PROVINCIAL PROVINCIAL LIB2A3Y, n- 113 Tic!, b. c. ait DHH2S Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHOHE 81 Published 61 Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest' VOL. XXXIX, NO. 61. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS ovemmemfc racin Anotiber Test w II i hp tlee G Third Confidence Vote Canada Route t I V' f ' t 1 ; ';ft fit 1 H -4 i iFire Truck ,ti. . 'i ind ana n0 is Way Needing Men On Government Spending LONDON (CP) The Labor government, victorious in two crucial tests of policy, mobilized its slim majority in the House of Commons today to beat down a third Conservative 'attack on Labor, this time on its spending policies. By rounding up every available Labor member, 4 Jandarcl of the The city fire department will j have a new fire truck, it was j decided by city council last1 niht on the recommendation I of the Utilities committee. The j committee also recommended j the purchase ol one aluminum and one wooden ladder. The j former wooden ladder was des- j troyed in the Mouse Hall fire, j Tile new truck will replace i lh Highway tx by the fcl- including some from their sick beds. Prime .Minister Attlee'5 jiovenvment last night won a iij-vote majority ae-ainst a Conservative motion criticizing its Fishermen's fment, Hon. h. housing record. Co-op Meets Skilled and unskilled workmen in the United Slates arc bcliife urged to stay away from Alaska unless they har a job lor certain. K they have, they should not head north unless they have the cash to live on, until the job Is ready. This Is the advice ol the Juneau Empire. Right now, Alaska has lots of men prepared to work. Hundreds have been workless all winter. In Juneau alone there are 479 unemployed. The Empire mentions having had a letter from a man in Portland, Oi., saying lie had read there was going to be heavy cx-n,-:!il!!iiiTS ill the north. With lninisUT of orks. told the The vote was 314 to 289. Tho first, test came last week. Annual mestiniw of Uie Prine'e mi: pMwiib undent umu which has been running into difficulty. Aid. W. A. McLean axked city council why nothing had been 1 fit. lie li rrmrdv thi nro.en!. Klnln t , St-!"" "J ' V'J Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative only a few days after the newly- ' :' ' , - - .:yt. - . . . , , i1 f h&- , K-'ot debate. of the two fire trucks and added j j Association are Demg new in tne 'city with many interested mem-ibers present to hear the reports and take part In the proceedings. elccted government, witn majority In the House of Commons whittled to six seats, began its second term. The vote Khowed a Labor vi:- ;iiiiiuinred that, it 1 adopt- tin: route ! President A. M. Martlnusen is j Naiialinu on vau- presiding fourteen against Onenlna vesterdav. the meet- 1 10,7 01 0,,1 aiut through w" , K a in 1 " P .... I l,i Leader Winston " nunncrv illvc. .. . . . that "this shouldn't Inppcn." Fire Chief Earl Becker, who attended the meeting-, cxpained lo the Aldermen that he had made application for ncv. enslne for the .UMO lo last jear'.s city council. He had been promised action would be taken but nothing had l)cen done. . Alderman T. B. Black declared aUQ Churchill's attack, on the gov fe,tl 151 U. l'uu ,1 PaiK as tin; crnment's program to nation Reimrts of standinK commit tills in view, himsell and wife, his bi other, his wire's two brothers a. id ciiiidi-en were all set to leave mi Alaska. When should they hull? Si i"hw:iV. "1 . . f, belli;; 111 me. ".Jt . ...".'