5 earned the most point during toe year. Under the Y.P.A. points system, the Club is divided into three groups, each with a lead 'A. HOLDS 11 PARTY 3rfnfe Hupcrf Danp J3cto? .Monday, June 27. 1949 ' Steamship Movement er, wnicn comnpt uith r, an- . 4 - r-- nivil UHC bang-uP puru j ma other for points. These LOOKS AT LIMBERLOST Continued from Page 1) a good pictorial- record of the I proceedings as well as the picturesque settings of Limberlost. vities lor we. season are given for attendancework For Vaneooiei Sunday ss. pjn. Tuesday ss. coqultlam, Camosun, d by bi. rei xouuk outstanding helpfulness nrn- Cnmcn CHARGES REDS PRAGUE - The Roman Oatholie Churth yesterday through a psstoral fetter s'gned by Archbishop Joseph Beran of Prague, and the wuntrys bHhops, aeensed the Communist government or Caechoslova'tia with deceit, fraud, fcaiipng and robbery In which it called a fight for the "extermination of the church of Christ." The fetter told communicants that "th hour of trial" may be at hand. , Association for its mem- gram planning and nth',. f,.- p.m. Thursday as, rrlnce Rupert, g - . - V - " . iTv I 11:15 pjn. Uv . $....i:5.-,.,. California, and Rowland Miles' of Prince Rupert who returned Mayor Kora Arnoid sliii feel-from the Islands on the Coquit- ng the effects of recent Illness lam yesterday, Mr. and Mrs. but steadily recovering, carried Safford and their grandson, off et goo1 0fnCes as official John Murphy, continuing south opener with dignity add and homewards. Mr. Safford's thought. She also demonstrated great achievement was the her prowess on the croquet shooting of two big black bear COurt. frifnon ... .. a ures wnicn d prove helplut to the jday evening. Club. was decorated lr. The ha" winner this year pas Group md yellow the High , wltn S12 ,n J in tribute to th Veceived f0lors, was on behalf of the ,rUriuating class of which oroun i,v iori.. . , Prom Vancouvrr Sunday as. Camosun. 11 p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert. MR. AND MRS. DREW LP.A. members are a part. Symea, who will keen il in h.-r I . v w l.ln If n t - . from which he skinned the hides for two big rugs. , - It was a field day for the 10 ajn. Friday as. CoqulUain, l p.m For Allea Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, ajri. Deacn prospectors, uranam i&i- ot tne youB vv. possession until next year Group JacK Wvnn. and in 1948 by Jim Margaret Byrnes. Jim 3, Leader Vin Elliott, was runner- Hemmons, who is now presided , mto haif by a pretty InmZZ l thC U'P Wlth 61 polnU-ljp(.r screen, one half ar- ( won by Group 3, under Jim I)uring a 8nort Program which with yellow and green Hemmons and in 1948 by Group feat"red piano accordion selec-,, can(ile-llt tables, cabaret 3, under Ernie tions Braman. 1 by Richard Tweed and com- wir. ana wirs. v. u. uoya ana and beaches have long been family of Burns Lake arrived at famous for their agates and Limberlost at the week-end for many of the Prince Rupert peO' a two weeks' stay. pie came home with good speci From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Ruperi 10 ajn. j 1 For Ocean Fafif Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 'nd Soor I ,ndlvldual coring most mun'ty singing by the group, 1 nre lVJ the evening, afr TXVlVZ' the HUr" 'aS SpeClalIy ume ln YPA- history, v girl. u.j u ,! fl, n fa,n .,inll 11:15 p.m. as the presentation of l8' th L68 Polnls' Vin Elliott, who is leaving in two1- mens. - . ' There are four generations of Kingstons at Limberlost these days. Mrs. Kingston sr., mother of Prseident. Neil, is out from Welland, Ontario, for an extended " sojourn. The . fourtn generation is Resident Manage)-Ross Kingston's young son. , For Alaska Wednesday ss. Ptlnce Rupert ;,y to the group, and a .V, ".,h " Tw w . We8 fr an exlendd vlsit to Vthe individual who had f F f ' land. midnight. ' f", cngnvta, Alter the nresentations and ....... -- and a rose-carnation corsair Sun burns which some of the Prince Rupert people brought home followed the afternoon siestas on those comfortable deck chairs on the meadow lawn. Dr. P. J. Cheney had a great afternoon with the motor scoot-rs. Others shed dignity, limbered out the creaks, renewed acquaintance with bicycles after years. 