to that he amended Cnton College In Vancouver where he completed the, nrcnirements for HlKlNSMENWORK. I 2 . Prince Rupert Dallp r3cto T - Monday, June 27, 1949 PRESENTATION TO LEAVING PASTOR First l"nltd Congregation ON KIDDIE CAMP the M. A. degreQln preparation for his rr.infrterla training he attended . University of j British Colua;rla where he celved the B. degree with first class honors" i:i Philosophy Kinsmen and mends who ;ook an Independent dally De p.;-r devoted , upbuHtf lo Ru(n h WutiiDia eentralBmi lt!.4 northern and and an eotrpristns fAuibortteO u Second C Mail. Poet Offl Department. Otuw) Published every afternoon except Sunday "y Prtno. Rupert Daily N" Ltd.. rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Column Q a. BVrrrzn. aiansfrtn? Editor. H. O. PSRP.Y. Manaeln rtoj. . .1I VS c ,. , Says Farewell to Re. R. A. Wilson ' nuwr.,. Special 1 MEN'S A!.L.ttfu I part in the wart party at l-k-leUe Lake Kid,1ses Camp last week-end accomplished a great deal according to Herb Young, 'chairman of the camp commit- itee, who presented a report to As a token of esteem, Re. R. Mr. Wllsoa will be succeeded A Wilson was presented with a by thefcRev. Lawrence O. Siebtr- B A h0 for ' the v,v t V, ranpmritlnn of the PRESS ATOIT BUBEAO or cu.i.wW tfXMBEB OF CANADIAN .- CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION etJBSCRTPTIO! RATES ,rfITT Per Week. 20c; Per Month. rrr Ul Carrier. J . 'past 6 year j Ias bee B minister By Mll. Per lion in. owe; rn i"". " First uniiea inurcii, the club at tne regmai hk-t.b MEN'S and YoVN(r 3. v ,S .Wednesday night in me lu.u- I ' 1 ' 2 V. T I Technological Progress morning at the close of the Communion service. Presentation was made by Donald Forward who paid tribute to the service Mr. Wilson had rendered the church dur modore Cafe. Six tents were set up on their frames, the galley stove was put up in the eoothouse.'cots were placed in the bunk tents and site for the new messhall- 'reaMnJ; llt els. Spwiai MEN'S TEOtsi'itL dmes. twds, at the UniU-u Church in Revel-stoke. . George Maddrell, Stewart manager of the Northern Bri-ish Columbia Power Co., sailed by he Camosun last evening on hu return nortti after a brief vUit to the city in the ourse of his annual vacation. ing his stay In Prince Rupert. In 'est ui .-,. loaroH Hnwpver. arrpntina the eift Mr. Wilson t: srwHial MENS p .f. .. ; ; -. I 'Hi i ""-ri 1f 1 ih:kss and i - - ' " CiMJKllKJUX Mr. Young pointed out that expressed his thanks and re-there Is still plenty of work yet marked on the fine co-opera-to be done before the Terrace tion he had received from mem-Girl Guides take over the camp ters of the congregation, on July 5 and in order to get Mr. Wilson, who has been in shape he asked for minister to the First United "i i it t h Um ,rom . iZX BOVS- T SlliRTs t S, I RS Latrvt stylrt, hr. ELECTION TOUR-In his Quebec City ST LAURENT STARTS the comDanion . . - r .nt oninrt rtmeni. Spa , BOYS Uiu,i . Church for the past years, left last night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver to join his family who are visiting in the south. About July 1 they plan another work party this week-l end- i As well as Kinsmen Bill Long. Bud Timmermeister, R. E. Mont- arlor Jim Thomoson, R. Bar- v.m, prim Minister louis oi. t-au-v v..,-. - S 00 oThis 12 grandchildren, Marie, left, and France. 8ra Vtrenuous election tur Mr. St. Laurent tis.ted lus S-to of Compton. Quebec, the starting poir.t for the trans-Dominion trip. " . , iortment. Spatial A CLEVER mechanic puts a rubber WHEN tire and ball bearings on a wheelbarrow, that i.s technological progress. The farmer who should be able to buys and uses the wheelbarrow work to better advantage with it and to produce more food. The consumer of food should also get more for his money. Thus, technological progress makes possible economic gain for everyone directly involved, adds to capital equipment, and increases produced wealth. When trie clever mechanic who invented the improved wheelbarrow charges the farmer a price which prevents him from increasing his net earnings with it and the farmer is compelled to ask more than the consumer can pay, technological progress fails to produce any net economic gain and mankind merely has a new gadget. Technological progress must be shared equitably in competitive production through the reduction of costs and prices ' in' relation to work accomplished or become an ibour. George Dibb and Herb to leave by train for New York SCHOOL n Bne nd khaki Special I Young, the Pnnce Kuperi party : I included Ted Thompson and jjim Sneddon.