T "pfTn'" T&imCt Suiifcfi Cwfi 9Oi CJABtEtS' Thursday, Septmeber 22, 1S48. .(0 20 ita PeoeiMMt. ehoii - Large, cartoned, doz Medium Butier First Grade, lb - Margarine, lb ..... Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb 40 U i Lard I Pnra ih .27 Our Stock of Famous ricsu a. u Peacbes, Hales, 2 pounds .... .43 .50' McLEOD RIVER COAL Shortening 29 Soap Soap. face, bar .ly T onnrlrv no t0 . 2 IOr .20 Is Complete r lour Miia Evaporated Milk. 1 16-oz. tins. 2 lor Cae ' Crate $2.75 Prunes, Case $2.19 Banana, it) .25 Apples, cooking, 3 to 29 Lemons, large Cal., doz 50 Snan Powders laree .39, SALE of- Gordon & Anderson sell 8. P. Woodrride, veteran Cus-Hammond Berdoom Suites. (222) toms official here was worn in ... , I Tuesday as Customs Appraiser le 51; Carpenters' Hall, aPpralser f0r Glaee H-uii. T'Visrrlox l- Ih nkt .. 45 LUMP EGG NUT STOKF.B Coconut, id 0 Almond Paste, lo 3 Fruit Cake Mix, lb. 45 r naay. oept,. zj. 7 -30. Members . . . W0 , t . 1 ,,c . . . ;ne last iwo years, ine posi was Flour. 49's. No. 1 hard wneat 3.B5 Flour. 24 s l-8a Tea and Offee Coffee, lb 69 DeLuxe quantity, lb 1.18 J Dices Orange Juice -29 Dates, fancy. 1 lb. pkt. Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. Seeded Raisins, 2 lbs. Shelled Walnuts, V2 lb. MEN'S TWEED SUITS "v , formerly held by the late Frank - Free trousers tomorrow at Fitch. William F Stone's. Don't mins! Men! Get your fall suit and uraepeiruu, uaiu., 3 lor za Oranges (Navelj . .22-. .50 Dates, lb - 35 Oanteloupe. 27's, 2 for 43 Vegetable Celery, lb 13 Rhubarb, 2 lb .15 Beets, bunch 10 Parsley, bunch - -15 Turnips, lb - Spinach 2 lb. . .. X Radishes, bunch. .08 Shelled Almonas. o oz.. Shelled Brazils. " lb. ... this opportunity to get quality 1 topcoat at William F. Stone's .S3 26 .47 .89 .45 .59 .47 . .87 . .54 Blended - Grapefruit 22 Tomatoes, 20-oe. ta la m.ir,. .34 Jams- rure Strawberry. 24-oz. uiercuaiiuise ai greatly reaucea nail price sale, starling Tiaay ert&McCaffery See our ad on prices. See our ad on page 5. morning at 9 a m Raspberry, 24 oz page 5. Blackberry, -io Cherry, 24-oz - n u A IV, Ptiirxri orHuinn hprp from Muthroums. lb .85 50 Tweed Suits to LIMITED PHONE 116 E.O.N, whist drive and dance Friday, Sept. 23rd whist 8 o'clock. Music by Mike Colussl. 0 Q TI.,J He Mi Lettuce 19 jrt;&i;ii. - w. fj ' Apricot. 4-lb. ' gallon -5 Apple. 20-oe. tin, 2 for 29 48-oz 34 Canned Fruits Pineapple, crushed 38 Pieces, 20-oz 41 Apricots, 20-oz Cherries, ancy, 20tOZ 38 Loganberries, 20-oe .29 Alaska last night on .the Prin- i Sold at Less Than Co&t 6658 Lou'-se were as follows: J. A. (223) 4 Refreshments. Cooking Onions, 3 lbs 25 Corn on Cob, 12 for 69 Cabbage, lb -V Tomatoes, No. 1 lb. : .19 New Potatoes, 10 lb 58 WlVALS j m m A. Oaten, F. Jones, Vancouver; E. Allan Crawford, New York; lmft Uavlttr VHnMtlVl" T There is no devaluation of ; ison, J. Milligan, Mr. and Mrs. the dollar at William F. Stone's 1 Frank Handle, Miss D. Daven- half ...