I among tne colored folks of the 'southern States. In tut 'ot - sented by Mrs. Cobb's room. In TonunyOraham Ma-wij Wednesday, December 21. 1949 -" Amateur Night Is Good Show Local Talent Heard To Advantage last Night ic of the Four Dukes and Mike Colussi and orchestra. In rota- ; tion, the orchestras, kept feet ! hopping. Miss Dougherty, it .perns, should have entered the ! amateur contest. With Mike Col-; ussl and his outfit, she sang i "Some of These Days" and "Dark j Town 'strutters Ball". It was j worth bendinc; an ear to. During i ,fhc evening 2 waltz and jitter- j bug contest was held. In add! tion prizes were distributed to I the oldest and youngest couples i on the floor. it nuilff Annnrf. t.rl t rtc QnH 1 i .iv .v... . . Christmas scenes and decora- lions i,M.,,inn PvtPnHMtn, parents and friends to visit the school Monday afternoon to see the different rooms and also en- icy a concert given in the music room. At this concert eacn room j ciamtny dressed, provided one or more items. An j A choral recitation of the well-enthusiastic audience thoroughly . known ' The Nieht Before Christ- Borden Street Xmas Concert Many Parents Ersjoy Varied Presentations at School Prior to the breaking up for the Christmas vacation the various divisions at Burden Street School held concerts in their individual rooms where appropriate programmes were rendered. A visit to these rooms showed how .in many different ways according to the ages of the grades and the topics that appealed to theln most, the pupils interpreted the old but ever new-story of Christmas. Each room 'W!!-U:iiii i twenty-eight the outstanding -Qitnrc u-prd Hll Fnilpht. Ronnie r-.i,,.. t .woo Foutrht Jnhn , .... , . , i : Do Pav-. Olsen. Jill Weise, Marjone it'll and Lorraine Jackson. t. it.Pm from Mi i.r.nn' i room were a r-.-citalion, '"A Letter lo Santa" by Pat Greene, Gary, 'Gail - and Billy Hanis, and a Star j (Drill prettily done by seven girls I j . mris" tvn.; rcll piven hv twelve i 'pupils of Miss Trotter's Grade Three. Then a eroun of ten du- pils, five from Miss Trotter's room and five from Miss Larson's rnnm iw pffpftivplv the rarnl ' "Shepherd's Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep." "Santa Goes on Strike," was a dramatic act pre- . . St I 'IV I I ; Vrtdcaated as it acUidi 1 I n S U L A T I N G emoved tile Program. Mrs. Stone's Grade One was renresented bv Ann Hardine and - Netha Pelan with a recitation, I and a sone, "Now s the Time for Rnntj rimis" hv nine children including four bellringers. , Miss Adlard's room presented an original play of Santa Claus 5'; i i . u j . 1. i . ,, pie yow wwiiaiwi uuuan ao aouolt duty . . , gN rj O 1 fa 1 ill J i . ... fintst For the Festive Stason.. uuuiannq omiii. ouiras in inmuatw lb axim lia U pot. A PoniiaB-lnumi hom wort COtt!crlU winter, cooler ia lummai and uih on fual comumpiioii about th biut u ai Doinaoon ...uin atWrior ihU: at a plaitoc baa . . . aa attio amd tool iusuUlioa . Interior liaiah. CALL 651 I PIIILPOTT EVIT I & Co. Ltd. LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIE convincing taiua (Jiaus wnne four newsboys were realistically P01 fayed by Michael Greene, Howard Davis, vis,' Ronald Eby ' ana . Victor Maskulak. Suzanne Kergin recited pleas- ingly "Christmas Eve" and Rob- ; erta Reid, -Winter Nights." as ; the items from Mr. Cheeseman's , room , Grade Six led in the presenta- ! tion of Christmas Carols with the school choir assisting. In "We j Three Kings of Orient Are," the j parts of the kings were well taken k., y ....,. . iy "- "First Noel" with descant, was , impressively impressively given. given. In the ab- ! sePce through illness of Principal J' S- Wllson. Julie Prockter did a ver capable job as conductor. Miss Larson was accompanist. Chairman and extended a cord-I S. A. Cheeseman acted as ial Christmas greeting to parents and friends and an invitation to them to visit the different rooms. Pupils also assumed responsi-j bility for welcoming and direct-iing the visitors. Margaret John- son and Jack'e Gustafso". vere in ; char?e of the "Visitors' BT-k." and Alleyn Ritchie and Haold ; Hill were doormen. Louise Wood, . Lnnny Patten, Dick Flood were a -reception committee. Carol Nel-, son and Suzanne Kergin were in i charge of the "Weekly Whiz." the ; weekly publciation made out by : the pupils with a page from each ! division and a differently des-j ; igned and colored cover page each issue. Donald j child and Terl Paavolo were in , charge of the stage and curtain. ! i ALL FUSELAGE AND NO WINGS They look like anv other chickens, except that they are almost all fuselage and no wings. A Des Moines, Iowa, breeder developed the new strain of chickens after 12 years of patiently mating birds : accidentally born without wings or with wings stunted. They will be shown in the Na-tional Farm show in Chicago. j r . DIDN'T WORK ANYWAY ! WINNIPEG P A city regula-' tion limiting rush-hour, swim ming in city pools to 20 minutes has been dropped. Officials said ' ; the limit couldn't be enforced. Advertise n-. the ualiy News! CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRING I An enjoyaois evening