r ROMFORD, Essex. fc,,g. w LO.N O'JN Police were called to : a bakery I a cleaner Thursday. Septmeber 22. 1949. Batting And Fielding Averages when a swarm of bees attacked pet from ' 6t the help. A bee-Wper removed Catholic Chur'l MERCHANTS I Pet was Steamship lYlovemenb For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday --ss. prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Catala. 5 p m MIXED LEAGUE, CITY'S BIGGEST, STARTS ACTION The biggest of the organized city bowling leagues, the Mixed League, started its schedule at the Rupert Bowling alleys last the swarm. Advertise :n me Dully News' AB R H Avg. TC E Pet. .. 61 13 22 .361 132 8 .939 . 59 12 21 J56 45 2 .956 .. 72 17 25 .347 79 6 .924 .21 3 7 .333 30 7 .767 . 77 12 24 .312 186 6 ..914 . 20 5 6 .300 16 ! 2 .875 .. 72 13 21 .292 22 6 .727 .. 71 11 19 .264 39 4 .897 .13 1 3 .230 21 J 5 .762 .30 2 6 .200 10 2 ' .800 .25 2 4 .160 281 6 .786 .15 2 2 .133 12 1 .917 .64 5 7 .109 73 9 . .877 .23 1 2 .086 24 3 .875 .271 .906 .Lewis Abel Ciccone ..... Kerr Maundrell Hartwig .. Team Average Includes play-off games with Commercials. Fielding Averages not complete in all cases. SAVOY AB R A. Simundson 33 7 Pavlikis 64 16 Sh.irpe 20 1 B. Simundson , 54 10 Lindsay 30 8 Morgan 52 8 D. Arney 14 2 A BITTER PILL TO TAKE There's nothing pleasant about being caught without coal the first frosty' day this full. You can avoid this by having vour bin filled NOW! Call 651 HOW CAN I ? ? : Bv ANNE ASHLEY f"i. How can I make a better-tlian-ordinary pie crust? A. sy addng the yo!K oi one egg to the water. The yolk of an egg beaten lightly, with two to four tablespoons of water, should be used for a double-crusted pie. The crust will be still better if Vi-teaspoon of baking powder is added to the flour. Q. How can I prevent the new clothesline from tangling? I A. Boil it for about 30 minutes ,rlNett night. Many new bowlers are interspersed with last year's veterans and interest is keen coupled with praise for the new alleys which eventually will handle the complete league on Wednesday evenings. As handicaps will not be available till after every team records their first trames, many of the games were rather onesided but still the first night was enjoyed by all present, j ' On top of the heap last night were three teams with four points, Manson's, Pioneers, Headpinners who rang up victories from Noble & Wick, Booth School and Conrads respectively. Manson's powerhouse team took all the night's honors as far as high scores are concerned with Bertha Dunbar holding high ladies single and high ladles 3 games totals of 287 and 641. Jack Paul of the same team took high men's single with 241 and tctal points of 694. An executive meeting has been calkd for Sunday evening to deal with questions of spares, rules of play, start times of all games, penalties, etc. Standings Mansons 4 Pioneer 4 Hendplnners 4 C. P. A 3 Pushovers 3 Pr. Rupert Plumbing 3 Hangovers 1 " Velvets 1 Watts & Nlckerson 1 Conrads 0 Booth School 0 Noble & Wi?k 0 Miss Frances Olafson return ed to the city Wednesday on the Prince George from a trip to Vancouver. Miss Phyllis Hill, daughter of Mrs. George Hill, returhed home Wednesday on the Prince George from a holiday trip to Vancou ver. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Cecil Taylor of Vancouver who will return south on tonight's boat. , Can"- Ih.j aJvcttistrnftit is n.rt puhlidin) or disp;,ytj iLHiquotOt br tilt Government of Hiiitsi, Columbn. i Yoa Sa It tt I FEATt'RI! PuurrfHl St Two Site Z! In lest Juitc I ( lip-.WIt f SiK'iial Spttl Batters. Mivmin. if ins, Mixing. Fm 4 Wliippii Chinese Dishes A SpMl BEST Buy in Years.. THE NEW SENSATIONAL J 114 ' TIIE STELLING MINNIS, Kent, Eng. TW0K DFMFRARA Britain's 5,000,000th tele-' rmWSi ULUULlUllUl phone is to be installed in a . tftsL RU1 400-yetr-oid farmhouse here, j V ONLY TODAY From Vaneoi.TTT Sunday St.. Camosun, U pj Wednesday ss Prince Rupe i 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Canionun, 11 p.rr. from Alice Arm and Stert "uesday ss. Camnun, a.m. from Oceaa Fails Wednesday ss. Prince Rupen 10 a.m. f or Ocean FmUt Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 11:15 pm. For Alaska Wednesday sf. Prince Huper. midnight. I rum Alaska