2z Prince Rnpm Daflp r3ctos Wednesday, July 20, 1949 '" f-jRay Reflects . . . VVkE.? i tii(l lunniniscei MEN'S SH0,; An Independent dully newspaper aevowa to ne upbuilding of Prince. Rupirt u ooainiuiit-irs corspriiiag northern and central Erttlsn Coiuraou ( Autaurmefl u Secosd diu Mail, Post 02i; Department, Ottawa) Published everr afternoon except Sunday bT Prtnoe Rupert Dally Newi Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, Brltlih Columbia, O. A. HTJNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS ATTDrT BURFAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES faB'pTt-. VUJ Carrier. Per Week. 20e; Per Month, 75c; Per Year, 800. Efi&.'jIK' By Mall, Per Month, 60c; Per Year, 5.00 -ite- Prince Rupert has been spared serious fires, no doubt partly explained by eternal vigilence, and the willing aid given the authorities by citizens generally. In the future, ?ven more so, there will have to be unceasing watchfulness and swift and effective work once in outbreak starts. The Turks dislike the Soviets. The Armenians have no use for Turkey. Independent, unchristian like folk say, if anyone seeks real rain, let him go to a town in Sieekena, Canada. Now how about the Ark? Wonder if Noah built it by day labor? Then, thiv .was the dove that came back from a scouting flight over the waste of waters, fagged and hungry. Reckon It aouid have used a few of Phil Ray's breadcrumbs about that time. CANADIANS ENROUTE TO LONDON CONFAB-Pictured aboard the Queen Eihabeth Just before the vessel sailed from New York are a group of seven Canadian officials en route to Lonaon. ieu 10 rignt are: Dr. K. Alaska Highway Battle "THE SECRET IS OUT. An attempt to capture I the Alaska Highway is on the cards. Invasion and defence forces will be under orders. Stage of hostilities will be between August 4 and 7. Opera-tional base is at Grande Prairie. Civilian traffic will govern itself accordingly. Perhaps it's uncalled for and presumptuous to ramble along like this for the world is far from peace. Embers of the last upheaval still smoulder ahcl there is uneasiness everywhere. War could come. Incidentally, what took Lord Alexander and the British Chief of Staff on a flight to the extreme northwest this month? Manoeuvres can be called training but it's not always the whole story. ' iruro, Maurice Harnett, Regina; Jack BARBARA CASHES IN ANN SCOTT, turned professional, BARBARA expects to make not less than $100,000 during her cross-Canada skating show this summer. A few .years ago she was an ambitious little Ottawa girl who thought that she might, some time, be noticed. "Well, she has blossomed into stardom, and might as well make a financial killing while she's about it. The day will come and fast when no one will want to watch Barbara. Cash, at that time, and f vom there on, will be a good and unfailing friend. Vancouver - Victoria Seattle Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Alice Arm, Stewart and Port Simpson Sunday, 11 p.m. Frank J. Skinner Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 518 BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 MEN'S AU-wo,. JACRETS-Aii at -MEN'S nd ,w SriTS-HorsUi 1 uvnuic-rrasted rls. Special -MEN'S TllOlsi. Uinrs, tweed assortment Ut, Speeial . MFVS liDi,. ""- ii from BOYS' T KIIIRts , LKS I.test rt,),, tortment. Spetijj v BOYS WOOL ini , PANTS Srmi-,1,.. sorlment. Sne(i,H' ti BOYS' S C II 001 Blue and Special H SMITH & E HAVE HAD YEARS OF V PLUMBINQ J AND I1EATINO -j; EXPEKIENCfi 1 PHONE 171 (. v.i:lse in the T)r. SI PPI.IES FOR m STATIONLUY FOR I GREETING CAR! PENS AM I'KM' ANYTIME "'Mf CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us inspect, repair and clean your dilmney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialise in repair of sutlers, down pipe and roofinjr. INFERIORITY UNNEEDED THE LACK OF SIGNS on the highway leading L,,. to Prince Rupert is increasingly commented on j)Tnotorists. It's very true. Tlt is not an exaggeration to make the claim that, whatever Prince Rupert has received in the way of making the city more widely and accurately known, jras not always worked out to the fullest and fairest Advantage. 