caris(jn, age 10 frrm Conrad School. t.a:it y.-ars Qm-en, Margaret Ycuni-man, will crown (he new ,7; ?n -it i spcrin! ccrtMno. y at iH.OT'.f.'t Park on May 24 im-m?dlate:y following the May Day '5aradi Any branch cf any chartered Bank anywhere in Canada will receive donations to the above Disaster Fund. Scientific fomw0s the Assembly of the United Na- in McRae Bros, store on Third I tions will see at a glance Ikw Avenue Saturday afternoon, a ' i far we are from Equality-much Carobrai . home cooking sale ; Fl'atelnity-between the netted $35, it was announced to- ! races ' ,' day. A raffle for a cake plat" The Wiillc" race which num- . ,,., . , about one third holds at !.nt,ld " I Z T by n TenR- In Ita t five sixths of the seaU oil"? Barba!:a chft,Tgc of the event were Mrs. Dover h mean longer lasting r.,i th.- U-...1H w .rld i Is nn on ii,0 the mos.!Ja Ja McRae, Mcixae, Miss miss Evie tvie Rivett The Bank will transmit the money to the Trustess of the Fund irr Winnipeg without charge ond furnish receipts. IMISHALL-UJEUS 1 I HAVE A LETTER FRO.VI Aia?5-jRs; Be.rt withers. nri:ish-born business man inj Lit'n America who tells of thji a? Parties in elections have mcore bt painful attempts tr101 ntWn? but wait for the fINTS -VARNISHES ENAMELS moment to null down the win SOLD SY (hit country to apply real 5n Consumers' Co-op Hdwe. Phone 179 THE CANADIAN BANKERS' ASSOCIATION Jemoorjcy. "We are in a very special position as a result of large masses oi i". mrp.nt and poor peop'e. In the .nibcon.Tlous of the people vr are sit!! under the Spanish rule of force. Whenever force Is lacking in a government they feel it cannot last. . "For the past decades the ning party by force. They hav not learned to combat government policy in a democratic wa" and to trv to win future elections, not by force, but by offering a better plan of government "We DO have democracy in i way this country never had before. Criticism of government action is permissible to such ar extent that many people cannot understand It and wonder when the critics of the government are going to be thrown out of; the country. There are pressure groups and favoritisms from; the party in power but on the1 whole we have advanced a hundred years in five years, as far i as freedom is concerned." COMMUNISM HAS MADE; least progress where Liberty,; Equality and Fraternity arej most nearly a reality, that is in i ; CARRY A TUNE WHEREVER GU GO... with this the English - speaking democracies and Scanaanavia. It has made most prores; where one race is held to be superior to another, or where feudalism or imperialism still prevail. The lesson Is obvious water never yet ran uphill. 1 V1M RCA Victor BP-6C S0 1 rs! Here's my brand new rcaVictor Portable tixtra ranc and power arc yours widi die KCA Victor BP-6C amazing sensitivity, plenty of volume even for outdoor dancing. That handsome case is of plastic and liRlitv.'cinht aluminum with a special, weather-resistant finish. lMays on its self-contained battery the second you lift the dial cover, or on AC-DC house current. It's a star performer with the marvel a 'l!(0 Electric Range ! That's a red-letter day in any family's life. i(' ,muh lcss work for the cook and so much tastier, c "titriiious cooking for the family ... It means a cool kitchen "summer anu, i always, i exactly the right temperature for cooking, quickly, as long as you need it and not a "IU" L ioncr And such a beautiful addition, t0 the kitchen, so easy to keep spotless and sparkling. $84.50 ous tone of the famous "Golden Throat" .... Came in for a Demonstration When you choose your cigarette for mildness . . you'll choose Al'lbauk. Cigarettes Mc-RAE BROS. LTD. JAPAN'S FAIREST After being chosen "Miss Japan of ' 1350," Miss Fujiko Yamamoto, 18, poses for the news photographers in Tokyo. Part of the award is a trip to the United States. She is five feet, four inches tall and weighs about 109 pounds. A STRAIGHT CUT FOR A lfy t Sm)h . I r mm mi nils rjiiBiiim I., y wesw