- Leonard Casey of the Terrace Kinsmen Club w here Mr. Wilson Intends to take pust-iadte studies at the Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University. The major part of Mr. Wilson's theological training was taken at the United Theological College at McGill University. Prlot Ray Reflects . . . . . . and Reminisces also assisted In the work. ANCOUVFR VICTORIA SEATTLI4 Tuesday, 1:30 p.m ChllcoUn Friday. 5 pm, Catala It Pay? to Advertise! due ied in Vancouver last On the whole and making -depii said he had lived long auowance for the rigor of pent unctions and conclusions, drinking, smoking dftgunj while After all. he once in a the campaigns of 1S49 have been . . T . ir,. had the right idea. When be SMITH & ELK! HAVE HAD had a natural urge, or desire.) he evidently satisfied it, within reasonable limits. No repress PLUMBIKQ VV ' 5 AND . V- r if UUKCIJ i cidents. There was, of course, plain talking and that was to be anticipated. There will be no calamities and neither will Sunday, 10 pjn., CoqulUam AUCE ARM, STrWART AND FORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pro. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CUARLOTTR ISLANDS s.s. C)quitlam, Jaiy 1, 15 and 2'J FOR MKTIl QUEEN CHAULCTTE ISLANDS as. Cyq ilUam. July & and 22 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 ion, suppression, imaginary ( nonsense and worrying over. HEATISO Mr EXPERIENCE ' there be miracles. ' something that might or might I PHONE ITI not be, for Leo In other words The Hudson's Bay Company ,t .n hhii fnr nil hpneath the " nted to live, and his days were course. ; Prince Rupert golf the land the Lord gave .Others have looked at a golf! him. REAL ESTAT ; course and speculated on mak- j i 1 . ine a hole in one. Toronto Star, j INSURANCE economically unprofitable expression of mans creative genius. POPULATION PROBLEM N THE CONDITIONS which existed in hi? time, L the fears of Malthus were justified. It seemed then that the population of evepy country in the world was likely to increase beyond the ability of the then trading nations to feed themselves. He could rot foresee that the birth rate would decline as the standard of living rose, nor the extent to which science would aid production in the undeveloped areas. During the last hundred years, except for wars and brief periods of famine, the white race has been well fed, but the world as a whole has lived at a bare subsistence level. Population has always been as great as the food supply would sustain, increasing rapidly whenever food increased. Taking the i Plumbing Trouble? INCOME TA ,June 11. The Star must have Jasper and Alberta in mind. We're a shade west. ARE LEAVING FOR MUNICIPAL MEET Three city aldermen and the RETURNS PRfcPAHi1 11 E. M0UTIM1 Early July is also the time of , clty cerk wU1 Jn Burns Lake j CAIA BLUE 846 524 2nd Ave. (Near (7 year when the Indians of the;thi3 weelc ioT tne annuai American southwest gather in vention of the Central British Flagstaff, Arizona, to celebrate j Columbia Municipalities" Asso-the anniversary of friendship : Ciatlon. Aid. and Mrs. W. F. BALAGNO Fit Phone Urrrr. 78. B with the white men. me iai- stone left yesterday by motor i6. Mrs. ,0ing toi $10,( "Bpet 'last' CAI HEl 3 Ilea jrJOntj ret i i i Tu C t i o 5 t ; SAANICH Plumbing & Heating ter, in their thousands, are also car for tne. intri0r. Aid. T. B. 1, there. Dances, parades, rodeos, Black. Aid. G. W. Rudderham' Advfrtisf sn the Di.j striking and coionui regauas and city clerk H D. yhain will ' - GO ODH ESS 1 Sjwjcffey cfieftU world as a whole. Asia m Darticular. the standard land reunions un oia inenas meum ieaVe leave tomorrow fiU three days with action, of living cannot rise until the total population is Well within the potential food supply and remains there. glamor and music. Its something like a Calgary Stampede shifted south. . j IN THE SUPRXIU, COURT OP BRI- TISH COLUMBIA j 1.1 PROBATE I IN THE MATTER OP THE "AJ5MD.