1 William Prist of Queen Char Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, March 14, 1950 iots m.nnts nire. leit, uic city, nna'l AOmvAl C for Vancouver bv nl:me llav for i nW 1 t-li rtlvIM V nuj a brief business trip, I Nineteen Klthnaat sunuorters eod River Coal of the native basketball tourna- 1 Prince Rupert OT...lt llnm I,,.. ......I. -. ..J 1 1? R fIl!lCll .T IAHV P A NO CONSTIPATION IN 20 YEARS Canadian Leaion Cnrrl Parlr u....i .... ..... ......i..i ........ . . ... ....- o r i ir......,. ' - Egg Nut Stoker ALL NYLON MEN'S MK,lpnea w'ne8dayMar.22.j2n Women of the Moose, Wed. quitlam. ;M. Berg, Victoria; C. E. Clarke,, i62i I Mur. 15. Initiation. Please briiuj . . New Westminster; Robert Mor-'. Kindergarten begins if rw!y(n"' rcuipei. (62) Tonights regular train due gan. Premier. D "I havf been enting KKI.U KJCi'H AI.L-BRAN for 20 years, and during this time have nevr neeilcil a laxa rad United Hall March 21 f , I 1 V , al lu:ls ls re Walter J. Noilly, K. D. Pedlow. J. ORDER TODAY I'honc Red 958 (or anv hiIormaJnT,.,....V oi o ' '"' ucu "K roul8 "lc. u"c i K. Tliomson, W. S. Dale, J. Ty- .... " -Jt ..... (...n. UUII d 1111.111 Ul"l dllll fl.Tl .1111 1I111K III .iisiiur Uon. mich. T. H. Sorenson, D. W. Bent- coot escorts are Invited to a brothers tive. 1 am regular anil feel fit-owe it. to ALL-liRAN." Alliert Ijiloixie, 54.S'.Orl':in9 St.. Montreal 3U. This i:- juU one nf many un-xniicitfil Irttr.rs from ALL-BHAS "rrau- I & McCAFFERY LTD. DRESS SOX dey, Karl Dybhavn, O. Hansen, O. jWaage, G. J. Johnston, S. H. Mc-jGulre, R. M. Carmlchacl and R. I J. Miliman, Vancouver; Byron Announcement meeting held on Wednesday 15,1 at 8 p.m. (62) . Grocers Butchers Cafes 1 R. W. lIaKeivM.L.A.. Grand-Forks Greenwood (C.C.F i will speak, over the B.C. network Monday, March 20, 10.15 - 10 30 xY S.O.N. Badminton Dance every Andre, New Westminster; R. Ma- Gorden & Anderson, Ltd. have Everything f'' the Builder" PHONE 116 irovinciai Affairs. It prices and specifications on Saturday nlRlit. 1 gee. Port Edward; S. B. Roberts, Sacred Concert finite' 1950 Refrigeration Display Cases1 St. Patrick's Tea Sale of home New York city; Ray Coburn, ; Church, Friday, March 17 at Foocl and Beverage Coolers cooking and card party, Catho-' Prince George;, Mr. and Mrs. F. larn." Are you miserable with :ons(i pntion due to lark of bulk in tlio dirt? Then try tliis daily: kiit :iti nunre of rrip, toasty KciloK'f AIJ B11AN, drink plenty of water. If not completely patisfied after 10 day, return empty rarlfm to KellotsV, l.ril(,n, jm'. Cet DOl'BLK YOL'U MOMA BACK I B ID p.m Combined choir of 40 ream uaoineis. tuoi imi mhu io. r raser, onuwicia, wir. aim mis. i. voices. Henry A. Pluym at the I Kine Edward Scho1 p-T A' ?;, Elllott- cit: J30" L. Smith, Cominunitv Ratenavers' As-! organ. Adults 50c, children aren 25c Dc I sor-i socnt.on ii "ton n7wn of Prince BS.m Rupert gen- Tea' . Homfi Cookin? and White, Minneapolis; J. Gable, Vernon; t Sale. Frldav. March 17.! S. E. Acker, Watson Island; O. n i Moose Meeting March 14, 8.oo p.m. . meeting at tne uommon ; - "' Thurston, Terrace; L. H. Teal, Lounge, Civic Centre, Thursday,' United Church Home Cooking 'and j K Rovve ci.y. R pelti March 16 8 All Sale at Thompson p.m.. ratepayers' Hardware.jb and p F 'Pnsh, Edmon-invited to attend. . (03) March 18, U to 4. J ton ; D. Graham, Butedale; E. G. You are invited to the Sham- Prince Rupert Music and jl.angley. West Vancouver; M. L. & The EiJ Red Cross U (CI) rock Tea sale of aprons and Drama Festival, March 22, 23 'Clark, Georgetown; q. Wiebe, At last we have Nylon Dress Sox. Attractive . shades in a rib stitch, nylons come in both ankle and regular length. No shrinkage worries . . .much longer wearing . . . easy to wash . . . dry overnight . , . keep their shape and sire without use of stretchers. Priced at $1.50 & $1.75 pr. homecooking In the Catholic and 24. Mount Lehman; R. Mallory, Mas The jV Medicine JfcjM Radio r Hall, THURSDAY. March 16.' i.therar. Tea. rri ,iom set; F. C. Penny, Digftf Island ; 2.30 to 5.30. Bridge, whist and Cooking, March 25. criDoage, and Grand Drawing I in the evening, 8 p.m. (62) (Continued on Paw Four) Advertise in tne Lnwy New Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, Friday, March 31, 8.15 p.m. IS A TRIP TO White Elephant Sale Tea and Home Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1. Conrad St. School. Jl. Pat's Day Events Planned ' EXTENSION OK TIME ffOTK'fc l hereby Hivtn thul the Unit for the reception of wndrrn for "'Construction of a Breakwater at Prince Rupert (Fulrvicw Bay). B.C.." Canadian Legion Easter Salci I April 5th. It extended to 3 pni. Wetliiesuay. ' j ni,.i,. ... , Marrh 2a. iso St. Patricks Day will be ob- Announcement Drs. R .G. and A. W. Large announce their office will be closed March 14th for the purpose of moving to the new location at 219 2nd Ave. Open March 17th. (65) Kfijie m 5 RADIO CLINIC Call Blue 892 DO Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 ' ?Jrr' he,rVf,d in thehCltyr laiS Tnu,rslc;av. Jobs Daughters Tea and Sale' ROBUtT poRTtFR fortier. bv the nansh of Annunciation . v. ... ...... . ! during the tar Rooms fire on Third. Avenue earlv Kimriciu' " ' Actlnu Secretary. y . .. . . , . i ' "I iufliiawuns, April p. a.1 tuc .Church with a shamrock tea and , Mra lT.inha 'morning. Individuals assisted , KL) "I Z" Pure wool ful-knit Cardigan Sweaters in all the popular shades . . . cherry red, serene green, powder firemen by pulling the hose Into I ... the building and remainlnrr at: iker estcr- sale of home cooking in the , Ave ' ' ' afternoon and a whist, cribbage i . . i and bridge party in the evening. Mission Band Explorers' pro-In charge of the tea and sale i pram tea, Presbyterian Hall, will be Mrs. N. R. Yoimq; and Mrs. ! April 6. .Tames Bruce with Mrs. J. c'ihi- Queen Mary I.O.D.E. Tea, blue, liaht fawn, maroon ,friiy police lnt. S(,,.ne afu.r lne fjt.partmcnt ' IN my. hui-pkme cowit of a In jiinicn had left. niuusit (.oliimuia is i'itoiii i: i . . - tier ana mis. eicpncn uumas m April 10. and grey. Priced at Cathedral Sale April 13. , in nit; irn r i nr. nram- cnarge 01 me saie 01 name cook- ! jstkation act" j,lg and Mrs. M. J. Saunders and I anil . . -, c- imii r.c Tin? vktatk x. Mrs. T Leo Doiron. aDrons. St. Peters Spring Sale April j $7.95 i of samukl. 