'Photographer Aimer Van Meer had a busy day with his particular iine of "shooting" and got - 1 's y , . , i plmn, . , l" t""h...t, u,iuaS ws eiijoyea Thursday ss. prince Rupert, nee Rupert Florists ( U"n"'uP far,U Brfnlzen wh0 will after midnight. The win-'f0 Quee charlotte Islands hd Points, was also present- nln Group 1 had the privilege' .dAve. Boa 618 Tel 777 , Stmday-ss. CoqmMam, a.m. : ..... AU in Occasion I ea With a corsage. of efeaniriB 1h hall oru. o...... o t.i in Ler Im' In 1947, thLs prize was won by party. om tlK?&XUl CHECKED UinleM. S.Mhm. romlort, and ., kly calnu nlMueitclunii Urn t ,lt. A-k vuur druiuiiJl tuUy (ur D. P. B. PRESCRIPTION. Fly to Liinbcrlost o: MR. AND MRS. ST. LAL'RENT WIVES FIND DIFFERENT WAYS TO HELP IN ELECTION CAMPAIGN Wives of the leaders of the Progressive Conservativ e SPECIAL 3 Day Gala from June 30 to July 3 GENERAL ELECTRIC Appliances and .Liberal parties offer a contrast in techniques. Both ud their husbands in the strenuous cross-country tour Involving I demands on health and nerves equal to that of an athlete in ' training. Mrs. Drew, wife of the P.C. leader, assists her spouse j by appearing with him on speakers' platforms, frequently re-t ceives as much applause as when she addresses gatherings her-1 self. Speaking French perfectly, she has made an impression i on French Canadian audiences that Is of great political importance. Mrs. St. Laurent, on the other hand, remains in the back-, ground, and though travelling with her husband assumes the role of homemaker even on a train. She has the power to cause the prime minister to relax, to see humor in difficult situations, j They spend as many hours together as they can drawing insplra-I tlon from each other's company. . l'LANES LEAVING RUPERT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY RETURNING SUNDAY Limherlost is offering you the time of your life. Just think: SWIMMING, BOATING, FISHING, HUNTING, TENNIS, GOLF AND MANY OTHER SPORTS MOONLIGHT DANCING HAR-H-QUE - SING SONGS - BEACH PARTIES IN OI'R DINING ROOM WE SERVE NOTHING BIT HOME COOKED MEALS Due to limited accommodations at Limbe."lost we can handle up to thirty persons. Make your reservations now and be sure of a grand holiday. FOR RATES AND FLIGHT SCHEDULES Phone Queen Charlotte Airlines 795 or Limberlost Lodge Ltd. 563 TOASTERS : . . $9.95 to $14.95 IRONS $9.95 to $12.50 HEATING PADS $ 8.95 BLANKETS $44.50 to $54.50 KETTLES $12.50 ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANK $149.50 ELECTRIC WASHERS $149.50 with Pump Control ELECTRIC RANGES .......... $229.50 ELECTRIC IRONERS $89.75 ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER . $94.50 Tank Type OPENING OF LIMBERLOST (Continued from Page 1) in best home style at erations .of the Kingston family cooked and to wish them success and noon a full course hot roast beef dinner, in the evening a tas.y cold plate spread. Cabins so far built number nineteen ranged up and down prosperity in their venture She noted the example of cnurag'3, Initiative and hard work involved. If there was a cheaper and Northern B..C Power Co. Ltd. ONDIE By CHICK. YOUNG Mopping Up Operations PHONE 210 more pleasant place for Prince on either side of the meadow. Rupert people to spend a noli- Some are three-roomed two day she did not know about it. bedrooms and a living room, Here one could come at half the others two-roomed and the rc-cost.and really enjoy life instead mainder one room. BESNER BLOCK PRINCE RUPERT STEWART, BC. of tramping the streets of Van- The usual guest house-services couver with all its noise and are rendered. i Epcol Radiophones I strain. We are all going to be Recreation facilities include a evangelists for Limberlost. We cement tennis court, outdoor