-1 ISTRATION ACT ; AND . S In thr Maltrr uf thr I MAl ul imtr SrtuUt. lrm-r. Int"iil ! TAKE NOTICE that by order ofj Hw Honour Judge W. O. Pulton.; Local Judge of tb Supreme Court ' ANYTIME is time to CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY .... Let as inspect, repair and rlean your chimney now Be prepared fr Fall. We als specialise in repair of gutters, down pipe and roofing. Last week of June, this month, and while flowers have been gay, and grass deep and rich, there will be few regrets, so far as this part of B.C. is concerned. The summer is wear 7 of British Columbia. I .ut ou tb Don't )on forget to protect your money when you travel! Vitiy mk loss or theft ? Cirry safe, convenient B of M Travellers Cheques. Travellers Cheque sold by the B of M are cashable snyuheit, but worthless to anyone else but you. Only your repeat signature can give them value. Use Travellers Cheaters to pay bote! 13th day of June, A D 1949. appoint- . ed Administrator with ttm Will annexed, of Jules Beguln. lata of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, who died at Prine Rupert. Columbia, on the ind day of Janu-, ing along and, looking at the situation calmly, the possibility of an early winter should not be reckoned improbable. LIMBERLOST OPENING of the new Limberlost Lodge near Masset, backed by a local syndicate, brings Within range of Prince Rupert, both from the standpoint of distance and the pocketbook, a pleasant and modernly equipped outdoor resort for holiday recreation and relaxation on scale and in appointment such as has not been before available, t Forty Prince Rupert people made a week-end excursion to Limberlost on Saturday for the official opening and all came back, after a delightful I ary. 1849. All persons Indebted to j I the aaid estate are required to pay j ', the amount of their Indebtednea to mi Unit II bills, train fares, etc. You can get Travellers Cheques quickly, simply and inexpensively, at my B of M branch. Leo Theot, aged 110, was bur . INTERCITY CHIMNEY SE j lng claims against the said estate are " required to file them wiUi me prop- i eriy verified on or before the Jlst day of July, 1949. failing which dis- Free Estimates Thone Fed 21 - Reawr.ab R Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All W Gjj ITIOUlitHJ will w ll l H' i- slaving rr.iu only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. : B. C. Bank of Montreal SHERIFF'S SALE All Typos- this 15th day of June. 149 GORDON FRASER FORBES, official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B C. OS2, si rrurs for nrrl( !j Quality j j .. r STATION! RV F( IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRI TISH COLUMBIA Prince Rupert Branch: Stewart Branch: C It. S BLACKABY, Manager G. J. &. ANDERSON, Manager GREETING f.M TENS AND KNCIU IN PROBATE In the Matter nf the IMate of !or- olhy Mllitred CnoltaC t teres Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by Order ot wOtXIN WITH CANADIANS IN EVilT WALK Of Lift SINCt 1 1 IT DIBB PRINTING CO flay during which they found many happy surprises, loud in their enthusiasm and praise about what has been provided there. Neil Kingston and those associated with him in Che venture are really offering something to the people of Prince Rupert who would be well justified in patronizing it not only because it i3 a local enterprise developing a new line of district business but because Limberlost is providing big value in enjoyment and service for the vacation dollar. ; It is the most ambitious effort yet at developing the tourist and vacation industry in this part of the country and is worthy of support . ' FAIR TO ALL SIDES "THROUGH the two election campaigns, first the p ii'. In the County Court of Prince Rupert, Holden at Prince Rupert between . PATRICK HEAGNEY Plaintiff and WILLIAM D; MULVY Defendant Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution Issued from the above court and to me directed against goods and chattels of tne Defendant, William D. Mulvy, carrying on business as a Second Hand Dealer, I have seized at No. His Honour Judge W. O. Pulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. 