1 f CABS PROVINCIAL LI3HA3Y, 119 onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER r- PHOHE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacify Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL XXXVIII, No. 168. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS i K I ed si Seattle P r n i BRITAIN'S TRADE ! Lead SalvationlROBBED BANK, Victims Were Not In Ship But In Houses BALANCE ADVERSE CAPTURED Army Drive ; :-.vv My (Story on Page 5) Daring Attempt at Getaway by Two Bandits in Ontario Fails SEATTLE (CP) An air transport, with 32 persons aboard, crashed into five houses last night LONDON 9 Britain's adverse trade balan.ee in June was the highest since Scptmeber 1947 and her imports were the largest on record, the Board of Trade amjounces. h 4.i ee c t-i' T); ttnli TKi ,.i,- BRITAIN NEEDS ATOM LONDON Manchester Guardian saiil yesterday that - Victor Desmarais, ased 23,! oner's office, reported many hours later that six bodies was captured today by the pot-j had been found in the wreckage and debris of wreck- if was important Great Britain .should obtain the secret of the final process for the Excess of imports over total exports and re-exports in - June ice at nearby Kirkiand Lake in ei homes into which the twin-engined C-4b tell. 1 xm n.-l I I Search is continuing. connection wiin a oaring Dans, tobbery here yesterday. I atomic bomb because it might i was 54,200,000 ($216,800,000), an Increase of 16,400,000 over May. SEES CONFLICT Arrested earlier was Leo Mar OR MATHESON DEVELOPMENT Dcvclopme-nt of deposits near Matheson, Ont is indicated by the shall, aged 27, who told Police' IIN51JJL KUbolA Miraculously most, If not all, of the persons aboard the Chicago-bound plane escaped with their lives. Most of the vic- .umarKed by the Johns-Manville Co. The company Chief, Ralph Paul that his com 70 claims, drilled 20,000 feet. Maurice Gannons is ' CHICAGO Addressing thousands of Shriners at a ceremon SOVIET RUSSIA irtimond drillins crew of 32 men now at work nn silo I be her only salvation should United States hesitate to enter a sudden war. A secret meeting of the Atomic Energy Commission of thQ United States is being held today on the subject of exchange of atomic secrets with Great Britain and Canada. panion was drowned in Larder Lake when they tried unsuccessfully to use a seaplane to make their getaway. ial here yesterday, President t tims were believed to have per- Harry S. Truman said that Lshed in the houses. Al JUNIOR KING AND QUEEN CHAR6ES ITAlY tensions and conflicts were Tw0 of the six bodies have been tentatively identified. mounting and trouble was developing behind the Iron Cur- ' yesterday accused Italy of E1VE EDUCATIONAL BONDS Both men came from Nor-anda, Ontario. Two hold-up men yesterday robbed the bank of $2000, stole a taxi, commandeered an air- , breaking the terms of her peace tain. Th chief executive expressed confidence that peace That, was one nf thn Hnr.Ulrm. ' taty pledge by joining the At MORE POI.il? CASES VANCOl'VEB Seven more cases of poliomyelitis broke ool in Vancouver during the 1 could be broueht about in the I lanuc raci wincn was wnucu announced last night at an or an act of aggression against, Russia for which United States, I week-end, making the total Neither of them were aboard the plane. , . - President of the operating coni- pany, Air Transport Associates Incorporated, said he did not think any of those on board were killed. Failure of one of the plane's 1 engines was blamed for the cat- ; L. M. FELSENTIIAL plane at gunpoint and tried to -world -without resorting to war. escape by air from this nor- j communism might have tem-thern Ontario gold mining com-lporary trouble but would ultl-munlty. , matly destroy itself, Truman The plane was wrecked in the declared. Great Britain and France were cases to date thirty fre carnival's "Junior buecn" contest will 'o winners a sub-junt In "educational Ch will provide the youngsters with a st to continue their mc 10 or 15 -years 1 ganlzatlonal meeting of the carnival committee which laid plans for the week-long gala jvent scheduled for August 13 to 20. The "Junior King and Queen" (Continued on Page 2) I lake when the pilot refused to leave. j responsible by inv4ting Italy to Join the pact. Notes were sent to United States, Great Britain and France, the Moscow radio said. A note to the Italian government declared the North At astrophe. One of the buildings hit by COMMENDS ROAD PROGRAM ALONG Later the young man giving! the name of Leo Marshall was I arrested by a posse. Invest!