' PROVINCIAL LI33A2T, 113 VICTORIA, 2. C. il.V onriEs DituGs Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BKITISH COLUMBIA'S NTWSPAPCl "'''ti'1 Cinada'g Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 . ' - hui khi, i) v., ncuiiwimi, i.Miivintn ii, linn fKiLt; r lVK CENTS A Ambii (ussiami Marifciimie mis iTAire KeawaKemnsig Office Is Jammed By Many President Takes Oyer feds of Bags of Xmas Mail jth 500 Kicks of mail arriving by train during .'lit, -r0 sacks by boat from Vancouver this !,r and the late air mali also coming in this American Admiral Sees Necessity Of Ensuring Sea Lane Stay Open BOSTON (CP) Admiral Forrest P.. Sherman, chief of United States naval operations, said today that there is "ample evidence" of a reawakening of Russian "maritime ambition." He added pointedly w the l ost umce is extra ousy today, the ... , , ' ,. , pestling with huge piles of parcel mail as I duss matter a1 .vaits handling. hristmas rush this year complicated again by vurcjer Charge that a superior force of United States aircraft carriers must be maintained in order to keep vital sea lanes open. In Case Of Miss Fisher VANCOUVER 0 Puzzling cir- Outstanding Athlete Vancouver Girl Awarded Honor cumsiances surrounuing me death last month of a religious. movie-going spinster of 45 were revived yesterday when police charged an unemployed laborer with the murder. Charged In connection with the death either November 8 or 9 0f Feme Blanche Fisher Is Fred rjucharnc, 27. The man, a nat-Sunclay lvc of Elkhorni Manitoba, was arrcsUtJ December 5 after con-,;on 8tab,M frcd Ujrec shots haU Mm he flcd ft m CURTSEY ENDS IN SIT-DOWN Wearing a broad smile, Queen Elizabeth accepts a bouquet of flowers in London from six-year-old Victoria Hutchinson who follows up the presentation with a curtsey of her'own design. The curtsey ended when Miss Hutchinson sal, down and hard. JOG JAKARTA, Java Qi Presi- dejit Sockarno of Indonsesa has been sworn Into office under uiv mosirm oam. He received a " 8U" "aiuie- Sockarno humbly declared himself -the servant of the j people, not their master, and , appealed to the world "to clasp hands with the newly-born country that wants to determine Its own fate." The new President raised the . historic "proclamation flag," the (red and .white banner of the Indonesian Republic which he j first unfurled at his bungalow in Batavia on August 17, 1945, ' in the declaration of Independence from the Netherlands. Evangelizes Pubs, Police Complaining SPENNYMOOL, Durham, Eng. Rev. Ronald Gibbens has been warned by police against waging an evangelical campaign In public houses. "Police tell me complaints nave been made about my visits to public houses." Gibbens said, ' 011 the grounds that they may cause a breach of the peace . "Yet during my visits only two publicans have objected. I hal a tremendous welcome In one pub. They asked nie lj play the piano and for 15 minutes I played popu- , lar and classical music, and j some hymns, to a packed house." j Family Allowance Checks For Xmas This being Christmas week, -t-hetpiMr ' -arriving famrtyHnftwrfrnre are earlier than' usual in BritLsh Columbia. The date was advanced. Total payments amount to $1,750,000 affecting 280,000 children. I Steel For P.G.E. : Extension Due amve tmm '' BnUl" 1,1 announce. AIR I'ASSKNGEKS To Vancouver (today) Miss J. P. Wilkinson, T. P. M. Grant, Miss Peggy Smith, R. S. Turner, P. Ovr, G. Glass, G. Dickson, Miss A. MeAlpine, Miss B. Forbes, 11. Magnus, Miss G. Petit, J. L. Parent, L. Gefcrson, W. Frocsc, J. W. Macri, R. Hoyter. To Sandspit (today) R. Hole. From Vancouver (Wednesday) Mr. and Mrs. D. M. McDonald. M. G. Gormely, district forester, returned to the city on the Prince George today from a trip to Portland where he attended a forestry conference. was clothed only In a raincoat and a pair of rubber shoes. Dale of the preliminary hearing was .set today in city police court for December 28. Ducharnc lived in a squatter's .shark on False Creek and was also known as Farusworth. Clark Gable And Lady Ashley Wed HOLLYWOOD - Clark Oable was honeymooning somewhere today with Lady Sylvia Ashley, 