'mu., iK.CEAKKi ; Mrs. G. R. Brett will be in . 20. i,. Wo'ZV"u?hl of the cardjKirty. J 'women of Uie Moosc'W is pnyaoie In advance. Please refrain froui Judire "f fin-, stipremi! I'oivrt oi , i biirmg iea, April is, m vnc new Vrltk o.lumlila. t was on Die UrU NOTICE OF MK.KTlN'fi i Mw.se Temnlc y u( Murrh. AO 1m. nptwintei 1 K , n Consumers' Credit' , ??LVr. "?,m,rZZ. tmun haM Z. nnnnal Presbytcriau -Spring S a 1 C initio, iv pur word per insertion, minimum RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Used Cars and Trucks $435 Down buys 1 947 1 Vi Ton CM C. $445 Down buys 1 948 Vz Ton Chev Panel $375 Down buys 1946 Dodge Vi Ton Panel with station wagon seating SPECIAL 1939 1-ton International $300 total price N'lliees bile. Cards ol Thanks. Death Notices. ItTune and Engagement Announcement: $2. .1AL UiSI'LAY. DUUliLE PRICE oi inr. i-vMiv ji .... i . . - Am ll 27 of Ktrwurt. Briiitiii coinmi.ia. win meeting at the ' Civic Centre, iicrl un ihi. rtay 'f "'J"; March 16. at 8 p.m. sharp. Pro- Orange Spring Salo and Tea, CUU. ' ' Rram and refre'hmrnts. Mem- ; May 3. , i.i; - -- .. au perrons Imiebu-.! to tne ani oers bring your menus. w ; UniU'd Church Mothers' Day ' f'llll iliu 01...1. f.' ni . M (i.lr litrti-MmhirsK to tup forlll- uimiiii i-f: . I 0lUI ' ,u. ;iiid I idles. iixt lo n;a4. i t; in. LA'ii ve. rj. i.iua uvri ' . ... ............. .t , look. I'lione Black 7b. (B2) UI) unU all j. havi,, l orm V .. . ..... .. 1 lipilutit tnn iwW Rial "-re reiHrrt fS-fli.B "n dllf WANTI II ti, flic fbriu with me properly verl- f ,i,i,i,(.in for Irrtifl- .. fiert on r rxf.i- (he isth day of ,..,, f ,r..teinentH. Prince Rupert Florists f IN 6yro KUmdyke rlihl May 5. Eastern Star Tea May 18. Sonja! Tea May 13. 'lowers for All Occasions it Aptll, 1:0. falllllK l)Hll niMnim-; Montreal No 1. MoiltreKl No. 2. WANTED Umentlv required. u 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 771 tiilue l'.inel. .'it. Box 203, . Blue 4-18. mm k mam mil' iii! retraro 0110 m...... No. 3. Montreal No. 4. No S. Montreal No. 6. ..... .n.v..v ..v.. .yv.t.. .urr. cji.imH ..r wnirti i m. in nae M. mtri-al board or a nice room in e.en- Mont mil No. 7. Montreal No 8. Mid B.C. tliii Datrif at Prince Uupi rt, Li.u iusi.1 ii t. uv tuaii living voium hid who does 'not steal lollinous from voung children, or sneer at old ladles crossing i strf'Us Jlenlv to Jolinnv Smut, rcuorter. Dailv News. Ph. 8(i. 6.")i 2rV Day l Marrh. I'lfto. I CIOHDON Mt.ASKIl FflKllKS, rrtltuc l(iii'rt, 11 C AilinUil.trator wnli the will n-nr.ieU nt Ilie E;itute of Samiul Bel). tfeceascU. (0' 1 .on.. 0.1). 10 MMlOl Wlt.ll nil. neutral cil ontv oik; ;v News. Mi2) ' Imdrr 7 h p. mil u Hi I. e . (01))" Mineral Claims Bon Arcorcl No. 10 Sit.'iHtf In the I'ortiand Canal Mioiior Ilivision Win-re l.iatr(l: Harltley Creek,, on Ml. (liter Lawful hulrtVrs:- f.. IKrouio mill J. O Lc Franrols. Nnnil'r of (hif hnld.T'H free miner's r'-rti: Irate:-- Mild MltlBll'' lake notice (luil '1 W , H. Forrest, .r i; If 4 Virioria. 