-1 ! gators accused him of being one 1 of the bandits. j I No charges were, however, the pteme was a two-storey ap lantic pact to be "aggressive" CANADIANS SHOULD STAY VANCOUVER Lawrence A. Steinhardt, I'niled States ambassador to Canada, before leaving for Prince Rupert, said that Canada stood on the threshold of great developments and he did not see why Canadians should want to leave Canada for the United States. 1 DOCK XsTKIKe' WORSE LONDON The London 20c. artment. Four adjoining houses were burned. , The plane hit the buildings after falling to clear utility poles. FRASER, CARIBOO Halibut Sales American Alaska," 27,000, Storage, le, 14c. Canadian Kaare, 40,000, Storage, 17.5c, 145c. Kenn Falls, 9,000, Allin, ia Is lenged i. 1, FcoiiHinic and Forces Arc j laid up to late last night. I The police quoted Marshall I as saying that the second man (had jumped from the plane into Fraser Canyon and Cariboo 19c, and aimed at Russia and the "people's democracies." " ("People's Democracies" is a term applied by the Soviet Union and its eastern European satellites to Communist-dominated countries such as Romania. Hungary, Czechoslovakia- and Bularia). highways, once an artery f rought with dangers to motorists be- the lake.i Aaking the loot with 19c, Robert Parker returned to the him, and had been drowned, cause of its narrow width and I cy at the first of the week from However, $1500 was found on! apparently aimless turnings, is a trip as far as Vanderhoof. He Marshall. fast becoming one of the best tr,ir number nf drivers with 17.5c, 14.5c. H. C. Clipper, Storage, 19. Be, 18.3c, 15c. JGTON.D. C. 0-rip-ficlals said today that routes in the, province, accord- m to bring back new cars Officers then started dragging the lake for a body but, suspecting Marshall's story, mg to Doug. Frrzzell, city motor dealer, who returned to thOrCity TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co. I,td.) sent search parties into the GAMBLING CZAR IS SHOT DOWN Tuesday night after a drive horn ' " '- Vancouver. ; , ttieal, economic and is , now challenge ' a iclate domination of a ( irtain countries in a ' fi'pe. .1 i fmi,' these are Coin- rough bush country to search for the second man In case he had managed to reach shore. E. T. APPLEWIIAITE Mickey Cohen and His Party dock workers went on strike yesterday, bringing the total now to 15,34V British Ship-pins .Federation . has refused to intervene tietween the Canadian Seamen's Co inn and Canadian shipowners, holding like the government, that it is entirely a Canadian matter. FIRST TINA LANDED ASTORIA First tuna of the season was landed at this port yesterday. The price tumbled to $350 per ton, $300 lower than last year. There is a heavy holdover of tuna from last year. ' ESCAPE FROM OKALLA VANCOUVER Lower Main Vancouver Bayonne .s. - 08 Bralorne , 9.65 B. R. Con .03 B.R.X i ".07 Cariboo Quartz 1.15 11 ict with tlifl Roman iiit1i and Marshal "The upper Fraser and Cariboo used to be a narrow road, hardly wide enough for two cars to pass, often partly covered with gravel slides," Mr. Frlzzell said this morning. "Now, it Is a four, Attacked at Smatr Los Angeles Cafe LOS ANGELES Gangster's le against Moscow Tag Halibut fugoslavla. Congress 03 Vi and conflicts," as. bullets early today cut down 1 and in some places, a six-lane pfe? -1 uman called them j the Rambling czar, Mickey Co- Hedley Mascot .24 Pacific Eastern 06 Pionerr 3.20 highway which has been straightened out and is being o spoech yesterday.! hen, and three other persons Off