May Keep Road Kadio Dial l240KUDcyclea ptincc ttupctt pail? J3ctoi Wednesday, December 21, 1919 CFPR -9.00 i p.m. '' 'X Hie, Total Mir ho Our Piii e 4Uc, Ui.vl (Subject to Change) All other Trices Include 25 7o Provincial ClOV( W EDN TiilJ A t l.M . 4:00- I & ! Hemic Bradcn Tells a Story Stock Quotations and 4:15- iKiiH WINTERS I r f 1 i 1. - "r dan DURYEA New Church At Terrace Ready TERRACE Christmas be a big clay for the consregation of Knos Uni'fd Church for it is hoped that the new Church will be ready lor the two special services. In the morning there will be a family sen-tee for the combined Sunday School and adult Contestation. In the ev-enirw there will be a unique can- -Jn Interlude 4:30 -Maygic Mutijlns 4:45 Young Man Willi a Song 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Rendezvous Room 5:30 The Question Box 5:45 Keyboard and Console 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:13 English Favourites G:ud -Musical Varieties C: 45 "Saddle Rockin' Rhythm GIVE BOOKS OF THEATRE TICKETS THIS XMAS f v . u- ; l j dle-liRhting service of "Candles, I Carols and Chimes". Ten mem bers of the Young People's group will participate. There will also Open All Winter TERRACE-To d;itr in Drcnii-ber the niaxiiium teinpeniture has been 38 dr'rrrcs ;l.ivr mi Dorrmher 1 lulr 4 (iriccs above on December 17 and 13. Although still cold, a qua:iti-i ty of snow hr.s faiicn which j has brought milder tempcra-ture. The road is still open o Prince Rupert and is repoit-j ed to be in very good condi-j tion. The Public Woil's Derart-j ment are going to endeavour tr k"en it open all through the I winter. i j Special Services At Terrace Church TERRACE A c'.iur..! M-rvi-c bv I the choir of the Knox United Church, led by C.J. Norrinuton, was held in t'.ic Odifellixv's Hal' last, Sunday evenin". S iloh . , was James Stevenson. During the 1 fc-viee Rev. P Mallei t s'ute' that the proceeds of the e,-cniiv; (ffcrtoiy wer to be donated t'. i the Building Fund. ; Flora Melvin president of the Yrni? People's Association, prc- -rpted J.imcs Smith, treasurer i ,v the Fund, with a cheque for sixty dollars part of the proceeds of a receni entertainment. It has been with donations such ,tos these and donations of labor ' ihat the church has reached the stase that it has and urcat are be a vocal trio. In the event that the new building Is not ready, the ervices will be at the Oddfel-I si1 " U f ! low's Hall. OF THE 1W01ES 5 1 uujnr, i r 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eugene Kash 4s Greta Kraus 8:00 Significance of Christmas 8:15 The Christmas Child-BBC 8:30 Life of Horatio Nelson 9:00 Christmas Oratorio 10:00 -CBC News 10:10CBC News 10:15 Painters in Profile 10:30 Collector's Items ll:00rWeather and Sign OH THURSDAY A V 7:00 -Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning SoiiB 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'ty 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 -Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00-Ellen Harris ti': 15 Morning Melodiej 10:30 Melody Time For (Juick Relief Beyond Belief, . . Truiii llie aiu of A K I II K 1 1 1 5, ItHEl MATISM, NF.I RITI5, or SCIATICA... get a bottle of DOLC1N tablet today. DOLCIN has relieved the pains of thousands of sufferers. DOLCIN tablets are not harmful, easy-to-take, reasonable in cost 100 tablets for $2.39; the large economy-size 5 SPECIAL PRICES EVENING WEAR I $9.95 - $16.95 j Sizes 11 Thru 44 J m Exciting, romantic formals just in time for