Sl'ii!!l"!li""ffl!!l!llill!!!!lll!!l!! MmwmMmm,'mmmMiiwummm i mini Prime Ituprrt Daflp mint Thursday, Septmeber 22, 1949. r mm -lUun -t Proctor, Herbertm-flrt, Mrs w (two tied, Ken BrSe7raPhy-M"-,-IX,e'Jlm 1 ...h bv the raff .. instil"1 f rs rr. . B. campoeu. school ExhibiU-Arllne Wold. tied i three a .at mv Harris. opiuiiu vuuecuon oi t ruit-Ken nooeri Emdam, John Gllland-Kerr, B. A. BrandU. ers, Earl Larson, Shirley F., Best Box of Apples Ken Kerr J Margerite Bonner, Claudia King Dairy, Mrs. F. Orenfell. Sheila McColl, Beatrice Jean second, A. P. Canned Fruit, Vegetables and Kofoed. Wilfred Graf, Roy Hueb- B. A. f crUfiths, nrr, Mareerv Bonnpr Meat Mrs. George Hipp, Mrs. StuIH. Geo. p Van m Painting L. Palmquist, Duncan De Kergommeaux. Wild Plant Collection Gloria Irving. George H.i p P, nprbert Diernen. of Vegetables ,-jon TERRACE BRIDE IS HONORED J. Normandeau. Flowers Mrs. C. C. King, Mrs. Harry King. t Ceitre Piece Mrs. C. C. King, Mrs; V. Giraud. 8peclal Jar Collection Mr. and Mrs. Harry King. Baking Most points, Mrs. Agnes Kofoed. Best Bread Mrs. Agnes Kofoed. Best Chocolate Cake Mrs. E. Murie. Best Cookies Mrs. Harry King. Blue Ribbon Tea Biscuit Corn- TERRACE A miscellaneous ' jfj shower, which was a complete1 6S surprise to the guest-of-honor, 1 fp Miss Ina Smith, was given Tues-1 B wwrrn- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Emil Haugland. Miss Smith becomes the bride this evening of Emerson Roper, son of Mrs. M M. Roper of Prince Rupert. Seated in a decorated chair Is petition Mrs. 8. Chadwick, Mrs. Vr---- D- L" N01-1"1"!?100. Mrs. A. H. Irv- fi f2kY lng' Mrs- r Tetreault- MEN! HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNTY TO SAVE REAL MONEY. JUST IMAGINE MEN'S SUITS AND TOPCOATS AT HALF-PRICE HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET A FALL SUIT AND TOPCOAT FOR WHAT YOU WOULD PAY FOR ONE GAR MENT!! MEN'S FINE CLOTHING REDUCED 'WAY BELOW USUAL PRICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW FALL STOCK. with streamers suspended from the celling to the chair arms,' the bride-to-be opened a lovely array of gifts from the gathering of friends. Delicious refreshments were Berved by the hostess and her r 3- fa. canay Mrs. F. Tetreault, Mrs. Mary Jones. Craft William Craig, Aaron Haaland. Best Example of Woodwork-William Craig. Needlework Mrs. Dudley Little, Mrs. J. Haaland. Sewing Mrs. Dudley Little, Mrs. F. Lindstrom. Knitting Mrs. Dudley Little; second, (tie) Mrs. Harry Hogan, Mrs. H. L. Frank. Rugs, Quilts, Crochet Mrs. William Crego, Mrs. E. ' Haue- 80 Suits 60 Topcoats Men's Fine Topcoats Reduced to Half their daughter, Mrs. P. Murie, jr.. Those present or sending gifts were Mrs. E. Haugland, Mrs. P. Murie Jr., Mrs. W. Haugland, Mrs. Mcllroy, Mrs. L. Llewellyn, Mrs. B. West, Mrs. E. T. Brooks, Mrs. C. R. de Kergommeaux, Mrs. E. Whalen, Mrs. Sundall, Mrs. O. Lambly, Mrs. W. Rotiin-son, Mrs. Calder, Mrs. N. Mc-Nabb, Mrs. R. Cooper, Mrs. R. Sande, Mrs. F. Thomas, Mrs. Kenneth Kerr. itnt Is not pub- land. - 1 mm lm f$ bv "heL'ctov- I Blai on Hooked RuB-Mrs. ' British Columbia. ' Leah .Doll; Children's Section, Men's Worsted and Tweed Suits single and Double-Breasted. Sizes 36 to 44. A wide selection of Men's Suits taken from stock to make room for our new merchandise. 