1 How far have Prince Rupert's good points (and there are many) been played up? The fact is, early in her history, Prince Rupert contracted an attack jpf inferiority complex .that only now7 is commencing jo gradually wear off. It's easy to catch but very tlifficult to get rid of. Instead of feeliug apologetic Ihe city, in view of what she has accomplished, ought to be prouder than Punch. i INTERCITY CHIMNEY SEM . .Free Estimates Phone Bed 241 ReasonaLlt Authorized Licensed Chimney Servlee. All Work 0. There are children growing up In Prince Rupert who In all .ikelihood are lengthening their ives through 'finding out how to ' swim. The pool, recently pened and a centre of increas-ng popularity, has a value and mpoitanee. perhaps not fully ;ealized. A boy or a girl can win a prize, excel In competition, outdistance a rival, but know- ledge of swimming' surpasses them all. From a point In Eastern Turkey, the ic.,000 .foot Mount Ararat looks down on Soviet Russia. To reach Ararat one tnust pass a strongly fortified Soviet ione. A Turkish peasant vows that last summer, far up in the lofty peak, he isaw a petrified object possibly all that's left of the Ark. Explorers from the United States have arrived in Istanbul on their way to Mt. Ararat. Russia charges the Yanks want to spy on her, using the Ark "nonsense" lot a blind. I SUFFERED AGONIZING PAtNf I I 4ttm4 vm4ttL tut V,u. H'i" Cl.l. Iicilknt IM to a,a rtlxf t Sciahct, Nwalu, LiMk tm4 RktwB. COTTACE CIIP:ESE Jew Creamed Fresh Mad VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Plumbing Troubles? ! , ypk BLUE SAAN1CH Plumbing & Heating !l!!!Ill!tll!ll'illl!!l!!lll'ii"lim'li!l'!i'ii'i!i!li!llffii illlhiiiiiill; Cover Your House with Asphalt Roofing For Year-Round Protection For Estimates Call 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors !!ii!!l!!!!!l!!II!!!!!!!!!iE!S!;!!!!!I!!!!ii!li!i!l NOW Q.C A. OFFERS A ONCE-WEEKLY SFRVIPF 21. f - - to - mc aBnLuuuiw luuicrfure in ""i ivciineLn uox, and Sol Sinclair, Winnipeg. BLOOD DONOR RESPONSE FAIR Response to the current appeal for blood donors during the visit of the Red Cross mobile blood clinic which will be here for three days starting August l.j nas ur.en lair according to T KT- ., irui Luii iuui ts. c m n htpp rna r- ' on .h u' - , . -7 , it 1T reDorts from t.hp fanvatwrs t The city has been divided Into 20 sections, conforming with the of federal voting divisions and groups of canvassers have taken over each district in a door-to-door canvass designed to get the names, addresses and telephone numbers of everyone between the ages of 18 and 60 who Is in physical condition to give a pint of blood. The prospective donors will be asked to name a time most convenient for them to visit the clinic and they will be contacted at that time. Objective of the drive, which is part of the Red Cross' provincial blood donor service, is at least 700 pints from Prince Rupert. The Red Cross provides free blood to the Prince Rupert General Hospital from its cen tral blood bank at Vancouver. The simple ' technique of giving a pint of blood will be demonstrated at the Civic Centre Thursday evening with the showing of a film which will explain the need for blood donors and the . painless rrjethod by which the blood clinics nics extract it from the donors. Also shown with the Red Cross film will be "Highway Sixteen," a travelogue : of the highway from Prince George to Prince Rupert, taken by a provincial Travel Bureau photographer in the summer and autumn, the most, colorful season In' central British Columbia. , ! j ! ! -9-';" - , j STUDY FORCE MORE POTENT THAN ATOM A research scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology near Boston heads for the roof of a laboratory with some helium-filled balloons. They are sent aloft as high as 100,-000 feet almost 19 miles to seek secrets 'of the cosmic regions. The scientists believe that the harnessing of cosmic ray energy would place in the hands of man a force a thousand times more potent than atomic energy. HOUSEHOLD STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS CARNIVAL (Continued trom Page 1) contest will be open to boys and girls between the ages of tluee and six and, according to T. Norton Youngs who is in charge. illHfinff UL-ill hp nn tH hacio nf beaut alone Amount of . tnef education' bond;t has noj, yet ten set but .... . . . . i will WU1 be De enough enou8h to to aid aid materially material- in the education of the two winners whose coronation wi'i be one of the brightest pageants the carnival. Anothtr outstanding feature will be a bathing beauty contest, for which entries will be sought among the city's most glamorous girls. The three winners in this contest will receive prizes of $100, $50 and S!5 for first, second and third places, respectively. In addition, all c.