Xmas and New Years. a RUPERT PEOPLES STORE I CHRISTMAS IN DAMASCUS A poor Moslem refugee boy in Damascus, Syria, waits for his daily share of milk, meat, cod liver oil, etc., sent by the , United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund IUNICEF). Canada ii helping six million sick and hungry children living in former theatres of wa. . The postal address "UNICEF, OTTAWA" is accepting Canadian funds buy Canadian food to b shipped abrcd by Lf'ICEF. A score of chi: ; Units Nations countries are helpir,. (j Tut Ttrtiinnilt ll ot PDbllii4 or dltolajrad b th i.i,- . J Burd or bT ilia Itumamtit ol Brlu.h nm, 1 UL1 i bottle bottle of of 500 500 tablets, tablets, $10. $10. I the hopes of the minister and Ms congregation that Christmas fivlccs will hr held in their new church next Sunday Timely 1 opics from lerrace Mrs. C. R. De Kergommcaux, Terrace Reporter Xmas Concert Lost Night Bags Filled For Community Christmas Tree vxxxx exx-xxxxx! l v. . . - y.Morc man ever A Kodak Camera is the doicik p. A KINGDOM FOR A HOUSE MONTBPA!. '.ntv nfficinls i "Wanted ' (jitt i Mflodie sav that even tractors can't ?:45can.?navla" Ihe Y. Ette. of the Knox Uni- 11:00 Air Kindergarten clix operation. horses and srraners for ' WRATnALL 5 I PHOTO FINISHING OOLCIN LIMITED TwMlO 10 Ontario ted Church entertained the tmmmmmmmm children of the Sunday school, A Gift the Whole Family Will Enjoy lectio00'1 The Radio-Phonogroph of the Year 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers priced from $119.50 to $239.50 Cradle Roll and all the parents at a Christmas party in the odd-idlotts Hall last evening. The hall was comparatively full audi FINE PRINTING at clearing snow in certain city U:15-Roundup Time districts. But horses are hard 11:30 Weather Report to come by in Montreal. "There 11:31 Message Period ere some sections that haven't 11:35 Recorded Interlude been able to get one single 11 :45 Personal Album horse this season," said an of- ' i3.?!. -ficial. , 12:00 Mid-Day Merod! -- 1 - 12:15 CBC News Try a Ciassiruro aq lor Result 12:25 Program Resume Mrs. George Dover had the misfortune to .slip on the icy hill coming from Church on .Sundav r.'orning and fell,! her shoulder. She wqs taken to her home by Mrs. Jean Mayo bin liiter removed to hospital wherr she Is now resting as comfortably as possible. REGAL PRINTERS the children had a grand time: as did their parents as lookcrs-ou. Games were played and !an-' tern slides of the Xmas Story, interspersed with the carol singing of the gathering, were shown, j TTnnn tlm nri-ivnl nf Knnlfl Plnu; : PHONE 21 222 Second Avo. M.andMrs. S. Howiett are now . ,,j,j , . , , ', : rcsidiivj; in the Frceniah honv each child wa given a bag. oil . " A"k :d)niit our TiiiM- I'uyniMil I' Willi now owned by. George "MeAdams, ' on La kele Avenue. ; .,; andy. Sandwiches, cake and ramies were then served to the lllr liisuruMci' at no extra NOBLE & WICK 201 IrU Ar. W L'xi lu.sivf iK uii is I'Imiiic i Adv,erjt's(ii. th- a..: iou Sawn in lne youngsters before they went 'tome tired but very happy. Charles Aram helped Sahtn Claus. ;' ' ! i- ! Useful Gills PAPER TOWELS - PAPER CUPS TOWEL CABINETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENSERSDISINFECTANTSDEODORANTS and FIXTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID WAX DUSTBANE and SISAL Industrial Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Trices ' Manufacturer's Representative PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Nearly six hundred bags of fruit, nuts and candy were packed at the Civic Centre on Monday evening by the members of Hi P. T. A. who purchased the I'.oodies and see t filling of the bags for the Johnson Memorial .V7A vr Lunch Kits e Pyrex Wore j Percolators O Pocket Knives Covered Roasters 9 Jhermos Bottles I 4" to Xmas Tree Fund, each year.! With the help of Bob Baxter who f aw that everything was ready and the boxes opened, the ladies roon got throuiii. Those. 