-(.... ju.Ia V.u.h , . .... I j. n n . . . J world's Green Peppers, lb i;cumbers. each 10 Vegetable Marrow, lb Skinny men, women ,tt, Queen ur"t Kar. Vancouver; H. I1" nore, iwi iiKircjr , pon,, ti. n. nerma.il, iwr. unu Costlllale, is worth twice as much Friday at Mm. Bray, J. R. Whiteside. . M. ' Cti.ni.1 U . ... ...... .. n, .. C j 1 T . j Squash, lb 1" HI) JilV4-T"l u.tuiuiuor' R rVa iwr Vanfy.ll Croup No. 1 20 only all-wool Tweed Suits. A good variety of patterns, in Canned VetetaMes Dill Pickles, eal. gtesusstnf fwjst JLww. & i 4 1 " " ! rape . uojeman, j, jensen, jvir. unu ' . Mr- R- Ottman and R. Bray. afld . ver: D. Carey, Vancouver; Mr. 1.65 . . .19 Cut Gr-n ppns. tcy. . ' ' ..h,. van- nd Mr Pwch, Pembroke, Out.; No. 5 Peas. lancy 1 K - A. W. Sparling, Vancouver; R. ' AIR PASSEJNlGLRS Mled Vegetables 23 Modern Etiquette Q In whose name should nired Beets, oer tin. sizes from 36 to 42. Regular price from $35.00 to $42 00 SALE PKH E HasUniss. Vancouver; i. s. Trtomsotv, Vancouver; O. Taylor, itnnumvjir' f 1. PjimmanHitr Ta4.. i (C".A.) gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Whs! thrill. Bout llmb oil : SJ'!?? SU up BetK BO Umr tcrwuy; tody 1om b- "rv?. KAly bean-pote" look. ,Jhou,". ' iirK. momtt. mn. who mm could turn b . ire now proud ot .b.pely. (louthy-loojii. b""- Lute. .mrti. It tome tlmul.nu. "";1J Iron iuni Bi. MhauBi, eiu-lcd blood. Iionruvo .UBM nd dVwtIon l.d flvw you mow StZiuL "l 1 nourihront . put flenh o bar. bou. 1 w.r gettliw loo lt. im you a ll.r i. W. It, or ail lb. you ueed tor BoruuJ VZum Utile. N " Mqiuuuwd m f V?Tl". ui 'am Tonic Toblel tor new Tldor ud ir-t-"- Uu I our. At oil arum. Compstun, Van-mvick. Vancou-.,), Vancouver; D. utouver; R- . ,,; Mr. and Mrs. the wedding invitations and an- . ' - , ... . ., Wax Beans, choice Milted Peas and Carrots Pumpkin. 2 for Baked Beans, 20-or.. tin Baked Beans, 15-oz. tin, ea. Tomatoes. 28-oz xo vmirauYer a. nwvni, nar and Mrs. R. Hood, Mr. Totty, De-irj'. narenU are' not living? --I Z2m JOM&rnlli $24.95 R III") u 1 i Jtne W CaHtyrn X I " t . i. .. ... . . A .. Alice Arm; E. U. A. In the name of an uncla tentiam, Esquhnalt; H. Kemp, Winnloe; i. M. Howes, Vancouver; S. S. McLaren, Vancouver; W. Eiilie, Terrace; R. Squires, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. Phillip-son, North Pacific. ,uver; W. Mar-Mr and Mrs. L. and aunt, brother or sister, ot pome close and older relatives. Fresh Mila Quart Pint -12 Cream. V- Pint 28 I,miium; A. H. If there is none, then simply L. Green, Capt. MilwaW, Mrs. J. Ogren, J. H. Shriaberg, R. E. 1 Gladding, W. Campbell, R. Grey. To Sandspit Mr. S. G. Young. From Vancouver D. F. Drlpe, T. Kay, Mrs. K. O'Connor, T. Haig, R. Montgomery, G. Tay v, Ohio; Mkss J. 1 jwZ. word the invitations, "Miss Ruth Johnson and Mr. Harry Brown request the honor ef your pres Won't Get Any Sleep Until You See Group N. 2 30 only imported Tweed Suits. L minster; Mr. and, . ' ,. iKilwy. Winnipeg; W vumuh . ,.,....- A! lor, O. Crawley. A fine, pure-wool quality, in 1 Advertise n tiie Dally Newil Victoria; A. Ontario. From Port Hardy Q. Hough- "HERE COMES CHARLIE" ence at their wedding, etc' Q. When a woman is taken Into dinner by an escort, op which side of him is she seated? A. She is seated at the tab'e well-blended shades and quiet tfn. IMPORTANT C.N.R. TIME TABLE CHANGES patterns. Sizes 38 to 42. Regular price $4750 and $54.00. at the right of the man who takes her in to dinner. The Laugh-Hit of the Year A Three-Act Broadway Play at Q. C. A.) To Masaet Mr. Mitchell, Miss R. Weir and Mrs. Stewart. From Vancouver H. D. Davidson, Cant. Millward, 1. Fraser, Mrs. R. W. Dobie and child, 3. D. Apcharun. From Port Hardy J. L. Green SALE PRICE SM.95 Q. How does one bid good-bye te a new acquaintance? A. You shake hands and say 'Good-bye. I am very glad to Civic Centre Sept. 