i hope it will be completely sue- badminton eout, nine-hole mlni- cessful." . ' ature golf course, croquet ground 1 Her Worship also conveyed the and horseshe throw. Motor greetings of the Prince Rupert scooters and bicycles are part of Chamber of Commerce whose the lodge equipment. Rowboats president, G. R. S. Blackaby, was are available for leisurely ex- unable to be present but who plorations of lagoon arid river. ( sent his good wishes. The Cham- Ocean bathing in the tepid water IDEAL FOR SMAIXER BOATS . . . NORMAL RANGE 5 TO iee miles . . . ber of Commerce recognized the on the warm sands is another advantages and opportunities of such projects as this. Thanking the management for mm- mm RECEIVE ON MARINL OR STANDARD WAVE a glorious day, Mrs. Arnold de attraction. Hiking trails have been cut out through the nearby forest. While organized programs are planned, the guest's wish and pleasure is the management's, command it is a camp rule that there is no compulsion or clared Limberlost officially open Mf Klk ITlr Color-lilindin! f f 'V Jf 12 ! S' ''''' ' ,-vl'' "PAi S jr MOW MANY -Vf feiO "i1 " PRICE $300, Installation Included Proven design Adaptable Compact Easy to Operate and thereupon was presented with a beautiful bouquet of native Queen Charlotte Islands flowers by little Linda Constan-tineau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Constantineau. NOW AVAILABLE The ceremonies closed on an international note with the unfurling of the Canadian flag from one mast and the American flag from another in tiv; front yard grounds of the lodge. Mayor Arnold raised the Canadian flag and Mrs. E. K. Stafford of Berkeley, California, the U fit every type of job "Chrysler-Built" in Canada FARGO TRUCKS Anybody Got a Pin? The following models In stock at Rupert Motors Ltd. for immediate delivery. 126' 152' W.B. 1-ton Express W.B. 2 ton Chassis and Cab with '"ill . : HAVE TO ' f f,Ji SOWEBOOV i(l.PTH jl.yfl . ti-'-tW THH BACK LOOK FOR TOE NEW RED AND WHITE . GOLD SEAL LABEL American. The rest of the evening was ' given over to dancing which kept on ln the crowded rec- reation hall even after the departure at midnight of the Prince Rupert guests to take th.3 steamer, Coquitlam for home Limberlost Lodge, representing an investment of $35,000 to date, is the modern- development of 1 the group of cottages which were originally built by Mrs. J. C. S.j Dunn of Masset and which for many years were enjoyed by 1 T;injjjij,;ii j I raw: 7-z ( " ' I Y DAGWOOO ) 2 ' I vouw boss y I ' n WANTS YOU ) TTN W ( ?) OL " K PWOnE JT GOLLVJ """v " iV-ONTweJ Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. 170" W.B. 3-ton Chassis and Cab with Reinforced Frame and 2-Speed Rear Axle. BROADWAY LIMITED CAFE j Rupert Motors PHONES 8G6 AND 566 1 Prinri Rimprf. nprml Thp nrnn- Ji PICNIC DAYS AHEAD ' .5 flip- Daisy'll Settle for One Bone! PHONE -RED 441 FOR VOL'R SUPPLIES BEST FOOD BEST COOKING erty consists of 123 acres of land and the central establishment is located in the spacious meadow lawn. Principal f the new Limberlost Lodge buildings, green walled and red trimmed, designed in keeping with the general surroundings, is the recreation hall containing lounge and dance floor with huge fireplace, snack bar and office. The interior is mission style and hemlock flooring makes a fine dancing surface. The building measures 46 by 50 feet. Nearby is the attractive dining hall wlth its seating capacity of sixty and a spotless kitchen. Here the visitors on Saturday were served with two splendid meals, Chinese Dishes A Specialty ppn- lf. '"iPiii's! K y'if; jlilll11' l1111---. . - i MAV I HAve W ( QUKV, DEAR GtVE WAVEA K ( A DOLIAP FOR ) f Vlju. ( MS TEM DOLLARS ) WELL, COME ON, ) pr FOR CRAYONS 1 f v SMV PATE,POP? Y'fWf Tue YM COME ON r' J pADOy V fflKTVl, fa - :i'fX DELIVERY- HOW MUO J 2i tyj FREE DELIVERY FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Try Our TENDERIZED COMBINATION STEAK FOR DINNER TODAY 869 Sixth Ave. E.