..7 tees, presented yesterduy, Included those on conservation of fisheries and membership .relations. uerta, Mr. Larson AT (iUAY TRIAL Above Is a group of Quebecers with lunches and sol t drinks v, ho lined up at 3 a.m. at the door of Quebec courUiou. e In ijet, Kcat.s at. Die murder trial of J. Albert Guay. They wanted to hear te.dlmony of Ouny's former girl friend, Marle-Ange. Robi-tailie, 10-vrar-old waitress for whose affection Guay k alleged to have murdered his wife. Quay was today sentenced to lw hanged. ,itc. alise the iron and steel industry. The Liberals, who hold only nine seats In the Commons, were responsible for th Slight gain In the government's majority last night. I Tonight's test comes on av Conservative motion saying the V, 'f - - ; 5 rj : ; The report of the directors was being deliberated upon today. Out-of-town visitors for the convention are T. H. Sorenson, luoneral manager of the Fisher ! I hat. due to the condit ion of the old Iruek. which muy break down at any time, only leaving the La FTitnrc In operation, no; lime shoiid be wasted In obtain- ing a new vehicle. He added Dr. Sanders Is Nol Clear Yel 5' SPY JES OH Commons "deplores the failure .ii;c men's Co-onerative Federation 1 -v, , .... ripoit that an- from Vancouver. D. A. ! Rnl''L,ier to enforce hi own Inswu-- Hms litKi'll over lie: that tenders should be obtained , before the estimates lire brought down. rk of Dr. Klaus sentenced by a Olc waagc, oeiegaies irom me 1 sivcly their estimates u,i,as f,,r t.he il u 14 1111 III l lie r AT J. LET Shown here hiding her face is dark-haired Marie-Angu Robllaille mounting the steps of Quebec courthouse on her way lo testify at the murder trial of her former boy friend. In her testimony, 'he l!-year-old waitress said she knew Guay since she was 10 and left her home .to go on trips with him. Guay is alleged to .have murdered his wife to be free for the waitress affections, by having a tune-bomb placed on an aircraft which crashed Sept.. 9 at $aull au Cochon, Que., killing 23 persons including Mrs. Guay. t ; (CP. Photoi VJ ililA'U m tOllt limn -v "t"-- ' - is being invest i- Miy is believed to It was dit-iiled to set a time limit of three days for tenders so that the truck could be ordered at the end of the week. Arrival of the vehicle here will take between one month and six weeks. I . a, i f- v 1 i t - t . i -- ; "s - w. f sphere nl research. ISeven Years For ' 1 curient year." Government whips in ttie 1 House of Commons breathed a I little easier tomght as unomc-llal reports circ.ulated that nin 1 Liberal mcmocrs womd aain I refuse to vote, or vote with MANC1IKSTF.K, N il. - L)r. Hermann Sanders, acquitted us a mercy slayer in tin1 case of a woman dying with cancer, is not yd free or difficulties. He will be charged by fellow physicians lo determine whether or not he violated the time - hallowed lllppocralie laws of medicine. It will be decided whether or not the Slate Hoard of Registration in Medicine revokes his license lo practice. As a result of the riHnd oUier-expenses, Dr. Sanders' financial xisil,ioii Ls said to have become seriously affected. el Bans iShortv Bvers I . , . I Labor. n . new Cpn.wrvatvv- I Suay Sentenced To Hang- r TANi-ww vk .v - rnv.u i pffort t unseat Prjn)0 Minjstrr 1 1 Shorty Bycr of Toronto was Attiee's . . government. t In In last last 7U 'i nnrxriav's iirst. confidence test trnslorrinv uptltenCed to SeVen Handy Gravel Pile is Urged Trades and Labor Council 1 Hrrs (iurvt Kiieakm at Munthly Mrrline i the Liberals voted with the Con,- (years' imprisonment in peniten-! tiary for two hold-ups and shooting of a police officer. He was nnv ieied mi c.harees of robbing a xlrcmely lia.ard-.iiiseii by dead, (try .- of the lunu rain-, of which has '.eiiUdii ul the fire ii repealed occus- 1 servatives. If the government loses, it is expected to resign, forcing a new election. - Cancer Clinic 'suburban bank of $3800, holding' Plane Bomber Is Condemned . QUJiUEC (CI') J- Albert Cuay wits today sentenced to be hanged June Zi for the murder of his wife. The slaying was described by the crown as a I Jack Edwards. Kimerlnlendent up a taxi driver and snooting at i" last few days, a lo Come Here of tlto city telephone department, and James Dcnsmore of the leuehini; staff of Buoth Memor- ' relay was