liLUf lIl rr T7,wh,.n prince Hnptrf DafT? HeSJ r TERRACE TO GIVE BLOOD poratd Wednesday, June 15, 149 Miss Kay Nickerson left today by air for Vancouver en-route to New York and Boston where she will spend a fortnight's holiday. She plans to fly both ways. ARE 105 MILES tlnnal i ' Timely, Topics from Terrace f Mrs. C. R. e Kergommeau. Terrace Reporter the . U-r. msrrz A Of MONTREAL The Newfound- TERRACE Col. M. D. Robert.! land Railway, It 703 mile.1 " ca -'5 J?Vo-:,, Wp.k-S meeting of St.i At C CP. meeting in the ; son, accompanied by Mrs. Rob- ,tf,ro intn Terrace on of lines, coastal fleet of twenty j ert.' e r 5"' P o! rTl. . vessels, dryduck and" shipyard.! J J ,Pctioc and t-;rgraph system, both wire- Jn ."' vfotLh.w'a Women' Auxiliary! Oddfellows' Hall last. Monday Add zest to salads there U nothing to fear. Mrs. C. J. Norrington has charge uf 'was the last meeting till fall ( evening. Harry Archibald was Wednesday afternoon and was, ,.n,,ri hv the local Red i . . .-namantB tit lCTQhil M and was held at the home of the speaKer ana noyu iraim : ira o.tiiu iiiira, , wiiiti uir - - uili , . ; p era1 r ; : rn urittmirmrnia i-w v-v.--.. the chairman. the clinic here for one day on inspected by .President R. C.j regjori," iuinec'.f Mrs. H. King. The president. Mrs. Bert West, gate her report nf the recent Synod lrt Prince Cross executive at a dinner meeting in the Silvertlp dining m As the divisional di 1 Vaughan, Vice - President N. B August . ' Con..r. I ' on p. Mr. and Mrs. D. Foy and ; rector of the blood transfusion Rupert to which she was a lay delegate and her report t of of the the daughter daughter left left for for their their home home in in . . Cross Socjety Dlocewn Annual. AH business North Carolina on Tuesday! HC he spoke on his work th? was cleared up for tne summer morning s iram nri nu...s t vislt all VINEGARS recess and refresnmenis wtrt nuiiuay un i"; '"" served b the hostess. St. Mat-1 Mr. O. Little. branches In the province an;t armnre with local executives tw.'. rhurrH Is eXDeetine to . . the visit of the blood donor CIDER MALT WHITE have a resident minister before JT1I. 11U ' ' u . . - - drove into the Interior on Mon- '""nlc- very long- WONDERFUL! day, accompanied by Hon. E. T. , Coj Roberteon described the Kenney . Mrs. Johnstone's fa- neecjS and the result of the ther, and went as far as Fort j b)oocJ serVce. Whereas blood St. James on an electioneering j transfUsions used to cost t25, the campaign. j service is now absolutely free of charge If 150 donors would The Y-ettes held their last I volunteer to give one pint of Mrs. George rjrant and two children returned on Saturday morning from Vancouver where they have spent the past few weeks. Try a Classified Ad for Results meeting of the season on Friday I blood each, the clinic would be I REMODEL youi cooking 7 I for better eating j brouaht to Terrace from Prince , evening at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bert West left by car on Thursday afternoon Rupert early in August. For James Campbell with Mrs Mc- for tr Prinr Prince Rnnert Rupert enroute enroute to Donal(, presiding. A report of I Vancouver by boat They ex- Monda- night'.s fashion JOE SCHULTZ1C KINSMEN'S HEAD VtRRACE Klnstrwn officers for the year 1949-50, elected at the last meeting, are: President, Joe Schultzic. Vice-President, J a me Max-ted- Treasurer, Vic Giraud. Secretary, Oliver Baxter. Bulletin Editor, Mel PeeKe-Vout. Directors. Bob Roaers and to be away on nu.Ma , peet jhow g g,Ten and lhe mem k urn six or eight weeks. Only NOtllS bers exDressed great pleasure r WAX con at its huge success, both financially and as an entertainment. this, seven collection beds ana seven rest beds will be needed and will be placed in a lar?e hall which will be divided into four sectors. Donors coming In will be given fruit Juice or coca cola to build up the sugar supply in the system and will be properly tested. Following the donation the donor will be taken to another part of the j Mf. and Mrs. C. J. Norring-ton left on Saturday afternoon ( 'on a holiday which will take flavor loving VA0 UAL. attr clonnt ilAlNlltS Colonel and Mrs. M. D. Rob- Stftl ond them as far as the United States, i lrttiC (AT comi OIIOMS They are making the trip by the,r shorl ,tay ,n Terrace where ear and expect to return on . f M ! i i r - Whnliin nVn mrtt.. hall to . rest and drink coffee. The June zym. George Grant. Sergeant-at-Arms. Bill Osborne. The proceeds of the raffle of a .table lamp are set aside for sports equipment for children under 12 vears. with William Os UI1UA1I9. Ci. niioicii, ...vw 1 - . . f la nnlnless flnfl i ored on irom nere io rriutc , wnoic jjiucco .o inn lrEM tat - j sMV Thd olrt blacksmith's shop Georee :PLA' .'