39-year old widow of Douglas Fairbanks sr. They were married in a surprise ceremony late Quiel Wedding A! Ahm Collage Ar-'l'iiek. wedding took place Saturday evening at 8 o'clock at Ahm Cottage, 1438 Overlook Street, the home of Canon W. F. Rushbiliok who officiated, when Mrs. Joan Johnson became the bride of Oscar H, Johnson of this city. Mat ron of honor was Mrs. Ella Vaccher 'while Arnc Eyolfson, brother of the bride, attended the groom. Mr. Johnson is employed by Campbell and Bennett at Port Edward, while Mrs. Johnson is on the staff of Wallace Dept. I Store. They will reside at. the ' Angus Courts, Second Ave. Captain and ivus. W. F. Robert-:on, who have been on a holiday yesterday at a luxurious guest j The Hist steel for ranch, forty miles north of Santa j QUESNEL ! tllc P G E- nl!lin lin(' tension Barbara, California. fori10 Prince George is expected to It was the fourth marriage Ko less than lu.uuu ici,- . :i,l voslprrlav. half if mui"-u jv" " ----- . !or the East wnicn win, , not reach their des-- nn time. "Air up" air iocs not include Christ- ,rds mailed av bccunu i .te$. . whole, it has been an , .;ini rviri-stmas Post Office although I doubtless be the usual iate rush. Handling of has been facilitated bv -Jng of an extra parcel nd an extra stamp and : wicket at rush hours, ,v hours were announced Postmaster J. R. Mori- the box lobby open from 9 a.m. until Monday a complete will be taken and none Hhhies will ouen. wu the Post Office Will as usual. liiDiil.iinT was culled to ,.:, lintel at C p.m. yes- 1 0 rush Ewarl Bylis Ui lluilal. ?AY'S bTOCKS : s i J..I111 .Mm t; l.ui.i . moimrr ' j c .03' 1 1 i 9.20 1 :.. .02'' , I .1 Quart 1.35 s .04 v . ,r..l . .32 Fn.li'in . . .07 r 3.05 T Be .l(T ' .03 j:r .14 . M.icDunald 2 05 .03 Cnc';' 115 ; Premier .. .39 to .09 Gilo .on V-.llcv .05 Can .rlian 4.05 illl . . .22 1.1 t Hit .r,2 ar,o il Lfrtur 1.30 Oil 13.50 .14 : Pete 4.15 31 'i t'an.i'liiui .0(1 If 9 10 Tirin(ci .00 .20 .13 OR nl "5 -.1 1 13 '1,1 SA i .37 Siilliv.,-, 5 1) Y'K'li'e fi ' ") t. I:-"il; .35 ;m .on .:') .!3i iff .an Qilrljer. .on "Wan .'r. ' .05 jus .15 11 I;r" t:il;c 3.0'. 'H'.ir ),i ' 1 Cm Ic I, mi LABOR PARTY KK-ELLCTtl) KINGSTON, Jamaica William Bustamentc's Labor Party will form Jamaica's government for' the next five eai. Returns flooding in from yesterday's election gave his party 17 of 32 house of representative seats. The rival National Party gained 13 scats and Independents, two. MINER'S BODY FOUND BLAIRMORE, Alia Part of the body of( Nvwfoumlland-born Ben Carter, 67, was uncovered at Grcenhill Colliery near here last night by a party of 75 men who had been digging for four days. GREETINGS TO STALIN LONDON Prime Minister Attlee today sent a birthday message of greeting to Prime Minister Stalin of Russia through the British ambassador in Moscow, Attire's message said: "Permit me to tender you my greetings and congratulations, on the seventieth a.rmivcrsary of your birthday and my best wishes for your continued good health." THE WEATHER Synopsis The polar air which has gripped the entire province, for the past. few days is receding slowly. Temperatures have risen sharply along the coast during the night and tonight promises to be much milder throughout the entire province. A disturbance which lies about 400 miles west of the Queen Charlotte Islands will bring rain to the north coast today and showers to the south coast overnight. Skies will remain generally cloudy in the Interior with some light snow expected in the north central portion tonight and tomorrow. Forecast North Coast Region Intermittent rain today. Cloudy with showers tomorrow. Milder, wind light,-becoming .southeast (20 mphi by afternoon and shifting to southwest (25) tonight. Lows tonight and higlis tomorrowAt Port Hardy, 37 and 44; Sandspit, 39 and 44; Prince Rupert, 37 and 43. Cariboo, Prince George, Bulk- I ley Valley Regions Variable cloudiness. and widely scattered tnow flurrict today. Overcast with Intermittent, snow tomorrow Not quite so cold. Light wind ., becoming southerly (15), tonight. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Quesnel, 15 and 25, Prince George, 15 and 25; Smith-ers, 15 and 35. Northern B. C. Region- Cloudy and cold with occasional snow flurries today and tomorrow. Light winds. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Telegraph Creek, 5 below and 15 below. Thursday, December 22, 1)19 High 3:21 20.4 feet 14:56 22.0 feet. Low 9:01 8,1 feet 21:30 2.4 feet Miss Margaret Murtinuseii, R.N., who gruduatcd this year from Royal Jubilee Hospital at Victoria, arrived In the city on the Prince George this morning from the south and will spend a vacation here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Murtinuseii, before proceeding to Princeton where she has accepted h nursing appointment. James Ellefson, who has been attending school in Seattle, returned to the city m the Prince Menzies Makes first Address CANBERRA CP; Robert G. Menkes in his first broadcast as Australian Prime Minister, said today that his government will seek a United British Empire and cultivate "real understanding with the great Unltdl States of America." However, Menzies added, Australia's happiness would in the long run depend upon the well-being of the simplest citizens of India, China or any other great communities of the people. Sammy Snead Is Golfdom's Best CHICAGO W' Sammy Snead. sweet-singing golfer from from White Suipher Springs, West Virginia, was officially crowned g") It's lop -money., .winner f and captor of the' coveted Vartton Trophy for 1940. The Professional Golfers' Association, which recently proclaimed Snead- "golfer of the year," calculated , Sammy had amassed $31,093, as he won six major meets and finished sec - ond or third in seven others. The Vardon Trophy went to Snead for a snappy average of 09.37 strokes for seventy-three ten-hole rounds. 5 ' S j i r COMMONS NEWCOMER Dr. E. A. McCusker, making his first bid in federal politics, was elected Liberal member for Regina City in the 1949 election. Dr. McCusker was born in 1890 in Alfred, Out. He is vice-president of the Saskatchewan Medical Association and, as a brigadier In the Army medical corps, was In charge of medical services for the Second Canadian Corps during I the Second World War. He Is I a past president of the Canadian ' Rugby Union. . (C. P. Photo) i . George today to resume resid-R. nice with Mr. and Mrs. B. Skinnei yorden Street. FUGENE HIGH SCHOOL BAND of Eugene, Oregon CONCERT Wednesday, "Dee. 28, 1919 8 p.m. Civic Centre Auditorium Sponsored by Bu-Me-Hl Students Council Students 50c (Tickets on Sale at Civic Centre and Orme's Drugs.) (301) I trip to Vancouver and Port Al-berni, returned to the city on VANCOUVER Oi It's a wonderful feeling 18-year old Eleanor McKenzie has today. "I never dreamed that anything like this would happen to me," said the young Vancouver spruit star who was announced yesterday us Canada's outstanding woman athlete of the year. A teammate Interrupted Eleanor's packing for the British Empire Games, for which she departs Thursday, to break the great news. Miss McKenzie who is seventeen years of use Is a star of track and ficki was officially named yesterday nt Hamilton by the Women's Amateur Athletic Federation of Canada as .Can ada's outstanding woman athlete. The. announcement was made by Margaret Lord, Federation secretory . Only two athletes were nominated for the honor by W.A.A.F. of fleers the speedy Miss McKenzie and Irene Strong, 20-year old Vancouver swimming star. Mist ; McKenzie won by a casting vote alter a tie of the executive. Irene Wall of Montreal, Federation president, cast the deciding vote in favor of the sprinter. The two will compete February 4-11 in the British Empire Games at Auckland, New Zealand. They will leave Vancouver by ship tomorrow with the first group of Games athletes and officials. Two Years In Penitentiary Two years in penitentiary was the sentence meted out at Sudtli-ers last week by Judge W. O. FuHon to Raymond Peters. Point Grey Indian, after he had been l"und guilty el assault with in-lent to rob. Peters, it was shown, had set upon June Llm, a Chinese restaurant man, on the street a nd proceeded to belay bhn with a flashlight. Kee Mali, another Chinese, came