11. C..;.nUni: a atcut fur h Diruuie unci-J O. Lr, I''raneoia Free Miner'a Certif ieate No. as above. Intends, at the end of sixty days from the di.U hereof, to ap- 2 rKKSO.NAL , PLUMBING and Menun -( Sheet Metal work. Phone 54:1 or rail UMJ. Sixth Ave West. H Leiourneau und Sons. tl) ; f l'l)olio;;rai IN TlIK HUPPKMli t'tK'IlT OF KlUntill VI.ILUMIHA ' i piioiivti: n Hi), ((in ; :.KR ROYAL ; l piv to uie iKininK Krenrarr oir n-r- IOT oiwel 11 ht SPECIALIST VlALJOi - : t, matter of the "Adinlmstra- ,irj,..,t,.B of Imorovements for the FS o intuv OIL BUHNER ?.."V l? . siove Service and reiiairs. i onor urior 'u to . . .i,-,7.:n ni....iT mui ir.'.i Hon Act." and pnrpofie of obtaining Crown grants Iii tli mnlter of the estate of Heel- ... h()ve claims. A Money Saving Event -A Windfall of Values For You STARTING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15 f lieu, locuers. Iters. $095.00 Pacific ' ' naW,' Herbert Johnson. Deceased, And further take notice that ac- -' c-nu nrniT rUK. lir.ni I . nt(.brjit. , tam. under section 85 of the "Min- ' . , Take notice that by order of His f.al Act.'' must be commenced )e- rOR RENT lira rtl and room or j, )or Jud-,. w O Fulton, local ,nre the 'issuance of such Certi.'l- Ltd.. H0O i uii'ouver.U.C. I'OOIII. Pliolle BlacK tiuU. " Juilue of the Sunreine Court of Hated this 22nd day of August, oueeialislst tG3i I Urti.isll Columbia. I was on the 8th ,..,(,. cf Inijiron'iiunts I FOR RENT Suite Ot flVC Of- ; in of -Marclu A D. -1H50. nppouitd 1!)4,, W. H. Forrest. Ayent. tiKH Trnller i llCCH. Modern in CVCTV res-' Adinmlsunior oi tne - ... eol llOllll.i . ' ......... ..... n,..w.l. t ..........i.i tt..t...rl l,,t...,t.-i late of (H) (O.JI I,,.' . .. r ... ., n.l..l.... ...wl r., i 1. . IMIU. f'.ilumtlla. W in i iioiic Ji. u. r. iiiii.il uuu y. v",: - - - . Ill) Ltd. IN TIIK WPrtKVK COURT OF IHflTISH (WLUMrSIA in I'liniivn:' !' Hie luU'st Dins, bracc- WOltK WANTDU clietl on ini' win ny .v.. ...... PI41I, at- Lower Post. llrltWi Columbia. All ix-rsons Indebted lo the saal Mijiic arc reiuirKl to pay the lai'CS. eU'.'.. ...... .- .i.ii,. f hi" JeveT-i " wtjMAiN wain uaui "Atlniinistnition amount of their Indebtedness to me n U)i. M.lUr ()( Toninlii See luiim -ivn Mill-. jt t-i.j . Aoulv Box tiua. Dailv News. U laslesl. slvl- Jewellcrs.' 172! DRESSES Taffetas, Moirs, Crepes, Satins, Wool Reg. Values to $27.50 . " Pre-Eostcr Special $5.95 Only a lhuitcd quantity so come early for these dresses HOUSE DRESSES Reg. Values to $4.95. Sizes 1 4 to 20. Pre-Easter SpcciaJ $1.95 ' SLACKS Reg. Value to $8.95. Sizes 1 2 to 20 KKAI. ESTATE f'OU SALE - 5-room house and iui. bevenfh West. Oulck. saie. owner liaviim 10v.11. L.ui at Comiiu'icutl itoiel. ton forthwith ana an pursuns ......... Act.. mi(1 claims itKnlnst the said Estate are tj U)(t r).ltu.r f ,,. F.stute of An- requlred u file tliem with me pin- lrpw i,,,,,.,, ,,.C(.;U., , intestate, pcrly verified on or bifore the lath Tllkl, i,tice thai bv ordnr of His (lay of April. IBM. falling which His- ,,,. j(u,. W O.' Ftllton. local trllmUon will lw made havlns; "'WO' of Ul(, supreme Court of tnlv Ui fUK li elalms of wlijeh I shall i,,.,,,, (.pinibla. I iw on the nth Imve beejl notllled. Iil(V ,,( March, All. lll.W. apohiti'd linled ul ITInce Hniierl. B.C. Hut Art'mlnlstnilor of the estate of An- IMh Day of March, IrtaO. ,tPV ihuisen. late or Prince Iluperl.. KKNK8T FAIiL Al.I I N. UrU (,,i,hla wl... liwl nil the v Cnlis. Un- ! .mil i'Ik .sI.s. ! 