1 was en the 10th day of June. A. D. 1949. ap pointed Administrator of the Estate of Dorothy Mildred Coultas. late of Atlin, In the Province of British HOLLYWOOD cafe Columbia, who died on or about the j rrlTT fl ritn uay w ianurj. ivv. sl niuii i British Columbia, All person in MOST UP-TO-DATE CAR; i 1111 debted to the said estate are re-, BILL . . . quired to pay the amount of their ' OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO S:33 A.M. Indebtedness to ma forthwith and 515 Sixth Avenue West, Prince all persona having claims against the said Estate are required to file them We Specialize In Chinese Dishes Rupert, the stock of second with me properly verified on or before the 31st day of July. 1949. fall 'W hand goods and chattels including furniture, tools, im CHOI SUEY CHOW HOW ABOUT LUNCHING WITH ME TOMORROW AT THE CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM . . . YOU'LL FIND THE FOOD AND SERVICE TOPS! plements, household equip ment, stoves, and miscellan For Outside Orders THONE 131 I ing which distribution will be made having regard only ta such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Atlin, B. C this tub day of June. A. D. 194. ALBERT EDWARD RODDI3 Official Administrator Atlin. British Columbia - (153) eous chattels, and on Thurs day, June 30, 1949, at the hour of 2 Q'clock in the afternoon at No. 515 Sixth Avenue West in the City of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, I will offer Civic Centhe Dining Room For Reservations add Chicken In The Rough Phone Red. 705 .SC-3S for gale by Public Auction all the right, title and interest of the Defendant in the abovj DRVG ,1 provincial and then the federal, there were complaints by the C.C.F. of unfairness by the press and bias, even in the news columns. If the C.C.F. will look back they will find that their meetings in Prince Rupert were given equal and objective treatment similar to those of any other party. - On more than one occasion the C.C.F. people were advised that our news columns were as accessible to them as to any other side. If they failed to avail themselves of this medium of pu-licity as others did in the reporting of meetings or expression of views the Daily News, for one, can say it was through ho fault or refusal of ours, ' Our columns were also open to straight political propaganda to all sides on equal terms. There were even occasions in the course of the Campaigns where the Daily News endeavoured to obtain C.C.F. news but met with some difficulty in securing it. DRUGS Bealed tenders will be received; up goods. OF TASTY MEAL8 AT TUB Terms of Sale cash, and this until noon July 13th. 1949. by the Chief Porester. Victoria, for the construction of sn office and store building at Terrace. B. C. ' Plans and specifications may bt sale is subject to the Social HS-W-w" PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS , mv; S AM TO" Security and Municipal Aid Cafie ', obtained from the Forest Rangers at Tax. The highest or any bid not STORE HOUPS-WV.t.rv p)! . wnOS TU Terrace and Bombers, the District Forester, Prince Rupert, or the Chief Forester. Victoria, on deposit ol 5 00. which will be refunded upon necessarily accepted. SUNDAY3 AND HOLIDAYb-i 7 P M, TO 9 P M Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN . i t return of plans, etc.. In guod condition within thirty days. . The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Emer this 20th day of June, 1949. M. M. STEPHENS, t n m. " Tenders must be submitted 1q an Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 pm lrU'" i r and Sunday Sheriff, of the County envelope marked "Tender tor tbs ' 1 S Becond Atenue opposlU Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 t. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 tot Outelde Orderi Prince Rupert. Construction of Hangar Btstlon Buildings at Terrace " (1(4) . (151) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS PAYS!