clamped ; Chief Earl Bccki Unemployment IT' S in I he til y. No f..siill-ilivc cancer clinics are Mai HIrIi School were speakers at "diabolical" 'crime because the 32-year old je an officer to evade arrest. Jersey Joe Wins Quickly i's will be granted caused an air disasteivwluch .also killed zz others It dry weather eon- to visit Prince Rupert every three the regular monthly meeting of or four months, it is announced .the Prince Rupert Trades and by the Prince Rupert Cancer So- Labor Council, iciely followinu a recent visit to Mr. Edwards discussed the city Is Emergency Chief Justices Albert Seyignv, imnres. In other : tire; me in the nl. Ihc eilv of Dr. A'H. Evans, men- leiepnonv ed the policy of gradually build weeping when he HnLshed his : three-hour charge to thf' jury at 1 12:09 p. m.. told the jury that they had to bring in a verdict or guilty or not guilty. How About A Mew Fire Car? PHILADELPHIA .(P1 Jersey Joe :W ul cot. t, 36-year-old heavyweight, who never seems to get I old, last night knocked out Balti OTTAWA CP Angus Maclnnia (CCF-Vancouvrr East) said yesterday in the House of Commons .'EATHtR COUNCIL APPROVES 1 ' ' SEWER CONTRACT l;n'i.,i leal directnr or the uriusn Columbia Cancer Institute, and Dr. A, Taylor Henry, chairman of the attending .medical shUf of the Institute, who discussed with more s jonnny onsur ui uuc uiw- 11i criminal assize coui t jury ing up the system by first, installing cable outside in readiness for the installation of a new switchboard. Mr. Dcnsmore spoke on the Education Week, dis- U in most of tin ule una 34 seconas 01 me tu the proportions of a major emer riiiuht, Cloudi- gency. He said that la.B per ned tn the coast a local doctors and the bocieiy mi, ;l"r:,i,'"i,i,M ei line tin OI of the I IB run'"'" consultative cent of British Columbia's labor Contract between the city and Mitchell & Currie for the construction of sewer outfalls at Cow Bay was approved at a city council meeting last liiglit. The draft. brought in a verdict of guilty at- j Fn0ving the meeting of city j ter. deliberating for seventeen I ,,,. iast. nlht., at, which he, minutes. jwa;1 present, Fire Chief Earl j Tliroiigho'il. the ciice the crown Becker stated that the insurance ; xmi'i-hi. Lo nreve that Uuav had rate on his Diivat.e car had been 1 . . .......... 1 I. ... . . .. ni'iinn ... v force was unemployed. The people were concerned abouj the l"t t'le Miuihern in Officials Using the ur iisn unuuiuw v.1.0.-..., bv "rv ce , , , . ., ran,," Foundation. from the organized labor stand- 'lures were a li, Lender. T. B. BlacK Uiougni., w: l...,.,l .,lni.l 'ilwiul-H II 1 -., Kr.r.r,ii(!ii ho hrl hppn tlKine . MUlil.. lack of concern of government authorities. ". iill'J ill Itu. hl'"l end 1 U'.T 1, lll.l.-.l Knlit'eil to 'extremely siiingeni. a. i .mu r i VaciUc Air Linos, the vrh, iT. for lire cleprtmen Moo Much Gas! I Hie cuasl. and be-(' tueiily in the in . seem to give the contractors nny . M erxu al Sault au business. Mr. Becker .stated that fur advice will be persons re r- n sll,)nlj,s,ion to J. D. Mc .,, t. t. by ,,e,-,onal physicians M f city and .list rlcl and those who "tmcul of public protection. Cochon. 40 miles from here, ast ,r vx nt, brimght up this qiies loo s..iiuhi-r . n..n tho mnetinir tor the Rim-I Civic eniployees arc using l ive .siunu centre have 'cen receiving l" ',iisl, a a stockpile stockpile 01 ...... . 4 1 . i i v., . ,1 ,,4 I null ninnli crn;i illne in nrivate ve- AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver (today) W. Priest. D. J. Brown, M. Durch- wandied miles i--ealiiient . 1 .i,.iiinnL in the eil v for I. 101 cancel ui u.n- iram i-h.iv m- iv. ...... . - - The crown alleged mat. uuays pie !tvh. motives were a $10,000 Insuran-e jasked. Members were arguing as hides while conducting Uy bus - iiy v ii'i 11. it- ii'i'i' v ,." Hit contractors staled the Job should be completed In three months although time alloted is six months. The city is protected "wStSX Z and br.' -ady use on highway ma.nten- ,1 nr.. r LI- HD ..