Thursday ss. Prinze Rupert. "Guess wAo 's fhfywtwM- This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. DELIVERED FREE Phone 654 55c per dotcn paid for tmptlti lbled by ny B.C. Brewery Thrl dnrtiMfntirl k aol nWkd diiplyW by Ik Liquw Csnlwl iotii m by lha GoMramcnt oi Briliin Cahmblt. fmmitmmmm Vour House is. an Asset MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . . MARK NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors lll!!lll!llllll!llll!l!l!IIIII!!IPffl!!!!llllllllll!lllllimil!ll!lllimii MKJtl.JI HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT. B R HILPOTT EVITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber Building Supplies before using it, and it will not itangle so easily, will wear much longer, and will not stretch, i Q. How can I clean oil paint- ! ings? i A. Oil paintings can be washed with warm milk and water, rubbing very gently, then drying , without rinsing. TRAIN SCHEDULE For the Last-Monday, Wednesday, Frtdaj. 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, 8a turd 10:30 p.m. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Caie Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN a Mobilestore On Wheels Avg. TC E Pet. .394 13 1 .923 .343 27 2 .925 .350 8 0 1.000 .315 43 14 .674 .300 23 .783 .289 122 .975 .285 16 .875 8 .276 54 .922 5 .250 57 13 .772 4 .190 20 0 1.000 7 .188 51 .863 0 .182 33 .969 2 .155 11 .818 0 .145 6 1.000 4 .122 89 .978 t .255 .918 In all cases . MIXED LEAGUE Wednesday, September 21 7 p.m. Pioneer Loundry vs. Boot'r School No. 1. Pushovers vs. Velvets. Watts & Nlckerson vs. CPA. 9 p.m. Headpinners vs. Conrad. Hurricane vs. Hangovers. Manson's vs. Noble Si Wick. Wedneday, September 28 7 p.m. Booth School No. 2 vs. Sports Shop. Blow-Outs vs. Northern Lights. Silver Streaks vs. Ideal Clean-9 p.m. Dodgers vs. Forestry-Celulose. Skeena Gorcery vs. C.T.U.'s. Wharf Rata vs. Rupert Motors. To supply foul line judges. Prince Rupert Florist ( 00 3rd Ave Hox518 Tel. 777 Flnwnr for All Occasions WRATHALLS PnOTO FINISTTINH Dee!nninr. Prlntiag Enlarrinr OTTICK REPVlCF Profeosional Supplies Amateur and Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK tt j T. Arney 47 Bill 44 j Foster 42 D. Scherk 48 j Postuk 22 Gurvich 39 S. Scherk 14 Dunbar 49 Team Average Fielding averages not complete BORTHWICK WINS GOLF PRO TITLE SEIGNIORY CLUB, Que. 'CP-Dick Borthwick of Hamilton last night captured the Canadian Professional Golfers' Association championship with a two-over-par 286 for the 72-hole tournament. The Lancaster Club piofession-i al won the title by a seven- stroke margin over runner up Bob Gray of the Toronto Scar-boro Club who finished with a 293 after suffering two penalties of two strokes each on the first nine holes of the last round. ! fcM jJiVT SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 - PI. Box 274 CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th SI PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED It. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) BROADWAY CAFE ... II EST FOOD FINEST COOK FRIENDLY SERVICE Bottled ' ' Wine ""Vft "V FOR TAKE-HOME ORrJ v Jj rl Hours 7 a m. to 1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Contro! Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 r MOISTURE-PHOOr NOW AVAILAHLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEI Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn, to 3:30 a.m. ' Phone 173 for Outside Orders PRINCE RU BOWLING A V3 OPEN DAHI l 3:30 P.M. " ..io Mldnhfl ,v ir BED 1 "BOWL FOR " j ... v n I fl FREE IN'"- Comp" Janitor Supplies & VHflf 719 seco dlple4 ky lh Lienor Control tbwrd mr kr lb Qivtrnnwnl ! Britlak Colunitils. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SfMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 7 and 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 30, Oct. 14 and 28 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone S68 Paper Towels Paper Ci FOR SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION Deodorants - Disinfects Suitable for A Home Genuine DUSTBANE Sweeping MOPS - BRUSHES - BKOOM Price is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged fif irii'k u ului MirrLi i' I IIIIIUL. I1UI 1-11 I uus - Phone 632 Phone 281 P.O. Box 188