Prince ttnnrrt Oaflp r?ftes ; AIR PASSENGERS To Vaivoaver iCPAi Mis H FT.lSi. O. 0.en. D. C. S:ewn- 1 . - ir Counci What Did 6 Uty Ray Reflects . as irvl!;T:i l u &ectul KiU. Pos-. Ofr.-e Ipre-iV. Orm , aria Reminisces uicvoi. Mr ncam. f ; : iL.Heitoert. C. 11. McColl, G. A. j ... Authorized the Ci y Ei I XHr. iHOti, v.. II Piayfair. G Soder'ana. ALD. CASEY IS CORRECTED glneer to proceed with repair j to the concrete sidewalk on ; Third Avenue between Fourth I and Fifth Streets. The mighty por of -silver- ru- ; To (Undspit-Mrs. T. Crozier, Prtt Hupert Dai., K LM.W Pr.t R:pr. Br- CohnnbU. . O A. KrjfTEI?.. Vi.r-Mr-.rj! tfjat. H O PZF.BT. KzF-T """. MEMfcFIt O? CAKAMAf PPFSS - T-EAE; .riSIPCrLATTO , CASADIAJS DAILT SXWi-PAFZB AsaXIAHO.1! j ' -'tir-. erBSCRIPTlOS RATES CKf Canter. Per i FtrtotS - J f Ef Mai.. rT St-i'-a. SOe. Per Tr . - r..s trat-frs. cor.tro'...-!, Bitt D Ward, D. Becic. g xdd asd appUed. can make somehow, cue cannot bwt frW From Vancouver A. Sinet. D. iacrtasin? nambr of peop. prerr.ier Doua'.a of Saskat- a. B:ythe. T. A Forbes. E L. i thankful ihey moved to British chem an fc2S haiwls overf.o- Harrison. D. F. Miller, D. Ire- ! CoJumbia. Today. limltle Saskatchewan, to start land. F. i. Hutton, V. King. P. Alderman T. B. Black took! I . - . Granted ,r.j Mayor Arnold'" Alderman George Casey to task rM,uet tnat she excused Monday night regarding a let- from tfltending-the meeting of ter which appeared In Monday's the BC. Municipal Assoriatiou MEX'S aM lotx, si irsM-,, I electrical energy is knocking at the Ljt?. iota of the north. with, is no the most peasant MacDonald. J Strand, Mrs. J. land in which to dwell His K j- Vfunth. E. J. Morris, R Cap- double 4.re4. J Press and Radio I y4 ar.t to Cirig it ;ae eznmtnt experiments in cU-, iette. K. lag. Daily News under Mx. Casey's arK Union of B.C. Municipalities v gt Burns Lake on June 29. ,pef!? ness were disappointing. Peop , Frotn Saadspit E. T. Appie- )ajne , TZ . have been leaving the prorince. .haite ' The letter referred to. stated is caned .he tV!,, th,rd -n- iQCA- Mrs. K. . . .Huled that telmg co tio betur. To Masset .hat the ci councU had aske4 proceeds lro dines,, Munmtat, ,ei Special MTV rt-r.-- uai convention ui EXACT ANALOGY can U rr.aae by pou NO .-ihle freeflom of radio hroa.k-astir.? and ex-prf-ion of editorial opinion, uch a? has ten granted in the United State?, with freedom of the rjre?s. for the pre?? i? not a licen?ed rr.eflium, where- elsewhere Ha.f the year, sai- Gray , j e proviiicial government for the rie BUil '-d for the btau- katchewaa is colder than char-, j0 JuilitaUa L- Wain. tft0 jj of th 3& tales tax tifkaUon of Roosevelt Park be ity. and the other half, efaff "ttfirtnUtfroni eollerted. ! A 1 d e r in a n Black improve grounds and xat : tan S-ni-athert AsjociaUun Is set far Aigust 13 and 14 in .the Eraser Va-ey. In other words, delegates who iO be wearing sweats iiie "J Maowi. uavelhng east cover- pointed tfut that actually the roada. v THon niucnl mi Iv alLed for one Hall ir n V.rr.ltbA rt:rirrf-- fit flir vi..-"j,... suiu wiU ,! come r,rri from from ci.ct. Ai. jv . " . in- . h.,th .. ., land j and sa c-. a- TA'i.i) i. r-n i:ji ar a - im; birthday u.w - - , tiat, -iti tnose tm ouoi . . lt . . i. . BOYS' T HiRTS tRSLatt rtment. Spt.j , j -! rt-, r--n-ria Thi how- . . . ' tw-v turn around and Irom new- eerax v i fnni -v.-aves.nrt allocated amon? pnvate hroa,lca,t- ; exS a - JSS Mu lawt for day. ed that, in asng lor w er government mu?t e.erci?e thi? authority and ;e..v SimIurtty ln stvie can be , fr2 Und days and iioalir. finally f th sales tax, thera was r- vlvi runnSM for ine the air a? a I noted almost any old time out tmen'y yeaf' " PUr j topping at Prince Rupert ru-ar Uiniy no desire tbelr part BOYS' H tMH. ,N v for that, to cut into the allotment AUska. And, aiu-r all -x-ini-fli ess, rtmetit. SptUii, i- . e . .. . , V . I- '.m iril .i.lBC. laspecung the CX-R "is be- i old age petisk-oers. comuia job. Presioem Vaagh-'back to Mootreai! BOYS' St HOOl. rr:eoiurn oi iree e.jre.