Prin re noprrt Dailp rrtos T2s.7 ftf.'yr 15, JS4 'i ; ; 1 1 BROTHER, SISTER Keaveri above , . ti i and fair t FAY E :AMh. ; LETTERBOX PARCEL PQCT 1 i i I Xmas G leal h H I'M IX TREATMENT j IN DOUBLE RUES fe-n!er5 of Well Known The taU cf the beaver v C- .AS D.T !tmPJ A.S&OCIATIOX ' -,:?r.'C!t - stt - , Edi'-T. Daily News: " " I"t m-auj. TV Per tot. MM. FimijT in I nited Iburrh Itile "J -- ki-ui. je. (- Tar, 15 oa i- prf.p-rly eoo-f-d. has be.-n ts. erei a delicacy the firs " settiement of Nor h Ameru-. ; pr U comment on a recent letter from Aid Ca-y in regard to tl.e rrd tape of uii ag.; pc-tiions. j I believe that circumstance in our vntmplcyrr.'U i.t.irance, ! h'.pitaizatMin and -idtwi and i (.Id age per.iwns rarkeu mr da- f tfXlAI STE.IMtK PRINCE GEORGE pru4 trm SAILS FOR A brother and tifr. nvn b-:rs of a el!-kr-:T. c:'y -xi roge'her is ir.r it 3 c ' wecd-s cereiror.y prfcr.Ttf J ty Rev. LaT-nce S'.eber in Ftrsi United Church Saturday ttrir.?. Eliie Mlr.tenko. caught .- c' Mr. md Mrs William M:ri"e.."c . 709 Eighth ATer.ue West, be- tne bride of Ptvr Thompson. sn of Sirs S it, rl: rs... wr.ll "hr brother, Neil iCIr.ti'ltko t .; as his bride iLss Rsb I.I 'N'eil. diuzliter of Mr. and Mrs. j.-?erh i licNeil of Fa;rl;ght. Sa'-:, The nuptial group exth2-g-;l , lov s be-fore the aitir at'orned I 'th bouquets of chrysanthe- TU S Ust , Sift, p.arao.e beyond humanitarian-Li-n with the k.-.owi. dee c.)uin.i..i that the cost of h -50 p re-nt I have at present in my sripioy , a widow ah five children who been envtn from pilr to p-st for the pa nine vear I I 1 . I I CA.?. Vancouver PRINCE r.L'PERT people read with fome inter-e-t about the plan the Canadian National RaH-w&y.. a? reported hy the Vancouver Sun, for a major terminal development at Vancouver so that the government railway may have terminal facilities there eoual to the Canadian Pacific Railway. It is also noted that one of the object? of the proposed development is to make a feeder line to Vancouver for the Canadian National Railway from central British Columbia, which Prince Rupert has come to regard as pretty well its own. Prince Rupert people, during recent years, have, we believe, pretty well got away from the idea of J try quarreUme with Vancouver, feeling that u irh IntermedUi fort, Each Thursday t 11:15 p m. ; latM ttim, Cii- fr ! fr : , mm -nerly resident of the starved out ! For KETCHIKAN i n of Saikitchewan. she iOi! her home In f'ru-t .: i WlliNtsDAl- MIDNIGHT For ReservaUu.u -r.ur)is Scores cf frir.cia of the at Prince Ge. :ge two year agui and has come through vlr-i-' ; principal w er- pi .sent I ,r the ites. lUdes deplorable to the hunan rare and. is receiving no u!" Wr.te or C'ail C'lTT OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPFjn I - Vouii hare to wrap that better, lady!" , tin frm j -i j MEV8 SlITv-... ,lrd. D-HiUt kija-. barjain for I !mexs s,Howrrt ,ffHTS - R,..t s Thrrr Clrv fc, j at I j pension. j --.--. o mwu.i more j car-fully examine our pennon the great development of the country, there i ample j Traditional ireddirs n;t'.e. (played by Organts-, Hetrr p;, 'iset he oartcgroiir.d for tht- bridal i prweioii. tss Minte.-iito ti 'kiven in rnarriige by her rat.ier pr.d Ms McNeil by her b.-'her. Chris vtcNeU. ; . a r.e.i. I If our churches would v Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces j practical fr :. i the pulpit re-jgardmg Christianity, we would'' oe more satis .'ied ;th our coir., murine- and ,.i,- rovernrrents and would more wUiingly ,n,vt for free enterprUe. ' Maybe when we reach the gpod '. along the line, in,u juu.i anu nteJ lor two great ports on the Jimi.h Columbia Coast Vancouver and Prince Rupert. On the other hand, they may have valid cause to wonder about all this sudden interest, if the Vancouver -Sun report be true, of the railway company in a major port development at Vancouver when they already have their own port at' Prince Rupert which is well fitted and most strategically situated to be the ocean port for the central interior even with the extension of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway into the Peace River country. No less persons than Premier Johnson and also George Murray M.P. for Cariboo, have made rmbl Motorist, coming "to the June- action a tion of Third Ave and McBride then on. PAXTS-AU from - Bors' Drnim FiVj ecln-a. Spa.! )Bti BV !