$10,0 5pee last CAI HE) I ) Heo tpOrw net ; which has stood for so many ,y years opposite the company oi-1 Space tn mll Raugland bar- , J fices fices of of Little. Little, Haugland Haugland and ber shop nas yen enlarged to J borne in charge of a committee to handle this. ! hoiiii wtir -klo Kerr has been torn dorwn and apronMXiate two chairs. Joe burned and a new building will gchuitzic is working there i i - -1 1 be efeciea imrneuiuwriy. The Kinsmen are going to present Bunny Nelson with an engraved tray as a memento of her hard task in selling May Queen tickets. : i , r . J " . ..-'- S aowAft f t .' -' f i f--n' ir,' ' Electric cooking eliminates I" Lli- n ''pot watching" and "oven peeking". ? ; SoaiulJi J: even cooking... WccK,kin& 5 n fi"--, ft w'th the heat sealed in. It's So cooM 1 r-S-' easy to keep an dearie range t bright as new, pots and pans sparklir t The Girl Oulw who will be going to camp at Lakelse Lake this summer will be asked to pay DERAILMENT HURTS FOUR FOR ALL YOUR !' S10 each. The camp is wie . -Kinsmen'. Camp on the south'- INWOOD. Manitoba O-Four shore of the lake and girls persons were treated In hospl- J from Prince Rupert will Join the.tal at nearby Teulon Baturdaj m..A nf .nmn The afttpr a mixed Canadian Na- 5 Commodore Cafe "Better Thn Ever" PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SEE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue local Girl Guide Association will tional Railways westbound tram. nuppiy the food, transportntlon bound from Winnipeg to Hodg- J f . ' hnrtinll ?Rest Food and f5erv1ce In Cltv Re: r 1! ,, airi" ,,'Hl "Irlei WH Hrs o psued Joult lotice it tl yom Jon .1 'jflcat JerUt alld vritln . iXW Ire. fay o for the - - camo - A a son. xinnu, Manitoba, - was n i. auu cAp.-j . " -t committee was formed at Tues-. ( derailed fifty miles north of , Sphone 17 for Rend-Out Order J I . . ,, . ? 1 1 I ,1 1. - r, ,l1nB v,,itk clean and it covs but half a cent a nxi I "Ljj'dij uj'l pet person tu tuok elenrica!!) REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 day s meeting to purcnase ure nininprs auu wrc i.urc 1 ? Third Ave. Divld Chow, Mgr food and boxes will be placed in of this town. The most seri- ( ............. ' me stores iur b''" ui uk.ij injuim " v.. . I - .. I tnmnmioitiiKM.minTimit.'titmfT-'.' -t.i.t.-''.n tlx I a Mrs. Oulka. I I il !a ?., 1 goods. liii!hi.kl!!ilu:iteii: J A GoauJUmi (Pacific 1 ' K a. " M W M W A A A av will offer tubU ncoi iBei t. WINGS ACROSS THE PACIFIC 'iE nillLDIN'fi ALTERIXr. UEI'AIRINT. For Supplies PHONE ?sa MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractor -, f . f j 1 I L hqr lUilllllilliiyilllblllllii'llillHlliiliuil 1-liU.llu tiMUM! ' X -riT4 irvv .,;tv; ' ' f 'fj :a- a BROADWAY fPflWWS'lW 'JlUltliliilllir'iji.tlMul ..ilUii ii CAFE I Jrb ; f Tu a- ( -A , BEST FOOD 1 BEST COOKING ,2 , f . c i ,,,'- ,w V CHINESE DISIIKS A SPECIALTY KE TRUCKS ' m FOR TAKE-HOME ORUEK8 PHONE 200 Hours 7 a m. to 1 a.m. (Saturdays to 1:30 a.m.) (Sundays to Midnight) 608 West Third Avenue ' IMMEDIATE DELIVER) CK J NOW AVAILABLE 16,000 Pounds Gross Rating ! 150 and 165-inch Wheel Base Replace That Old Truck With One of These Fine C mf XT,.., V SoON,' luxurious, four-engined.JCanadian-built, pressurized aircraft . . . British powered, Canadian manned . . will wing you over the Pacific. Enjoy a completely new service in long distance air travel. Fly the Canadian Pacific way . . . you sleep on land by night as the company's guest . . . travel by air in the day. Enjoy nightly stopovers and daytime sightseeing at Fiji and Honolulu. Fly relaxed and arrive refreshed . . . Vancouver San Francisco Honolulu Canton Island Fiji Sydney. Connections at Fiji for Auckland. IUr this year, Canadian Pacific will open a aMnd trans-Firifli- air rif bHeen Canada and the Kar Kaat. i2Ain33UNES 'Th Wlnu if thi Wind's Grlititt TfiMl Sjitim" . SUPERIOR AUTO AND BODY SERV CANtDIAM PACIFIC III UNH CONNUTINS AINtlMCf LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL phone Third and Park Avenue PRINCE RUPERT.