28 - 21) A Presentation. of The Little Theatre rising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from EFFECTIVE SCNDAY SEPT. 25 Sows rrvT vnil ' ' . " J O. : Mrs. From Sandspit I classifieds, e. per word per insertion, -minimum & Note. 50 Cards ot Thanks, Death NoUces. fcs Marriage and Engagemeuv siuiuum.!.. I '0.11 !,ipi AY LMJUBLK PRICK Sundheim. To Vancouver T. I. Wright, E. Welland. R. Compton. E. Lov- For full details see any agent WW LOST Ai'O iOt'NU Bl NOTICE ick, J. Marret, R. Scrim, Mr. and Bom to Mr. and LOST Lady's Elco wrist watch, Mrs L. Vanetta, P. J. Allen, R. 1 1 y !!!" , If CANADIAN i i-r 4 wr Miller. R. G. Haley, A. Rosholt, p Wooclside (nee reward. Phone Black 7b, hpwm 435 East (2231 Vancouver Gen- - ; , . NATIONAL I L. Centre, A. R. Shearer. , To Victoria O. Stevenson. n s,.n t ncT cinr or itfvs ana taic To SandstJit E. L. Rolfe. i iRandvi, wenrni wiin car urenw I attactied. Please leave at Daily I w...o nfflra 1 (223) m to Mr. and WANTEV ' Prince Rupert WANTED TO RENT Small ;iltal on Sept. 17Ui house or 3 room suite. Phone WHY : Black 548. W M Rainwy, 7W (222J Salesman Wanted Aggressive Salesman as. per manent part-time Representative. Our prospectus ,; list fourteen training courses, Radio, Electronics. , Wireless Operating, Electricity. This offers good commissions" to right man. State experience, present connection, in confidence to Radio College of Canada, 54 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ont. 'Hi i. If" " """ "v K RKNT Go Watchless? WANTED Housekeeping suite public health nurse lm-mediaU-ly. Blue 722 betwt-en V and 6. u"4' WANTED TO RENT-By Dec Kin and board atli. 613 3rd Ave. Uf iii tr .inn i. o i"1"" r - " , v tafl loli ment. Apply Sleeping rim close News Oilice or at, iei ttf) C08. WANTED House or apartment Tourists sleeping KeU471. (til I BALAGNO Florists I ' Phone Greea 7.7 Boa 1183 Unmeuiaieiy. u" i-n, Lane at 843. In these days of exactitude, it's about impossible for a man to do without a watch. In these days of easily bought watches, who U SAI.fc WANTED Board and Room or Hght housekeeping imy hf,Sness Birl. Phone 437 after Dominion piano 774 6 D.m. Phone Red 168. need go watchless ( (222) WANTEd'tO RENT-Two or 3, bedroom, L"' ,r-Pw Piano $125.00. Phone Fnr $18 we sell a av NlinSlHIltiUI tiiv, ----- call 4Ud 5lh Ave. (227) Red 325., guaranteed watch, 15 (226) HELP WANVF.D I Small coal heater. ANNOUNCEMENTS United Church Supper, September 22. Tickets now available. Loyal Order of Moose Men's and Women's Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29th and I 30th. Moose Temple on the 29th, I Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic i Centre. jewels, in a goiu-imcu case with leather strap. (223) WANTED-Housekeeper wiaow .110 fi wfUi one or iwu . --- fened. P. B. Gamblln. Phone Green 471 or Blue 396. (223) "r call 02!) Bth Av This is a special value. 'HQ LOW HEMLINE ON PARACHUTES The latest in parachutes is the new "extended skirt" type chute that will become standard U.S. equipment for pilots of Jet and other hiirh-speed planes In early 1950. The parachute which has a 28-foot diameter, reduces the opening shock and gies a more stable descent to fliers who are forced to bail out of their last-moving craft. (f) V KNOWN NAMEf, I Sueeder Shavels. 