- an vr SHIRTS (jv4 from u Best Hamburgers In Town "PRICES A KB UORN HERE AM) KALSEI) ELSEWHERE" AT Street, now stop for a few mo- . . menu. Perhaps they also look An aluminum making plant is and listen, which is qui pennis- coming to the north Pacini t'jast sibie for it's all in the interests .anywav. because if n(-H i l' MirttetV i ostum" a 'suit of steel -u.y plr.k ac-jce&sories and . is - ran-'d a ton-iquet of American Ik-auty ro-ses. ML.s McNeil's v,-,;:in.e was a suit :of silver grey witn p r.k aeeej-cr-iies Her botiqu t sUso j is of Aai- erica n Beauty ro.i Atter.dir g .arh ;! the or dos ere their r. :. ;:era. ilat- ron of honor McNeil w. her sister, Mrs KI Munrte, , whose costurn.; was a biut wi.-nlen a afternoon cfrcv. ,i;h white arces- iotxts. MUi Mlraeaico was 3'.-j ter.ded by her siit.-r if: ;Paumont, who v,-jr- a.i a.'ternton dress of green wan with ro- ac-. tes.;-ies and i ? of nt.ii l.atior.s. of public safety. But there was the coast is the best location on previous little driving at Third the continent And if on cf Boys' PUid j A venue and McBride In early. era! DOtentiai sites is in .-, . .! far from XnuN tn,.t,n ,u k y.- ' bl"1''' M,e icars. days. Then Then there there was was a a gully gully on on'B IB C C and and not not so so very very junction that the port of Prince Rupert should play Me and a rocky hm cn u; Prir.ce Rpi ;her in connection with the extension of the Peace River t,'-ilM- ' j should be frankly en fair cities 'iviout SNACK BAR v,, cAiciihiun oi me raciiic (ireat Eastern T.,.1 .... -1 . , - ,, . OPEN mm. t 1 mm. lll l-- Hi ,t , , . , , . . .1 "eiuMuw on arming i Letters rrom eastern f.-ie.-.ts, su .... ... M $9 50. for Xm) - just on lrira Avfnue iv..uc.(Liij, w.n, wet we nan occasion to reler 1 equipment, on the way to Skide-: ihual. contain expressions ufsytri- to the brief - presented by the Peace River ....... Boards of Ui lea;'e' arrved from A;bPrta last P'-hy. You see. suiter is ap- 92 I Jl Sth St. Ph. Ordrre Blue "j """"s- ini-utjiii . pioitciiiiig ana rriace ttuperl is i Continued Page 3 , LADII S. prsmr. :&. ith t l irl tiful piltrra. Kf(-4 Norn, srl .:. . . 1 LET US FIXIT necessary. Royalite is prepared to 'less than 100 miles from Alaska go down five thousand ftet Keep Hence, sub-Arctic conciitions! 1: your feet on the ground. But just ' might interest them to know tha. suppose Prince Rupert should in mid-November there is s ill not suacienly find itself next door to ' a Hake here except on mountair; a man size gusher. Any orevious ; Deaks Vet net-v. Qr, ki,. IWTTii ! XDOUUr.E b loral ntihlieitv tlm! I .rrt-. , ... . i ' - r- ..w... v.uii,uivii, idr ij me i ) 'iu.u ur sinaii poiaws tor oa. south and on the prairi. al.-o. u where you find it. ! , i V The hospital guild commP ft-e tf Three live-! were lot the day X.1 ti-:-..