l"tMrr f ':' rtin .,,, Wednesday, December 21, 1'j JO ft if ORDER- 6 mnsm V frccrUUlle Lutheran ci, Church Wednesday evening at 8 ! clock. Social following. 297) ! m JmT,"' lhc Moosc rcsu1ar Santa Calls Al Fire Hall Santa Claus visited the Fire Hall this Christmas, filling an appointment there Sunday night much to the delight of thirty "little people," to say nothing of a like number of adults, ail of whom had been keut, informed of thc whereabouts of the jolly old man by radiotelephone. Santa was hi fine form and Mcod River Coal NOW! Regular PaplM s.S. Xmas Tree and Concert, Wednesday, "15 p.m. Prepared Lutefish and Norwegian Salted Herring Tor sale beginning Monday, December 19. Prince Rupert Fisherman's Co-op Store. (297) for M Hi N --". wcuiicsuay, the 21st , at 8.U For This Week's Delivery Ancles in Stock Lump. fan. Nut 0u. Initiation and Christ- mas-party. (297) plant will be closed from noon Saturday . I li- J 1 ! . 7 Winners of Moose Xmas Tree Raffle. R. Coles, Seal fair'y "dancing" with good cheer COVP' A V CI-.. . 'ne l-,o ...1.. .i:i:i...4j unrn wcuncsaay Morning Ibert&McCaffery I.HIITKIt K W J M YV Prizes may be picked up at the presents and sweets to thc child- W MoftKP Tf'lllMln I-.,.. ri- l , ., Tlie civic centre Dinlnp Hoo,n will be OPEN on New lw?r,BDajr lor Ovations. : Plume Red 705. There is a ex-Ccllcnt supply of Christmas cnocolatcs now on hand. (300) Announcing that Dick Sylvester, Jack Caron and E. "Deacon" Linncy formerly of 65 Cabs are now under the name of , & tabs. For fast. riioNi; in; a,1Jf evening auer -" ne naa gone me '.ire nine p.m. (298) laddies proceeded, to fill the STUMPED fur that Gift -i oun8stc "P to the top.': why not call down at The Totem ' Dunng thc Proceedings Sgt. L Pole Gift Shoo. 211 Kivti-, Rt,.,.t iA- N- Potterton entertained with ( oI -l I Mill It IU II l!; M ITIJi:s I "IS 1 ft I an acceptable program of short We offer you just about every- thins. (It) picture suojecu. uuests of honor included M.iv- Bright Panel Neckwear in new designs and shades $2,00 White Silk Scarves $2.00-$2.50 $3.00 Men's Fine Pullover Sweaters Priced from $6.50 to $1 0.75 Men's Fine Wool Cardigans in a wide variety of shades. Priced from $7.95 to $13.50 Linen Initial Handkerchiefs 50c to 75c Hickok Fine Leather Wallets $4.50 to $8.50 Leather Belts with Initial Buckles $2.50 to $4.50 Don't Forget A Hot Certificate Makes A Pleasing and Practical Gift Plentiful supplies of fresh or Arnold. Former Chief and cnristmas vegetables will bp on H. T. Lock and Sgt. Potter- children. Ketchikan; Mr. and c"i(:it day and night service Mrs. s. Oddson, Osland; Miss J pllone 53. at) Wilson, Terrace; P. F. Plislika, Edmonton; S. Djos, Stewart; J. y" Holtby arrived in the N. Killas, Vancouver; Mrs. C. cily 011 tnc Prince George today Chapman, Smithers; Miss B. Irom Vancouver to spend the Forbes, Terrace; Miss M. Gall Ch""stmas and New Year holi-Emlthers; Miss j. Hawklnson! days wiln parents, Mr and Smithers; Messrs. V. and B ' Mrs- A. L. Holtby Webb, Shirley. Te Civic Centre Dining umiauuy, rnuay and Sat-, ton urday at SHEARDOWNS. If you are serving ham, try Maple ! Lcafe No. 1 tenderized, half or! Mr ,, :il ARRIVALS ;1iias, Barrett Lake; D. ;v; Mr. and Mrs. Orsen, Island: S. Simons, Hazel. G J. Fiddes, Hazclton; Victoria; F. P. Roddie, x A Beaudin, Terrace; and Mrs. Ole Maitinson wnoie 55c per lb. (298) ; returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Gifts from Legion Christmas l a trip to Vancouver Tree not received Sunday mav "wm win M. J .t-aundi r -fTiimni i Cnristm n-m t- I FniM'r. KwiniUa; J. W. be picked up at Legion Hall 21 Eugene Nickerson returned to P.