was naa by a11- Anrt thiU s the truth- c"m" :!;,,ncin" at 8 V- ni in the Navy Drill hall yesterday an amateur hour w.n stp-'fd (luring which time city talent had a chance to c'emonslrate their abilities. Cert H.tchey was the organizer. On the air for one hour, Bcrji Dnnwhertv from thp Pivie fVntrii 7 .f" "V" , " ... " in the role of mistress of cere monies, introduced the contest- ants t0 the audiences. It is Uo pact an escalator coma not have been provided for MUs Doush-cty. Follov.ii. j each performance .she executed a marathon from the mike to the fool of the sla?e A dozen amateurs, not liielud- ins the professional accordion ; virtuoso Mike Colussi, marched on and off the stafc pres. ntinr; a widely varied program, all did their b( st !;i putting ncr-jr.'; what ! they aar.ted to put across All contestants were feature in the air brai-deast until 9 p.m. Alter nine, ti'cy were returned for encore numbers. Two ynun'.; "iris, recently nr- nvea ironi iiciiann. presentrd a. c'.uet accuini.ur.yin;; theaiselvrs i en a gi'itsr ai.it b.tnio. The iiirls. i i. ins iiiui ,ii.i verrmce reimcrea ru'ch and English sones. and 'the audience, nccoidi'i", tj lh pr-piau.se, enjoyed the sinein i'bilitie.s of the youns ladles. IUtle Judy FcU-nthal, be-: decked hi a tweed cap. slacks virt '..sweater, tickkui the fancy of all with her rendition of a soin; that must have been stolen from the iponkeys, "A Bunch of Coena- i:nts'. In jolly old English phrasing, she put on a good show. Mike Colussi and his gang, as they call themselves, rendered accordian duets and trios. The pan" were fcandra Giske, Robert Wood and Steila Chuprin. Final numbers presented by the grnsp were "Adc.ste Fidele.s" and a swing version of "Lit bestrauin" by Liszt. Other contestants were Irvln Ren. void, guitar and songs; Eleanor Walker, songs; Mary and Margaret Gar-.iun, guitar, banjo and soni-.s, Beverly Matson, son. Iona Hardy, songs; aixl Carol lirrntzen, so.'igs. Following the amateur show, a dance commenced to the mus- fTrmrarrvr; annmiiffin) This advertisement is ' ot Dub- li-shed or disnlaved bv tne Liouori Control Board or bv the Government of Brith Columbia. Professional and Uusinl ByiiT03 ALE P&DE OF THE PACJFJC'' ''Compliments of the Season' . . . how better expressed than with a friendly glass of KL'RTON Type Ale. Unsurpassed in quality and taste by even the lineal imMrled ales. M fev i.tr I- OIL CENTKE GROWS ! Edmonton has been chosen for i the site of a new oil refinery i with a capacity of 2,000 000 barrels per year , j VALl ABLE FOOD j Lobsters, clams and oyster ; supply necessary iodine to the ! human body in greater proportion than any other food I 1 " " j5l ' jh V JJ,1 A'- .S v'M V.- . " ' 1 ; -Ml Thil 4ivcrt,tOTicf4 if Ml pMt&td W -ipl.ycd Wy It-t llqaot CoMr Bo.rd m by Im OwoiuMfil PLEASE A SMOKER 5 A ft We have your Gift v. PIPES, CIGARS LIGHTERS, POUCHES a CIGARETTES A A and other gifts 6 i ( A A A Candy a Plenty A A A A A GROTTO A A A A A CIGAR STORE Ai...i.9.5..l..a.J,.V'J.5.S.J.5.S.S. NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABE1 BEST HAMBURGERS IN TOWN "If your wife can't cook Keep her for a pet" And eat at ... . SNACK BAR i'hN 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. DAILY i Just off Third Avenue '7: Only $2.47 a case ciudms ux Z LI M l TED VICTORIA BOA KAIEN TRAf FOR ROCK AND D! BASEMENT ft LAV Phone Blue m or 1 3 MATTS0N ITPITrW CTTD li Phone Blue 818 p.( 330 Second A1 Pr'Jiea Rupert, FOR Y ROCK b CONCRETt CALL Eti'E f M. J. SAUX? New, Modern Eq All Work Guar; A. P. GARDNF CHARTERED ACCt - 1118 Melville f VANCOUVER MARGARET optometr:! Room 10 STONE BUlJ PHONK RLUE5! . P.O. BOX l'.l GEORGE RORli Public Accountants I tors. Income Tax compiled j O. L. RORIE. S. B. LAIRD, B Besner Block - 1 j DR. P. J. CI1 DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH Phnne 765 Pp HANDYM HOME SEE GENERAL CONTH Building and RtPa kinds ROOTS CHI OIL BURN PHONES Black 334 P. P.O. Box B & W TRAf Cord Wood, Cedar Kindling wood 50r PHONE PE ft ..,ORtr, COAST VANCOUVER This adveftisement is or mmm BREWERIES NEW WESTMINSTER not published or displayed by' the Liquor Control Board by the Government of British Columbia Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co t Phones: Green 667 Days New Residence Phone Number Bed 664 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Vlmial ArtalyKli OFFICE HOURS 9 b ra. to S pjn. 23 & 14 Bener Block TeVepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i2t PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, VolclnB and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 75 672 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP; Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 855 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 513 QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesels and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties Interested are invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS TRAIN SCHEDULE cor the EaM Monday, Wednesday, f rid ax :00 p.m. From tb Cast Tnetday, Thursday. Huturdaj 10:15 p.m. 318 fith St. Ph. Orders Blue 92' Aflvrrtlse in