-,... 4 I imiiim Ut in I ilP IMVlt'. 1 ll-SN. lb dS naift'M 'j ijiiiii v vrt vuv ii" .- k- - , employees using their vehicles on Casey at last night's city council man, A. O. Finlayson, Mrs. F. N. meet inn. He said "a habit Is lonnd. E. Weldner. K. D. Fedlow. ild wife and love for Marie-A'jni Henry met ino nun., .vu,," m,.,.iinif was niTSUled over . h.u u, i,:li re- cUv business should be allowed. tlmriutto islands P'l to the coast -3g- fv and increasing ;'H regiuiis. si Remon-cloudy "Wodncsdav. A. few Unit of the Canadian Cancer n:l,rison. uresldcnl, and ,,. ,.,,01, -actors to finish Rc.biluillc, pretty 19-year . olu j waitress. (today) n. u III was i win ted out bv one of the growing in giving free gas to city Tu Sandsplt .Society and oi.umea ui ..... . . llUplui,.ncc ot ot . the job in that lime. aldermen that In zither cities, the employees who have private ;ekl. . ...... . r. ....... nut problem of cancer In general ami delegates. ri.. ,.i,ie.r i vimn u.ft wi i a sue- cars. r.iu. vrt-j umtiv. the consultative service in pai- clal vehicle. that six employees are using up "From Vancluver (Monday) C E. Clark, D. J. A. McDonald, k A Mevcr. Mr. Clarlhue, Mr. y. Continuous rain, ticulur 1 Judue Scvianv I old the court ' that "the law of Ctod and her country gave Mrs. Albert Guay the right to live. Nothing escapes the law of Clod. You have to ful-' nil the law of your country." I t o 35 gallons per montn. I One of the members pointed ..., ii..t tli. Fire Thief Is on call TODAY'S STOCKS Keay, Mr. Chase, Mr. Alpen, Mr. City Property llAiiirVfsjr H U. Jol)m.(Uii tu'Ltil I It, was pointed out that oniy u certain number of new cancer cases would nppear each year In n population served by the Prince lup-rt area. Accordingly the ,.,.i,. .., he eeared to the !at all hours and proceeds to. Miner, wir. xx-ir. ! many scenes of fires and executes 1 - 'cheeks In his own vehicle. Mem-' R. J. H. McClymont "luncway morn-lliiinw in tempera-'v' .iit, i-.i .t-aslnrr to V mr.hi Wednesday y.'tunight and highs ' Port Hardy 35 pii and Prince Rii-i 43. of the Sales Confirmed local branch of the Royal Bank 'hevs. of courss. know that the , , ., five Chief could demand a ve- he - Six property saU on e; the cl work anticipated. It was made clear that when this service was ii.1,,.,1 new nalients would of Canada is at Terrace relieving las branch manager while James Stevenson is In Vancouver at Vanrouvrr Bayiuine Bralorne 11. R. Con n. u. x Cariboo uart Conivress N-W rumnieiiULLMUii ui im iuuimr. . ..... committee, weieapprcd by city I Nwita g certa m oinmis io f onlv be seen when referred by tending a manager's conterecne. .04 O.'JO .02 'i .Ol) 1 HO .a: .4 .00 fi.lO 3.30 .13', ixiNG 1 council last night. Diiie,cn;-e 01 ,vtr 7 , ',,, r,m7,, at the city gas p"amp oDlnlon a mom; members w nen Td the boots their own doctors. Several otnei important mutters which have a Funeral Of ring on the cancer prooicoi n . ,. .-..!! I I. a! I lot 5 block 28. secU.n. six-. 0 .' ir,g Sunday and ooiamea ngui. that the gas . rawi md no ile lot, was recommended I,r rale .added order from city - oun 11 as to the to Stanley V. Wo. nev lov Co. ! were discussed, li was the consult alive service would no. . ... . t ..... II o. Ill HITS MINE. Font VhU THE HAGVE Four seamen lost iheir lives last night when (be 3.72-t'n Panama motor-slilu Cvunet slrin-k a nil.11? near i ... .. ... r t.i ...1. ,..,. i 1 i-.tmniiii'. ne oiiouiu aiiow w be ncliialiy sianeu uinn .-" T VtuR ..Ka -Hi private ear. He !,,i. n,P ...licv of the citv to a! instructed the gas man to cease. del alls had recived luri nei the li.' Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters ... CotiweM. I iniiaida Kldona Kast Sullivan . Giant Yellowknife . God's Lake Ihnilrock Harricuna , Hevu Iluseo Jacknile Jolict Quebec Lake Rowan Lnpaska ... Lit tle Lung Lac . I.ynx Matlsen Red Lake MeKenzie Red Luke MeLeod Cockaliutt' Monet.a Negus Noranda consideral Ion. rueling of the six vehicles unles;; lledley Mascot Paclllc Kaslern Pend Oreille Pioneer Privateer Heeves McDonald Reno Sheep Creek Sllbak Premier Tttku Uiver - Vanaiida Salmon Gold Spud Valley Oils- low cotu;lnicl!.!ti on 25 t'o-.i.. lot: Alilei-nian I lent ue (.',.. I V s.i'.d 'Hl-Wli(;lds I KENNEDY 9 Negru "Flash" M APPUN pice Ihipcrt I 'C Ccntro I March 17 rliiiiinuiy Bouts a written authority from the city jclerk be produced. '. He said the city could lose $1,000 a year. 0 10 : .3-1 .3j .0l'.', .Hi' 'i .'IH 07 '.i .03 .(l8'..j .01 1 i J2 .17 3.00 nl ,3: 1 48 615. HI 17': Ti-richeUinger liauk lighthouse. INVASION Tl'RNKO BACK TAirH Another invasion of , Hainan Island by Chinese C'om-I mimists was turned back today I by the Nationalists. Of a force 1 of 10(10. e.-i'y thirty lauded. ' The annual cuiicer ciimpiii",n will be held here in April. Negro is Named City Solicitor .niKtiM-ni) rinl The cltV Of Friends gathered with family members at, .Grenville Court Chapel of B.C. Undertakers Sat urday afternoon for the funeral service ol the late Mrs. Lama Gertrude Cousins, mother of Mrs. Floyd Ebv. Mrs. Cousins died last week" after a long illness. I rtcv. L. G. Sieber, pastor of First Untied Church, officiated. no law prohi'mlci bi-Utling "- m 25 -loot lot. piovldfrt it louh.v'iii ed wit h ttie vlaw. ' Sale of the lot w;s anpr.'Vtd. It, will he used for the purpoa-of biiild'tns a gurase. 2.02 .01:!i LOB .30 .13 .11 .00 .00 . :aVs . 1.10 .47 . 1.07 . 11.00 . 1.70 .. 1.45 .. .3 .. .05': I Considerable argument ioiiow-rd but it was fhially decided to il -t the matter be investigated by the board of works and utilities lioinmlttees. and. In the mean- the vehicles be limited to folio, Si cam Baths. O'ier sales wppiovid vvece. Lots 22 mid 23, block !0. section 5 to G. Ciccoue, $700. I VJrs. J. C. Gilker presideu ai uit tl' & Watson Island Wli.U'JWiw. v.,... - - - - Windsor appointed a young negro solicitor. He is 31. as Its next city years old Jas. Walson,,asisistaiil to the former solicitor. Appointment was made by the Board ol MINISTER ItlSIGNS I'RAGl'E Foreign Minfeter Vlmlo Clcnicntis of Czechoslovakia re-iignrd today, it was officially staled here. No explanation was given. orian I 1.30 I. i ,)'acc-ipaiiy the hymns "Aokle With Me.'' and 'a a reasonable reasonao.c amount amouv. 1101. t..!. ..nd a block 30 ucflian ,-...,ww vere -v,u - " .. s oi: 11l1t.ll T.11P lieM'l L 3 "iniirtl F Ailmissiwni $1.5(1 Loiivicourt 7 to Charles Brown. SS17D. IU'. . .. , 1 ntcsfcd arc the Pule m neait. Pickle Crow 13-5 t,.f 11 ni,.ck 3 .section B to John rrguiai mreiuii, . v..v- 1 1. .,., , I. . in lialivie Llim- Control .94 Anglo Canadian A. P. Con Atlantic Cahnoiil Central Lcduc Home Oil Okalta Pacific Tele Princess Royal Canadian .... Toronto Athoi.a .-. Auinaque Bcattle Bevcourt German T. B. Black com- l'X. mented that the city was re-, ftta w B. Sk.nner. Prince. $100. Lot 3. block 31. section 15 to Mark. $fta. 11 1 11,1111 .. j. I ?f BASKETBALL PLAY-OFFS j LOCAL TIDES 1 Wednesday, March 13, PJ50 iving an extremely cneap strv- .. ....... L...L,..n tmcl . , Don hJV. .. ..1,1.... V. ....14 lh. Rcgcourt Kan Antonio ... Senator Rouyn Sherril Gordon Steep Rock . Sturgeon River Silver Miller Upper Canada 3.0'.) .27 2.14 2.03 .20 .85 3.50 0712 rvi.iinii c.i'v"". -- - . There were numerous beautuui floral offerings. Lots 5 and 0. block 11. secern 7 lo Otto N. Mostad. $35!). Tlie latter is subjict to vel-eiini's rcbatu. ice. m oiner ciues. uc oa, v.... Fire Chief, for Instance was supplied with a car. iHlh -11:28 19.4 leet Low . .: . .. . C.;2 r..". feet ib:'Jl 3.1) ieei, ? TONIGHT 2 JUNlOR-RUPKRT HOTEL vs. KINSMEN ' . cLArU1ES-DOMr, vs. PEOPLES . ffSENiOR bO-ME-HI vs. CO-OP .11 1 .57 j .20