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday after- the city on the Prince George noon. nt. .u. . .J . I . . ... . u Port Essington: Mr. and ci!y on the Prince George today but w111 be open on December 27 a, salvus: A. B. Ander- from a business trip to Vancou- as usual- management and . ...... r ll.HUMi, Staff staff ...l.-u . who iiiuiiiuig irum a nouaay trip z: wish one anrt all a Mor,,, to Vancouver and Vancouver Is- ff. s4't Alio. tJ- imnnMii niiu nn . Miss Jean McAfee arrived in the city on the Prince George Christmas. nnni land. ' The following stores wIllC,? 7 er studies at lhe L Mrs. J. Simundson.- who has close Thursday afternoon as us- l" . i ,K Columbia een on a trip to Vancouver, re- OBSTETRICAL RECORD I ' ... ,J. ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. MONTREAL x,r-T3Tr, fl) It is an old ual. but will v. W1C vuui.as ana new turned to the city from the south Year holidays with her parents,' on the Prince George this mom- joke in the obstetrical profes- gKvxKrwKXKXxvKxxxxx sion that births alwnvs inter- If S .'1. uiiu vtiia. n. n. mciiee. intr December 23, until 8 p.m. Fra-scr ti Payne, Wallace's Dept. Store, Universal. Peonies Store. rupt any gatherine of doctors. !1 For lhe Whole Family But thp other niirht 43 mpmhpra o .w v . B v . . I V 1 -Y' Mss Monica Holtby arrived in the city on the Prince George today from her studies at the University of British Columbia to y j Ian McRae, who has been in (Vancouver to receive treatment at Shaughnessy Military Hospi-'tal. returned to the city on the Prince George this morning. ui uie iviuiitieui uDstetncai ana Gynaecological Society got together and only one doctor was called out all evening. i From Mom and Dad Rupert Men's and Boys' Store, i AJverli.'ing is payable in advance. Please rclraln frotn,Abcl & Odowes, Wm F. Stone ''K uXT'-:XrrftTi '"'iM 'n,sort",M- minimum: Watts and Nickerson. (298) & Butli Noliee. i0c. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices Nona.-., Marnasc and Engagement Announcements: J. N. Killas. who operates the SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE (commissary t Premier Mine. ! ! arrived in Prince Rupert todav spend the Christmas and New Yrnr holid.nv cnoyrin ii-ill, u plete Selection Gifts thot will of be WL.JWl Vtll.ll 11U1 j parents. Mr. and Mrs. A L. Holt- I Norman Martinusen arrived in by. ! the city on the Prince George to- rl'ilr fnn. Ut ..tn l- 1I..I fiih aAl.r, LOST AM) K)IM i aboard the Coquitlam from the 0tO Truly Appreciated on Christmas north. He Is on his wav to his I r iT r:i.,.-.nu ...ok j il WHOLESALE PRICES Gavin D. Mead and his brute, sit of Bl,Ush Columbla j the former A.tnd Carlson of this ,he chris,mas holir!flv n .1 vwtll Crt.v; illlU name A. Tove. Please return home in Vancouver iT tnliclU convened y y v y y v y y y y y v y y y j i.uiv unite, itewarci. INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONVEYORS, PRESSUIE TANKS, SMOKE-STACKS, Etc. icily, arrived in the city on the ' w - " - - 1. . . v. wan j wiou all , LOST - 5.25 x 16 Tire Chain, their customers a Merry Christ- rlnce George thls