'i PRICE 49 Sport Jackets Sports Jackets Single Brested Models. Two and three-button style. Easy fitting, all-wool Jackets, to mix or match your favorite slacks. Sizes 35 to 42. x!i PRICE regular price. Single-Breasted Slipon Models with Set-In or Raglan Sleeves. Manx Tweeds, Harris Tweeds, Shantylooms, Cam- . el Hair and Donegals. Sizes 36 to 42. - Vi PRICE 150 Hats Hats in all shades, styles and sizes clearing to make room for our new fall Qf ( W.O.M. Outlines Winter Activities Three new members were Initiated Into the Prince Rupert Chapter, Women of the Moose fS at their monthly meeting last i stock. Reg. to $10 SPECIAL . . ?t7U A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ITEM UNTIL FIRST OF OCTOBER iSSEMIUM SODA CRACKERS I H SET: H ! 5 night. The meeting also laid plans for the chapters fall bazaar next week and for a series of winter card parties. Social activities following the business session were directed by the publicity commttee under chairmanship of Mrs. A. S. Hamilton. The committee staeed a play which was enjoyed by tht members, then acted as hostesses to a spaghetti dinner. There was a good attendance of members. SWEATER CLEARANCE Reg. Values to $9.50 A sweeping clearance of all odd short and broken lines of Men's Pure-Wool Pullovers. Zipper jacket and Cardigan models. All colors, sizes q qj-and styles." SPECIAL - QOVd Ai IM rti'i, glwan aid far Chn' W Crtcttrt far "aramium" Una anjayiaant. 75 PAIRS MEN'S TWEED SLACKS 20 COTTON GABARDINE RAINCOATS Regular Values to $29.50 ft 01 WHILE THEY LAST 300 PAIR HEAVY WORK SOX Regular Values to 85c q-s Off TO CLEAR 2 PAIRS for . . Ol.t 500 TIES ALL SHADES and PATTERNS Regular Values to $2.00 o 4 Off SPECIAL 2 for . . 25 PAIR OF ROMEO SLIPPERS Regular Value $4.50 Q(l fir? WHILE THEY LAST dZ.Jd ; Regular Values to $12.50 WHILE THEY LAST $4.95 High (initio OR LESS Til AN PER SERVING Two-Trousor f!2 a liitroiliiciiig Cavalwill Topcoats ' 1 ; HIT The ALL-WOOL 2-PLY WORSTED fabric that is SHOWER RESISTANT. In a variety of models and shades Jo uit every taste. Regulars, shorts and tails. CAVATWILL the cloth of tomorrow that's here today. 45 Usually $65 with one pair trousers From one of Canada's best makers High-grade fabrics, smart patterns There were no short cuts taken In the tailoring of these fine suits . . . they will give lasting satisfaction. tf you appreciate good value If you demand quality If you insist on good fit and smart cut , SHOP EARLY AT STONE'S TOMORROW YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED M center ard a'J SU. Se ,y green bean. No C.O.D. No Charges No Refunds THE ABOVE AND MANY MORE SPECIALS ON SALE STARTING FRIDAY, SEP J. 23 AT 9 A.M. simnn J t !n cuttinK food costs? Of course you are, and here's bow Canned full noUnri T 'VlK)Sf ible- Vlrst every T)0und o Canned Salmon you buy yields laii,, js. 0 e(ll"'e. nutritious food. There's no waste, no shrinkage. Because 'ttlVn n coml)iries 80 wonderfully with many basic dishes, it can be fon(imv 0 n ('any 'ays lo fcive exciting variety to your menus. Consider the tni tial ew' Sa!,non and you'll use it often. Canned Salmon contains the s,eatii- ?u i of p0()d n"-rition. Save money, save time, and enjoy truly AT F. STONE KJClllllUllf , TMInF W m. 'CLOTHES OF DISTINCTION' n I t i m COLUMBIA t$Tr-rTT :