'assisting were, Mr 3. Campbell. Mrs. 712 Second Ave. Phone 632 P.O. Box 772 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD - 99999999999999999 r A i .1 u in ) . G. Haugland, Mrs. C de Ker-gommeauz, Mrs. McNabb, Mrs. D. Bain. Mrs. W. Martin. Mrs. J. Julseth, Mrs Wold and Mrs. Bob Baxter. BROADWAY CAFE i r. in ' i ii v I ri - I I I IrJf 9L ' HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN AVIIISKY BOTTLED IN BONO This uilvorti.seniciil is r ,1 publisho, or disjil iyecl by the l,Minr t, on! ml llouni or Uy th0 t'overnm nt of Iliitish Columbia Rt. Reverend J. B. Gi':jon, rush op of Ca'edonia, held Com- Best Food iliiiuinuu uvi 111 U. iVld I Llll VY3 iit hu'ch last Sundav mornin?. i I roinin in from the interior on S'iUrday's train. Later in the t'ay he proceeded to Prince Rupert by car. : Finest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. tc 1 a.m -Phone 200 For Take-Home Orders FAMILY MEMBER IE FOR EVERY ii Pete Muria is a naticnt in lb" : 99-9-9999-99 99999 9999 9 9 9999999, At cti hospital alter an appen- - , A MANSON'S YOUR PRIENDLY JEWELLER 33 5. 2id Ave n . if : --y cr y v v V V V : Tr4& SEASON'S y : i y m p i -v v ai iour Xmas Cake per lb. $1.0 Gilts For Motorists! Credit Note for Gawl in': Lubrication Contract Book Scat.Ccvers Radio Healer Spot Lamp Fog Lamps Bumper Guards Fire Extinguisher Cigarette Lighter Skid Chains ,f Tires and Tubes Spark Plugs and numerous other auto accessories. 2 IS. " 4 l'-eral.el The "What Shall It Be!" Question THIS STORE IS PREPARED TO ANSWER IT The occasion may be what it will it's our duty to be ready to supply you and we can do it, too. With pleasure to you because ot the size of our display.. With profit to you because of our ability to sell close. When the gift problem presents itself, let us show you how easily we ran match your ideas. b"sl Xmas Cake Not decorated, per lb. 83c Light Fruit Cake, decor- .. I ...I lu tt ut'ii, 10 dvu Rupert ??, Light Fruit Cake, not decorated per lb. 50c Christmas Pudding, l's each 75c Christmas Puddings, l'2'.s each $1.10 Christinas Puddings, 2s cach $1.45 WE WILL L'AKE AND COVER YOUR MEAT PIES FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE Could Not UcMore Thoughtfully Expressed To Your Friends and Family Than With Lovely Remembrances From Our Gift Collection Lovely To Give .... Lovely To Get Week Doy Pontic Sets One for Every Day in the Week By Popular Dcmond We Now Have the Third ' Shipment and They arc Going Fast l'r the l.Rdies on Your List SHOP AT ANNETTE EV3ANSELL AT TI OP TASTY MKAt.! ft ex tlainf f'liirirse lihn Don't forget the Co op Xmas Show for ren Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 2:30 p.m., Capitol Theatre. Tickets available at your Cow Bay store, and Bakery, for children of members and employees of all local Co-ops. 2 525 LADIES WEAR rnow MK 3rd Ave. Phone I 150 S i n II Ml Tickets will lie given to parents ONLY upon request. A II Second Avri.ur uppusiic I'rincB Uupii't HjW 7:00 mJXL to 8:30 a.m. rtions 173 for Outside 0 (297) ill- i , , . .,.,.,,,,,3!!,,