morllig from with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Martinusen, Graham Avenue, Westview. Ambrose Ave. or Sixth E. , mas and Prnsmrnm Nnu, vPar Ibcattie. Their marriage too Finder ulease notilv E. Wood Biggest Selection of TOYS in TOWN As their employees wish to!Place last W2ck in the Puget spend Christmas with thett Sou"d city- They will make their families, there will be no deliv!home nore. cry of milk Monday, December ! y y Announcements Radios, Records and Albums ward, co Citv Stores, or Phoiif; Green 7 10 ailer 5 p.m. (tf) LOST Black wallet on Fifth East ne.ir High School. Phone Green 707. (2i)9) MWj J y Electrical Appliances 20. Milk delivery will be made Tuesday as usual. Kindly order ! BLCECOATEI) COWBOY Oddfellows Reoekah Christmas Tree, December 20. y y y y y y enough milk on Saturday to last you until Tuesday morn keep. Place your cream orders early for Christmas. ; (300) WATERLOO, Ont. (P Con- Canadian Legion Ladies Aux-Stable Clayton , Frank., dtdn'tjliary bridge, cribbage and whisl take long to catch a runaway December 21. steer the other night. But then Regular Cards. Catholic Hall, he didn't know what to do with January 5. it, until he found out where it W.O.T.M. Card Tournament, came from. January 12. All Welcome. . Models: HiL'h-uower m reoeaters; 10 sliot jDle manaiine: barrel JO ": excellent condition -iiiteed $:H 51) eacli. Also verted Military Models condition $27.51) each. -id COD Write Snort.H-Wiiuic.iale SudiiIv. StlDtt amne Si. W.. Montreal cU'Ji 7 "Smeers" far sale. Star Shoo. Fulton St. .Small ; holds one until Christ- IE - Set of uurdies Au:ilv ISUj Eighth 2!)Hi ' TISH C.ilibri' converted km .Miiitm:; rules;, . models; .six and ten "fix'.itci v Monev-back ; ii' 48 rounds am-! n $;it i-arge assort-: ii' w iilie. sliol ':ttns, in.' sii'lii..elc. Write'. Ut late.-t loldiTi and- Scon.' Sales C.t . 321, SI reel. Ottawa. Out. 1 (ttl V1.E-L.sn-, uoors. win-iumber, Phone 513, Call 1 Arc. W. 1 Hi : LOST One pair brown Dress Shoes at bowling allev Monday. Dec. 19 Finder please ulmne Bill Mallett. Red 734. I J298) j LOST Armv Dav book, contain- ; Ina First War two discharge! uancrs. One Irom 80th Bat. one from 10th C.A.S.C.. also eit irnsliio naoers. etc. Please WESTERN BRIDGE S t E L FABRICATORS LID. VANCOUVER, 8 C. R3 Smoker return to u. A: stuphamiKj (298); box 1000. Citv. HELP Vi.1.li:D 1 ORMES DRUGS Vdrugs He Travels '; ' Best ' . . - Who , International Union of Operating Engineers regdlar meeting and Smoker to' be held at thc Sons of Norway Hall, 5th & McBrldc. Meeting 7 p.m. Smoker 8 p.m. Admision by ticket only Members may obtain UckcU at the door. (299) iiTENO(JHAPHEU with shorthand and tvuintt. Mecliral ex-neileiive an asset but not neeess.irv. Aimlv Prince. Rupert Healths Unit.. ,9-12 and 1-5. Ph Blue 722. (297) HELP WANTED Female: A vacancy exists for a Junior; sleiioiriaDher at the N. B. C. l"or Co.. Lid. Anniv in por-soii to Room 15. Besner Block. Travels Refreshed PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 PM. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. AU.Y KNON NAMES" t 11 Sneeder .Sh.ivels ! Ilraglii.es; Aoain- Ur.nler.s, Lilllefonl Kn. I'm Hoad M iiMlPiiaii. i' i (tf) f ) 1 ' 'nil; Ov.eu Cl,im..hel ! Prince Kupert Florists I lowrr i for All Oecasiiins i ' Dally car delivery service from 9 am till B p.m Emergency bicycle drilvery from 7 p.m. till 9 om. and Sunday t()0 3rd Ave. Box 51(3 Tel 771 WA.VIEM WANTED TO KENT Married eoimle. no rhildieii. wish to renl two or three-room house January 1. Box 35 Dailv News. (299 1 WANTED -Girls' bike and bovs' tncvcle. Good condition. Phone Red 421. (298) and Hoi k (lianol'.'s: i wiiMi Concrele Mixer'' 'irkhll Trucks: Nei.son! ' Li.ldeis r ,Sloekille ' ;icnii."al; Rice I'oit- ; fiitnlueal I'limps. Na-! Uulme Scrapers and: National AH leel . 'Iir ilont... National! 8mill... National' si r. .-lis and Convevoi s . ..... .... inl'iru. I I ', A LOVtLY DISH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX j TEKSOiNAI o 1 1 oiii ixa- - N.Hciiiiv (Jo. Ltd., I'l.UMHINd a n rl Ileatinir " (III Sheet Metal work, tar and ei'.ivel loofnrv Phone Mi or call :9. Sixth Ave. West. II l,eloiniieaii and Sons. (tit Job Parker and Stajf i wish to take this opportunity J of wishing all our friends and f customers a Very Merry Xmas. KOIt KENT Ne ,v Used Kiirnl-i '"! A oiliee Fix-' J,ni'i'' loaslrrs, Ciiiim xin-ers. .siiier Sewinr Clmia C'ahinels 'fi'iis. cribs, Dis-.t.iii 's. Ni-v W;:mv 't'W 3-1 ly i;K.llii;i Ni'iy Tel. WiiRon.s.: "ll l.'iies. Ti,,..,. ' !( i l.'KN'l Sle"i)in'. room or riiune HiaeK itfi ho, ml ami room OliO. - . ;v ;.- - " r"- tv H7(f x : V 1 Hihilx n.. 1 1 i....t.i..' ror. f,,i.T. TOR SALE - Oaracp in liood condition between Sixth and Seventh Ave. East in 300 block, l'lione lied 593 durlna office hours. (2!M Aieitlse in tin. Dally News! - .... i. .nr., i, prices. finnit me (:., iiael: S2-I.I .i.'ii'ioiis. Aimlv wi, U() "Belter Used Cars Priced to Sell" . j A NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW lor Plans and Estimate: It's GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know CONTICACTOKS AMI BUI! TERS i Rl I) Sfil I' d. BOX J:i U On.. ., ,,., .,,, ,3, ,3,s,,5(S1 a. ,a,sis,3,a,ij3,si3i3iSiai.!i' -if IC- . . . .. ... , I,,,,.... Wlilt ,M '! miio-d i,i. (27l it. .i .., . F " In,. I .,, " oesiei ..M hone 111,,.. ,;;, 2,i or JOHN H. BULGER Ol'TOMETltlST Villas !'.) I . .i. Gift ".One !:, I t ! a 8l,'l ami i ' 'ock mil Pctj.f nu,r i Pan Cijfi Shon i am i JWiVWVW.WAVJW JW i JLE yVick bnrnin., ,,11 9 '"iWcte $20.00. Phone i:tin i ltd. John Bulger G.E. Radios $19.95 to $269.00 G.E. Floor Polishers $59.50 G.E. Washers with pump $149.50 6 cu. ft. Leonard Refrigerator ....'.....V. $299.50 G.E. Dual Control Blankets $49.50 Trilite Torchiere $14.10 Trilite Floor La mD $16.15. 'E n.,i, -id ""i.m i-iiDines. !.,, Third Avenue 82: -..v. Miens. Phone , 'J14 ';- r Eraser i user Street. street. -- a SSer PLANT I With Silk Shade Electric Toasters $7.50 to $32.50 Electric Irons $4.20 to $23.50 Electric Razors $19.95 to $26.75- " Sunbeam Sehick Remington DON'T FOROET YOUR NOMA TREE LIGHTS Commodore Gate AM r - y ;,T'S Ask for it tillur way . . . both . HMk KT. Ill.l.'R.IMRl imi' It H . .trade-marks mean thc sumtMngg NORTHERN B.C.POWER CO. LTD ! y v v y y J jgSAI-irVs, Djcks and Geese CJ ir.,J I tsmEsasu I (Best Food and Servl :e lu Cltj !1 Ave PERT fR-tIING CO. LID. :;Phonel7forSend-.utOrderSi ihone Hen 37 I ; Third Ave. David 'how. Mgr. J Pbone 210 Besner Block Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract With Coca-Cola ltd, NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS Phone 132 Prince Rupert STEWART, aC. PRINXE RUPERT, B.C. 1 y i ..3.iiS,s,5,j,5,,,i,j,;,j,,j.,,t,a.j,j.j,i,,,:,,,j.v5.'.3)..i,i'.s.A.; ;