Portlock u rcaslng for a long including a state - appointed Premier Border 03 ',i n ics say. bodyguard for the dapper hood Privateer 14 Reeves McDonald 2.15 hard-surfaced." Mr. Frizzell, accompanied .by Mrs. Frizzell, drove back from Vancouver after spending the last fortnight in Vancouver and Hi i' I? "AYWWniYWV' V lum -as the party left the smart Sunset Strip Cafe. None of the party were killed Schooner Eagle Here to Resume Research Operations After Long Lapse A Reno uj IISSING : aw; land was being combed today for two prisoners who escaped from Okalla just before supper time yesterday. They were Edward Stanford, I but all are In a serious condl- tion. Harry Cooper, special body- I On her way to Portlock Banks Seattle on business. They went off Kodiak Island to resume south on the Prince George. 1HYSIDE r halibut tagging in Area No. 3 for Right now, contractors have; I doing eighteen months boatj"'irrt aitmed to Cohen bv the nrhl police :i . h-i v,.rt. id, California attorney - general, ! theft, and John Howe, 13 months for a similar offence. W SllPinnon to in wrc iiit inibi .srvrreiy wounofu. OSlur victims were Miss Dee Iiivld, a blonde, und Edward f reported dlsap-1 Sheep Creek 1.17 Silbak Premier 30 Vananda .21 Salmon Gold UV2 Spud Valley : 08 Oils-Anglo Canadian 3 30 A. P, Con 18 Atlantic 67 Calmont 31 C. & E 4 60 Central Lcduc 75 Home Oil 975 Mercury O9 Ok, lit a . 140 Pacllic Pete 2.30 VANCOUVER There was rainfall of cloudburst propor Giinnysldc cannery f i' old native fisher- i (NerlHlei Herbert, a Cohen ! henchman. not b'-cn .'.eon 'a Tuesday morn-. which has not been carried on for several years, the veteran Seattle halibut schooner Eagle, under charter to International Fisheries Commission, is in port. With Capt. A. Strom in command and seven crew members and five members of the scientific staff of the Commission or board, the Eagle arrived last night from Seattle. Tomorrow she will make a run out of here for the purpose of familiarizing the staff with actual tagginr, work and later In the week will THE WEATHER G. R. S. BLACXABY NO EXPORT OF GAS ALLOWED Important Statement Made By Tremier of Alberta , a search which was Ids alternoon by three large asphalt spreading machines on the road and It is expected that the major part, of the road now under construction will be finished befogs' the end of the season. "Toughest part of the route is the section between Burns Lake and Smithers where taerc Is an obvious lack of maintenance equipment," Mr. Frizzell said. The rest of the northern trans-provincial road Is In good shape, including the portion between Prince Rupert and Terrs-ct, which is receiving continuous treatment by public works graders. COURAGEOUS Famed Helen Keller, the heroic wo-, man who triumphed over blindness and deafness, is shown as she celebrated her 69th birhtday by working on her blojraphy of "Teacher, Ann Many." The manuscript, representing years of work, was three-quarters finished when It was destroyde in a fire that razed Miss Keller's Easton home in Easton, Conn. But she began all over and Is now almost caught up again. She uses a braille typewriter. ' kers and fisherman, Royal Canadian .O6V2 Synopsis Somewhat unsettled weather persists over most regions of British Columbia. Another, weak disturbance from the Gulf of Alaska caused light rain over the northern coast this morning and .12 the SUerna Slouch i is Robert Sam-ena Crossing, who, may have drowned. South Branca u Toronto Athona Aumaque Beat tie Bevcourt ' M.sts, how ever, that .12 .16i .54 .23 EDMONTON Any hopes procee(i north. residents of other parts of Can-j In charge thus far of the scien-ada and the United States had tific party Is Norman L. Free- fishing1 cloudiness extends over the on the ' "i-1 southern coast and much of the (Continued on Page 6) Hie alarm which l:, interior. Scattered shower uc- sil'ty. tivit.y and brief periods of sun- of getting cheap natural gas were dashed by Alberta's Premier E. C. Manning ' yesterday in aj Bnbjo 15 Buffalo, Canadian lO'i Consol. Smelters 