up whereupon Peters made off to be taken in', a custody later. J. T .Harvey acted as crown counsel In the case and Peters, who showed that he was not unfamiliar with such circumstances, eondutced his own deletion. He was disclosed, to have hud a record. M. O. Kullander of the local Forest Branch office returned to the city on the Prince George today from a trip to Victoria on official duties. HOLIDAY SEASON CLOSING HOURS Retail stores in the City will remain open until 8 p.m. December 23rd, closing at 6 p.m. on December 24th. Stores will be closed December 26tii and 27th and January 2nd as well as Thursday afternoon "ch week. Prince Rupert Retail Merchants Ass'n. Joini Xmas Tree Attended By 70 ' Approximately 70 adulls. and ( Yhfldren "'were present" iit "the" annual Christmas- tree in the Oddfellows' Hall, Tuesday afternoon. The event was held by the Oddfellows' and Rebckuh , lodges of Prince Rupert. Mrs. J. W. McKinley, district i deputy president of the Re-, bekah Assembly, welcomed the I children. Interesting films were shown by Mrs. E. A. Evans and. numerous "oh's" and "all's" I were heard from the tots when , animal and bird movies were , screened. Carol singing followed and the program concluded with irritations by Marion Evans und Eileen Howe, ballet dancing by Sylvia Chei'ry, vocals by Ver non Healy and a piano solo rendition by Grace Woods. While children danced around the Christinas tree singnig ' Jingle Bells," Santa Claus appeared and distributed gifts and delicacies. The event ended with three cheers for Santa Claus. Convenor was Mrs. L. McLean. The refreshment committee consisted of Mrs. W, McLeod, Mrs. J. S. Irvin and Mrs. Line-ham. A committee for entertainment comprised Mrs. T. Priest, Mrs. J. W. McKinley, Mrs. Horace ' jii -jasBirwwyip.-P- " joiium pjpjuw y " . .ij.nii"iiiii!iMy s , both the male idol of millions of! ' woiiicn ! Ashley. Gable is forty-eight; years of age. Only a few close friends were in atU niiancc at the ceremony. I Shortest Doy Is Dork and Murky Cloudy, murky weather, with a Ua.sli ol ruin anu sicev nu a si onn from the Gulf of Alaska , predicted lor this evening, mark ! the shortest clay of the year In I rrlncc Rupert today. It will be I a while, of course, before lcngth- cuing days arc really noted. WINTER ARRIVES ON SKEENA RIVER All 4 lie hikes between Prince Rupert and Terrace have becom frozen and Ice from three to six inches thick Is pushing and Jamming its way down the Skccna "liver. Temperature In Terrace Sunday morning at 9:30 was down to 6 degrees above zero. IX.XXXX''' f NOTICE II, was erroneously reported that nil stores Would remain open Friday night. The following food stores will be closed as usual Friday night: SUNRISE. BLAINES'. RUPERT BUTCHERS, PIONEER MARKET, ! OVEVtWAITEA, RANCE & HAR-U)Y, JONES FAMILY MARKET, ! SHKARDOWNS, BUI.KLEY MAR-i KKT, SKEENA GROCERY. I KAIEN CO-OP, PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CO-OP. These merchants wish to point out that owing to the heavy Xmas business, Uiey will be compelled to work Friday evening preparing orders anil cleaning turkeys for Saturday's deliveries. Help us to help you by placing your orders early. ,298' the Prince George this morning from the south. . V. J. Nelson arrived in the city on the Prince George today from Ocean Falls, where ho is located as customs officer, to spend the Christmas and vew Year holiday season ut hi: home here . Tattcrsal, Mrs. Alex Barbe, and rs. G. Howe. . - - was made in accordance with . , hv Wm m'-i it m ;" WmiW i Urt ('row 'lom , or n.iMvi, 11 Gui (I l i;:i .3' i.r i tid.r - 1. m . .(U 3" i:n 2. n ."i .') 3. "5 I CZilWiJP- ..J. iuut rANADIAN BISHOPS PAY TRADITIONAL ViSIT TO THE roriS - Bishop iv.c.e Johnson and Gerald Berry (second from right), Petcrboro, Bishop (second from left), . - of Nelson B. C, ill)'" ISecuuu !ti, rw,o rl,,. at Mc rnnnlrv roo. 1 Rurk ch Itivrr Milli-r ' Canary Out are shown with Swiss guards atter tney nan an auiuuu .u. idence in Castelgandolfo, Italy. The visit of the Canadian p.elates li I I Ifrf- J ad Hiniiia traditional visa mi wiu cwmai Ai.AS.ASAAAi.JASOAAAW-A'! the live years