-. . the V. omen of th ; Moo.iC l.eid wjc nwjjr-rruicnon road open-1 ed, the fatalities happening near; their November n;etting at the home of Mrs J G. Vieie.k After me cene of the frirm&snin. BLUE V I c'wioii, a:' of .cards car went over the edge. That ia br'Pf bU3lRess however w not the fault of the ! -i'able evening hiahwav which renre-ent tv, t spent and refreshment - OV fff NOVEMBER : "7 1 h m Far Saii--;iftT i KEN'S HAD 10 718 2nd A j served by the hoiKsj; btst in construction ability. A mountain road is a mountain rrade and Chamlers of Commerce to the royal commission on transportation, urjring that Prince Rupert should 1 getting alive again on the matter of the Peace River outlet. The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, when making requests for improvements and development here, know how difficult it has been to have the Canadian National Railway depart from its policy of economy and a "dollar made for a dollar spent" policy. We have, indeed, taken a verv understanding; attitude on the matter. Doubtless, the railway or the government, whichever is behind such a pro-;ect as the Vancouver Sun reports, will be satisfied ?lha tT'aj0r dtVfrIpmt in Vancouver harbor,' u that these sound business principles will be satisfied and that there is more to the scheme than merely to ti,lh the C. P.R. h own port of Vancouver, par-t.cularly at f a time when duplication is supposed to be . J'?? R";:V,eIe wi w ant t know why those f l,tICH v r m,Kht "f,t et up in the Canadiau tVT11 r,f,rt ';f l'rince Ru"crt anfi thu help nun htwt n, la cmini; into its own 'j? ':u'"-rt '' n'-J i,t't in the Van-S,:,W a'' hy8 and Specialists in All Types of Welding and Platework Phone Black 881 CHANDLEf PORTRAIT r.l road, whether along the Sl:c-i,a. or between Hope and Princeton. There is always a point where engineering responsibility ends and public prudence should begin. f ilm FinKhin; i THOM I I ' ' ' ..---S iZZ'S " lag :S7 Flash Photi Ij' Phone Green 3? PRINCE RUPii i.i" t SHEET METAL LTD. H of A hitih board fence has been built around the site of the new theatre at Third Avenue and First Street! The one infa'lible sign. When you see this, it means in id a. MCE H -0W . B.-l I I : I 11 PHONE 79 Hlallarr NOW IST,u: 11 U If TIME TO HAVE YOUR FLOORING RE LA ID i;.r. Bismufe;imrnfE mimui Enjoy th excellent ppoMmnta, " tti delicious lood, end the uneicelled Itivice of one of th., fin, .hip,. Prince Rupert Sailings Southbound Saturday, Nov. 19 Wednesday, Nov. 30 Saturday, Dec. 10 For Information and reservations contact H. H. Davies General Agent 4 HOURS 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to !) p.w- BE WISE! BUY PIES Weekdays Sundays . , W1j n.-'V THAT TANTALIZE! FROM SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVE A LAWYER MIGRATES OF US take for M()HT granted that anyone can njove from one province of Canada to another. It i at-HumwI this can be done without let or hind-ranee or expense and the change having been made, continue on in hi chonen line or .some other business a t he case may be. This belief comes clone to being correct. Yet if one carcB to verify, it will be discovered there is one .profession where the exception must be made. Where a practitioner moves to another part of the dominion he is required to pay as high as $1,500 to the Provincial Law Society. And it makes no difference as to experience or qualification. Fifteen hundred is no trifling sum, and a young man or woman pondering the future had best make certain concerning location to start with. Call the Men Who Know GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS ANll BUILDERS RED 861 p.o. BOX 721 RUPERT BAKERY LTD. HUH) FRESH DAILY ' 9 3rd Ave. MAKE THIS A Phone 643 mil I ftar- If VI I SALE CONTINUING Widest Selection in Town OF FIGUUNES Wall Plaques, StaturU Book-Ends All Colors All Sizes FOR THE ' CHILDREN New Assortment of j PLASTIC RECORDS HAVE JUST ARp WITH Top Values at Low Prices IN JACKETS CRUISERS SHIRTS TIES ""''SWEATERS MARCH AND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS numbing & Heating Alterations XMAS CAROLS CHILDREN STORIES--BSF'1' PERFECT GIFT SUGGESTION Priced from 25c to $9.50 SONGS MOTHER GOOSE RHi-- Priced from 35c to 45c eath SMITH & ELKINS LTD. ACME CLOTHING STORE PHONE 171 BOX Z74 Tliird 4venMe Plion 359 618 3rd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400