9500 . Conwest 107 Donalda 56 . v-'!i' his been fish- shine are expected over these two-man cUlnettcr .eglons during the day. Cloudier cannery, visited ,ess wm continue thru Thurs- iiinysrdo at the dav tions in dounlown Vancouver , yesterday afternoon. Catch basins were unable for a time to carry it off the streets. JOHNSON TO OTTAWA VICTORIA Premier Byron Johnson leaves tomorrow for Ottawa lo discuss with federal government the possibilities of assisting in the financing of the extension of the Pacific (ireat Eastern Railway from Quesncl to Prince George and a new lumber assembly wharf at Squamish, 1 ATTEMPTED HOLD-UP TENTICTON Police are holding ' a local restaurant owner following an armed robbery attempt on a local bank yesterday. Members of the staff foiled the bandit. COMMUNIST VICTORY . ' SHANGHAI Chinese Communists claim a big victory .'over nationalists in renewed fighting in central China, Four nationalist armies, each of 15,000 men, were destroyed and six towns captured in one day. MINERS BACK TO WOEK SYDNEY Miners in Northern and Western Australia are returning to work but in New South Wales there has been no marked tendency to Eldona b East Sullivan 2.1? statement clarifying Alberta s position on the matter. The Premier said: "The government is not satisfied there Is enough gas at present to meet '-WO'! "! was last sen at Forecast Nin th Coast Region- Overcast Monday nwninp: P&r'y? 4-Mf si- 5.& .43 .18 Giant Yellowknlfe God's Lake Hardrock I ,Hlt 11(1 fell into the wjtn intermittent rain, becoming eni out rishmr; In ,.1n,,v with scattered showers Harrlcana "'VSj pt without tcllln , f1'!! a matter of spec- u v .15 .06 'A .33 m Heva Hosco '. acknife Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan L- 15, under com Alberta's needs and, therefore, no application for its export will be considered." The Premier added, however, that, if the time comc3 when the government feels export of gas will be permlssable, then permits will be issued "with the understanding that Canadian requirements will be given first priority." this afternoon. Cloudy tonight and Thursday. Little change In temperature. Winds light except southerly (15 m.p.h.l In the exposed areas, shifting to westerly (15) this afternoon. Lows tonight and highs Thursday At Port Hardy 50 and 60, Masset 50 f ipper Reg Good, w1 I 6f jr. - -VW 'e cannery and near the Skeer y and learn wheth r "Pare has' been ser 1 l;ist appearance tit . 1 1 r. . and 60, Prince Rupert 50 and eo. John Medley of fie ERNEST BEVIN IS ALSO ILL I'd detachment of fr,al police dragc-d 1 hi '4 1 . Lapaska -07 Little Long Lac .59 LLynx .12', 2 Madsen Red Lake 2.70 McKenzie Red Lake .... ' .47 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1.00 1 Moneta -40- Nagus 2.08 Noranda 55.00, Louvicourt H Pickle Crow 2.00 Regeourt -04 San Antonio : 4.10 Senator Rouyn 34 Sherrit Gordon 1-99 Steep Rock 1-56 Sturgeon River ........ 21 Silver Miller 37 "car the Sunnys le day afternoon wlt'.i- LONDONA second key mem '.. mm ber of Britain's cabinet has left for Switzerland for a rest fol end the 24-day strike which is paralyzing the economy of the country. . nlr.g, a call went cut lowing doctor's orders. Foreign Crossing people, mw Thursday, July 21, 1949 Secretary Ernest Bevin, suffering the canneries and High 10:28 14.6 feet l"g grounds, to eo to from heart trouble, is leaving for CROSS ATLANTIC IN SMALL FISHING BOAT-Another band of Latvian lefugees arrived hi Boston having braved the Atlantic In a converted fishing craft. They seek entry to the Unl-ted States or Canada as their adopted country. First knowledge U.S. authorities had of the voyage was when the vessel appeared flying the Latvian flag. Pictured are some of the 84 refugees. A smiliar party of Esthonians has arrived at Halifax. , at 3 o'clock this nf- Geneva. Sir Stafford Crlpps, 22:02 18.4 feet Low 4:16 6.6 feet 15:46 10.1 feet TODAY'S BASEBALL National Pittsburg 8, Brooklyn 6 f take part In dr-;-1 Chancellor of the Exchequer ft-luns at low tide. left yesterday for Zurich.