-.""i'ii iciL;.tri n-dii uiy.p.'j."ji; ( of any one viewpoint. Yet any attempt to en?ure a Hamilton, who taught Blue and kfeu. Spetil rea.-onahly balanced presentation of contrary view- 1001 in Port siacpson in iva.' . -,. , 1 1 ,-,.... j . r u,. f , (r , v p v f r,r ! after 43 years service in B.C. ij reanns at the end oi June itvir, hark- h rnnsirteri the in?iniou? cen?or?nip. , .. slit it - remote. r.ere a course : present sy.em u "--" ana reajn auptriiui m "c , 1,. . j , rr.u.-t fie t-teereo iiween oppuMiiK uaiii -u ucc fashioned --.ned strapping straDpinjr. Then. ?!-eech from private monopoly and government students old not know why they VAA'COCVFR VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 pm., Chllcotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday. fi pjn, CoquiUam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT RIMrSO Sunday, Jl pjn. It was ,.,.1 ,!,. .v,.,.,; Mn ;W,u- tho l;t -rav tn being puninea. 1 SMITH & EL hold to thit course. Not many station owners would likely avail themselves privilege of expressing editorial opinion. not that way in our case. Tne ; teacher was able-bodied and s wore whiskers. He never per-' I atiaded or reasoned. We folly j j uridf-rslood why chastisement !wa3 inflated. There was never i the fainieit doubt. Comprehen LA' .'$10,0 Bpee last CAI HE) m neo pTTrrs net sion was perfect. HAVE HAD YEARS CF PLUMBIXa AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE Kl FOR SOLTR QUEEM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. CoquiUam, June 3 and 17. FOR NORTH Ql'EF.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam. June 10 and 24 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Halifax is two hundred years old And at some stages oi tne lone dispute in Europe, you the should have heard what REAL ESTAi Plumbing Trouble? RADIO ELECTIONEERING OF THE WORST features of radio election ONE broadcasting is that the audience can't talk back, comments the Ottawa Journal. No one can ask a question; no one can rise to check or challenge the speaker's factsv The art of heckling, so much a part of a live democracy a thing brought to perfection in England is lost. Too late, we suppose, now to change things in this election. But we would hope for something better in the future some use of radio which in- -tead of making our politicians the worst speakers in the world (a thing which it is doing) and killing public interest in elections, will make political broadcasting more interesting and useful. INSURANQ INCOME T4 RETURNS PREPA CAIX BLUE 846 tle: to ', acre Tlin i:5 "trlet " WI1 oss o 1 ssued ! loult totice t tl rom ion .1 jflc'at i rUt alld vritln . DM R. E. M0RTN 524 2nd Ave. (Near ,jLv i ELVfi ClMfliHIEP BALAGNO fl SAANICH Plumbing & Heating Phone Green THOM SHEET METAL LIMI CITY LOIS ARE SOLD section 1, Second Avenue West, I i to E Paavoia for $110. West half lot 46, block 7, sec- ! tion 1, Second Avenue West to i It uvm tuaa sod konbl rii yoa Umiliaru youraeii with tk laqaUticni rcqardiaq travel to Do you know lliis iieighliour of yours? PROBBLYyouVeieliiminnylime. liei'm other lo lie Letter lMf th United State before you aet cut oa your trip. Her arc w ishes to announce that the Latest in Portable Welding Equip. HAS BEEN ADDED TO THEIR ALREADY EXTENSIVELY EQUIPPED SHOP the Ucta: 1. The allowance for pleasure tl-rouj-li liiiaru liii ur u w r. -a Butjoumi'-litliotalsyreio-iriieliim, He's soiiM'thill" of a Mult-flt, too. MatrT , , A F. Eyolf jon for $110. City council has approved saiet of the following city-owned1 19' bIfjCk 7- clUm 7- Seal joU: Cove Circle to Albert Dalzell for Lot 30, block C, section 7,' $100. P.u.shbrook Heights, to B. J.i Lot 20, block 4, section 7, Fifth Rands for $160. ! Avenue East, to D. Pearson and East half of lot 4;, block 7,' A. M, Pearson for $170. tor he appear in aeveral difiWent rolet. tubU ncoi Be: Pbnt P.: Firsl Ave. F. travel during the current ration period of November 16th, 1948, to November 15th. 1949, ia $150 U.S. per person ($100 in th case of children under 11 7er old). ,r 2. A Form H permit, obtain