1 le.'lrie irons j "ilie lie,il.eii ; 'ner -.irlieles ! 'e the H.(V tl SUITS Tweeds, Worsted, Checks, Woodwind Reg. Values to $39.50 Pre-Easter Special $14.95 SKIRTS Gabardines, Alpine, Wool. Sizes 1 4 to 20. Reg. Values to $7.95 Pre-Easter Special . . . $2.95 BLOUSES Crepes, Sheers. Reg. Value to $8.95 Pre-Easter Special ... $2.95 SWEATERS Pullovers with short or long sleeves Reg. Value to $4.95 Pre-Easter Special $2.95 NYLONS Every Pair Perfect. Sizes 9 to U in all colors. Reg. Value to $1.95 Pre-Easter Special, per pair $1.00 FOR SALE Two desirable 11 fifin Ave., near Hoauftnl i'.iiom. i). . t03) Ailiiliii!.trnlir of the Estate of llliy ,,f iCcmbcr. I!l4il. at V'"1- UeRlnald llerhnrt Johnson. router, liriilsh Cnluniulii ("MV ei.ii. ... 1 deeruwcl. Co Ilrown llarvej'. Prince Hupert. DC. "P:''ll. A)V 4M- or liuijci'i, tr : Except lonal Value in 4-room wanime. Oil s.ove and hcji?r. Iiimicilute t .capancy. Only $10(11) down. Full prii'c $230u. Fur Hits unit other properties eontaet ArnistrfmK' A'ncies. I'hune 342 or Green 297 fevcM). '"'A'N NAMKS ; All persons Indebted to the said est nte are required to pay ' he amount 'W 1 ol their indebtedness to me (orth-lth mid nil persons huvlnu chimin aeainst, (he said Kstate arc required h, file (hem with me properly verl-lied on or before the Iftth day of : April. m.'iO. I'alllm! whii-li dlstrihu-tloii will he made lia vim; retvinl 'only to sueh elaims of which 1 shall ' have been nolllied. I Dated nf Il'lnci' Hupert. B.C. this i 7l.li day of March, l!l."0. I UOHUON FIIA.SKK tXlldlKS. I Prince Huiert. B.C. (02i. mi FOR SALE FuniMied 4-I tKm i Pre-Eoster Special $3.95 NIGHTGOWNS Rayons, Crepes, Satins. Reg. Value to $5.95 Pre-Easter Special $2.95 PANTEES-BRIEFS Reg. Value to $1.00 Pre-Easter Special 2 for $1.00 BRASSIERS Wonder-Bra, Nature's Rival. Reg. Values to $2.50. Pre-Easter Special , -- $1.00 i' Bluivfls; ! s- Ad a in s1 'lleloril Bros.' Miiiiieiuincc " Clamsliell t-iniinilcs; rele Mixers; '!l('k.s; 'Nelson Kliiekoile d: Idee l,M ,- I'lillins; N;-Si'ianers ..m.l liniise ww.li balli. LI owe selioul. bus Mild sUires. Pntwie Red 830. KKill 8th K. (W' FOR OUICK SAI.F, 2 acres land, uarden, house 20 Pv 'M. mile from Terrace. $23tK) cash. Box 673 Dailv News, tt Adnilnisirator of the estate of An drew Hansen, deceased. (ti7) Mini t: to t'oNiH i Sealed tenders will be received up r7 f"1'! Ail Steel GIRDLES Closing out this line. Rpg. Value to $6.95 Pre-Easter Special Natinnal to noon. March Sinn. coy. uuilersluiied. for 4he eonstrtiell.m of ,ANI i;l I.ISI K Y ACT nil Olfiee nnd Hlores llulhllnn at p,.. tvrtil ieate of 1 11 le N.i. -i.(l-T to n Cluirlott,. City. "C iit Klnlil Hundred ami tilxly-livi Nutii.n-.l l?rir;i.'i'T t.