Prfnre tlupctt Daflp iltn Tuesday, November 15, 1949 IHEARTWARMING r.'AND COLORFUL Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles CFPR CAPITOL (Subject to Change) HOW. I Heartwarming story of a I beautiful concert sinser into ! whose happy life tragedy comes ; j but who loots her heart to a ; ; country boy. "The Sun Comes j ' Up", based on a novel by Mar i jorie Kin-nan Rawlins, opened i before large and appreciative, I audiences at the Capitol Thea- i I tre last night and will have lt3 RUPERT PEOPLES STOKE Fall Snowsuits For Girls Of AIIAses from $5.95 Sizes 1 year through 15 years TUESLAt P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 Life In the Open 4:45 Personality Piano 4:55 CBC News 5:00-Hot Wax 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Supper' serenade 6:15 Perry Como 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00-Sidncy KaU, Toronto 8:15 Points of View 8:30 Record Album 9:00-Radio Cartoons n0 ftb www. 41 ' I final showing tonight. ' Tlie pictured is filmed in technicolor and. besides Jean-; ette MacDonald. as the opera star, features Claude Jarman, ; 13-year old juvenile star, as the ! boy and Lassie the screen's j wonder dog. Chinchilla, wools and gabardines. Two piece and three piece styles. Priced right naturally. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE A KtjTl mill fin fha l. ;r " -'" t Hon reu,ufCM h . Coast would seem to be assured little Uctiv '" once Canada decides to produej lhf m. a stl,., W, .... Dv.. ui r ""-"i urprnc- - to Iror lug upon the United States. The " north coast of Brilish Columbia The picture offers all around enjoyable entertainment for a happy two hours. Lloyd Nolan, Lewis Stone and Percy Kilbride, the last-mentioned as a typical country storekeeper, have important supporting roles. Fitness might well be the location of such - CALL an Industry with its resources of Iron and coal. The old owy: Wins.. "Come on, dear; we're all ready! inning town of Anvox, !H) miir. 9:15 Charlie Kunz Presents 9:30-Current Hits 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15- Miscellany 10:30 A Song In the Air 11:00 -Weather and Sign Oil WEDNESDAY -A.M. 7:00 Musical ClocK 8:00-CBC Bew 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song The Pacific Coast halibut fish '-EN'S UADK north of Prince Ruper. haa be. n mentioned as a possible steel mill ery is truly international ana "18 2nd A'. site. British Columbia, hes laiye U. I Counci Did What City o n m Canadian and American vessels vie with each other for the annual quotas. Although halibut were sought by the primitive Indians. ' no serious attempts were made at ! developing a fishery' in the Pacific ! until 1888 and 'in 1889 the coastwise catch of the species wa:; 1.777.200 pounds. In 1948 the j Canadian landings alone in British Columbia were 18.830.800 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and, Comty 9:15 Morning Devotion PRESCRIPMON CHEMiSli . i r request by Alderman George Casey that council be provided with an accounting of travel costs of council members and city officials between January 1 and November 1. Alderman Casey referred particularly to the amounts spent on attending conventions. 0 Filed a letter from E. T. Apple-whaite, M P., answering a protest against proposed federal legislation which would make it Illegal to dump garbage or sewage in navigable waters. Mr. Apple-whaite's letter advised council Adopted a utilities committee report which stated that a report had been received on the condition of the La France fire truck and that it had been forwarded to the manuiaciurcra w'.Ui a request that the city be reimbursed for repair cosU. The commiU' e felt that mechnical trouble with the truck, which has a very low mileage and has been well maintained, should be repaired at tin manulacturer's cost. -0- Approved the sale of the following city-owned lots at request of the finance committee: Lot 23. block 33, section 8 Elev STORE UOUPa -WEEK. DAYS, t AM. TO ft YAJLTME 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 -Ellen Harris 10:15Singlng Sam 10 30 Melody Time 10: 43 -Scandinavian Melodies ll:00-Alr KlndcrgarU-n 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather otecs 11:31 Messy pm 11:33 Reeordod Interlude 11:45 Personal Album 1? 00- M d-Dav Melodies 12:15-CBC News 12:25 Program Resume SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS--U N(X)N TO 7 PM. TO 9 PM pounds, the large majority of this being landed at Prince Rupert. TKAIN SCHEDULE For the East--- Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East luesa&v, Thursday. Saturday Stimulate and Sustains EnirrgTi' j 6lry Dally car delivery service irom 9 a m till 6pm from 1 pm. til. and Sane 10:15 p.m. - that the matter was no longer a HfF: A AD rN THE DAILY lVKWSCTHCIjLATlON COUNT? enth Avenue near Conrad Street) to A. C. Cameron for $95. ion problem, since the proposed bill had been defeated ill the llou.-c. 0 Voted to ask Canadian Pacific Air Lines to keep a record of all Lots 7 Oto 73, inclusive, block 3r Janitors' Supp! ! section 8 (Justin Street, at Eltv- 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert . 1:45 Comty.