are t lie hour lie s-rcn-U ahsorhtn- information ahout tax lian'ie. Iictwlii iary lawa arul oilier etiltjecle relalel to your plana for retirement and lite protect ioo of )Our li'M'inh'nlA. U lio is tliiii maa? it lite lyi'irnl mrnlfrn life innnrann ajivnl. A man wlio'g trainol fr Is i joli. A pMl ritim n. Ami a pood iwiliUour. Moie than a tnillitn Canadian faniiliea have l.encfilcd ly liit eerirwe and alie. Ami lie's always lad to he of service to von ! HOLLYWOOD cafe Al lionw, lie is a typical fatlrer. And tliis tole help him umlerManl lite prohlem that oilier father farfe eterially in try in-; to protide finaneial eeturity for tlieir familiee. In hi pare time usually active in community affairs. Red Cr, Big Rrotlier Movement, niiiTiUipa'l 4ontriiittfe wherever there' worthy cause lo he served you're likely to find Itirn m the tliick of it, doing die fair dtaie. For mm.'Ii oranizalion)t ut naturally attract a man whose joh is able at ny kank. U re quired to take out of Can- MOST IJP-TO-DATf: ( A I K IN TI1K ad amounts exceeding $ 10 U.S. or $23 U.S. and Cana f dian funds. OPEN FROM 11:30 A-M. TO J:30 A 3. Special allowance are We Speclall7e Jn Chinese Dishes granted for atrictly buai-rteea travel where your ap 6; plication is certified by A helpful citizen in your community CHOI SUEY-CIIOW a your employer. 4. Applications for larger COOKED CEREAL 1 Jit's 10 easy! Bring to boil in. laiKepan 1 cup iighdy wlicd . I water, add 2 toartely crumbled I j NA lil Sf.O Shredded Wheat bit- I cuiu. ( ook 1 minute, Mirrtog I constantly. Strve with top milk ' or cream and ugar. Rtady in I CEREAL Everyone love thote freh, golden -tkhtiU: wheat bistuiu served told, Ukj'. And you get 12 big 1 -ounce bi.ui in every patk-e- So ak your grrxer for NABISf.O Shredded "'heat. Remember, it co ln to buy 2 atkaKt-! For Outside Order PHONE 13J amount oi U.8. fund tor 1 . r-.. travel for health or educa and ni.inv oilier that rrrile yiht and nuikr for betirr lit inf. You thare in llirte iuifirovcnirnm aiudr pO)ihle ihreuphtliie effort! ul ur tielpful frlliim-ilirn tit runnVra life insttranre a-nt! Vhen jor r-nl rlh you life in-Mranre. hr el-n tirlpt t iniirnve ynur rommunily, Fer a larte (iart ut tn h life inturancr dolljr in put to kurk. llironh inveMmenK, lo 1 uilil M-ho4l, Wridpet, itifdia)s, nidii'rial tional purpose may b made on special form ob I "1 minute!" I La'wi tainable at your bank. DON'T MISS THE FUN AT 1 LIFE INSURANCE... Guardian of Canadian Ho mri hottlSH IKHaNGI C0MTI01 I0MD1 A mesne from the more than fifty lAfe Insurants ComjMtnip of Cnnatln i ) i Tu , I '1 f fi j i i b nsta-Mta ttaM LIMBERLOJ FISHING. BOATING, HUNJINA. DANCING . . . AND MANY OlHUJ Fun for the Whole Family at "M.JR Make your reservations early and be m Happy Holiday in the Bermudas oi u CONTACT 11 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION LODGE LTD. PHONE 5f.3-OR LN10" HOUSEHOLD NEEDS STEP LADDERS CLOTHES LINES CLOTHES DRYERS . IRONING BOARDS KITCHEN UTENSILS GALVANIZED WARES FATHER'S DAY fy ISMI It, CARDS and GIFTS Come ln and browse around You'll find somethinfr for DAD on his DAY. And when you have the gift choose Just the right card to go with It. ' pi 4. 'if. $j! SATIN-GLO , V ARM SUES PAIN'TK ENAMELS OFFICES PHONE 5C8. a' THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. .0 51$ 3rd Ave. W. Phone Red 400 (W) DRUG TREAT DAD TO A DINNER DATE on FATHER'S DAY SUNDAY, JUNE 19 iC . PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS TO 9 r,vq DAYS, 9 AM- STORE IIOUP.S WEEK qJ SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-" J 1 CEBS AND DAD Remember we serve mighty fine Luncheons during the week. OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Hex Cafle Chinese Dishes a Specialty cnop SUEY CHOW MEIN 7 P.M. TO v r .i" dill JUU. bicycle Emerge? from 7 P.m. J and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Qvic Centre Dining Room For Reservations add Chicken ln The Rough Phone Red 70S 8econd Avenu opposite Prlncs Rupert Hotel 't 7:00 a Ja. I'M Jft.r v Pbona 171 for Outildi 'Orders Si-1 1'