-. imMumn T TTI $1.95 I'llins anil speein. in........ ' , r ' umtmi, lftovn'e rive oi. i.ni.u onvevors., Uuve Seventeen 17 Seventeen " initn N,i- Houses tor von to choose from, t-o. Luniied,: One ol these mav be the house (U'j vou are looking for. ohtalned from the District foresiei. Prince Rupert, the Forest Hiingr t, .. 'i. it i... Cltv. or (lie under-i WU. . .. v...... - .. - Lumber x l"s. Used ! 1 Call (iii we have houses in every scc-I'oii "t town.. We have houses fully lur- lli.herl District, .said lo contain One Hundred and sixty (loot pcres, more or less: pxc.cpl.liiK thereout, any pin t ion 'of t he IM':lil-of-Way of the Dniuliiton Telegraph Line, luivlni; n wlrli.h of one Hundred -( Kini feet, which may lie within the boundaries of these lands nmt excepting also the Uliilit-ol-Way of the Crawl Trunk Pacific Hallway, continuing Nine Decimal Two Sin (0.20) acre,-, more or less. ( tt i j We have houses with small 'rlrundiible upon return of plans ami speclflcailoiiM In i:ood condllloiU within thirty days of the dale ol opeuini! of . tenders. ; TetuliirW will not be couslden (1 ( unless made out on the form supplicl j ..I rienosit of In per-i ""tl'.'c Panel'- down oavnients. Sealine is Let, us know what ' vou are P'i. Motors 1-ookinj for Mavbe we can Our Sales Are Always Down to Earth Bargains WE SUGGEST YOU CALL EARLY FOR A BETTER SELECTION ' ui... .' . : If neii) vou . ........ f . ,..,. ,.f .m .leiuiei I. iti niciiiDer . wnen vou rain " 1 the liliMa'ees.si 10 s.ihi in ten sallslaclnry sio im.ivo.i jr ..... roof of loss VxVi V-nj of ten- w nr.tvr.in houses tl link of MONTADOH I rierers I'liciiiies Will ., tl ,. returned when Hie ul the above Certllicate of Title Issued Mne West, UV "'"'l- Radio hder 1) y lUisrii n,.i : your frienrllv agent ot- I in the name nf Ceorgo llambly has i contract Is swarded hern l ilisl In this oil lee. notice Is Inwesl. or any lender not neccs- The ROBURT E. MONTADOH LTD. tOlji KtUt hALf. Kiirlly aceeioeo. i . ',h V .',"'..., ir'. .7 n. ,i,,i J'u to' Tliiirs- Tendera must ne siimiimeu ... . ...... ... ..... (Oil i for the of i.he first, publication hereof. Issue Remember Sale Starts Wcdncsdoy, 9 a.m. March IS ...,v..i..iie marked "lender ANNETTE MANSELL LADIES WEAR ii.... .,r an oince ano oi""-. a iu. ini. ...... . . . i .. ..... ... ,. No Exchanges No Refunds P.'1': bed .sni'l,,.. FOR. SALE - Good -sU-.O bed vlll.llng ut- Wucen Charlotte. Clly.i lieu of said lost. IVri lfieal,., unless In 8 With Mirintr also new'snrlns ! (he meantlnie vahU olijeetl.m be iniate mattress. Halt price. Phone ' c. omiAim. 1 1 ?''' T'&nu ue.istr, orn. " sm-iint $40 vl''lrn radiator ' $40. Ph(ru. (63) fuc 0!M?' - I Chief l ores er . Tr1. Kp,.rt. p 0 . this Wth cluy of Phone 150 525 3,d Ave. For?. RAT. IT naiihU. hr with " i February. 1H..0. A ll. snriiiQ rlresser with mirror , Aeiuocw niuwiroun, 'vood stv'.e swme,. 1349 (66i (05) j I74) Deputy Kcijlstrur of Titles. West or Parliament ijuuuhik, (62) Victoria, B.C. .325.00. 623 Sixth ohone 543. Everybody Welcome ST. PATRICK'S DAMICE; RflAKCH 11 CIVIC CENTRE