-Country Women 2:00-B.C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Ranritnt 2:45 -TD.A. nth Avenue i to Alexander Repp BROADWAY CAFE for $120 subject to the provision PRINCERDPB plane arrivals and departure! at the Seal Cove air base in compliance with a Department of Transport requirement. The aldermen felt that the city's agree .hat the city will not undertake to provide services for the out-yinfe property. o'- VCVwS ) COOKING Keierreu to tne Doaru oi,worK-,i 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 U.N. Commentary 3:35- Divertimento 4:00 Bernlc Braden Tells a Story I f Sir IN EST V 3 Sf-V FOR FOR TAK-F Jl'i 2nd Ave. rl ment with CP A. covered such a responsibility. 0 - Accepted the resignation of Alderman H. S. Whalcn for his TAKE-HOME ORDERS and City Engineer a motion by Alderman Daggett that the city inlld a sidewalk on Seventh A"-?nue side of Hays Cove Circle PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. A SPECIALTY Agents 'or: DUSTHANK CO. OF IJ.C. S. C. JOHNSON WAX CO. C. II. WOOD AM) (O. HKODIi: Hiil'SII CO.. ctr. VICKERS' is oisriuiD in Canada from the Eighth Avenue iiUer.see-: 19&0 term. In his letter of resig-tion to the Hays Creek b.-Mer. : nation, Alderman Whalen ex-Alclerrnan Daggett described the' Pained that he was resigning to present lack of a sidewaik a Iku,-run for mayor in the December ANDU DISTIIIUTID IfCatVrrt f V ft V - "".uvcrusementisnotpuh ivh-tlnrH . I elections. f.S SSW' .VvJr 'Sc??mSS i ! Played hy tlie Ligmir Contnil liuard or lard to pedestrians. FRIENDLY SERVICL . AT . . ISLAND CITY Ill II.Ol RS' Sl'PPLIES General Builders' Supplies and PlTTSBt RG PAINTS I li the Government of British Columbis. I 0 -C- ' j Referred to the City Clerk a' 3 P jmzwymtxZtm? holi Ywnnn mff i I MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IX TIlKi Gave first reading to a bylaw establishing a new scale of telephone rates which had been approved by council at a prcviou-, meeting. The bylaw authorizes that the new rales go ftito effect in December. 0- Approved a report of the licens- j OPEN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. 1 I & Announcing k Let us ")05 McBride St Blue 821 CHOP SUKYCHOW fllEIN Cv(9j ing committee which granted the For Oatnlde Orders PnoNE 133 1 Easy Payment IS ' THAT I I Di S MORTGAGE I ilari for your family Moving PaeklnK, Crating Shipping and General Cartate and Storage ror Complete, Reliable ano Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd ana Park Avenuef Established 1910 Phones fiO and Rt following new traue.-, nursings: Canadian General Electric Co. wholesale business; Herbert Waulclbaum, welder; R. Bernard, general contracting. 0 Approved a recommendation bj the utilities committee that a request by Telephone Superintendent J. F. Edwards for an increase in salary be referred to the 1950 council.'go True MAILABLE POIi IMMEDIATE DI U .T.n rhtiMtl.i and Cab, 12" f- BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 781 Bos 1193 j with reinforced frame & 2-sp''l 3-Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" with iflnforced frame & 2-spt'f-y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED U I or ihv " convenience of M our customers W we A d havc 'cvcral easy ways of pnying. lig 3 Tn W Uy away till ( Christmas l.nstn with with no no 1 , CgM I down I-n payment. payment. Lay Lay away away and and make make I Ztf&m kB : part Part payments payments till till all all paid. paid. H JfeMIlaift 'j ! K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR I ( Rupert Motors U Phones: ffifi Of fire, 66 Shop EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green 183 Hui 5Hfi m n payment payment and and weekly weekly insta - ft . . tl n - mm i mm inn mnnrnvr rt on n vnur Down instalments. Down payment and monthly instalment. Charge account or all cash as desired. NO INTEREST OR CARRYING CHARGE A good time is now when lots of things are here That mortgage your home presents no worry so long J your earning power continues. To your family, alone, it would be too much to handle nd might result in the loss of their home; For a very small yearly premium you can guarantee enough money for your family to pay all the remaining instalments on your mortgage. The yearly premium starts at aliout 1 of your mortgage loan, and re-ducts hy about half long before the mortgage period ends. . Their house their home-rent free. Isn't that the most important assurance you can gie your family? Let us send you all the details about this mortgage cancellation policy; i" - ' " ' "1 " I ir-.t it ..:. . f f V8 Mail the coujmn notv. NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ROBERT BRETT, 653 Tatltm Street Black 210 RUSH SHIPMENT! SAVE VAUABLE TIME Ensure Speedy Arrival of Pcrisitt"? AIR FRF.ICHT VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tu jsday( 1:30 p.m., C'atala Sunday. 9 p.m., Camotun Alien ARM, STEWART AND PORT SfMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHAULOTTB ISLANDS ss. Camosun November 18 10 p.m. FOR NOKTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, Nov. 25, 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone P68 Commodore Cafe "BctK-r Th-n Ever" NORTH AMERICAN LIFE, Head Office, 112 King St. W., Tr,.. Without obligating me in any way, please si-nd me details t.f your mortgage cancellation plan. ' To: 0-ieen Charlotte IslantJ To: Alice Arm, Stewart For Inf irmation On FlUhts am' l!',lrs f r tit Aia Best rood and Service In Cltj Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders J Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. AIRLINES U"" QUEEN CHARLOTTE 5 L