'ifidKiu.es; Adam' f,,r real esiave " --Sifice. Reply stating age, experience, etc. to P.O. B0,8'; City. . " . BOY3 AND GIRLS-Opportun-itv for earning, after school I Ruad M .ilntenunnr Catholic Bazaar October 5 and .. , t U Presbyterian Tea, October 13. Sonja Ladles Bazaar. Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, ; Often Clamshell P.. Concrete Mixer.? hours by delivering Daily Honest, reli f t Trucks; Nelson r" tor stockpile tKemov.il- i.o u,7... able boys and girls apply at Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov ! t . L "KlWh&Y - hw. t mugs: ,H- ' X)aily News office. Scrapers and National All Stee WANTED -Experienced regis ember 9. ; Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. 17. I.ODK. Chapter's Fall Baz . nauotiai S'iUIt,, n .. .. tered nurse uiuuni", -take chai-ge of and operate a small hospital. Monthly salary j. -"..una. nunonai f'-Mis and Cunvevnrt wmation from Na-flwry Co. Ltd. ! a c- (i aar, Nov. 24. - - St Andrew's Catheam ran Bazaar. Nov. 26. Saturday. Regal (Printers New fir ITaot w I lers Apply bv telegram to J Garlick Secretary Stewart General Hospital. Stewart, B.C. j. ,.,. help"1vTnted-- SCTv,cforf tion attendant, preferably ith m.irtrable experience. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. i.. S.O.N, whist drive and dance every Friday. 124S) M ... ' t I" lit" !re & office Flx-! Ooal & Wood Klt- This Wecli 222 Second Ave. PHONE 24 lr.. Cribs, n..V Oorlror earner T.td. liu. to' r" oaws, we,, u.i bod I, New Tea Wagons, modern rUK oALic, 7- T'ophnl. Mwru. Gu ?h .ttlesliin Lino- fi(2""5wi!!i?f 1 " "'"L bungalow. fJovelJ,rl ' aVtlv view, close to town nd-.Par"? finished basement- and not water heating. Red 323. (un iif IH h,,t prices !Cma5t 324. 7 G .1 Movki, Paeklag, Crating Shlppi( a ad General Cartage and Storage; , For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 ; Phones 6t aad 68 : nrn . W ll.ii .wl 10e ill . 6 i ,un vTVZr A, East. UtoUart Pprmanj -r. twiyai Enfield iff,'0 or u"er. PlKme 648 (224) rooms ana onw, u" r , elose in. Garage 18 x : j. $4i00.00. Prince Rupe 1 " LJi ic IVI.t. DUD- FOR SALE Large four wartirne B L-M Per bun- ntHot BriUsh 6oiumbla home on 1st uveriujiR.. lent view. Close to Fishermen s floats, busline and schools. Immedlaite occupancy. Reasonably pneea. Enulai IUO nn uroP siding, Per ttwusand. (2431 CHIROPRACTOR $25 allowance for your old washer and payments as low 342 or Eves. Green 297. (222) HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon o2p.m. 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE 14 heltUigitoves. r (242) r50 a week on the new mavs numDer oi pcvic " - L?pp0RTCNm5i" ing homes cloae to downtown ivsiiTIE8 41,., and elsewhere. For as srti,. onoti on 3rd prompt action list your property with Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 Eves one. '4Uux No. 568, Daily Dally John F. L. Hnihea, D C, Ph C. J1-S3 Besner Block rboa BLUE 42 for Appotataeat 10:30 J. PJi nd , 1 to i p.m. , . h;m(ik - Monday and frW.y. 7:S9 pm. tot those unable to cotoe during the day. RECEPTIONIST la Atteud-.fmmi afternoons. (223) it.7 All Accounts Due to i the Late Dr. C. H. Hankinson are to be paid at the office of S. G. FURK Room 3, Stone Building "personal kihrf 'ness that. u,ni PHONE 79 I Kai.!" V, ""me and ana PERSONAL DRUG . SUNDRIES Box 585 Daily GORDON & ANDERSON (211) twelve samples for sue paid in plain sealed wrapper, catalogue included. General Novelty Co. Dept. 'PR- n Major St., Toronto, Gnt i .dually New.i L J', in Advertise,