-i'ries will be given special bathing suits before the judging. These will become the property of the girls who take part. "Lots ot new games" at llv midway with interesting reprizes were promised by Carnival Committee chairman W. F. Stone. As was the case last year the carnival will be held almost wholly within the Civic Centre building. -' Major exception to this is likely to be the mlnature train which is expected to make a big hit With the children. This train will actually give the children rides; having-a capacity df 56 on its run over 800 feet of track, COMMITTEES NAMED1 Appointment of a tentative list of committees and commit tee chairmen took up a large part of the meeting. Thai list is as follows: Flower Show C. P. Balagnc Bathing Beauty Contest T. N Youngs. Junior King and Queen C ;. test Mrs. Emil Blain and Doi. f orward. Stock Room O. F. Odegard R. O. MoSre. Grounds and Buildings Gun nar Selvig. Concessions R. E. Montador 'Walter Smith. Commercial Exhibite-Edwr-u Mussellam. Personnel Ralph Smith, FranL Hicks. Decora tions George Brown, Bobby Woods. Food Concessions LO D E. Gate Rotary Club. Car Raffle T. N. Youngs. Cashiers and Treasury Grant Stewart. , . .. Home Cooking To be appointed. Photo Exhibit A. Van Meer. Present at last night's meeting were W. F. Stone, chairman, T. N. Youngs, Mrs. Jens Munthe, S. G. Furk, O. C. Odegard, Percy Knutson, C. Oiske, Rowland Miles, Miss Honora Silversides, Gunnar Selvig, ,C. P. Bulaeno Bobby Woods, Mrs. Emil Blain. EBY&SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 NEEDS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES W. Neatbv, Ottawa William Berry, Vancouver, SUPREME COURT JUSTICE PASSES DETROIT (P -Justice Frank Murphy of ihe United States Supreme Court died Tuesday of a lvart attack at the age of 59. He was appointed to the hlh tribunal in 1940. Death came after an illness of about a week. His condition had not been con- sidered serious. Justice Murphy was a bachelor. He was a former Detroit judge, governor of Michigan, governor of the Philippines and later High Commissioner and United States Attorney-General. r s H f'- J ' V ' I KING LAUNCHES COLONIAL I MONTH Colonial niyntu, 1 marked by a series of exhibi- tions and displays designed to jj stimulate interest in colonial 1. M peoples and territories, was launched by King George VI, recently. The British monarch is pictured as he made the opening speech, which was broadcast from the colonial office buildings in London. .V.W.' GREER & BRIDDEI! CONTRACTORS AND Bl'ILDF.RS o CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FLOOR SANDING A SPECIALTY RED 5SI P.O. BOX 1ZI Flight m Departs Prince Bu pert at 09:30 DST. Every Friday. For , Information Reservations CAM, 470 or Call at the QC.A. Office K'lllas & Christopher Block EARLY ADVERTISING POINTING I r-,". . . . DIBB PRINTING CO BESNER BLOCK ARRIVED (ias Operated EASY VACUUM CUP WASHER " $206.50 EASY GYRATOR (GASOLINE) COPY IS APPRECIATED EAT at THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Granted, We Don't Have Candy on the Stick but we do Have Hunt's Chocolates by the Box. Dining Room in The Rough Vhone Red 70S WASHER $196.50 J THERE IS REALLY NO M ' ABO IT IT DO IT THE "EASY" i Mother khousTBesT vr ORMl DRUG DRUGS ! IT'S A TREAT TO I Civic Centre i - j For Reservations and Chicken PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOUF.S WEEK DAYS, B A.M. TO 9 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 2 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. SATIN-GLO PAINTS1 ENAMELS VARNISHES Emergency bicycle Xrom 7 p.m. till J and R'i"day Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till e p.m, THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD, QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LT1K -v,